diff -r 000000000000 -r 3da2a79470a7 testtoolsconn/stat/desktop/source/desktop/inc/resource.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/testtoolsconn/stat/desktop/source/desktop/inc/resource.h Mon Mar 08 15:04:18 2010 +0800 @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/* +* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +* All rights reserved. +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available +* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +* +* Initial Contributors: +* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +* +* Contributors: +* +* Description: +* +*/ +//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} +// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. +// Used by M:\D\P4work\DP\development\project\2008\preq2582\sf\ana\testexec\testtoolsconn\stat\Desktop\source\desktop\src\STATDesktop.rc +// +#define IDM_ABOUTBOX 0x0010 +#define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100 +#define IDS_ABOUTBOX 101 +#define IDD_STATDESKTOP_DIALOG 102 +#define IDS_USBPORTPROMPT 102 +#define IDS_PORTPROMPT 102 +#define IDS_SYMBIAN 103 +#define IDS_APPNAME 104 +#define IDR_MAINFRAME 128 +#define IDR_SYMBIANICON 128 +#define IDD_SOURCESELECT 130 +#define IDD_MANAGECONNECTION 132 +#define IDC_SCRIPT 1001 +#define IDC_BROWSE 1002 +#define IDC_OUTPUT 1003 +#define IDC_SCONNECT 1004 +#define IDC_TCPIP 1005 +#define IDC_CONNECTBORDER 1006 +#define IDC_ARM 1007 +#define IDC_WINS 1008 +#define IDC_THUMB 1009 +#define IDC_PLATBORDER 1010 +#define IDC_SPEEDBORDER 1014 +#define IDEXIT 1016 +#define IDRUN 1017 +#define IDEDITSCRIPT 1018 +#define IDC_IMAGEBOX 1019 +#define IDC_SCREENSHOT 1020 +#define IDC_IMAGEVERIFY 1021 +#define IDC_IMAGEVERIFYBORDER 1022 +#define IDSTOP 1023 +#define IDC_COPYRIGHT 1024 +#define IDC_SPEEDSLIDER 1025 +#define IDC_MAXSPEEDTXT 1026 +#define IDC_MINSPEEDTXT 1027 +#define IDC_LOCATIONEDITBOX 1027 +#define IDC_RANGEOFERROR 1028 +#define IDC_LOCATIONBROWSEBUTTON 1029 +#define IDC_RADIOLEV1 1033 +#define IDC_RADIOLEV2 1034 +#define IDC_RADIOLEV3 1035 +#define IDC_EDITLOGNAME 1036 +#define IDC_WINSCW 1037 +#define IDC_STATICLOGLEVEL 1038 +#define IDC_STATICLOGNAME 1039 +#define IDC_DIFFLOGNAME 1040 +#define IDC_TIMEDELAY 1041 +#define IDC_RADIO1 1044 +#define IDC_HEADER 1045 +#define IDC_INFO 1046 +#define IDC_ABOUTHEADING 1047 +#define IDC_CONNECTION 1048 +#define IDC_PLATFORM 1049 +#define IDC_LOCATION 1050 +#define IDC_BROWSEIMAGE 1051 +#define IDC_PERCENTAGE 1052 +#define IDC_ADDRESS 1053 +#define IDC_APPEND 1054 +#define IDC_BROWSELOG 1055 +#define IDC_PERCENTAGEDIFF 1059 +#define IDC_PROGRESS 1060 +#define IDC_VIEW 1061 +#define IDC_MANAGE 1062 +#define IDC_REMOVE 1063 +#define IDC_ADD 1065 +#define IDC_LISTCONNECTIONS 1066 +#define IDC_TRANSPORT 1067 + +// Next default values for new objects +// +#ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED +#ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS +#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 134 +#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32771 +#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1071 +#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 +#endif +#endif