1 |
12:10:43:854 <html><body><pre>
2 |
12:10:43:854 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>
3 |
4 |
TEF Version : 3.2.1031
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
<font size=2 color=00AF00>*** TestExecute Started 12/01/2009 12:10:43:854 ***</font>
11 |
12:10:43:882 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script LOAD_SUITE te_RegStepTestSuite
12 |
12:10:43:910 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script START_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0015
13 |
12:10:43:919 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 3 Command = START_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0015 </font>
14 |
12:10:43:938 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 100 te_RegStepTestSuite SetErrorStep C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultFail
15 |
12:10:43:959 INFO - 506 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultFail TheInt 106
16 |
12:10:43:961 INFO - 506 seterrorstep.cpp 49 The Error Code is 106
17 |
12:10:43:970 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 13 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 100 te_RegStepTestSuite SetErrorStep C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultFail ***Result = PASS </font>
18 |
12:10:43:988 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 107 100 te_RegStepTestSuite SetErrorStep C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultInconclusive
19 |
12:10:44:009 INFO - 507 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultInconclusive TheInt 107
20 |
12:10:44:011 INFO - 507 seterrorstep.cpp 49 The Error Code is 107
21 |
12:10:44:020 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 14 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 107 100 te_RegStepTestSuite SetErrorStep C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultInconclusive ***Result = PASS </font>
22 |
12:10:44:038 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 108 100 te_RegStepTestSuite SetErrorStep C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultTestSuiteError
23 |
12:10:44:060 INFO - 508 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultTestSuiteError TheInt 108
24 |
12:10:44:062 INFO - 508 seterrorstep.cpp 49 The Error Code is 108
25 |
12:10:44:070 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 15 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 108 100 te_RegStepTestSuite SetErrorStep C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultTestSuiteError ***Result = PASS </font>
26 |
12:10:44:089 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 109 100 te_RegStepTestSuite SetErrorStep C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultAbort
27 |
12:10:44:110 INFO - 509 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultAbort TheInt 109
28 |
12:10:44:112 INFO - 509 seterrorstep.cpp 49 The Error Code is 109
29 |
12:10:44:121 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 16 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 109 100 te_RegStepTestSuite SetErrorStep C:\testdata\configs\Error_codes.ini ResultAbort ***Result = PASS </font>
30 |
12:10:44:146 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanic1
31 |
12:10:44:208 INFO - 510 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
32 |
12:10:44:210 INFO - 510 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanic1 PanicString 1
33 |
12:10:44:212 INFO - 510 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanic1 PanicCode 1
34 |
12:10:44:219 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 18 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanic1 Code = 1 1 ***Result = PASS </font>
35 |
12:10:44:272 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicFail
36 |
12:10:44:332 INFO - 511 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
37 |
12:10:44:334 INFO - 511 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicFail PanicString
38 |
12:10:44:336 INFO - 511 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicFail PanicCode 106
39 |
12:10:44:344 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 19 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicFail Code = 106 ***Result = PASS </font>
40 |
12:10:44:397 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicInconclusive
41 |
12:10:44:456 INFO - 512 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
42 |
12:10:44:458 INFO - 512 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicInconclusive PanicString
43 |
12:10:44:461 INFO - 512 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicInconclusive PanicCode 107
44 |
12:10:44:469 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 20 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicInconclusive Code = 107 ***Result = PASS </font>
45 |
12:10:44:522 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicTestSuiteError
46 |
12:10:44:582 INFO - 513 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
47 |
12:10:44:584 INFO - 513 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicTestSuiteError PanicString
48 |
12:10:44:586 INFO - 513 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicTestSuiteError PanicCode 108
49 |
12:10:44:594 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 21 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicTestSuiteError Code = 108 ***Result = PASS </font>
50 |
12:10:44:648 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicAbort
51 |
12:10:44:708 INFO - 514 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
52 |
12:10:44:710 INFO - 514 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicAbort PanicString
53 |
12:10:44:712 INFO - 514 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicAbort PanicCode 109
54 |
12:10:44:720 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 22 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicAbort Code = 109 ***Result = PASS </font>
55 |
12:10:44:769 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnore
56 |
12:10:44:829 INFO - 515 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
57 |
12:10:44:831 INFO - 515 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnore PanicString
58 |
12:10:44:833 INFO - 515 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnore PanicCode 110
59 |
12:10:44:841 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 23 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnore Code = 110 ***Result = PASS </font>
60 |
12:10:44:896 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 1 1 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanic1
61 |
12:10:44:955 INFO - 516 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
62 |
12:10:44:957 INFO - 516 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanic1 PanicString 1
63 |
12:10:44:959 INFO - 516 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanic1 PanicCode 1
64 |
12:10:44:967 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 25 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 1 1 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanic1 ***Result = PASS </font>
65 |
12:10:45:023 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 106 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicFail
66 |
12:10:45:083 INFO - 517 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
67 |
12:10:45:086 INFO - 517 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicFail PanicString
68 |
12:10:45:088 INFO - 517 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicFail PanicCode 106
69 |
12:10:45:095 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 26 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 106 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicFail ***Result = PASS </font>
70 |
12:10:45:152 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 107 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicInconclusive
71 |
12:10:45:213 INFO - 518 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
72 |
12:10:45:215 INFO - 518 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicInconclusive PanicString
73 |
12:10:45:217 INFO - 518 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicInconclusive PanicCode 107
74 |
12:10:45:225 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 27 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 107 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicInconclusive ***Result = PASS </font>
75 |
12:10:45:282 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 108 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicTestSuiteError
76 |
12:10:45:343 INFO - 519 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
77 |
12:10:45:345 INFO - 519 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicTestSuiteError PanicString
78 |
12:10:45:347 INFO - 519 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicTestSuiteError PanicCode 108
79 |
12:10:45:355 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 28 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 108 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicTestSuiteError ***Result = PASS </font>
80 |
12:10:45:412 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 109 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicAbort
81 |
12:10:45:473 INFO - 520 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
82 |
12:10:45:476 INFO - 520 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicAbort PanicString
83 |
12:10:45:478 INFO - 520 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicAbort PanicCode 109
84 |
12:10:45:486 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 29 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 109 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicAbort ***Result = PASS </font>
85 |
12:10:45:543 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 110 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnore
86 |
12:10:45:603 INFO - 521 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
87 |
12:10:45:605 INFO - 521 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnore PanicString
88 |
12:10:45:607 INFO - 521 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnore PanicCode 110
89 |
12:10:45:615 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 30 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 110 "" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnore ***Result = PASS </font>
90 |
12:10:45:674 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 110 "a panic string" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnoreAString
91 |
12:10:45:735 INFO - 522 panicstep.cpp 47 This step tests the behavior of TEF when panic occurs.
92 |
12:10:45:737 INFO - 522 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnoreAString PanicString a panic string
93 |
12:10:45:739 INFO - 522 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnoreAString PanicCode 110
94 |
12:10:45:747 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 31 Command = RUN_PANIC_STEP_RESULT 110 "a panic string" 100 te_RegStepTestSuite PanicTestStep C:\testdata\configs\panictest.ini TestPanicIgnoreAString ***Result = PASS </font>
95 |
12:10:45:791 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script END_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0015
96 |
12:10:45:847 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0015.script Line = 32 Command = END_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0015 ***TestCaseResult = PASS </font>
97 |
12:10:45:851 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 564 The panic detection thread detected 13 panics:
98 |
12:10:45:861 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 1 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 324572851, Exit Reason: 1, Exit Category 1
99 |
12:10:45:863 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 2 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 303598491, Exit Reason: 106, Exit Category
100 |
12:10:45:865 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 3 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 1906268040, Exit Reason: 107, Exit Category
101 |
12:10:45:867 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 4 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 83555394, Exit Reason: 108, Exit Category
102 |
12:10:45:869 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 5 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 1991891779, Exit Reason: 109, Exit Category
103 |
12:10:45:871 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 6 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 198800034, Exit Reason: 110, Exit Category
104 |
12:10:45:873 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 7 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 1993145239, Exit Reason: 1, Exit Category 1
105 |
12:10:45:875 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 8 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 20092657, Exit Reason: 106, Exit Category
106 |
12:10:45:877 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 9 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 827684837, Exit Reason: 107, Exit Category
107 |
12:10:45:879 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 10 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 126319346, Exit Reason: 108, Exit Category
108 |
12:10:45:881 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 11 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 1458045765, Exit Reason: 109, Exit Category
109 |
12:10:45:883 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 12 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 637004873, Exit Reason: 110, Exit Category
110 |
12:10:45:885 ERROR - 501 testexecute.cpp 567 Remote Panic 13 - Name of Panicked Thread: Worker6293824 767150063, Exit Reason: 110, Exit Category a panic string
111 |
12:10:45:895 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>TEST STEP SUMMARY:</font>
112 |
12:10:45:897 <font size=2 color=00AF00>PASS = 17</font>
113 |
12:10:45:897 <font size=2 color=FF0000>FAIL = 0</font>
114 |
12:10:45:898 <font size=2 color=0000FF>ABORT = 0</font>
115 |
12:10:45:898 <font size=2 color=0000FF>PANIC = 0</font>
116 |
12:10:45:899 <font size=2 color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
117 |
12:10:45:899 <font size=2 color=0000FF>UNKNOWN = 0</font>
118 |
12:10:45:900 <font size=2 color=0000FF>UNEXECUTED = 0</font>
119 |
12:10:45:900 <font size=2 color=0000FF>COMMENTED OUT COMMAND'S = 1</font>
120 |
12:10:45:900 <font size=2 color=0000FF>SYSTEM PANICS COUNT = 13</font>
121 |
12:10:45:901 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>TEST CASE SUMMARY:</font>
122 |
12:10:45:901 <font size=2 color=00AF00>PASS = 1</font>
123 |
12:10:45:902 <font size=2 color=FF0000>FAIL = 0</font>
124 |
12:10:45:902 <font size=2 color=C0C0C0>SKIPPED_SELECTIVELY = 0</font>
125 |
12:10:45:902 <font size=2 color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
126 |
12:10:45:903 </pre></body></html>