changeset 2 8bb370ba6d1d
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:bbd31066657e 2:8bb370ba6d1d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // For TEF
    20 #include "scriptengine.h"
    21 #include <test/testexecuteclient.h>
    22 #include <test/testexecutelogger.h>
    23 #include "testwatcher.h"
    24 #include "version.h"
    25 #include "tefutils.h"
    26 #include <f32file.h>
    27 #include <test/wrapperutilsplugin.h>
    28 // For STIF
    29 #include <StifTestInterface.h>
    30 #include "teftestmodule.h"
    31 #include "SettingServerClient.h"
    32 #include "logging.h"
    34 GLDEF_D TInt CScriptControl::commentedCommandsCount;
    35 GLDEF_D TInt CScriptControl::iRunScriptFailCount;
    39 //extern  ?external_data;
    42 //extern ?external_function( ?arg_type,?arg_type );
    44 // CONSTANTS
    45 //const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
    47 // MACROS
    48 //#define ?macro ?macro_def
    51 //const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
    52 //#define ?macro_name ?macro_def
    55 //enum ?declaration
    56 //typedef ?declaration
    59 //?type ?function_name( ?arg_type, ?arg_type );
    62 //class ?FORWARD_CLASSNAME;
    64 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
    66 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 // ?function_name ?description.
    68 // ?description
    69 // Returns: ?value_1: ?description
    70 //          ?value_n: ?description_line1
    71 //                    ?description_line2
    72 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 //
    74 /*
    75 ?type ?function_name(
    76     ?arg_type arg,  // ?description
    77     ?arg_type arg)  // ?description
    78     {
    80     ?code  // ?comment
    82     // ?comment
    83     ?code
    84     }
    85 */
    87 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    89 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90 // CTEFTestModule::CTEFTestModule
    91 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    92 // might leave.
    93 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94 //
    95 CTEFTestModule::CTEFTestModule()
    96     {
    98     }
   100 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 // CTEFTestModule::ConstructL
   102 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   103 // Note: If OOM test case uses STIF Logger, then STIF Logger must be created
   104 // with static buffer size parameter (aStaticBufferSize). Otherwise Logger 
   105 // allocates memory from heap and therefore causes error situations with OOM 
   106 // testing. For more information about STIF Logger construction, see STIF Users 
   107 // Guide.
   108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 //
   110 void CTEFTestModule::ConstructL()
   111     {
   112     //Read logger settings to check whether test case name is to be
   113     //appended to log file name.
   114     RSettingServer settingServer;
   115     TInt ret = settingServer.Connect();
   116     if(ret != KErrNone)
   117         {
   118         User::Leave(ret);
   119         }
   120     // Struct to StifLogger settigs.
   121     TLoggerSettings loggerSettings; 
   122     // Parse StifLogger defaults from STIF initialization file.
   123     ret = settingServer.GetLoggerSettings(loggerSettings);
   124     if(ret != KErrNone)
   125         {
   126         User::Leave(ret);
   127         } 
   128     // Close Setting server session
   129     settingServer.Close();
   130     iAddTestCaseTitleToLogName = loggerSettings.iAddTestCaseTitle;
   132     iStdLog = CStifLogger::NewL( KTEFTestModuleLogPath, 
   133                           KTEFTestModuleLogFile);
   134     iLog = iStdLog;
   136     iVersionLogged = EFalse;
   138     iCfg_tcs = EOFF;
   139     iCfg_Debug = EFalse;
   140     iCfg_SeparateLog = EFalse;
   141     }
   143 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // CTEFTestModule::NewL
   145 // Two-phased constructor.
   146 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 //
   148 CTEFTestModule* CTEFTestModule::NewL()
   149     {
   150     CTEFTestModule* self = new (ELeave) CTEFTestModule;
   152     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   153     self->ConstructL();
   154     CleanupStack::Pop();
   156     return self;
   158     }
   160 // Destructor
   161 CTEFTestModule::~CTEFTestModule()
   162     { 
   163     iLog = NULL;
   164     delete iStdLog;
   165     iStdLog = NULL;
   166     delete iTCLog;
   167     iTCLog = NULL;
   168     iArray_ScriptFilePaths.Close();
   169     iArray_Cfg_TcsData.Close();
   170     }
   172 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 // CTEFTestModule::InitL
   174 // InitL is used to initialize the Test Module.
   175 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 //
   177 TInt CTEFTestModule::InitL( 
   178     TFileName& /*aIniFile*/, 
   179     TBool /*aFirstTime*/ )
   180     {
   181     return KErrNone;
   183     }
   185 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CTEFTestModule::CreateTitleLoggerL
   187 // Check for settings and create logger with test case title in file name.
   188 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 //
   190 void CTEFTestModule::CreateTitleLoggerL(void)
   191     {
   192     //Open new log file with test case title in file name
   193     if(iAddTestCaseTitleToLogName)
   194         {
   195         // Check if there is no test case logger already created.
   196         if(iTCLog) 
   197             { 
   198             delete iTCLog; 
   199             iTCLog = NULL; 
   200             } 
   202         TFileName logFileName;
   203         TName title;
   204         TestModuleIf().GetTestCaseTitleL(title);
   206         logFileName.Format(KTEFTestModuleLogFileWithTitle, &title);
   208         iTCLog = CStifLogger::NewL(KTEFTestModuleLogPath, 
   209                                  logFileName);
   210         iLog = iTCLog; 
   211         }
   212     }
   214 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 // CTEFTestModule::CreateStdLoggerL
   216 // Check for logger settings and create standard logger.
   217 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   218 //
   219 void CTEFTestModule::DeleteTitleLogger(void)
   220     {
   221     //Delete title logger
   222     if(iAddTestCaseTitleToLogName)
   223         {
   224         iLog = iStdLog;
   225         delete iTCLog;
   226         iTCLog = NULL;
   227         }
   228     }
   230 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // CTEFTestModule::GetTestCasesL
   232 // GetTestCases is used to inquire test cases from the Test Module. Test
   233 // cases are stored to array of test cases. The Test Framework will be 
   234 // the owner of the data in the RPointerArray after GetTestCases return
   235 // and it does the memory deallocation. 
   236 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   237 //
   238 TInt CTEFTestModule::GetTestCasesL( 
   239     const TFileName& aConfig, 
   240     RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases )
   241     {
   242     iLog->Log(_L("GetTestCasesL"));
   243     TInt ret = KErrNone;
   245     TRAPD(err, ret = ParseTEFTestCfgFileL(aConfig, aTestCases));
   246     if(err != KErrNone)
   247     	{
   248     	//ret = KErrNotFound;
   249     	_LIT(KErrLog, "Error in given test configuration file %S. Error = %d.");
   250     	iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, KErrLog, &aConfig, ret);
   251     	}
   253     return ret;
   254     }
   256 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   257 // CTEFTestModule::RunTestCaseL
   258 // RunTestCaseL is used to run an individual test case specified 
   259 // by aTestCase. Test cases that can be run may be requested from 
   260 // Test Module by GetTestCases method before calling RunTestCase.
   261 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 //
   263 TInt CTEFTestModule::RunTestCaseL(
   264     const TInt aCaseNumber,
   265     const TFileName& /*aConfig*/,
   266     TTestResult& aResult )
   267     {
   268     iLog->Log(_L("RunTestCaseL"));
   269     SendTestModuleVersion();
   271     CreateTitleLoggerL();
   272     //Test case implementation or function call here
   273     TRAPD(err, TEFInitialize() );
   274     __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!err, User::Panic(KTestExecuteName,err));
   276 #if (defined __DATA_CAGING__)
   277 	// Platform security hooks    
   278 	RProcess().DataCaging(RProcess::EDataCagingOn);
   279 	RProcess().SecureApi(RProcess::ESecureApiOn);
   280 #endif
   282 	CActiveScheduler* sched = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
   283 	CleanupStack::PushL(sched);
   284 	CActiveScheduler::Install(sched);
   286     if(!sched)
   287     {
   288     __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: TEFTestModule.dll, Error in getting current active scheduler.") ) );
   289 	iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: TEFTestModule.dll, Error in getting current active scheduler."));
   290     User::Panic(_L("TEFTestModule"), -2);
   291     }
   293 	TInt scriptCount = iArray_ScriptFilePaths.Count();
   294 	TInt tcsDataCount = iArray_Cfg_TcsData.Count();
   296 	if(aCaseNumber > scriptCount)
   297 		{
   298 		__RDEBUG( (_L("Error: Case number to run is bigger than expected.") ) );
   299 		iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: Case number to run is bigger than expected."));
   300 		// Cleanup the scheduler object
   301 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sched);
   302 		DeleteTitleLogger();
   303 		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   304 		}
   306 	TRAPD(errRun, RunScriptL(	sched,
   307 								*(iArray_ScriptFilePaths[aCaseNumber-1]), 
   308 								*(iArray_Cfg_TcsData[aCaseNumber-1])
   309 							) );
   310 	if (errRun != KErrNone)
   311 		{
   312 		__RDEBUG( (_L("Run script leave. code=%d"),errRun) );
   313 		iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Run script leave. code=%d"),errRun);
   314 		}
   316 	// Cleanup the scheduler object
   317 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sched);
   319     aResult.SetResult( errRun, *(iArray_ScriptFilePaths[aCaseNumber-1]) );     
   321     // Test case was executed
   322     DeleteTitleLogger();
   323     return KErrNone;
   324     }
   326 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 // CTEFTestModule::OOMTestQueryL
   328 // Used to check if a particular test case should be run in OOM conditions and 
   329 // which memory allocations should fail.    
   330 //
   331 // NOTE: This method is virtual and must be implemented only if test case
   332 // should be executed using OOM conditions.  
   333 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   334 //
   335 TBool CTEFTestModule::OOMTestQueryL( 
   336                                 const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */, 
   337                                 const TInt /* aCaseNumber */, 
   338                                 TOOMFailureType& /* aFailureType */, 
   339                                 TInt& /* aFirstMemFailure */, 
   340                                 TInt& /* aLastMemFailure */ ) 
   341     {
   342     _LIT( KOOMTestQueryL, "CTEFTestModule::OOMTestQueryL" );
   343     iLog->Log( KOOMTestQueryL ); 
   345     return EFalse;
   347     }
   349 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 // CTEFTestModule::OOMTestInitializeL
   351 // Used to perform the test environment setup for a particular OOM test case. 
   352 // Test Modules may use the initialization file to read parameters for Test 
   353 // Module initialization but they can also have their own configure file or 
   354 // some other routine to initialize themselves.  
   355 //
   356 // NOTE: This method is virtual and must be implemented only if test case
   357 // should be executed using OOM conditions.  
   358 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 //
   360 void CTEFTestModule::OOMTestInitializeL( 
   361                                 const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */, 
   362                                 const TInt /* aCaseNumber */ )
   363     {
   364     }
   366 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 // CTEFTestModule::OOMHandleWarningL
   368 // In some cases the heap memory allocation should be skipped, either due to
   369 // problems in the OS code or components used by the code being tested, or even 
   370 // inside the tested components which are implemented this way on purpose (by 
   371 // design), so it is important to give the tester a way to bypass allocation 
   372 // failures.
   373 //
   374 // NOTE: This method is virtual and must be implemented only if test case
   375 // should be executed using OOM conditions.  
   376 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   377 //
   378 void CTEFTestModule::OOMHandleWarningL( 
   379                                 const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
   380                                 const TInt /* aCaseNumber */, 
   381                                 TInt& /* aFailNextValue */ )
   382     {
   383     }
   385 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 // CTEFTestModule::OOMTestFinalizeL
   387 // Used to perform the test environment cleanup for a particular OOM test case.
   388 //
   389 // NOTE: This method is virtual and must be implemented only if test case
   390 // should be executed using OOM conditions.  
   391 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   392 //                  
   393 void CTEFTestModule::OOMTestFinalizeL( 
   394                                 const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */, 
   395                                 const TInt /* aCaseNumber */ )
   396     {
   397     }
   399 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   400 // CTemplateScriptTEFTestModule::SendTestModuleVersion
   401 // Method used to send version of test module
   402 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   403 //
   404 void CTEFTestModule::SendTestModuleVersion()
   405 	{
   406 	if(iVersionLogged)
   407 		{
   408 		return;
   409 		}
   411 	TVersion moduleVersion;
   412 	moduleVersion.iMajor = TEST_MODULE_VERSION_MAJOR;
   413 	moduleVersion.iMinor = TEST_MODULE_VERSION_MINOR;
   414 	moduleVersion.iBuild = TEST_MODULE_VERSION_BUILD;
   416 	TFileName moduleName;
   417 	moduleName = _L("TEFTestModule.dll");
   419 	TBool newVersionOfMethod = ETrue;
   420 	TestModuleIf().SendTestModuleVersion(moduleVersion, moduleName, newVersionOfMethod);
   421 	iVersionLogged = ETrue;
   422 	}
   424 // ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
   426 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   427 // LibEntryL is a polymorphic Dll entry point
   428 // Returns: CTestModuleBase*: Pointer to Test Module object
   429 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   430 //
   431 EXPORT_C CTestModuleBase* LibEntryL()
   432     {
   433     return CTEFTestModule::NewL();
   435     }
   437 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   438 // SetRequirements handles test module parameters(implements evolution
   439 // version 1 for test module's heap and stack sizes configuring).
   440 // Returns: TInt: Symbian error code.
   441 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   442 //
   443 EXPORT_C TInt SetRequirements( CTestModuleParam*& aTestModuleParam, 
   444                                 TUint32& aParameterValid )
   445     {
   447     /* --------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------
   448     USER PANICS occurs in test thread creation when:
   449     1) "The panic occurs when the value of the stack size is negative."
   450     2) "The panic occurs if the minimum heap size specified is less
   451        than KMinHeapSize".
   452        KMinHeapSize: "Functions that require a new heap to be allocated will
   453        either panic, or will reset the required heap size to this value if
   454        a smaller heap size is specified".
   455     3) "The panic occurs if the minimum heap size specified is greater than
   456        the maximum size to which the heap can grow".
   457     Other:
   458     1) Make sure that your hardware or Symbian OS is supporting given sizes.
   459        e.g. Hardware might support only sizes that are divisible by four.
   460     ------------------------------- NOTE end ------------------------------- */
   462     // Normally STIF uses default heap and stack sizes for test thread, see:
   463     // KTestThreadMinHeap, KTestThreadMinHeap and KStackSize.
   464     // If needed heap and stack sizes can be configured here by user. Remove
   465     // comments and define sizes.
   466     aParameterValid = KStifTestModuleParameterChanged;
   468     CTestModuleParamVer01* param = CTestModuleParamVer01::NewL();
   469     //We're quite heavy on the stack...
   470     // Stack size
   471     param->iTestThreadStackSize= 28672; // 28K stack
   472     // Heap sizes
   473     param->iTestThreadMinHeap = 4096;   // 4K heap min
   474     param->iTestThreadMaxHeap = 1260480;// 1.2M heap max
   476     TInt stackSizeFromUser = -1;
   477     TInt parseErr = KErrNone;
   478     TRAPD( err, parseErr = CTEFTestModule::ParseStackSizeL(stackSizeFromUser));
   479     if(err != KErrNone)
   480     	{
   481     	__RDEBUG( (_L("Error: Leaves when get StackSize from TestFramework.ini") ) );
   482     	}
   483     if(parseErr != KErrNone)
   484     	{
   485     	__RDEBUG( (_L("Error: Error when get StackSize from TestFramework.ini, err= %d"), parseErr) );
   486     	}
   488     if(stackSizeFromUser > 0)
   489     	{
   490     	param->iTestThreadStackSize = stackSizeFromUser; // user configed stack size
   491     	}
   492     aTestModuleParam = param;
   494     return KErrNone;
   496     }
   498 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   499 // CTEFTestModule::TEFInitialize
   500 // InitializeModule is used to do some preparations.
   501 // Returns: void
   502 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   503 //
   504 void CTEFTestModule::TEFInitialize(void)
   505 	{
   506 	// Check to see if the plugin wrapper around the GetSystemDrive is loadable
   507 	// If yes, then instantiate the wrapper object and obtain the default system drive
   508 	// Else, use the hardcoded default drive as c:
   509 	iDefaultSysDrive = KTEFLegacySysDrive;	
   511 	RLibrary pluginLibrary;
   512 	CWrapperUtilsPlugin* plugin = TEFUtils::WrapperPluginNew(pluginLibrary);
   514 	if (plugin!=NULL)
   515 		{
   516 		TDriveUnit driveUnit(plugin->GetSystemDrive());
   517 		iDefaultSysDrive.Copy(driveUnit.Name());
   518 		delete plugin;
   519 		pluginLibrary.Close();
   520 		}
   522 	TBool enableSysStart = ETrue;
   523 	CTestExecuteIniData* iniData = NULL;
   524 	TRAPD(err, iniData = CTestExecuteIniData::NewL(iDefaultSysDrive));
   525 	if (err == KErrNone)
   526 		{
   527 		// Extract all the key values within the object
   528 		iniData->ExtractValuesFromIni();
   529 		iniData->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFSystemStarter, enableSysStart);
   530 		}
   532 	err = KErrNone;
   534 	#if !(defined TEF_LITE)
   535 	if (enableSysStart)
   536 		{
   537 		TRAP(err, StartSystemL());
   538 		if (KErrNone != err)
   539 			{
   540 			__RDEBUG( (_L("Wait for system starter failed, error code=%d"),err) );
   541 			iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Wait for system starter failed, error code=%d"),err);
   542 			User::After(5000000);
   543 			}
   544 		}
   545 	#endif
   547 	if (iniData != NULL)
   548 		{
   549 		delete iniData;
   550 		}	
   552 	}
   554 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 // CTEFTestModule::ParseTEFTestCfgFileL
   556 // ParseTEFTestCfgFileL is used to parse configuration file
   557 // to get config information and script list.
   558 // Returns: TInt: Symbian error code.
   559 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   560 //
   561 TInt CTEFTestModule::ParseTEFTestCfgFileL( const TFileName& aConfigFile, 
   562 		    								RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases)
   563 	{
   564 	iLog->Log(_L("Start parsing TEFTestModule configuration."));
   566     if( aConfigFile.Length() == 0 )
   567         {
   568         iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: No test configuration file given") ) ;
   569         __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: No test configuration file given") ) );
   570         return KErrNotFound;
   571         }
   573     CStifParser* parser = NULL; 
   575     // Open .cfg file
   576     TRAPD( err, 
   577         parser = CStifParser::NewL( _L(""), 
   578                                     aConfigFile, 
   579                                     CStifParser::ECStyleComments ) );
   580     if( err != KErrNone )
   581         {
   582         __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: Given test configuration file [%S] not found"),
   583             &aConfigFile ) );
   584         iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: Given test configuration file [%S] not found. Error=%d."),
   585         	&aConfigFile,err);
   586         return err;
   587         }
   589     CleanupStack::PushL( parser );
   590     CStifSectionParser* section = NULL;
   591     TPtrC tmp;
   592     TInt ret = KErrNone;
   594     // Find first section
   595     _LIT( KModuleStartTag, "[New_TEFTest]" );
   596     _LIT( KModuleEndTag, "[End_TEFTest]" );
   597     section = parser->SectionL( KModuleStartTag, KModuleEndTag );
   598     if( section == NULL )
   599         {
   600         __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: Can not find TEFTest section from %S."), 
   601                 &aConfigFile) );
   602         iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: Can not find TEFTest section from %S."), 
   603         		&aConfigFile);
   604         ret = KErrNotFound;
   605         }
   606     else
   607         {
   608         // Parse section
   609         CleanupStack::PushL( section );
   611         CStifItemParser* item = NULL; 
   613         // Get Tcs from configuration file.
   614         TRAPD( getTcs, item = section ->GetItemLineL(_L( "Tcs=" ), ENoTag));
   615         if( getTcs != KErrNone )
   616             {
   617             __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Tcs=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile ,getTcs) );
   618             iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Tcs=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile ,getTcs);
   619             delete item;
   620             item=NULL;
   621             return getTcs;
   622             }
   623         if( !item )
   624             {
   625             __RDEBUG( (_L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'Tcs=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile) );
   626             iLog->Log( _L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'Tcs=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile);
   627             //set Tcs to default OFF.
   628             iCfg_tcs = EOFF;
   629             iLog->Log(_L("Tcs = %d"),iCfg_tcs);
   630             delete item;
   631             item=NULL;
   632             }
   633         else
   634         	{
   635         	TPtrC tcs;
   636         	ret = item->GetString( _L( "" ), tcs );
   638     		HBufC* tcsHbuf = tcs.AllocL();
   639     		TPtr modifiableString = tcsHbuf->Des();
   640     		modifiableString.UpperCase();
   642     		if( modifiableString == _L( "INCLUDE" ) )
   643     			{
   644     			iCfg_tcs = EInclude;
   645     			}
   646     		else if( modifiableString == _L( "EXCLUDE" ) )
   647     			{
   648     			iCfg_tcs = EExclude;
   649     			}
   650     		else if( modifiableString == _L( "OFF" ) )
   651     			{
   652     			iCfg_tcs = EOFF;
   653     			}
   654     		else
   655     			{
   656                 __RDEBUG( (_L("Warning: From file %S, item 'Tcs=' value is not recognized. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile) );
   657                 iLog->Log( _L("Warning: From file %S, item 'Tcs=' value is not recognized. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile);    
   658                 iCfg_tcs = EOFF;
   659     			}
   660     		iLog->Log(_L("Tcs = %d"),iCfg_tcs);
   661     		delete tcsHbuf;
   662     		tcsHbuf=NULL;
   663     		delete item;	  
   664     		item=NULL;
   665         	}
   667         //Get Debug from configuration file.
   668         TRAPD( getDebug, item = section ->GetItemLineL(_L( "Debug=" ), ENoTag));
   669         if( getDebug != KErrNone )
   670             {
   671             __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Debug=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getDebug) );
   672             iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Debug=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getDebug);
   673             delete item;
   674             item=NULL;
   675             return getDebug;
   676             }
   677         if( !item )
   678             {
   679             __RDEBUG( (_L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'Debug=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile) );
   680             iLog->Log( _L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'Debug=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile);
   681             // set Debug to default OFF.
   682             iCfg_Debug = EFalse;
   683             iLog->Log(_L("Debug = %d"),iCfg_Debug);
   684             delete item;
   685             item=NULL;
   686             }
   687         else
   688         	{
   689         	TPtrC debug;
   690         	ret = item->GetString( _L( "" ), debug );
   692     		HBufC* debugHbuf = debug.AllocL();
   693     		TPtr modifiableString = debugHbuf->Des();
   694     		modifiableString.UpperCase();
   696     		if( modifiableString == _L( "ON" ) )
   697     			{
   698     			iCfg_Debug = ETrue;
   699     			}
   700     		else if( modifiableString == _L( "OFF" ) )
   701     			{
   702     			iCfg_Debug = EFalse;
   703     			}
   704     		else
   705     			{
   706                 __RDEBUG( (_L("Warning: From file %S, item 'Debug=' value is not recognized. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile) );
   707                 iLog->Log( _L("Warning: From file %S, item 'Debug=' value is not recognized. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile);  
   708                 iCfg_Debug = EFalse;
   709     			}
   710     		iLog->Log(_L("Debug = %d"),iCfg_Debug);
   711     		delete debugHbuf;
   712     		debugHbuf=NULL;
   713     		delete item;	   
   714     		item=NULL;
   715         	}
   717         //Get SeparateLog from configuration file.
   718         TRAPD( getSep, item = section ->GetItemLineL(_L( "SeparateLog=" ), ENoTag));
   719         if( getSep != KErrNone )
   720             {
   721             __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, get item 'SeparateLog=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getSep) );
   722             iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, get item 'SeparateLog=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getSep);
   723             delete item;
   724             item=NULL;
   725             return getSep;
   726             }
   727         if( !item )
   728             {
   729             __RDEBUG( (_L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'SeparateLog=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile) );
   730             iLog->Log( _L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'SeparateLog=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile);
   731             //set SeparateLog to OFF.
   732             iCfg_SeparateLog = EFalse;
   733             iLog->Log(_L("SeparateLog = %d"),iCfg_SeparateLog);
   734             delete item;
   735             item=NULL;
   736             }
   737         else
   738         	{
   739         	TPtrC separateLog;
   740         	ret = item->GetString( _L( "" ), separateLog );
   742     		HBufC* separateLogHbuf = separateLog.AllocL();
   743     		TPtr modifiableString = separateLogHbuf->Des();
   744     		modifiableString.UpperCase();
   746     		if( modifiableString == _L( "ON" ) )
   747     			{
   748     			iCfg_SeparateLog = ETrue;
   749     			}
   750     		else if( modifiableString == _L( "OFF" ) )
   751     			{
   752     			iCfg_SeparateLog = EFalse;
   753     			}
   754     		else
   755     			{
   756                 __RDEBUG( (_L("Warning: From file %S, item 'SeparateLog=' value is not recognized. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile) );
   757                 iLog->Log( _L("Warning: From file %S, item 'SeparateLog=' value is not recognized. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile);  
   758     			iCfg_SeparateLog = EFalse;
   759     			}
   760     		iLog->Log(_L("SeparateLog = %d"),iCfg_SeparateLog);
   761     		delete separateLogHbuf;
   762     		separateLogHbuf=NULL;
   763     		delete item;	            	
   764     		item=NULL;
   765         	}
   767         //Get Pipe from configuration file.
   768         TRAPD( getPipe, item = section ->GetItemLineL(_L( "Pipe=" ), ENoTag));
   769         if( getPipe != KErrNone )
   770             {
   771             __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Pipe=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getPipe) );
   772             iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Pipe=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getPipe);
   773             delete item;
   774             item=NULL;
   775             return getPipe;
   776             }
   777         if( !item )
   778             {
   779             __RDEBUG( (_L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'Pipe=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile) );
   780             iLog->Log( _L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'Pipe=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile);
   781             iCfg_Pipe.Copy(_L("OFF"));	
   782             iLog->Log(_L("Pipe = %S"),&iCfg_Pipe);
   783             delete item;
   784             item=NULL;
   785             }
   786         else
   787         	{
   788         	TPtrC pipeName;
   789         	ret = item->GetString( _L( "" ), pipeName );
   790         	iCfg_Pipe.Copy(pipeName);		
   791     		if(iCfg_Pipe.Length()<=0)
   792 			{
   793             __RDEBUG( (_L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'Pipe=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile) );
   794             iLog->Log( _L("Warning: From file %S, can not get item 'Pipe=' value. Use default OFF."), &aConfigFile);
   795             iCfg_Pipe.Copy(_L("OFF"));	
   796             delete item;
   797             item=NULL;
   798 			}
   799     		iLog->Log(_L("Pipe = %S"),&iCfg_Pipe);
   800     		delete item;	   
   801     		item=NULL;
   802         	}        
   804         //Get Script from configuration file.
   805         TInt scriptCount = 0;
   806         TRAPD(getScript, item = section->GetItemLineL(_L( "Script=" ), ENoTag));
   807         if( getScript != KErrNone )
   808             {
   809             __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Script=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getScript) );
   810             iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Script=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getScript);
   811             delete item;
   812             item=NULL;
   813             return getScript;
   814             }
   815         if( !item )
   816             {
   817             __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, can not get item 'Script=' value."), &aConfigFile) );
   818             iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, can not get item 'Script=' value."), &aConfigFile);
   819             delete item;
   820             item=NULL;
   821             return KErrNotFound;
   822             }
   824         while(item)
   825             {
   826             //script count, from 1 to ...
   827             scriptCount++;
   828             CleanupStack::PushL(item);
   829             TPtrC script;
   830             ret = item->GetString(_L( "" ), script);
   832             TScriptName scriptFile;
   833             scriptFile.Copy(script);
   834             TStifUtil::CorrectFilePathL( scriptFile );
   835             scriptFile.LowerCase();
   836             iLog->Log(_L("Script = %S"),&scriptFile);
   838             ret = MatchScriptsToCasesL(scriptFile, scriptCount, aTestCases);
   840             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
   841             item=NULL;
   842             TRAPD(getScript2, item = section->GetNextItemLineL(_L( "Script=" ), ENoTag));
   843             if( getScript2 != KErrNone )
   844                 {
   845                 __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Script=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getScript2) );
   846                 iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, get item 'Script=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getScript2);
   847                 delete item;
   848                 item=NULL;
   849                 return getScript2;
   850                 }
   851             }         
   853         //Get TcsFile from configuration file.
   854         if (iCfg_tcs != EOFF)
   855         	{
   856 	        TInt tcsCount = 0;
   857 	        TRAPD(getTcsData, item = section->GetItemLineL(_L( "TcsData=" ), ENoTag));
   858 	        if( getTcsData != KErrNone )
   859 	            {
   860 	            __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, get item 'TcsData=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getTcsData) );
   861 	            iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, get item 'TcsData=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getTcsData);
   862 	            delete item;
   863 	            item=NULL;
   864 	            return getTcsData;
   865 	            }
   866 	        if( !item )
   867 	            {
   868 	            __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, can not get item 'TcsData=' value."), &aConfigFile) );
   869 	            iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, can not get item 'TcsData=' value."), &aConfigFile);
   870 	            delete item;
   871 	            item=NULL;
   872 	            return KErrNotFound;
   873 	            }
   875 	        while(item)
   876 	            {
   877 	            //script count, from 1 to ...
   878 	            tcsCount++;
   879 	            CleanupStack::PushL(item);
   880 	            TPtrC tcsFile;
   881 	            ret = item->GetString(_L( "" ), tcsFile);
   883 	            TTcsName* tcsData = new(ELeave) TTcsName(tcsFile);
   884 	            TStifUtil::CorrectFilePathL( *tcsData );
   885 	            tcsData->LowerCase();
   886 	            iLog->Log(_L("TcsData = %S"),&(*tcsData));
   888 	            //Add tcsData list to iArray_Cfg_TcsData.
   889 	            CleanupStack::PushL( tcsData );
   890 	            // Append tcsData to the iArray_Cfg_TcsData array. After appended succesfully 
   891 	            // the tcsData object is owned (and freed) by the iArray_Cfg_TcsData in ~CTEFTestModule() method.
   892 	            // The sequence of tcs in iArray_Cfg_TcsData is same as sequence of script list iArray_ScriptFilePaths.
   893 	            // tcsData and script is paired.
   894 	            User::LeaveIfError( iArray_Cfg_TcsData.Append( tcsData ) );
   895 	            CleanupStack::Pop(tcsData);
   897 	            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
   898 	            item=NULL;
   899 	            TRAPD(getTcsData2, item = section->GetNextItemLineL(_L( "TcsData=" ), ENoTag));
   900 	            if( getTcsData2 != KErrNone )
   901 	                {
   902 	                __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, get item 'TcsData=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getTcsData2) );
   903 	                iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, get item 'TcsData=' leaves with error: %d."), &aConfigFile, getTcsData2);
   904 	                delete item;
   905 	                item=NULL;
   906 	                return getTcsData2;
   907 	                }
   908 	            }
   909         	}
   910         else
   911         	//iCfg_tcs == EOFF, pair Script with TcsData(NULL).
   912         	{
   913         	TTcsName* tcsDataNull = new(ELeave) TTcsName();
   914         	CleanupStack::PushL( tcsDataNull );
   915         	for(TInt i=0; i<iArray_ScriptFilePaths.Count();i++)
   916         		{
   917         		// Append tcsDataNull to the iArray_Cfg_TcsData array. After appended succesfully 
   918         		// the tcsDataNull object is owned (and freed) by the iArray_Cfg_TcsData in ~CTEFTestModule() method.
   919         		User::LeaveIfError( iArray_Cfg_TcsData.Append( tcsDataNull ) );
   920         		}
   921         	CleanupStack::Pop(tcsDataNull);
   922         	}
   924         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( section );
   925         section = NULL;
   926         }
   927     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
   929     //check: At leasr one script exist in TEFTestModule configration file
   930     if(iArray_ScriptFilePaths.Count()<=0)
   931     	{
   932     	__RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, no Script founded."), &aConfigFile) );
   933     	iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, no Script founded."), &aConfigFile);
   934     	ret = KErrArgument;
   935     	}
   937     //check: Script is paired with TcsData.
   938     if(iArray_ScriptFilePaths.Count() != iArray_Cfg_TcsData.Count())
   939     	{
   940     	__RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file %S, Script is not paired with TcsData."), &aConfigFile) );
   941     	iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: From file %S, Script is not paired with TcsData."), &aConfigFile);
   942     	ret = KErrArgument;
   943     	} 	
   946     return ret; 
   947 	}
   949 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   950 // CTEFTestModule::MatchScriptsToCasesL
   951 // MatchScriptsToCasesL is used to add cases based on script list.
   952 // Case title use script short name(xxx, No path and No extension '.script'). 
   953 // Script list stores in iArray_ScriptFilePaths, using full name(c:\xx\xxx\xxx.script)
   954 // The sequence of Case list and script list are the same. 
   955 // This is called by ParseTestFrameWorkCfgL().
   956 // Returns: TInt: Symbian error code.
   957 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   958 //
   959 TInt CTEFTestModule::MatchScriptsToCasesL(	const TScriptName& aScriptFile,
   960 											TInt aScriptCount,
   961 											RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases )
   962 	{
   964 	TInt ret = KErrNone;
   966 	//Get the script name(xxx.script) from full name(c:\xx\xxx\xxx.script)
   967 	TInt offset = aScriptFile.LocateReverse('\\');
   968 	if (offset == KErrNotFound)
   969 		{
   970 		ret = KErrNotFound;
   971 		return ret;
   972 		}
   973 	TFileName scriptName;
   974 	scriptName.Copy( aScriptFile.Mid(offset+1));
   975 	//Get the script name(xxx, No '.script')
   976 	offset = scriptName.LocateReverse('.');
   977 	if (offset == KErrNotFound)
   978 		{
   979 		ret = KErrNotFound;
   980 		return ret;
   981 		}
   982 	scriptName.Copy( scriptName.Left(offset));
   984 	//Add script list. Full name(c:\xx\xxx\xxx.script) to iArray_ScriptFilePaths.
   985 	TScriptName* scriptfile = new(ELeave) TScriptName(aScriptFile);
   986 	CleanupStack::PushL( scriptfile );
   987 	// Append TTestCaseInfo to the iArray_ScriptFilePaths array. After appended succesfully 
   988 	// the TTestCaseInfo object is owned (and freed) by the iArray_ScriptFilePaths in ~CTEFTestModule() method.
   989 	// The sequence of script in iArray_ScriptFilePaths is same as sequence of case list.
   990 	User::LeaveIfError( iArray_ScriptFilePaths.Append( scriptfile ) );
   991 	CleanupStack::Pop(scriptfile);
   993 	//Add case, case title is xxx, no path, no extesion '.script'
   994 	TTestCaseInfo* testCase = new(ELeave) TTestCaseInfo();
   995 	CleanupStack::PushL( testCase );
   996 	testCase->iCaseNumber = aScriptCount;
   997 	testCase->iTitle.Copy( scriptName );
   999     // Append TTestCaseInfo to the testcase array. After appended succesfully 
  1000     // the TTestCaseInfo object is owned (and freed) by the TestServer. 
  1001 	User::LeaveIfError( aTestCases.Append( testCase ) );
  1002 	CleanupStack::Pop(testCase);
  1004 	return ret; 
  1005 	}
  1007 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1008 // CTEFTestModule::RunScriptL
  1009 // RunScriptL is used to Execute sigle script. 
  1010 // This is the main functionality of script execution based 
  1011 // on legacy TEF's functionality.
  1012 // Returns: TInt: Symbian error code.
  1013 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1014 //
  1015 TInt CTEFTestModule::RunScriptL(CActiveScheduler* aScheduler, 
  1016 								const TScriptName& aScriptFilePath, 
  1017 								const TTcsName& aTcsData )
  1018 	{  
  1019 	TDriveName testSysDrive(KTEFLegacySysDrive);
  1020 	TInt waitForLoggingTime = 0;
  1021 	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> htmlLogPath;
  1022 	// Create a object of the Parser for TestExecute.ini
  1023 	CTestExecuteIniData* parseTestExecuteIni = NULL;
  1024 	TRAPD(err, parseTestExecuteIni = CTestExecuteIniData::NewL(iDefaultSysDrive));
  1025 	if (err == KErrNone)
  1026 		{
  1027 		CleanupStack::PushL(parseTestExecuteIni);
  1028 		// Extract all the key values within the object
  1029 		parseTestExecuteIni->ExtractValuesFromIni();
  1030 		}
  1032 	TDesC* selTestCfgFileData = NULL; //the pointer to the data of in the .tcs file
  1034 	// If Debug == ON, then set Just In Time debugging. Panicks break into debug on emulator
  1035 	(iCfg_Debug) ? (User::SetJustInTime(ETrue)) : (User::SetJustInTime(EFalse)); 
  1037 	// Create a console
  1038 	_LIT(KMessage,"TestExecute Script Engine");
  1039 	CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KMessage,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
  1040 	CleanupStack::PushL(console);
  1041 	console->SetCursorHeight(0);
  1042 	RConsoleLogger consoleLogger(*console);
  1044 	// Check whether script name is provided along with folder path in the command line
  1045 	// If not, take the path from testexecute.ini & name from the command line	
  1046 	TPtrC scriptFilePath(aScriptFilePath);
  1047 	TScriptName tempScriptPath(scriptFilePath);
  1048 	TInt ret=scriptFilePath.FindC(KTEFColon);
  1049 	if(ret==KErrNotFound)
  1050 		{
  1051 		if (parseTestExecuteIni != NULL)
  1052 			{
  1053 			TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> tempBuffer;
  1054 			parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFDefaultScriptPath, tempBuffer);
  1055 			// If the relative script file path does not refer to the root,
  1056 			// we will look for DefaultScriptDir entry in testexecute.ini
  1057 			// If available prepend it to the relative path
  1058 			// else if the relative path refers to root,
  1059 			// then set the default system drive, i.e. c:
  1060 			// else leaving it as it is (considering invalid path)
  1061 			if (scriptFilePath.Left(1).CompareF(KTEFSlash) != 0 &&
  1062 			 tempBuffer.Length() > 0)
  1063 				scriptFilePath.Set(tempBuffer);
  1064 			else if (scriptFilePath.Left(1).CompareF(KTEFSlash) == 0)
  1065 				scriptFilePath.Set(iDefaultSysDrive);
  1066 			else
  1067 				scriptFilePath.Set(KNull);
  1068 			}
  1069 		else
  1070 			{
  1071 			// If the file path is not provided in command line as well as in testexecute.ini
  1072 			// then set the  script file path to be 'blank'
  1073 			scriptFilePath.Set(KNull);
  1074 			}
  1076 		// Construct the full file path from the values extracted from command line and ini file
  1077 		TScriptName storeScriptPathTemp(scriptFilePath);
  1078 		storeScriptPathTemp.Append(tempScriptPath);
  1079 		scriptFilePath.Set(storeScriptPathTemp);
  1080 		tempScriptPath.Copy(scriptFilePath);
  1081 		}
  1083 	//If scriptFilePath is not appended by .script Append .script 
  1084 	if(scriptFilePath.Find(KTEFScriptExtension)==KErrNotFound)
  1085 		{
  1086 		tempScriptPath.Append(KTEFScriptExtension);
  1087 		}
  1088 	scriptFilePath.Set(tempScriptPath);
  1090 	//Parse TcsData from configration file to select test case flag. Get cases Included or Excluded.
  1091 	TSelectiveTestingOptions* selTestingOptions =NULL;
  1092 	if(iCfg_tcs!=EOFF)
  1093 		{
  1094 		RArray<TRange> selectiveCaseRange;
  1095 		ParseTcsDataForSelectiveTestingOptions(aTcsData, *parseTestExecuteIni,selectiveCaseRange, selTestCfgFileData);
  1097 		//you need to sort these two arrays first, and also if they are both empty ignore the entire option altogether.
  1098 		if(  selectiveCaseRange.Count() > 0 )
  1099 			{
  1100 			CleanupStack::PushL(selTestCfgFileData);
  1101 			TLinearOrder<TRange> orderingrng(TRange::CompareTRangeStartOrder) ; 
  1102 			selectiveCaseRange.Sort(orderingrng );
  1103 			ESelectiveTesting selectiveTestingType(iExclusive);
  1104 			if(iCfg_tcs == EInclude)
  1105 				{
  1106 				selectiveTestingType = iInclusive ; 
  1107 				}
  1108 			selTestingOptions = new(ELeave) TSelectiveTestingOptions(selectiveCaseRange, selectiveTestingType);
  1109 			}
  1110 		else
  1111 			{
  1112 			//if iCfg_tcs == EOFF, no tcs option used, ignore it...
  1113 			delete selTestCfgFileData;
  1114 			}
  1115 		}
  1117 	if (scriptFilePath.CompareF(KNull)==0)
  1118 		{
  1119 		if (!iCfg_SeparateLog && !iCfg_Debug)
  1120 			{
  1121 			// Print the product version details through console window
  1122 			iLog->Log(KTEFVersionMessage);
  1123 			iLog->Log(KTEFProductVersion);
  1124 			}
  1125 		else
  1126 			{
  1127 			// Display a error message on the log file of error TEF configration file.
  1128 			__RDEBUG( (_L("Error: In TEFTestModule configuration file. No script founded.") ) );
  1129 			iLog->Log(CStifLogger::ERed, _L("Error: In TEFTestModule configuration file. No script founded."));
  1130 			}
  1131 		// Exit on a key press from user
  1132 		console->Printf(KTEFEnterKeyMessage);
  1133 		console->Getch();
  1134 		}
  1135 	else
  1136 		{
  1137 		// Create a Interface class object for generating HTML & XML logs
  1138 		CTestExecuteLogger *tefLogger = new(ELeave) CTestExecuteLogger();
  1139 		CleanupStack::PushL(tefLogger);
  1141 		TInt logMode;
  1142 		TInt logLevel;
  1143 		TInt remotePanicDetection;
  1144 		TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> iniSysDrive;
  1146 		if (parseTestExecuteIni != NULL)
  1147 			{
  1148 			// Parse ini for retrieving logging options set through ini
  1149 			parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFLogMode, logMode);
  1150 			parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFLogSeverityKey, logLevel);
  1151 			parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFRemotePanicDetection, remotePanicDetection);
  1152 			parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFDefaultSysDrive, iniSysDrive);
  1153 			parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFWaitForLoggingTime, waitForLoggingTime);
  1154 			parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFHtmlKey, htmlLogPath);
  1155 			}
  1156 		else
  1157 			{
  1158 			// Set default values for logging options if parser is not functioning
  1159 			logMode = TLoggerOptions(ELogHTMLOnly);
  1160 			logLevel = RFileFlogger::TLogSeverity(ESevrAll);
  1161 			remotePanicDetection = 0;
  1162 			iniSysDrive.Copy(KTEFIniSysDrive);
  1163 			waitForLoggingTime = 5;
  1164 			htmlLogPath.Copy(KTestExecuteLogPath);
  1165 			htmlLogPath.Replace(0, 2, iDefaultSysDrive);
  1166 			}
  1168 		tefLogger->SetLoggerOptions(logMode);
  1169 		if(iCfg_Pipe!=_L("OFF"))
  1170 			{
  1171 			TPtrC pipeName(iCfg_Pipe); 
  1172 			tefLogger->SetPipeName(pipeName); 
  1173 			}
  1175 		// Initialise the logging passing in the script file path & log level to the interface
  1176 		tefLogger->InitialiseLoggingL(scriptFilePath, iCfg_SeparateLog, logLevel);
  1178 		// Check to see if defaultsysdrive key is set in testexecute.ini
  1179 		// if set to SYSDRIVE, assign the default system drive obtained from the plugin
  1180 		// else, if a true value is set in testexecute.ini, use it as system drive for all test artifacts
  1181 		if (iniSysDrive.Length() == 2 && iniSysDrive.Right(1).Compare(KTEFColon) == 0)
  1182 			testSysDrive.Copy(iniSysDrive);
  1183 		else if (iniSysDrive.CompareF(KTEFIniSysDrive) == 0)
  1184 			testSysDrive.Copy(iDefaultSysDrive);
  1187 		// Pass the first command line argument to the script master
  1188 		// which is always the command script
  1189 		CScriptMaster* scriptMaster = new (ELeave) CScriptMaster(scriptFilePath,*tefLogger, consoleLogger, iDefaultSysDrive, testSysDrive, selTestingOptions);
  1190 		// To kick the state machine of the script master off -
  1191 		// Call the kick method which jumps us into the RunL() of the CScriptMaster class
  1192 		// CScriptMaster is the top AO in the hierarchy.
  1193 		scriptMaster->Kick();
  1195 		// Construct and Install a test watcher object for capturing remote panics during test execution
  1196 		CTestWatcher* testWatcher = NULL;
  1197 		if (remotePanicDetection != 0)
  1198 			{
  1199 			testWatcher = CTestWatcher::NewL();
  1200 			testWatcher->StartL();
  1201 			}
  1202 		// Enter the Active Scheduler
  1203 		aScheduler->Start();
  1205 		// Cleanup
  1206 		delete scriptMaster;
  1208 		TInt commentedCommandsCnt=CScriptControl::commentedCommandsCount;
  1209 		if(commentedCommandsCnt==-1)
  1210 			{
  1211 			CScriptControl::commentedCommandsCount=0;
  1212 			//If the path specified fails check out for path from testexecute.ini
  1213 			if(ret!=KErrNotFound)
  1214 				{
  1215 				//To get scriptFile name  i.e get sampleFile.script
  1216 				TInt posOfLastSlash=scriptFilePath.LocateReverse('\\') ;
  1217 				scriptFilePath.Set(scriptFilePath.Mid(posOfLastSlash+1));
  1218 				TScriptName tempStore(scriptFilePath);
  1219 				if (parseTestExecuteIni != NULL)
  1220 					{
  1221 					TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> tempBuffer;
  1222 					parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFDefaultScriptPath, tempBuffer);
  1223 					if (tempBuffer.CompareF(KNull) != 0)
  1224 						{
  1225 						scriptFilePath.Set(tempBuffer);
  1226 						TScriptName tempStoreScriptPath(scriptFilePath);
  1227 						tempStoreScriptPath.Append(tempStore);
  1228 						scriptFilePath.Set(tempStoreScriptPath);
  1229 						TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> scriptFileLocation(scriptFilePath);
  1230 						CScriptMaster* scriptMaster = new (ELeave) CScriptMaster(scriptFilePath,*tefLogger, consoleLogger, iDefaultSysDrive, testSysDrive, selTestingOptions);
  1231 						// To kick the state machine of the script master off -
  1232 						// Call the kick method which jumps us into the RunL() of the CScriptMaster class
  1233 						// CScriptMaster is the top AO in the hierarchy.
  1234 						scriptMaster->Kick();
  1235 						// Enter the Active Scheduler                        
  1236 						aScheduler->Start();
  1238 						commentedCommandsCnt=CScriptControl::commentedCommandsCount;
  1239 						if(commentedCommandsCnt==-1)
  1240 							{
  1241 							CScriptControl::commentedCommandsCount=0;
  1242 							}
  1244 						// Cleanup
  1245 						delete scriptMaster;
  1246 						}
  1247 					}
  1248 				}
  1249 			}
  1250 		delete selTestingOptions;
  1252 		TInt commandsCount = CScriptControl::commentedCommandsCount;
  1253 		TInt countOfRemotePanics = 0;
  1255 		// Stop and Process the test watcher object for extracting panic informations and print them to the log files
  1256 		if (remotePanicDetection != 0)
  1257 			{
  1258 			testWatcher->Stop();
  1259 			countOfRemotePanics = testWatcher->iSharedData->iPanicDetails.Count();
  1260 			if (countOfRemotePanics > 0)
  1261 				{
  1262 				tefLogger->LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrErr,
  1263 					_L("The panic detection thread detected %d panics:"), countOfRemotePanics);
  1264 				for (TInt count = 0; count < countOfRemotePanics; count++)
  1265 					tefLogger->LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrErr,_L("Remote Panic %d - Name of Panicked Thread: %S, Exit Reason: %d, Exit Category %S"), count+1, &(testWatcher->iSharedData->iPanicDetails)[count]->iThreadName,(testWatcher->iSharedData->iPanicDetails)[count]->iReason,&(testWatcher->iSharedData->iPanicDetails)[count]->iCategory);
  1266 				}
  1267 			delete testWatcher;
  1268 			}
  1270 		// Call the Termination routine for logging within the interface
  1271 		tefLogger->TerminateLoggingL(commandsCount, countOfRemotePanics, CScriptControl::iRunScriptFailCount);
  1272 		CleanupStack::Pop(tefLogger);
  1273 		delete tefLogger;
  1274 		}
  1276 	if(iCfg_tcs != EOFF)
  1277 		{
  1278 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(selTestCfgFileData);
  1279 		selTestCfgFileData = NULL;
  1280 		}
  1282 	// Close the parser instance if it is active
  1283 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(console);
  1284 	if (parseTestExecuteIni != NULL)
  1285 		{
  1286 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(parseTestExecuteIni);
  1287 		}
  1289 	if (scriptFilePath.CompareF(KNull)!=0)
  1290 		{
  1291 		// Wait for flogger to write to file
  1292 		_LIT(KHtmExtension,".htm");
  1293 		TParse fileNameParse;
  1294 		fileNameParse.Set(scriptFilePath, NULL, NULL);
  1296 		TPtrC fileName = fileNameParse.Name();
  1297 		htmlLogPath.Append(fileName);
  1298 		htmlLogPath.Append(KHtmExtension);
  1300 		__RDEBUG( (_L("Log file path--> %S"), &htmlLogPath) );
  1302 		RFs fs;
  1303 		fs.Connect();
  1304 		TBool answer = EFalse;
  1305 		while(ETrue)
  1306 			{
  1307 			TInt err = fs.IsFileOpen(htmlLogPath, answer);
  1308 			if ((KErrNone==err&&!answer) || KErrNotFound==err || KErrPathNotFound==err) 
  1309 				{
  1310 				break;
  1311 				}
  1312 			User::After(100000);
  1313 			}
  1315 		if (waitForLoggingTime > 0)
  1316 			{
  1317 			User::After(waitForLoggingTime*1000000);
  1318 			}
  1319 		fs.Close();
  1320 		}				
  1321 	return KErrNone;
  1322 	}
  1324 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1325 // CTEFTestModule::CreateCfgDataFromFileL
  1326 // ParseTestFrameWorkCfg is used to Read the Cfg File data into a heap buffer
  1327 // And populate the arrays of selective test case IDs and 
  1328 // Ranges to be used by the state machine.
  1329 // NOTE: we do not support nested cfgs...
  1330 // Returns: void
  1331 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1332 //
  1333 void CTEFTestModule::CreateCfgDataFromFileL(TPtrC& aCfgFilePath,RArray<TRange>& aSelectiveCaseRange, TDesC*& aSelTestCfgFileData)
  1334 	{
  1335 	RFs fS;
  1336 	User::LeaveIfError(fS.Connect());
  1337 	CleanupClosePushL(fS);
  1338 	RFile cfgFile;
  1339 	User::LeaveIfError(cfgFile.Open(fS,aCfgFilePath,EFileRead | EFileShareAny));
  1340 	CleanupClosePushL(cfgFile);
  1341 	TInt fileSize;
  1342 	User::LeaveIfError(cfgFile.Size(fileSize));
  1343 	// Create a 16bit heap buffer
  1344 	HBufC* cfgData = HBufC::NewL(fileSize);
  1345 	CleanupStack::PushL(cfgData);
  1346 	HBufC8* narrowData = HBufC8::NewL(fileSize);
  1347 	CleanupStack::PushL(narrowData);
  1348 	TPtr8 narrowPtr=narrowData->Des();
  1349 	// Read the file into an 8bit heap buffer
  1350 	User::LeaveIfError(cfgFile.Read(narrowPtr));
  1351 	TPtr widePtr(cfgData->Des());
  1352 	// Copy it to the 16bit buffer
  1353 	widePtr.Copy(narrowData->Des());
  1354 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(narrowData);
  1355 	CleanupStack::Pop(cfgData);
  1356 	CleanupStack::Pop(2);
  1357 	cfgFile.Close();
  1358 	fS.Close();
  1359 	// Set up the instance token parser
  1360 	TLex cfgLex = cfgData->Des();
  1361 	aSelTestCfgFileData = cfgData; // to preserve the pointer of cfgdata and transfer the ownership to aSelTestCfgFileData 
  1362 	cfgData = NULL; // relinquish the ownership
  1363 	while(!cfgLex.Eos())
  1364 		{
  1365 		DistinguishElement(cfgLex.NextToken(),aSelectiveCaseRange) ; 
  1366 		}
  1367 	}
  1369 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1370 // CTEFTestModule::ParseTcsDataForSelectiveTestingOptions
  1371 // DistinguishElement is used to parse TcsData from configration file to select test case flag. 
  1372 // Get cases Included or Excluded.
  1373 // Returns: void
  1374 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1375 //
  1376 void CTEFTestModule::ParseTcsDataForSelectiveTestingOptions( const TTcsName& aTcsData, 
  1377 												CTestExecuteIniData& aParseTestExecuteIni,
  1378 												RArray<TRange>& aSelectiveCaseRange,  
  1379 												TDesC*& aSelTestCfgFileData )
  1380 	{
  1381 	TPtrC argument(aTcsData) ; 
  1382 	while(argument.Length() > 0 )	
  1383 		{
  1384 		TInt commaOccurance = argument.FindC(KTEFComma) ;
  1385 		TPtrC element ; 
  1386 		if(commaOccurance == -1)	
  1387 			{
  1388 			//handle the case where no comma is found, 
  1389 			//assume only one item in the list
  1390 			element.Set(argument) ; 
  1391 			//reset argument to break the while
  1392 			argument.Set(KNull);
  1393 			}
  1394 		else
  1395 			{
  1396 			element.Set(argument.Left(commaOccurance));
  1397 			//take the remaining in the argument
  1398 			TInt len = argument.Length()-commaOccurance-1 ; 
  1399 			argument.Set(argument.Right(len)) ; 	
  1400 			}
  1402 		TInt cfgExtensionOccurance = element.FindC(KTEFCfgExtension) ; 
  1403 		if (cfgExtensionOccurance!=KErrNotFound) //madatory extension to be given
  1404 			{
  1406 			TPtrC cfgFilePath(element);
  1407 			//its probably the cfg file path.
  1408 			TScriptName tempScriptPath(cfgFilePath);
  1409 			// Check whether cfg name is provided along with folder path in the command line
  1410 			// If not, take the path from testexecute.ini & name from the command line
  1411 			if(cfgFilePath.FindC(KTEFColon)==KErrNotFound)
  1412 				{
  1413 				TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> tempBuffer;
  1414 				aParseTestExecuteIni.GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFDefaultScriptPath, tempBuffer);
  1415 				cfgFilePath.Set(tempBuffer);
  1416 				// Construct the full file path from the values extracted from command line and ini file
  1417 				TScriptName storeScriptPathTemp(cfgFilePath);
  1418 				storeScriptPathTemp.Append(tempScriptPath);
  1419 				cfgFilePath.Set(storeScriptPathTemp);
  1420 				tempScriptPath.Copy(cfgFilePath);
  1421 				}
  1422 				// and parse this cfg File to populate our structures
  1423 				TRAP_IGNORE(CreateCfgDataFromFileL(cfgFilePath,aSelectiveCaseRange, aSelTestCfgFileData));
  1424 				//actually do nothing with the error...
  1425 			}
  1426 		else
  1427 			{
  1428 			DistinguishElement(element,aSelectiveCaseRange  );
  1429 			}
  1430 		}
  1431 	}
  1432 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1433 // CTEFTestModule::DistinguishElement
  1434 // DistinguishElement is used to get the element from configration
  1435 // Returns: void
  1436 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1437 //
  1438 void CTEFTestModule::DistinguishElement(const TPtrC& aElement, RArray<TRange>& aSelectiveCaseRange)
  1439 {
  1441 	TInt colonOccurance = aElement.FindC(KTEFColon);
  1442 	//we are expecting only a range or a test case ID over here...
  1443 	if( colonOccurance!=KErrNotFound )
  1444 		{
  1445 		//then this is a range of testcases, split it at the colon
  1446 		TRange newRange(aElement.Left(colonOccurance),aElement.Mid(colonOccurance+1));
  1447 		aSelectiveCaseRange.Append(newRange);
  1448 		}
  1449 	else
  1450 		{
  1451 		TRange newRange(aElement,aElement);
  1452 		aSelectiveCaseRange.Append(newRange);	
  1453 		}
  1454 }
  1456 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1457 // CTEFTestModule::ParseStackSize
  1458 // Get stack size set by user, in TestFramework.ini.
  1459 // Returns: TInt. System wide error code.
  1460 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1461 //
  1462 TInt CTEFTestModule::ParseStackSizeL(TInt& aStackSize)
  1463 	{
  1464 	//Parse from testframwork to get stack size set of TEFTestModule.
  1465 	//If not found, default stack size is 28672.
  1466     CStifParser* parser = NULL; 
  1467     TRAPD( err, 
  1468            parser = CStifParser::NewL( _L(""), 
  1469                                        _L("c:\\TestFramework\\TestFramework.ini"), 
  1470                                        CStifParser::ECStyleComments ) );
  1471     if( err != KErrNone )
  1472         {
  1473         __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: TestFramework.ini not found")));
  1474         return err;
  1475         }
  1476     CleanupStack::PushL( parser );
  1477     CStifSectionParser* section = NULL;
  1478     _LIT( KModuleStartTag, "[New_Module]" );
  1479     _LIT( KModuleEndTag, "[End_Module]" );
  1480     section = parser->SectionL( KModuleStartTag, KModuleEndTag );
  1481     if( section == NULL )
  1482         {
  1483         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
  1484         parser = NULL;
  1485         return KErrNone;
  1486         }
  1487     while(section)
  1488     	{
  1489         // Parse section
  1490         CleanupStack::PushL( section );
  1492         CStifItemParser* item = NULL; 
  1493         // Get ModuleName from configuration file.
  1494         TRAPD( getModuleName, item = section ->GetItemLineL(_L( "ModuleName=" ), ENoTag));
  1495         if( getModuleName != KErrNone )
  1496             {
  1497             __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file TestFramework.ini, get item 'ModuleName=' leaves with error: %d."),getModuleName) );
  1498             delete item;
  1499             item=NULL;
  1500             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( section );
  1501             section = NULL;
  1502             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
  1503             parser = NULL;
  1504             return getModuleName;
  1505             }
  1506         if( !item )
  1507             {
  1508             delete item;
  1509             item=NULL;
  1510             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( section );
  1511             section = NULL;
  1512             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
  1513             parser = NULL;
  1514             return KErrNone;
  1515             }
  1516         else
  1517         	{
  1518         	TPtrC moduleName;
  1519         	item->GetString( _L( "" ), moduleName );
  1520         	HBufC* moduleNameHbuf = moduleName.AllocL();
  1521         	TPtr modifiableString = moduleNameHbuf->Des();
  1522         	modifiableString.UpperCase();
  1524         	if( modifiableString == _L( "TEFTESTMODULE" ) )
  1525 	        	{
  1526 	        	CStifItemParser* itemStackSize = NULL; 
  1527 	        	TRAPD( getStackSize, itemStackSize = section ->GetItemLineL(_L( "StackSize=" ), ENoTag));
  1528 	        	if( getStackSize != KErrNone )
  1529     	            {
  1530     	            __RDEBUG( (_L("Error: From file TestFramework.ini, get item 'getStackSize=' leaves with error: %d."),getStackSize) );
  1531     	            delete item;
  1532     	            item=NULL;
  1533     	    		delete moduleNameHbuf;
  1534     	    		moduleNameHbuf=NULL;
  1535     	            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( section );
  1536     	            section = NULL;
  1537     	            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
  1538     	            parser = NULL;
  1539     	            return getStackSize;
  1540     	            }
  1541     	        if( !itemStackSize )
  1542     	            {
  1543     	    		delete item;	  
  1544     	    		item=NULL;
  1545     	    		delete moduleNameHbuf;
  1546     	    		moduleNameHbuf=NULL;
  1547     	            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( section );
  1548     	            section = NULL;
  1549     	            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
  1550     	            parser = NULL;
  1551     	            return KErrNone;
  1552     	            }
  1553     	        else
  1554     	        	{
  1555     	        	itemStackSize->GetInt( _L( "" ), aStackSize );
  1556     	        	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( section );
  1557     	        	section = NULL;
  1558     	        	delete itemStackSize;
  1559     	        	itemStackSize = NULL;
  1560     	        	}
  1561 	        	}
  1562         	else
  1563 	        	{
  1564 	        	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(section);
  1565 	        	section = NULL;
  1566 	        	section = parser->NextSectionL(KModuleStartTag, KModuleEndTag);
  1567 	        	}
  1569     		delete moduleNameHbuf;
  1570     		moduleNameHbuf=NULL;
  1571     		delete item;	  
  1572     		item=NULL;
  1574         	}
  1575     	}
  1576     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
  1577     return KErrNone;
  1578 	}
  1579 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1580 // CTEFTestModule::StartSystemL
  1581 // DistinguishElement is used to load and wait to start. 
  1582 // StartSystemL() will be build and called only when Lite version is NOT defined.
  1583 // Returns: void
  1584 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1585 //
  1587 #if !(defined TEF_LITE)
  1588 void CTEFTestModule::StartSystemL(void)
  1589 	{	
  1590 	CActiveScheduler* theScheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
  1591 	CleanupStack::PushL(theScheduler);
  1592 	CActiveScheduler::Install(theScheduler);
  1594 	RLibrary pluginLibrary;
  1595 	CWrapperUtilsPlugin* plugin = TEFUtils::WrapperPluginNew(pluginLibrary);
  1597 	if (plugin!=NULL)
  1598 		{
  1599 		CleanupStack::PushL(plugin);
  1600 		plugin->WaitForSystemStartL();
  1601 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(plugin);
  1602 		pluginLibrary.Close();
  1603 		}
  1604 	else
  1605 		{
  1606 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
  1607 		}
  1609 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(theScheduler);
  1610 	}
  1611 #endif
  1613 //  End of File