changeset 0 3e07fef1e154
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3e07fef1e154
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "TestSecurityInstUIHandler.h"
    21 /**
    22  * Creates a new Instance of the CTestSecurityInstUIHandler and calls the
    23  * appropriate ConsturctL
    24  * @param None
    25  * @return CTestSecurityInstUIHandler* 
    26  * 
    27  */
    28 CTestSecurityInstUIHandler* CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::NewL()
    29 	{
    30 	CTestSecurityInstUIHandler*	self=new(ELeave) CTestSecurityInstUIHandler();
    31 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    32 	self->ConstructL();
    33 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    34 	return self;
    35 	}
    37 /**
    38  * Constructor for CTestSecurityInstUIHandler
    39  */	
    40 CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::CTestSecurityInstUIHandler()
    41 :	iDispInstall(TRUE),
    42 	iDispGrantCapabilities(TRUE),
    43 	iDispUnInstall(TRUE),
    44 	iDispLanguage(0),
    45 	iDispDialect(0),
    46 	iDispDrive('C'),
    47 	iDispUpgrade(TRUE),
    48 	iDispDependencyBreak(TRUE),
    49 	iDispQuestion(TRUE),
    50 	iDispSecurityWarning(TRUE),
    51 	iDispRevocationQuery(TRUE),
    52 	iDispApplicationInUse(TRUE),
    53 	iDispTextDialog(TRUE),
    54 	iDispOptions(0),
    55 	iAppUID(0),
    56 	iErrCode(KErrNothing)
    57 	{
    58 	}
    60 /**
    61  * Second stage constructor for CTestSecurityInstUIHandler
    62  */	
    63 void CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::ConstructL()
    64 	{
    65 	}
    67 /**
    68  * Destructor for CTestSecurityInstUIHandler
    69  */	
    70 CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::~CTestSecurityInstUIHandler()
    71 	{
    72 	iDispInstall = FALSE;
    73 	iDispGrantCapabilities = FALSE;
    74 	iDispUnInstall = FALSE;
    75 	iDispLanguage = 0;
    76 	iDispDialect = 0;
    77 	iDispDrive = 'C';
    78 	iDispUpgrade = FALSE;
    79 	iDispDependencyBreak = FALSE;
    80 	iDispQuestion = FALSE;
    81 	iDispSecurityWarning = FALSE;
    82 	iDispRevocationQuery = FALSE;
    83 	iDispApplicationInUse = FALSE;
    84 	iDispTextDialog = FALSE;
    85 	iDispOptions = 0;
    86 	iAppUID = 0;
    88 	iErrCode = KErrNothing;
    89 	}
    91 /**
    92  * Displays a dialog at the beginning of an installation with details about the SISX package
    93  * being installed. This dialog must be shown in TrustedUI mode.
    94  *
    95  * @param aAppInfo		Information about the application.
    96  * @param aLogo			The logo data in the SISX file. If no logo is present it will be NULL.
    97  * @param aCertificates An array of end entity certificates, one for each chain in the SISX file.
    98  *						If the SISX file is unsigned this array will have zero length.
    99  *
   100  * @note 				Trusted UI
   101  *
   102  * @return				ETrue if the user pressed the Yes button to continue the install,
   103  *						EFalse if the user pressed the No button, aborting the installation.
   104  */
   105 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayInstallL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/, 
   106 			const CApaMaskedBitmap* /*aLogo*/, 
   107 			const RPointerArray< CCertificateInfo >& /*aCertificates*/)
   108 	{
   109 	return iDispInstall;
   110 	}
   112 /**
   113  * Displays a dialog requesting that the user grants these capabilities to the SISX package 
   114  * being installed. This dialog must be shown in TrustedUI mode.
   115  *
   116  * @param aAppInfo	 		Information about the application.
   117  * @param aCapabilitySet 	The capabilities requested by the SISX package.
   118  *
   119  * @note 					Trusted UI
   120  *
   121  * @return					ETrue to continue the installation, or EFalse to abort the installation.
   122  */
   123 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayGrantCapabilitiesL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/, 
   124 			const TCapabilitySet& /*aCapabilitySet*/)
   125 	{
   126 	return iDispGrantCapabilities;
   127 	}
   129 /**
   130  * Requests preferred language and dialect information from the UI.
   131  *
   132  * @param aAppInfo		Information about the application.
   133  * @param aLanguages	Array of languages supported by the SIS file. 
   134  *
   135  * @return				Must return index in the passed array that corresponds to the user's selected 
   136  *						preferred language. If out-of-bounds value is returned, the engine will abort 
   137  *						installation.
   138  */
   139 TInt CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayLanguageL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/, 
   140 	      const RArray<TLanguage>& aLanguages)
   141 	{
   142 	TInt languageCode = iDispLanguage;
   143 	TInt index;
   145 	// Return the index value in the array which matches the language code 
   146 	// obtained from the ini file.
   147 	for (index=0; index<aLanguages.Count(); index++)
   148 		{
   149 		if (aLanguages[index] == (TLanguage)languageCode)
   150 			{
   151 			return index;
   152 			}
   153 		}
   154 	// Language Code did not match - error
   155 	iErrCode = KErrLanguage;
   157 	return languageCode;
   158 	}
   160 /**
   161  * Requests the drive to install the package on, from the UI.
   162  *
   163  * @param aAppInfo	Information about the application.
   164  * @param aSize		Total size of the files that will be installed on the configurable drive.
   165  * @param aDriveLetters	Array of drive letters on which the package can be installed.
   166  * @param aDriveSpaces	Array of space free (in bytes) on each of the drives in the aDriveLetters array. 
   167  *
   168  * @return		An index in the drive array. If the index is out of range the engine will abort
   169  *                      the installation.
   170  */
   171 TInt CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayDriveL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/, 
   172 		   TInt64 /*aSize*/,
   173 		   const RArray<TChar>& aDriveLetters,
   174 		   const RArray<TInt64>& /*aDriveSpaces*/)
   175 	{
   176 	TInt index;
   177 	TInt driveIndex=0;
   178 	for (index=0; index < aDriveLetters.Count(); index++)
   179 		{
   180 		if (aDriveLetters[index] == iDispDrive)
   181 			{
   182 			driveIndex = index;
   183 			break;
   184 			}
   185 		}
   187 	if (index == aDriveLetters.Count()) // Out of range error 
   188 		{
   189 		iErrCode = KErrDrive;
   190 		driveIndex = index;
   191 		}
   192 	return driveIndex;
   193 	}
   195 /**
   196  * Displays a dialog asking whether we want to upgrade an application present on the device.
   197  *
   198  * @param aAppInfo	        Information about the application being installed.
   199  * @param aExistingAppInfo	Information about the existing application.
   200  *
   201  * @return		ETrue if the user pressed the Yes button,
   202  *			EFalse if the user pressed the No button.
   203  */
   204 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayUpgradeL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/, 
   205 		      const CAppInfo& /*aExistingAppInfo*/)
   206 	{
   207 	return iDispUpgrade;
   208 	}
   210 /**
   211  * Displays a dialog box asking which options the user wishes to install.
   212  *
   213  * @param aAppInfo	Information about the application.
   214  * @param aOptions	An array of option names.
   215  * @param aSelections	An array of booleans, corresponding to the aOptions array.
   216  *
   217  * @return		ETrue on success, EFalse on error.
   218  */
   219 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayOptionsL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   220 		      const RPointerArray<TDesC>& aOptions,
   221 		      RArray<TBool>& aSelections)
   222 	{
   224 	TInt index;
   225 	TBool setFlag = EFalse;
   227 	for (index=0; index<aOptions.Count();index++)
   228 		{
   229 		if (index == iDispOptions)
   230 			{
   231 			aSelections[index] = ETrue;
   232 			setFlag = ETrue;
   233 			}
   234 		else
   235 			{
   236 			aSelections[index] = EFalse;
   237 			}
   238 		}
   240 	if (setFlag == (TBool)ETrue)
   241 		{
   242 		return ETrue;
   243 		}
   244 	else
   245 		{
   246 		iErrCode = KErrOptions;
   247 		return EFalse;
   248 		}
   249 	}
   251 /**
   252  * Informs the UI of events occurring during installation.  
   253  *
   254  * @param aEvent	The event which has occurred.
   255  * @param aValue	The value associated with the event if applicable.
   256  * @param aDes		A descriptor associated with the event if applicable.
   257  * @return TBool	Always returns ETrue to indicate the Install Event is always handled
   258  */
   259 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::HandleInstallEventL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   260 			 TInstallEvent aEvent, 
   261 			 TInt /*aValue=0*/, 
   262 			 const TDesC& /*aDes=KNullDesC*/)
   263 	{
   264 	switch (aEvent)
   265 		{
   266 		case EEventSetProgressBarFinalValue:
   267 			break;
   268 		case EEventUpdateProgressBar:
   269 			break;
   270 		case EEventAbortedInstall:
   271 			iErrCode = KErrAbortInstall;
   272 			break;
   273 		case EEventCompletedInstall:
   274 			break;
   275 		case EEventCompletedUnInstall:
   276 			break;
   277 		case EEventAbortedUnInstall:
   278 			iErrCode = KErrAbortUnInstall;
   279 			break;
   280 		case EEventCompletedNoMessage:
   281 			break;
   282 		case EEventLeave:
   283 			iErrCode = KErrLeave;
   284 			break;
   285 		case EEventOcspCheckEnd:
   286 			break;
   287 		default:
   288 			break;
   289 		}
   290 	return ETrue;
   291 	}
   293 /**
   294  * Informs the UI of cancellable events occurring during installation.  
   295  *
   296  * @param aEvent	 		The event which has occurred.
   297  * @param aCancelHandler 	This mix-in is used to inform Software Install that the user has
   298  *			 				pressed the cancel button on the dialog.
   299  * @param aValue	 		The value associated with the event if applicable.
   300  * @param aDes           	A descriptor associated with the event if applicable.
   301  */
   302 void CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::HandleCancellableInstallEventL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   303 			TInstallCancellableEvent aEvent, 
   304 		    MCancelHandler& /*aCancelHandler*/,
   305 		    TInt /*aValue=0*/, 
   306 		    const TDesC& /*aDes=KNullDesC*/)
   307 	{
   308 	switch (aEvent)
   309 		{
   310 		case EEventRemovingFiles:
   311 			break;
   312 		case EEventShuttingDownApps:
   313 			break;
   314 		case EEventCopyingFiles:
   315 			break;
   316 		case EEventOcspCheckStart:
   317 			break;
   318 		default:
   319 			break;
   320 		}
   321 	}
   323 /**
   324  * Displays a dialog indicating that the package is unsigned, or that signature validation has failed.
   325  *
   326  * @param aAppInfo              Information about the application.
   327  * @param aSigValidationResult	The result of signature validation.
   328  * @param aPkixResult           Results of a validation of the PKIX  certificate chain.
   329  *                              Note that is can be NULL, in this case no validation results are available.
   330  * @param aCertificates         An array containing information about the certificates in the chain.
   331  * @param aInstallAnyway		ETrue if installation is allowed to continue.
   332  *
   333  * @return						ETrue to continue the installation, EFalse to abort.
   334  */
   335 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplaySecurityWarningL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   336 						Swi::TSignatureValidationResult /*aSigValidationResult*/,
   337 						RPointerArray<CPKIXValidationResultBase>& /*aPkixResults*/,
   338 						RPointerArray<CCertificateInfo>& /*aCertificates*/,
   339 						TBool /*aInstallAnyway*/)
   340 	{
   341 	return ETrue;
   342 	}
   344 /**
   345  * Displays a dialog indicating that there was an error carrying out online certificate status checking.
   346  *
   347  * @param aMessage		The error which occurred during online certificate status checking
   348  * @param aOutcome		The outcome of the OCSP check. If no outcome can be given, it will be NULL.
   349  * @param aWarningOnly	ETrue if the installation is allowed to continue after a warning, EFalse otherwise.
   350  *
   351  * @return				ETrue on success, EFalse on error.
   352  */
   353 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayOcspResultL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   354 						TRevocationDialogMessage /*aMessage*/, 
   355 						RPointerArray<TOCSPOutcome>& /*aOutcomes*/, 
   356 						RPointerArray<CCertificateInfo>& /*aCertificates*/,
   357 						TBool aWarningOnly)
   358 	{
   359 	return aWarningOnly;
   360 	}
   362 /**
   363  * Used to inform the user the installation they are attempting is trying to overwrite
   364  * a file that does not belong to it. Following this message installation is aborted.
   365  *
   366  * @param aAppInfo	        Information about the application.
   367  * @param aInstalledAppInfo	Information about the application that owns the file in question.
   368  * @param aFileName			The filename of the file in question
   369  */
   370 void CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayCannotOverwriteFileL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   371 				 const CAppInfo& /*aInstalledAppInfo*/,
   372 				 const TDesC& /*aFileName*/)
   373 	{
   374 	iErrCode = KErrCannotOverwriteFile;
   375 	}
   377 /**
   378  * Displays a dialog at the start of the uninstallation with information about the application
   379  * to be uninstalled. The user may cancel the uninstallation at this stage. This dialog must 
   380  * be shown in TrustedUI mode.
   381  *	
   382  * @param aAppInfo	Information about the application.
   383  *
   384  * @note Trusted UI
   385  *
   386  * @return			ETrue to continue the uninstallation, or EFalse to abort the uninstallation.
   387  */
   388 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayUninstallL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/)
   389 	{
   390 	return iDispUnInstall;
   391 	}
   393 /**
   394  * Displays a dialog containing text. This dialog has only a Continue button if aOption is 
   395  * EInstFileTextOptionContinue, or Yes and No buttons otherwise.
   396  *
   397  * @param aAppInfo	Information about the application.
   398  * @param aOption	The type of dialog box to display.
   399  * @param aText		The text to display
   400  *
   401  * @return		ETrue if the user wants to go forward, EFalse otherwise.
   402  */
   403 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayTextL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/, 
   404 			    TFileTextOption /*aOption*/,
   405 			    const TDesC& /*aText*/)
   406 	{
   407 	return iDispTextDialog;
   408 	}
   410 /**
   411  * Displays a dialog showing an error message. 
   412  *
   413  * @param aAppInfo	    Information about the application.
   414  * @param aType		    The error message to display.
   415  * @param aParam	    An error specific parameter.
   416  */
   417 void CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayErrorL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   418 			   TErrorDialog /*aType*/,
   419 			   const TDesC& /*aParam*/)
   420 	{
   421 	iErrCode = KErrError;
   422 	}
   424 /**
   425  * Displays a dialog indicating that a component which is being uninstalled is a dependency
   426  * of another component installed.
   427  *
   428  * @param aAppInfo		Information about the application.
   429  * @param aComponents	An array of components which depend on components of the application
   430  *
   431  * @return				ETrue to continue the uninstallation, EFalse to abort.
   432  */
   433 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayDependencyBreakL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   434 		      const RPointerArray<TDesC>& /*aComponents*/)
   435 	{
   436 	return iDispDependencyBreak;
   437 	}
   439 /**
   440  * Informs user that the applications are in use during an uninstallation.
   441  * Return ETrue if the user wishes to continue the removal process and 
   442  * close the applications anyway
   443  *
   444  * @param aAppNames		An array containing the name of the application in use.
   445  *
   446  * @return				ETrue if the user wishes to continue with removal.
   447  */
   448 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayApplicationsInUseL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/, 
   449 			const RPointerArray<TDesC>& /*aAppNames*/)
   450 	{
   451 	return iDispApplicationInUse;
   452 	}
   454 /**
   455  * Displays a generic question dialog with a Yes/No answer.
   456  *
   457  * @param aAppInfo	Information about the application.
   458  * @param aQuestion The question to ask.
   459  * @param aDes		A descriptor associated with the question if applicable. 
   460  *
   461  * @return			ETrue if the user pressed the Yes button,
   462  *					EFalse if the user pressed the No button.
   463  */
   464 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayQuestionL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/, 
   465 			TQuestionDialog aQuestion, const TDesC& /*aDes=KNullDesC*/)
   466 	{
   468 	switch(aQuestion)
   469 		{
   470 		case EQuestionIncompatible:
   471 			break;
   472 		default:
   473 			break;
   474 		}
   476 	return iDispQuestion;
   477 	}
   479 TBool CTestSecurityInstUIHandler::DisplayMissingDependencyL(const CAppInfo& /*aAppInfo*/,
   480 	const TDesC& /*aDependencyName*/,TVersion /*aWantedVersionFrom*/,
   481 	TVersion /*aWantedVersionTo*/,TVersion /*aInstalledVersion*/)
   482 	{
   483 	return ETrue;
   484 	}