changeset 0 3e07fef1e154
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3e07fef1e154
     1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
     2  -
     3  * Software Name : UserEmulator
     4  * Version       : v4.2.1309
     5  * 
     6  * Copyright (c) 2009 France Telecom. All rights reserved.
     7  * This software is distributed under the License 
     8  * "Eclipse Public License - v 1.0" the text of which is available
     9  * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
    10  *
    11  * Initial Contributors:
    12  * France Telecom 
    13  *
    14  * Contributors:
    15  *------------------------------------------------------------------
    16  -
    17  * File Name: RandomTest.cpp
    18  * 
    19  * Created: 13/08/2009
    20  * Author(s): Marcell Kiss, Reshma Sandeep Das
    21  *   
    22  * Description:
    23  * Random test class
    24  *------------------------------------------------------------------
    25  -
    26  *
    27  */
    29 // System Includes
    30 #include <e32math.h>
    31 #include <APGTASK.H>
    32 #include <APGWGNAM.H>
    33 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    34 // User Includes
    35 #include "RandomTest.h"
    37 // Constants
    38 #define KOkButton 167
    39 #define KBackspace 1
    41 #define TESTSTEPSNUMBER 40
    42 #define COUNTERFOROK 200
    44 // Uid of the Aactive Idle framework (3.1 devices)
    45 const TUid KUidStandBy1 = { 0x101fd64c };
    46 // Uid of the Aactive Idle framework (3.2 devices)
    47 const TUid KUidStandBy = { 0x102750f0 };
    48 // Uid of the Active Idle framework (5.0 devices)
    49 const TUid KUidStandby50 = {0x20017CD9};
    51 enum {ETap=0,EDoubleTap,EFlick,EDrag,EKeys,EKeys1,EKeys2,EKeys3};
    52 const TInt KMaxChance = 200;
    53 const TInt KShortFlickDist = 40;
    54 const TInt KEventTypeMax = 8;
    55 const TInt KScancodeMax = 65535;
    56 const TInt KLogAppAtStep = 100;
    58 const TInt KLSK = 164;
    59 const TInt KRSK = 165;
    61 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    63 CRandomTest::CRandomTest(MKeyObserver& aObserver,RWsSession& aRWsSession,CSettings& aSettings,RApaLsSession& aSession,CLogger& aLogger)
    64 :CActive(EPriorityNormal),iObserver(aObserver),iRWsSession(&aRWsSession),iSettings(aSettings),iSession(aSession),iLogger(aLogger)
    65 {
    66 }
    68 CRandomTest::~CRandomTest()
    69 {	
    70     iSlotUIDs.Close();
    71 	Cancel();
    72 	iTimer.Close();
    73 }
    75 CRandomTest* CRandomTest::NewL(MKeyObserver& aObserver,RWsSession& aRWsSession,CSettings& aSettings,RApaLsSession& aSession,CLogger& aLogger)
    76 {
    77 	CRandomTest* me = CRandomTest::NewLC(aObserver,aRWsSession,aSettings,aSession,aLogger);
    78 	CleanupStack::Pop(me);
    79     return me;
    80 }
    82 CRandomTest* CRandomTest::NewLC(MKeyObserver& aObserver,RWsSession& aRWsSession,CSettings& aSettings,RApaLsSession& aSession,CLogger& aLogger)
    83 	{
    84 	CRandomTest* me = new (ELeave) CRandomTest(aObserver,aRWsSession,aSettings,aSession,aLogger);
    85 	CleanupStack::PushL(me);
    86 	me->ConstructL();
    87 	return me;
    88 	}
    89 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    90 // Second phase constructor
    91 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    92 // 
    93 void CRandomTest::ConstructL(void)
    94 {
    95 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    96 	iTimer.CreateLocal();
    97 }
    99 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   100 // Starts random test
   101 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   102 //
   103 void CRandomTest::StartRandomTestL()
   104 {
   105 	Cancel();
   106 	iAppTestCounter = 0;
   107 	iAppNameLoggingCounter = 0;
   108 	iCounterForOkButton = 0;
   109 	iCantStartAppToTest = ETrue;
   111 	if(iSettings.iRandomTestAppIdStatus)
   112 		{
   113 		_LIT(KCantStartApp,"Can't start app %d.\n");
   114 		TUid uid;
   116 		TThreadId threadId;
   117 		TBuf<KBuffer128> buf;
   118 		TBuf<KBuffer12> CurrentAppUid;
   119 		TBuf<KBuffer256> RandomTestAppIDs;
   120 		RandomTestAppIDs.Copy(iSettings.iRandomTestAppID);
   121 		TUint32 k;
   122 		TInt res;
   123 		TInt pos=0;
   124 		TInt i=1;
   125 		_LIT(KCommaZero,",0");
   127 		// 'Close' string by these chars
   128 		RandomTestAppIDs.Append(KCommaZero);
   130 	    while((pos=RandomTestAppIDs.Locate(','))!=KErrNotFound)
   131 	       {
   132 	       k=0;
   133 	       if(RandomTestAppIDs.Left(pos).Length()<=10)
   134 	           CurrentAppUid = RandomTestAppIDs.Left(pos);
   135 	       else
   136 	           CurrentAppUid.Copy(KEMPTYTEXT);
   138 	       CurrentAppUid.Trim();
   139 	       RandomTestAppIDs.Copy(RandomTestAppIDs.Right(RandomTestAppIDs.Length()-pos-1));
   142 		    // Converts decimal or hexa uid to integer
   143             if(CurrentAppUid.Left(2).Compare(KHEX)==0)
   144                 {
   145                 TLex id1(CurrentAppUid.Right(CurrentAppUid.Length()-2));
   146                 res = id1.Val(k,EHex);
   147                 }
   148             else
   149                 {
   150                 TLex id1(CurrentAppUid);
   151                 res = id1.Val(k,EDecimal);
   152                 }
   154             TInt doc_res=0;
   155             // Starts test application
   156             if(res==KErrNone)
   157                 {
   158                 uid.iUid = k;
   159                 doc_res=iSession.StartDocument(KN, uid ,threadId);
   160                 User::After(KWait01);
   161                 }
   162             if(doc_res==KErrNone && res==KErrNone)
   163                 {
   164                 iSlotUIDs.Append(uid);
   165                 }
   166             else
   167                 {
   168                 buf.Format(KCantStartApp, i);
   169                 iLogger.WriteLogL(buf,EFalse);
   170                 }
   172            i++;
   173            }
   175 		User::After(KWait02);
   176 		}		
   177 	// Starts timer
   178 	iTimer.After(iStatus,KWait02);
   179 	SetActive();
   180 }
   181 // --------------------------------------------
   182 // Stops random test (The active object)
   183 // --------------------------------------------
   184 //
   185 void CRandomTest::CancelRandomTest()
   186     {
   187     Cancel();
   188     }
   190 // --------------------------------------------
   191 // Restarts random test (The active object)
   192 // --------------------------------------------
   193 //
   194 void CRandomTest::RestartRandomTest()
   195     {
   196     iTimer.After(iStatus,KWait02);
   197     SetActive();
   198     }
   200 // --------------------------------------------
   201 // Stops random test
   202 // --------------------------------------------
   203 //
   204 void CRandomTest::StopRandomTest()
   205 	{
   206 	if(iSettings.iRandomTestAppIdStatus)
   207 		{
   208 		// Stops test apps if uids were valid and apps are running
   209 		for(TInt t=0;t<iSlotUIDs.Count();t++)
   210 		    {
   211             if(iSlotUIDs[t].iUid!=0)
   212                 {
   213                 TApaTaskList taskList1(*iRWsSession);
   214                 TApaTask task1 = taskList1.FindApp(iSlotUIDs[t]);
   215                 if (task1.Exists())
   216                     {
   217                     task1.EndTask();
   218                     User::After(KWait01);
   219                     }
   220                 }
   221 		    }
   222 		iSlotUIDs.Reset();
   223 		}
   224 	Cancel();
   225     }
   226 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   227 // CActive object cancel function
   228 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   229 //
   230 void CRandomTest::DoCancel()
   231 {
   232 	iTimer.Cancel();
   233 }
   235 // -----------------------------------------
   236 // Checks if given Uid is in test list
   237 // -----------------------------------------
   238 //
   239 TBool CRandomTest::IsUidInTestList(TUid aUid)
   240     {
   241     TInt res=EFalse;
   242     for(TInt t=0;t<iSlotUIDs.Count();t++)
   243             if(iSlotUIDs[t].iUid==aUid.iUid)
   244                 {
   245                 res=ETrue;
   246                 break;
   247                 }
   249     return res;
   250     }
   252 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   253 // CActive object RunL function
   254 // Runs test on test apps
   255 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   256 //
   257 void CRandomTest::RunL()
   258 {
   259 	// For screen light
   260 	User::ResetInactivityTime();
   261 	// Gets screen width and height
   262 	TInt MaxX = iSettings.iAppRect.Width();
   263 	TInt MaxY = iSettings.iAppRect.Height();
   264 	// Gets random coordinates for random pointer events
   265 	TInt x = Math::Random()%MaxX*2;
   266 	TInt y = Math::Random()%MaxY*2;
   267 	// Repets value for long key press
   268 	TInt repeats = Math::Random()%2;
   269 	// Decides which key press event will be sent
   270 	TInt chance = Math::Random()%KMaxChance;
   271 	// Decides which event will be  sent (pointer/key press)
   272 	TInt randomevent = Math::Random()%KEventTypeMax;
   274 	// Sends Ok button press event according to counter 
   275 	if(iCounterForOkButton++ > COUNTERFOROK)
   276 		{// Ok button press event
   277 		iCounterForOkButton = 0;
   278 		repeats = 0;
   279 		chance = KMaxChance-20;
   280 		randomevent = EKeys;
   281 		}
   283 	TWsEvent wsEvent;
   284 	TKeyEvent& keyEvent(*wsEvent.Key());
   286 	TRawEvent event;
   287 	TRawEvent event1;
   288 	TRawEvent event2;
   289 	TRawEvent event3;
   291 	// Log foreground app's name
   292 	CApaWindowGroupName* gn = CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(*iRWsSession, iRWsSession->GetFocusWindowGroup());
   293 	TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   294 	RApaLsSession ApaLs;
   295 	User::LeaveIfError(ApaLs.Connect());
   296 	ApaLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, gn->AppUid());
   299 	// If one of our apps is in foreground then don't close it just send it to background
   300 	if(appInfo.iUid == KUidPanicCapturer )
   301 	{ 
   302 		TApaTaskList taskList(*iRWsSession);
   303 		TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp(appInfo.iUid);
   305 		if (task.Exists())
   306 			task.SendToBackground();
   307 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(gn);
   308 		ApaLs.Close();
   310 		iTimer.After(iStatus,KWait01);
   311 		SetActive();
   313 		return;
   314 	}
   315 	// If app in foreground is different now or it's there for a long time then log it's name
   316 	else if(iLastAppName.Compare(appInfo.iCaption)!=0 || iAppNameLoggingCounter++>KLogAppAtStep )
   317 		{
   318 		iAppNameLoggingCounter = 0;
   319 		iLastAppName.Zero();
   320 		iLastAppName.Copy(appInfo.iCaption);
   321 		TBuf<KBuffer540> buf;
   322 		_LIT(KText,"Launched app.: ");
   323 		_LIT(KNL,"\n");
   324 		buf.Copy(KText);
   325 		buf.Append(iLastAppName);
   326 		buf.Append(KNL);
   327 		iLogger.WriteLogL(buf,EFalse);
   328 		}
   329 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(gn);
   330 	ApaLs.Close();
   332 	// If random test run is on in Settings dialog...
   333 	if(iSettings.iRandomTestAppIdStatus)
   334 		{
   335 		TThreadId threadId; // not used
   336 		// Bring given ID's app to foreground
   337 		TUid uid;
   338 		uid.iUid = 0;
   340 		// Decides which test app should be in foreground
   341 		TInt count = iAppTestCounter/TESTSTEPSNUMBER;
   343 		if(iSlotUIDs.Count()>count)
   344 		      uid = iSlotUIDs[count];
   345 		else
   346 		    {
   347 		    iAppTestCounter=0;
   348 		    if(iSlotUIDs.Count()>0)
   349 		      uid = iSlotUIDs[0];
   350 		    }
   352 		iAppTestCounter++;
   355 		// If app in foreground is not one of our test apps then close it.
   356 		if( iSlotUIDs.Count()>0 )
   357 			{
   358 			TApaTaskList taskList(*iRWsSession);
   359 			TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp(uid);
   361 			if( !IsUidInTestList(appInfo.iUid) && appInfo.iUid.iUid!=0x100058b3 && 
   362 			                 appInfo.iUid.iUid!=_UID3 ) // Don't close telephony app. and User Emulator (exceptions)
   363 				{
   364 				TApaTask task1 = taskList.FindApp(appInfo.iUid);
   365 				if (task1.Exists())
   366 					{
   367 					task1.EndTask();
   368 					User::After(KWait01);
   369 					}
   370 				}
   371 			// If our test app is not in foreground then bring it to foreground
   372 			if (task.Exists())
   373 				task.BringToForeground();
   374 			else
   375 			    // If it's not started then start it
   376 				iSession.StartDocument(KN, uid ,threadId);
   377 			}
   378 		else
   379 			{
   380 			// If there's no valid app uid display error message
   381 			if(iCantStartAppToTest)
   382 				{
   383 				_LIT(KNoValid,"No valid application to start! Random test ends.");
   384 				iCantStartAppToTest = EFalse;
   385 				CAknErrorNote* errorNote = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote(ETrue);
   386 				errorNote->ExecuteLD(KNoValid);
   387 				iObserver.RandomTestEndsL();
   388 				return;
   389 				}
   391 			iTimer.After(iStatus,KWait05);
   392 			SetActive();
   394 			return;
   395 			}
   396 		}
   398 	// Run pointer test if device enables it otherwise key events only
   399 	if(!AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
   400 		randomevent = EKeys;
   402 	// Events
   403 	switch(randomevent)
   404 		{
   405 		case ETap:
   406 			 event.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Down, x, y);
   407 			 iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event);
   408 			 User::After(KWait01);
   409 			 event1.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Up, x, y);
   410 			 iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event1);
   411 		break;
   412 		case EDoubleTap:			 
   413 			 event.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Down, x, y);
   414 			 iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event);
   415 			 User::After(KWait01);
   416 			 event1.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Up, x, y);
   417 			 iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event1);
   418 			 User::After(KWait01);
   419 			 event2.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Down, x, y);
   420 			 iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event2);
   421 			 User::After(KWait01);
   422 			 event3.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Up, x, y);
   423 			 iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event3);
   424 		break;
   425 		case EFlick:
   426 			event.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Down, x, y);
   427 			iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event);
   428 			User::After(KWait01);
   430 			event1.Set(TRawEvent::EPointerMove, x+KShortFlickDist, y+KShortFlickDist);
   431 			iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event1);
   432 			User::After(KWait01);
   434 			event2.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Up, x+KShortFlickDist, y+KShortFlickDist);
   435 			iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event2);
   436 		break;
   437 		case EDrag:
   438 			event.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Down, x, y);
   439 			iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event);
   440 			User::After(KWait01);
   442 			event1.Set(TRawEvent::EPointerMove, x+KShortFlickDist, y);
   443 			iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event1);
   444 			User::After(KWait01);
   446 			event2.Set(TRawEvent::EPointerMove, x+KShortFlickDist,y+KShortFlickDist);
   447 			iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event2);
   448 			User::After(KWait01);
   450 			event3.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Up, x+KShortFlickDist, y+KShortFlickDist);
   451 			iRWsSession->SimulateRawEvent(event3);
   452 		break;
   453 		case EKeys:
   454 		case EKeys1:
   455 		case EKeys2:
   456 		case EKeys3:
   457 		default:
   458 			CApaWindowGroupName* gn = CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(*iRWsSession, iRWsSession->GetFocusWindowGroup());
   459 			TUid foreTaskUid = gn->AppUid();
   460 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(gn);
   462 			iRWsSession->GetFocusWindowGroup();
   463 			keyEvent.iModifiers=0;
   465 			// Increasing the chance of menu, ok, arrow ,etc. keys
   466 			if( chance > KMaxChance-120)
   467 				{
   468 				if(chance<KMaxChance-100)
   469 					keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyDevice0;
   470 				else if(chance<KMaxChance-80)
   471 					keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyDevice1;
   472 				else if(chance<KMaxChance-70)
   473 					keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyUpArrow;
   474 				else if(chance<KMaxChance-60)
   475 					keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyDownArrow;
   476 				else if(chance<KMaxChance-50)
   477 					keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyLeftArrow;
   478 				else if(chance<KMaxChance-40)
   479 					keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyRightArrow;
   480 				else if(chance<KMaxChance-10)
   481 					keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyApplication0;
   482 				else if(chance<=KMaxChance)
   483 					keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyBackspace;
   484 				}
   485 			else
   486 				keyEvent.iScanCode = Math::Random()%KScancodeMax;
   488 			if(iSettings.iRandomTestAppIdStatus)
   489 				{
   490 				// If there is valid uid application -> no menu button push
   491 				// It's for random tests without predefined test apps
   492 				while(keyEvent.iScanCode ==  EStdKeyApplication0 || keyEvent.iCode == EKeyDevice2)
   493 					keyEvent.iScanCode = Math::Random()%KScancodeMax;
   495 				}
   497 			// Sends the key event
   498 		  keyEvent.iCode = keyEvent.iScanCode;
   501 		  TRawEvent lEventDown;
   502 		  lEventDown.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyDown, keyEvent.iScanCode);
   503 		  UserSvr::AddEvent(lEventDown);
   505 		  User::After(KWait01);
   507 		  // long key press
   508 		  if(repeats>0)
   509 			 User::After((KWait01*12)*repeats); // 1.2 sec * repeats
   511 		  TRawEvent lEventUp;
   512 		  lEventUp.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyUp, keyEvent.iScanCode);
   513 		  UserSvr::AddEvent(lEventUp);
   515 		break;
   516 		}
   517 	// Restart timer
   518 	iTimer.After(iStatus,KWait01);
   519 	SetActive();
   520 }