changeset 0 3e07fef1e154
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testexecfw/tef/scriptengine/src/scriptengine.cpp	Mon Mar 08 15:03:44 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,4076 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+* Design Overview:
+* The diagram below shows the Script Engine classes and their parent child
+* hierarchy. All classes have a CActive base, and apart from CTaskTimer, all classes
+* have their own state machine. Apart from CScriptMaster, all classes have a reference
+* to a Mixin/Interface completion call of its parent, which it calls when the object
+* needs to notify the parent of an event.
+* CScriptMaster (derived CActive)
+* CScriptControl (derived CActiveBase - Can go recursive)
+* CProgramControl (derived CTaskControlBase) CClientControl ( derived CTaskControlBase maps to n x test steps)
+* CTaskTimer                                 CTaskTimer (derived CTimer)
+*  state transition tables for CScriptMaster, CScriptControl & CClientControl
+* CActiveBase:
+* Derives CActive.
+* Contains code for priming, triggering and completing AO's
+* Implements the pure abstract MChildCompletion::ChildCompletion() method
+* CTaskControlBase:
+* Derives CActiveBase.
+* Abstract class. Base for CClientControl and CProgramControl.
+* CScriptMaster:
+* Derives CActiveBase.
+* Master control active object with simple state machine.
+* Instantiates the top level CScriptControl object and triggers its state machine.
+* CScriptContol:
+* Derives CActiveBase.
+* Main script interpreter state machine. Creates one or more CClientControl and/or
+* CProgramControl objects.
+* In CONCURRENT mode, it can create as many instances as there are RUN_TEST_STEP and/or 
+* RUN_PROGRAM calls.
+* Creates root sessions with the xxxtest servers using the RTestServ::Connect() client call.
+* In the case of non-nested scripts, the parent object is CScriptMaster.
+* When scripts are nested and it goes recursive, the parent object could be another 
+* CScriptControl.
+* Implements the MTaskCompletion pure abstract class for callbacks from
+* CClientControl or CProgramControl objects
+* Calls back into its parent object when the script is complete and all async commands have
+* completed.
+* CClientControl:
+* Derives CTaskControlBase.
+* Test Step Controler. Instantiated by CScriptControl when a RUN_TEST_STEP line is interpreted
+* Creates and kicks off a CTaskTimer object set to the timeout value for the test step.
+* Opens a test step using the RTestSession::Open() client call.
+* Executes a test step using the RTestSession::RunTestStep() client call.
+* This method issues the client RTestSession::AbortTestStep() call and
+* the RunL() state machine handles the completion from the test server.
+* Implements the MTaskTimerCompletion pure abstract class for callbacks from the
+* CTaskTimer class.
+* Calls back into its parent CScriptControl object when a test step completes.
+* CProgramControl
+* Derives CTaskControlBase
+* Kicks off an executable in its own process and handles process completion asynchronously
+* CTaskTimer:
+* Derives CTimer.
+* Calls back into its parent object if the timer expires.
+* EPOC include
+ @file scriptengine.cpp
+//#include <utf.h>
+#if !(defined TEF_LITE)
+#include <apacmdln.h>
+#include <apgtask.h>
+// User include
+#include <testexecuteclient.h>
+#include "ScriptEngine.h"
+// Fix defect 119337, initialize the integer to zero
+GLDEF_D TInt CScriptControl::iNestedNumRunScriptInLoop=0;
+// End defect 119337
+ * @param aPtrC1 - Instance of TPtrC to compare
+ * @param aPtrC2 - Instance of TPtrC to compare
+ * Function to implement the comparison algo for RArray::Find to work with
+ */
+TBool TSelectiveTestingOptions::CompareTPtrC(const TPtrC& aPtrC1, const TPtrC& aPtrC2)
+	{
+	TInt ret =aPtrC1.CompareF(aPtrC2);
+	return (ret==0) ? ETrue : EFalse;
+	} 
+ * @param aRng1 - Instance of TRange to compare
+ * @param aRng2 - Instance of TRange to compare
+ * Function to implement the comparison algo for RArray::Find to work with.
+ * TRange::iStartTestCase determines the match
+ */
+TBool TRange::CompareTRangeStartCase(const TRange& aRng1, const TRange& aRng2) 
+	{
+	TInt ret =aRng2.iStartTestCase.CompareF(aRng1.iStartTestCase);
+	return (ret==0) ? ETrue : EFalse;
+	}
+ * @param aRng1 - Instance of TRange to compare
+ * @param aRng2 - Instance of TRange to compare
+ * Function to implement the comparison algo for RArray::Find to work with.
+ * TRange::iEndTestCase determines the match
+ */
+TBool TRange::CompareTRangeEnd(const TRange& aRng1, const TRange& aRng2) 
+	{
+	TInt ret =aRng2.iEndTestCase.CompareF(aRng1.iEndTestCase);
+	return (ret==0) ? ETrue : EFalse;  
+	}
+ * @param aRng1 - Instance of TRange to compare
+ * @param aRng2 - Instance of TRange to compare
+ * Function to implement the comparison algo for RArray::Sort to work with.
+ * TRange::iStartTestCase is used as the sort key
+ */
+TInt TRange::CompareTRangeStartOrder(const TRange& aRng1, const TRange& aRng2) 
+	{
+	return aRng1.iStartTestCase.CompareF( aRng2.iStartTestCase);
+	}
+ * @param aPtrC1 - Instance of TPtrC to compare
+ * @param aPtrC2 - Instance of TPtrC to compare
+ * Function to implement the comparison algo for RArray::Sort to work with.
+ */
+TInt TSelectiveTestingOptions::CompareTPtrCOrder(const TPtrC& aPtrC1, const TPtrC& aPtrC2) 
+	{
+	return aPtrC1.CompareF(aPtrC2);
+	}
+ * @param aServ - Instance of the test server handle
+ * @param aStepName - Test step name
+ * Wrapper around the RTestServ class. Performs counting on test step sessions
+ */
+TInt RScriptTestSession::Open(RScriptTestServ& aServ, const TBool aIsTestStep, const TDesC& aStepName )
+	{
+	if(aServ.SharedData() && aServ.SessionCount())
+			return KErrInUse;
+	TInt ret = KErrNone;
+	if( aIsTestStep )
+		{
+		ret = RTestSession::Open(aServ, aStepName, aServ.SharedData());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ret = RTestSession::Open(aServ, aServ.SharedData());
+		}
+	if(ret)
+		return ret;
+	aServ.AddSession();
+	iServ = &aServ;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ * @param aScriptFilePath - The full path and filename of a script command file.
+ * @param aLogger - Reference to a logger interface object that contains HTML & XML log client sessions.
+ * @param aConsole - Reference to console object for printing script line during test execution
+ * @param aSysDrive - Default System drive letter
+ * @param aTestSysDrive - Default System drive letter overwritten through testexecute.ini
+ * Constructor
+ */
+CScriptMaster::CScriptMaster(const TDesC& aScriptFilePath, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger, RConsoleLogger& aConsole, const TDriveName& aSysDrive, const TDriveName& aTestSysDrive, TSelectiveTestingOptions* aSelTestingOptions ) :
+	iState(EInit), iScriptFilePath(aScriptFilePath), iLogger(aLogger), iConsoleLogger(aConsole), iDefaultSysDrive(aSysDrive), iTestSysDrive(aTestSysDrive), iSelTestingOptions(aSelTestingOptions)
+	{
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	}
+ * Pure virtual implementation.
+ * The Top level state machine Kick'd() into by MainL()
+ * Picks up the completion from a CScriptControl instance then exits the scheduler
+ */
+void CScriptMaster::RunL()
+	{
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+	case EInit	:
+		{
+		// Create the master CScriptControl instance. 
+		CScriptControl* scriptControl = new (ELeave) CScriptControl(*this,iScriptFilePath,Logger(),ConsoleLogger(),iStartLooping,iLoop,iDefaultSysDrive,iTestSysDrive,iSelTestingOptions);
+		iState = ERunning;
+		// Set our AO up ready for completion
+		Prime();
+		// Kick the CScriptControl state machine
+		scriptControl->Kick();
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunning	:
+		{
+		// All child AO's have completed and been deleted so it's safe to exit.
+		CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+ * @param aCompletion - Callback into the parent object.
+ * @param aScriptFilePath - The full path and filename of a script file
+ * @param aLogger - Reference to a logger instance
+ * @param aConsole - Reference to console object for printing script line during test execution
+ * @param aStartLooping - Initiate the looping
+ * @param aLoop - Check for nesting of loops
+ * @param aSysDrive - Default System drive letter
+ * @param aTestSysDrive - System drive letter overwritten from testexecute.ini
+ * Constructor
+ */
+CScriptControl::CScriptControl(MChildCompletion& aCompletion, const TDesC& aScriptFilePath, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger, RConsoleLogger& aConsole, TBool aStartLooping, TBool aLoop, const TDriveName& aSysDrive, const TDriveName& aTestSysDrive, TSelectiveTestingOptions* aSelTestingOptions):
+	iScriptFile(aScriptFilePath),
+	iState(EInit),
+	iParent(aCompletion),
+	iConcurrent(EFalse),
+	iCanComplete(ETrue),
+	iBreakOnError(EFalse),
+	iAsyncTasksOutstanding(0),
+	iCurrentScriptLineNumber(0),
+	iLogger(aLogger),
+	iConsoleLogger(aConsole),
+	iScriptLinePrefixSet(EFalse),
+	iStartLooping(aStartLooping),
+	iLoop(aLoop),
+	iSharedDataNum(KTEFZeroValue),
+	iIsSharedData(EFalse),
+	iSyncControl(NULL),
+	iTestCaseID(KTEFTestCaseDefault),
+	iDefaultSysDrive(aSysDrive),
+	iTestSysDrive(aTestSysDrive),
+	iSelTestingOptions(aSelTestingOptions),
+	iSelectOne(EFalse),
+	iRangeRefCounter(0),
+	iTestCaseCounter(0)
+	{
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	iTimer.Cancel();
+	iTimer.Close();
+	// We read the complete script into the heap for parsing so:
+	delete iScriptData;
+	for (TInt index = 0; index < iSharedDataNum; index++)
+		{
+		delete iSharedDataArray[index];
+		}
+	// Instance has an array of pointers to RTestServer objects.
+	// Loop through deleting and closing
+	TInt i = 0;
+	TInt count = iServers.Count();
+	for(i=0;i<count;i++)
+		{
+		iServers[0]->Close();
+		delete iServers[0];
+		iServers.Remove(0);
+		}
+	iServers.Close();
+	if( iSyncControl )
+		{
+		delete iSyncControl;
+		}
+	}
+ * @param aError - Integer error value returned by the active object while leaving
+ * @return TInt - System-wide error codes
+ * Error Handler for active object
+ */
+TInt CScriptControl::RunError(TInt aError)
+	{
+	if (aError == KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Insufficient memory available to perform further operation.\n\tPlease increase the maximum heap size from the testexecute.mmp and try running the test again. Exiting test script..."));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Test execution failed with error %d. Terminating tests.."), aError);
+		}
+	iParent.ChildCompletion(KErrNone);
+	delete this;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ * Implementation of pure virtual
+ * The main script interpreter state machine.
+ * Kick'd() into by CScriptMaster or, in the case of nested scripts, another CScriptControl
+ * instance.
+ * Picks up the completions from CClientControls and/or, in the case of nested scripts,
+ * another CScriptControl instance.
+ */
+void CScriptControl::RunL()
+	{
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+	case EInit		:
+		// First state after Kick() from parent
+		{
+		// Standard log output goes to flogger
+		// Result log goes to a propietary file in c:\logs\testexecute
+		User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal());
+		TRAPD(err,CreateScriptDataFromScriptFileL());
+		if(err)
+			{
+			// If we can't open the script file then log the fact and gracefully exit
+			// the state machine.
+			TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> buf(iScriptFile);
+			_LIT(KScriptFileError,"Failed Script File Open %S");
+			ERR_PRINTF2(KScriptFileError,&buf);
+			iState = EClosing;
+			//condition used for checking failure in testexecute.cpp
+			commentedCommandsCount=-1;
+			iRunScriptFailCount++;
+			Kick();
+			break;
+			}
+		// Script file reading state next
+		iState = ERunning;
+		// Kick ourselves into the next state
+		Kick();
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunning	:
+		// Always in this state whilst we're reading lines from script file data member
+		{
+		TPtrC scriptLine;
+		if(!iStartLooping)
+			{
+			if(!GetNextScriptLine(scriptLine))
+				{
+				// End of the script file
+				// Check see if there are any async requests outstanding
+				// In concurrent mode there are very likely to be
+				if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding == 0)
+					{
+					// No requests outstanding so call into the parent
+					iParent.ChildCompletion(KErrNone);
+					delete this;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// Requests outstanding
+					// Next time we're completed we'll be in the closing state
+					iState = EClosing;
+					iCanComplete =ETrue;
+					// Prime ourselves for completion
+					Prime();
+					}
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		//Get the script lines which are to be looped
+		else if(!GetLoopScriptLine(scriptLine))
+			{
+			// End of the script file
+			// Check see if there are any async requests outstanding
+			// In concurrent mode there are very likely to be
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding == 0)
+				{
+				// No requests outstanding so call into the parent
+				iParent.ChildCompletion(KErrNone);
+				delete this;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Requests outstanding
+				// Next time we're completed we'll be in the closing state
+				iState = EClosing;
+				iCanComplete =ETrue;
+				// Prime ourselves for completion
+				Prime();
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		iCurrentScriptLine.Set(scriptLine);
+		TBool commentedCommand = CheckCommentedCommands();
+		if(commentedCommand)
+			{
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			break;
+			}
+		if (iScriptLinePrefixSet )
+			{
+			TLex lookahead(iCurrentScriptLine);
+			TPtrC firstCommand(lookahead.NextToken());
+			if (firstCommand.CompareF(KTEFRemovePrefixCommand) != 0)
+				{
+				// If we aren't the Remove_Prefix command, prefix the current line...
+				iPrefixedCurrentScriptLine = iScriptLinePrefix;
+				iPrefixedCurrentScriptLine.Append(scriptLine);
+				iCurrentScriptLine.Set(iPrefixedCurrentScriptLine);
+				}
+			}
+		TRAPD(err, MakeAbsoluteFilePathsL(iCurrentScriptLine));
+		PrintCurrentScriptLine();
+		TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+		TPtrC token(lex.NextToken());
+		if (err == KTEFErrInvalidRelPath)
+			{
+			_LIT(KTEFErrInvalidRelPathText,"Invalid relative path provided in the script file. Skipping the script line from execution..");
+			ERR_PRINTF1(KTEFErrInvalidRelPathText);
+			if (token.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepResultCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand) == 0)
+				{
+				TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString; //Not a Panic
+				LogResult(EIgnore, blankPanicString, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, iCurrentScriptLine);
+				}
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			break;
+			}
+		if(err == KErrTooBig)
+			{
+			_LIT(KTEFErrTooBigArguments, "One or more arguments for the command exceeded allowed limit for length. Skipping test..");
+			ERR_PRINTF1(KTEFErrTooBigArguments);
+			if (token.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepResultCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand) == 0)
+				{
+				TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString; //Not a Panic
+				LogResult(EIgnore, blankPanicString, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, iCurrentScriptLine);
+				}
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			break;
+			}
+		// Main parser
+		if(token.CompareF(KTEFLoadSuiteCommand) == 0 || token.CompareF(KTEFLoadServerCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			TRAPD(err,CreateServerFromScriptLineL());
+			// Create a TLogField structure array
+			// Size of array equals to number of fields to be displayed for the command
+			TExtraLogField logField[2];
+			// The first member of the structure stores the field name
+			// The second one holds the value for the particular field
+			_LIT(KSuiteName, "SUITE_NAME");
+			logField[0].iLogFieldName.Copy(KSuiteName);
+			logField[0].iLogFieldValue.Copy(lex.NextToken());
+			logField[1].iLogFieldName.Copy(KTEFResultString);
+			if(err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				logField[1].iLogFieldValue.Copy(KTEFResultFail);
+				if( KErrNotFound == err )
+					{
+					_LIT(KServerNotFound,"Failed to create server, either the server or one of its dependancies could not be found.");
+					ERR_PRINTF1(KServerNotFound);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					_LIT(KServerCreateError,"Failed to Create Server Err = %d");
+					ERR_PRINTF2(KServerCreateError,err);
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				logField[1].iLogFieldValue.Copy(KTEFResultPass);
+				}
+			// Call the Logger().LogToXml routine which handles XML logging for individual commands
+			// Takes in the command name, number of fields and the struture array
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, token, 2, logField);
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFStartTestBlock)==0)
+			{
+			// Parse the START_TEST_BLOCK command line
+			TInt index = 0;
+			TBool taskCanComplete = ETrue;
+			TBool concurrent = iConcurrent;
+			// Make sure the server is loaded
+			if(!GetServerIndexFromScriptLine(index))
+				{
+				// Not loaded. Skip the line, but ensure its logged as a failure.
+				TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString; //Not a Panic
+				LogResult(EIgnore, blankPanicString, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, iCurrentScriptLine);
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength>	startBlockLine = iCurrentScriptLine;
+			// Parse the test block of commands
+			TTEFItemArray* itemArray = new (ELeave) TTEFItemArray(1);
+			CleanupStack::PushL( itemArray );
+			TRAPD( err, ParseTestBlockL(*itemArray) );
+			if( KErrNone == err )
+				{
+				if(!iConcurrent)
+					{
+					// If we're not in concurrent mode then child objects can complete us
+					taskCanComplete = ETrue;
+					// Prime ready for completion
+					Prime();
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// In concurrent mode children can't complete us as we kick() ourselves.
+					taskCanComplete = EFalse;
+					Kick();
+					}
+				// Create the test block controler object
+				TInt loopIndex = -1;
+				if (iLoop)
+					{
+					loopIndex = iLoopCounter + 1;
+					}
+				CClientControl* blockController = CClientControl::NewL(	*iServers[index],
+																		startBlockLine,
+																		*this,
+																		iCurrentScriptLineNumber,
+																		Logger(),
+																		loopIndex,
+																		iTestCaseID,
+																		iCurrentScriptLine,
+																		iScriptFile,
+																		*itemArray,
+																		iDefaultSysDrive,
+																		iTestSysDrive);
+				blockController->SetTaskComplete(taskCanComplete);
+				iAsyncTasksOutstanding++;
+				// Kick() the test step  object into its state machine
+				blockController->Kick();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();				
+				}
+			iConcurrent = concurrent;
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( itemArray );
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFEndTestBlock)==0)
+			{
+			// If this is called then there is a missing START_TEST_BLOCK command
+			TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString;
+			LogResult(EIgnore, blankPanicString, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, iCurrentScriptLine);
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFStartRepeat)==0)
+			{
+			TPtrC iniFile(lex.NextToken());
+			TPtrC iniSection(lex.NextToken());
+			TPtrC tempRepeatParam=lex.NextToken();
+			CIniData* configData = NULL;
+			TInt err = 0;
+			if(iniFile.Length())
+				{
+				TRAP(err,configData = CIniData::NewL(iniFile));
+				}
+			if(err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				_LIT(KTEFIniFileNotFound,"Ini file not found.. Looping Ignored");
+				ERR_PRINTF1(KTEFIniFileNotFound);
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			iRepeatParam=0;
+			CleanupStack::PushL(configData);
+			if(configData)
+				{
+				//For Syntax Error  continue ignoring looping
+				if (!configData->FindVar(iniSection, tempRepeatParam, iRepeatParam))
+					{
+					_LIT(KIniFailMessage,"The input data is not found in the ini specified");
+					INFO_PRINTF1(KIniFailMessage);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(configData);
+					Kick();
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(configData);
+			TExtraLogField logField[1];
+			_LIT(KIterations,"ITERATIONS");
+			logField[0].iLogFieldName.Copy(KIterations);
+			logField[0].iLogFieldValue.Copy(KNull);
+			logField[0].iLogFieldValue.AppendNum(iRepeatParam);
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, token, 1, logField);
+			if(tempRepeatParam.Compare(KNull)==0)
+				{
+				_LIT(KRepeatKeyNotFound,"Repeat Parameter Key Not Found");
+				INFO_PRINTF1(KRepeatKeyNotFound);
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			//Nesting of Control Logic is Not supported
+			if(iLoop)
+				{
+				_LIT(KNestingNotAllowed,"Nesting of START_REPEAT is not supported.. Looping Ignored");
+				WARN_PRINTF1(KNestingNotAllowed);
+				iLoop=EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			//Looping is not to be started with Concurrent mode
+			if(iConcurrent)
+				{
+				_LIT(KConcurrentNotAllowed,"No concurrent Execution is Allowed in Looping");
+				INFO_PRINTF1(KConcurrentNotAllowed);
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			iLoopCounter=0;
+			//For Invalid Parameter continue ignoring looping
+			if(iRepeatParam<1)
+				{
+				_LIT(KInvalidRepeatParam,"The repeat Parameter is invalid");
+				INFO_PRINTF1(KInvalidRepeatParam);
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			iLoop=ETrue;
+			iCheckVar=EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFEndRepeat)==0)
+			{
+			if(!iLoop)
+				{
+				_LIT(KLoopNotInitiated,"The Looping is Not Initiated");
+				INFO_PRINTF1(KLoopNotInitiated);
+				Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, token);
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			iLoopCounter++;
+			if(iLoopCounter==iRepeatParam)
+				{
+				Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, token);
+				iStartLooping=EFalse;
+				iLoop=EFalse;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iStartLooping=ETrue;
+				//Looping needs to be started in CONSECUTIVE mode
+				if(iConcurrent)
+					{
+					iConcurrent=EFalse;
+					}
+				}
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepResultCommand) == 0 ||
+				token.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand) == 0
+				)
+			{
+			if(!CheckValidScriptLine())
+				{
+				// Not a Valid Script Line
+				TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString; //Not a Panic
+				LogResult(EIgnore, blankPanicString, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, iCurrentScriptLine);
+				// End of defect 037066
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			TInt index;
+			TBool taskCanComplete = ETrue;
+			TBool concurrent = iConcurrent;
+			// Make sure the server is loaded
+			if(!GetServerIndexFromScriptLine(index))
+				{
+				// Not loaded. Skip the line, but ensure its logged as a failure.
+				// Start of defect 037066
+				TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString; //Not a Panic
+				LogResult(EIgnore, blankPanicString, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, iCurrentScriptLine);
+				// End of defect 037066
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				break;
+				}
+			if(!iConcurrent)
+				{
+				// If we're not in concurrent mode then child objects can complete us
+				taskCanComplete = ETrue;
+				// Prime ready for completion
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// In concurrent mode children can't complete us as we kick() ourselves.
+				taskCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			iConcurrent = concurrent;
+			// Create the test step controler object
+			TInt loopIndex = -1;
+			if (iLoop)
+				{
+				loopIndex = iLoopCounter + 1;
+				}
+			CClientControl* stepController = new (ELeave) CClientControl(*iServers[index],iCurrentScriptLine,*this,iCurrentScriptLineNumber,Logger(), loopIndex, iTestCaseID, iScriptFile, iDefaultSysDrive, iTestSysDrive);
+			stepController->SetTaskComplete(taskCanComplete);
+			iAsyncTasksOutstanding++;
+			// Kick() the test step  object into its state machine
+			stepController->Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunProgramCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			TBool taskCanComplete = ETrue;
+			if(!iConcurrent)
+				{
+				// If we're not in concurrent mode then child objects can complete us
+				taskCanComplete = ETrue;
+				// Prime ready for completion
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// In concurrent mode children can't complete us as we kick() ourselves.
+				taskCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			// Create the test step controller object
+			CProgramControl* programController = new (ELeave) CProgramControl(iCurrentScriptLine,*this,iCurrentScriptLineNumber,Logger());
+			programController->SetTaskComplete(taskCanComplete);
+			iAsyncTasksOutstanding++;
+			// Kick() the test step  object into its state machine
+			programController->Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunWSProgramCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			TBool taskCanComplete = ETrue;
+			if(!iConcurrent)
+				{
+				// If we're not in concurrent mode then child objects can complete us
+				taskCanComplete = ETrue;
+				// Prime ready for completion
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// In concurrent mode children can't complete us as we kick() ourselves.
+				taskCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			// Create the test step controller object
+			CProgramControl* programController = new (ELeave) CProgramControl(iCurrentScriptLine,*this,iCurrentScriptLineNumber,Logger(),ETrue);
+			iAsyncTasksOutstanding++;
+			programController->SetTaskComplete(taskCanComplete);
+			// Kick() the test step  object into its state machine
+			programController->Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFConcurrentCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			// Go into concurrent mode
+			// Whilst we're in concurrent mode we always kick() ourselves
+			// around the state engine
+				iConcurrent = ETrue;
+			// Call the Logger()'s LogToXml routine to handle XML logging
+			// Takes in just the command name without any field
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, KTEFConcurrentCommand);
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFConsecutiveCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			// If we go into consecutive mode we have to make sure there are no
+			// requests outstanding.Set the state accordingly
+			iConcurrent = EFalse;
+			// Call the Logger()'s LogToXml routine to handle XML logging
+			// Takes in just the command name without any field
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, KTEFConsecutiveCommand);
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding)
+				{
+				iCanComplete = ETrue;
+				iState = EWaitCompletions;
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				iState = ERunning;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			// All utils complete synchronously
+			TRAPD(err,RunUtilsFromScriptLineL());
+			// Create a TLogField structure array
+			// Size of array equals to number of fields to be displayed for the command
+			TExtraLogField logField[2];
+			// The first member of the structure stores the field name
+			// The second one holds the value for the particular field
+			_LIT(KCommand,"COMMAND");
+			logField[0].iLogFieldName.Copy(KCommand);
+			logField[0].iLogFieldValue.Copy(lex.NextToken());
+			logField[1].iLogFieldName.Copy(KTEFResultString);
+			if (err == KErrNone)
+				{
+				logField[1].iLogFieldValue.Copy(KTEFResultPass);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				logField[1].iLogFieldValue.Copy(KTEFResultFail);
+				}
+			// Call the Logger().LogToXml routine which handles XML logging for individual commands
+			// Takes in the command name, number of fields and the struture array
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, KTEFRunUtilsCommand, 2, logField);
+			if(err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				_LIT(KRunUtilsError,"RUN_UTILS ret = %d");
+				INFO_PRINTF2(KRunUtilsError,err);
+				}
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFPrintCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			PrintFromScriptLine();
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if (token.CompareF(KTEFPrefixCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding)
+				// Don't run Prefix until all outstanding requests have completed
+				{
+				iState = EPrefixPending;
+				iCanComplete = ETrue;
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Ok to run PREFIX - Kick the stated machine so it's run next time in the RunL()
+				iState = ERunPrefix;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			}
+		else if (token.CompareF(KTEFRemovePrefixCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			iScriptLinePrefixSet = EFalse;
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if (token.CompareF(KTEFStartTestCaseCommand) == 0) 
+			{
+			if(ProceedTestCase())
+				{	
+				LogTestCaseMarkerL();
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();	
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iState = ETestCaseIgnore;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();	
+				}
+			}
+		else if (token.CompareF(KTEFEndTestCaseCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			ProcessEndCase();
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding)
+				// Don't run END_TESTCASE until all outstanding requests have completed
+				{
+				iState = EEndTestCasePending;
+				iCanComplete = ETrue;
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Ok to run END_TESTCASE - Kick the stated machine so it's run next time in the RunL()
+				iState = ERunEndTestCase;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			}
+		else if (token.CompareF(KTEFStartSyncTestCaseCommand) == 0) 
+			{
+			if(ProceedTestCase())
+				{
+				// Start Synchronised Test Case
+				// Check to see if the Sync Data has been created
+				// If not then create it
+				if( iSyncControl == NULL )
+					{
+					iSyncControl = CSyncControl::NewL();
+					}
+				LogTestCaseMarkerL();
+				iState = ERunStartSyncTestCase;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();	
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				//go into some sleep state until you 
+				//encounter an end test case for this...
+				iState = ETestCaseIgnore;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();	
+				}
+			}
+		else if (token.CompareF(KTEFEndSyncTestCaseCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			ProcessEndCase();
+			// End Synchronised Test Case
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding)
+				// Don't run END_SYNCHRONISED_TESTCASE until all outstanding requests have completed
+				{
+				iState = EEndTestCasePending;
+				iCanComplete = ETrue;
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Ok to run END_SYNCHRONISED_TESTCASE - Kick the stated machine so it's run next time in the RunL()
+				iState = ERunEndTestCase;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunScriptCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			// Create a TLogField structure array
+			// Size of array equals to number of fields to be displayed for the command
+			TExtraLogField logField[1];
+			// The first member of the structure stores the field name
+			// The second one holds the value for the particular field
+			_LIT(KScriptName,"SCRIPT_NAME");
+			logField[0].iLogFieldName.Copy(KScriptName);
+			logField[0].iLogFieldValue.Copy(lex.NextToken());
+			// Call the Logger().LogToXml routine which handles XML logging for individual commands
+			// Takes in the command name, number of fields and the struture array
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrHigh, KTEFRunScriptCommand, 1, logField);
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding)
+				{
+				// Don't recursively process a new script until this one's async
+				// requests are completed
+				iState = ERunScriptPending;
+				iCanComplete = ETrue;
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Ok to process the script recursively
+				iState = ERunScript;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFCedCommand) == 0)
+			// Run the CED comms database editor
+			{
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding)
+				// Don't run CED until all outstanding requests have completed
+				{
+				iState = ERunCedPending;
+				iCanComplete = ETrue;
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Ok to run CED - Kick the stated machine so it's run next time in the RunL()
+				iState = ERunCed;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFDelayCommand) == 0)
+			// Delay n milliseconds
+			{
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding)
+				// Don't delay until all outstanding requests have completed
+				{
+				iState = EDelayPending;
+				iCanComplete = ETrue;
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Ok to delay
+				iState = EDelay;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			}
+		// Script can exit on error
+		// Flag is checked on async task completion
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFBreakErrorOnCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			// Set the flag and process next line
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			iBreakOnError = ETrue;
+			// Call the Logger()'s LogToXml routine to handle XML logging
+			// Takes in just the command name without any field
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, KTEFBreakErrorOnCommand);
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFBreakErrorOffCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			// Reset the flag and process next line
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			iBreakOnError = EFalse;
+			// Call the Logger()'s LogToXml routine to handle XML logging
+			// Takes in just the command name without any field
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrMedium, KTEFBreakErrorOffCommand);
+			Kick();
+			}
+		// We only implement the pause command if JustInTime debugging is switched on
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFPauseCommand) == 0 && User::JustInTime())
+			{
+			// Create a TLogField structure array
+			// Size of array equals to number of fields to be displayed for the command
+			TExtraLogField logField[1];
+			// The first member of the structure stores the field name
+			// The second one holds the value for the particular field
+			_LIT(KDelay,"DELAY");
+			logField[0].iLogFieldName.Copy(KDelay);
+			logField[0].iLogFieldValue.Copy(lex.NextToken());
+			// Call the Logger().LogToXml routine which handles XML logging for individual commands
+			// Takes in the command name, number of fields and the struture array
+			Logger().LogToXml(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, RFileFlogger::ESevrLow, KTEFPauseCommand, 1, logField);
+			if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding)
+				// Don't pause until all outstanding requests have completed
+				{
+				iState = EPausePending;
+				iCanComplete = ETrue;
+				Prime();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Ok to Pause
+				iState = EPause;
+				iCanComplete = EFalse;
+				Kick();
+				}
+			}
+		// Handles the shared comand and also creates the shared object
+		// on reading user inputs from ini file
+		else if(token.CompareF(KTEFSharedDataCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			if (iIsSharedData)
+				{
+				WARN_PRINTF1(KTEFSharedDataCommandRepeated);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				TRAPD(err,CreateSharedObjectsFromScriptLineL());
+				if (err != KErrNone)
+					{
+					ERR_PRINTF1(KTEFErrInCreatingSharedObjects);
+					}
+				}
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Command not implemented or a comment line
+			// Code implemented for defect 047340
+			TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> bufWarning;
+			if(token.Length())
+				{
+				TInt firstChar = iCurrentScriptLine[0];
+				if(firstChar != '\r' && firstChar != '\n' && firstChar != '#' && firstChar != '/' && token.CompareF(KTEFPauseCommand) != 0)
+					{
+					_LIT(KUnrecognised,"Unrecognised Command - %S");
+					if(token.Length() < bufWarning.MaxLength())
+						{
+						bufWarning.Copy(token);
+						WARN_PRINTF2(KUnrecognised,&bufWarning);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						_LIT(KLineTooLong,"Command line too long");
+						bufWarning.Copy(KLineTooLong);
+						WARN_PRINTF2(KUnrecognised,&bufWarning);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case EClosing :
+		// Script has been processed
+		// Pick up the completions
+		{
+		if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding == 0)
+			{
+			// Script finished
+			// Call into the parent
+			iParent.ChildCompletion(KErrNone);
+			delete this;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// More requests to complete
+			iCanComplete = ETrue;
+			Prime();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunScriptPending :
+	case EWaitCompletions :
+	case ERunCedPending :
+	case EDelayPending :
+	case EPausePending :
+	case EEndTestCasePending :
+	case EPrefixPending:
+		// We go into this state if we're waiting for RUN_TEST_STEP's
+		// to complete before we execute another command
+		{
+		if(iAsyncTasksOutstanding == 0)
+			{
+			// All steps complete
+			// Set up the next state and kick() the state machine
+			if(iState == ERunScriptPending)
+				iState = ERunScript;
+			else if(iState == EWaitCompletions)
+				iState = ERunning;
+			else if(iState == ERunCedPending)
+				iState = ERunCed;
+			else if(iState == EDelayPending)
+				iState = EDelay;
+			else if(iState == EPausePending)
+				iState = EPause;
+			else if(iState == EEndTestCasePending)
+				iState = ERunEndTestCase;
+			else if(iState == EPrefixPending)
+				iState = ERunPrefix;
+			// Safe to Kick() the state machine again
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// More requests outstanding
+			iCanComplete = ETrue;
+			Prime();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunScript :
+		// Recursively instantiate the CScriptControl class
+		{
+		GetScriptFileFromScriptLine();
+		CScriptControl* scriptControl = new (ELeave) CScriptControl(*this,iChildScriptFile,Logger(),ConsoleLogger(),iStartLooping,iLoop,iDefaultSysDrive,iTestSysDrive,iSelTestingOptions);
+		// Kick the nested CScriptControl state machine
+		scriptControl->Kick();
+		// Put our instance in the idling state, Prime()'d ready for clild-parent
+		// completion by the nested one.
+		iState = EIdling;
+		iCanComplete = ETrue;
+		Prime();
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunCed :
+		// Slightly tricky one
+		// WIN32 & Non-secure means we execute CED synchronously
+		{
+		SetActive();
+		TRAPD(err,RunCedFromScriptLineL());
+		if(!err)
+			// Expect completion asynchronously
+			// We're set for completion so just set the state
+			iState = EIdling;
+		else
+			{
+			_LIT(KCedError,"CED Error = %d");
+			ERR_PRINTF2(KCedError,err);
+			// A CED error so kick the state machine
+			iState = ERunning;
+			Kick();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case EDelay :
+		{
+		// Kick the timer and wait for completion
+		SetActive();
+		StartTimerFromScriptLine();
+		iState = EIdling;
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunEndTestCase :
+		{
+			LogTestCaseMarkerL();
+			iState = ERunning;
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunStartSyncTestCase :
+		{
+			// Check to see if the test case is ready to continue
+			SetActive();
+			iTimer.After( iStatus, KTEFStatusDelay*1000 );
+			TBool syncContinue = iSyncControl->TestCaseContinueL();
+			if( syncContinue )
+				{
+				iState = EIdling;
+				}
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunPrefix :
+		{
+			SetPrefix();
+			iState = ERunning;
+			iCanComplete = EFalse;
+			Kick();
+		}
+		break;
+	case EIdling :
+		{
+		// Woken up due to either:
+		// A child CScriptControl instance completing OR
+		// the delay timer has completed.
+		iState = ERunning;
+		iCanComplete = EFalse;
+		Kick();
+		}
+		break;
+	case EPause :
+		{
+		_LIT(KPaused,"PAUSED - Hit Any Key to Continue\n");
+		ConsoleLogger().Console().Printf(KPaused);
+		ConsoleLogger().Console().Getch();
+		iState = ERunning;
+		iCanComplete = EFalse;
+		Kick();
+		}
+		//Start of defect 115942 
+		break;
+		//End of defect 115942
+	case ETestCaseIgnore:
+		{
+		TPtrC scriptLine;
+		//do we want to while till we come to end of test case?
+		while(GetNextScriptLine(scriptLine))
+			{
+			TLex lex(scriptLine);
+			TPtrC token(lex.NextToken());
+			if((token.CompareF(KTEFEndTestCaseCommand) == 0)
+					|| (token.CompareF(KTEFEndSyncTestCaseCommand) == 0)) //we found an end test case one
+				{
+				TPtrC testCID(lex.NextToken());
+				//to support nested test cases
+				if(iTestCaseIDToIgnore.CompareF(testCID) == 0)
+				{
+					//in any case...go back to running and re-evaluate our position at
+					iState = ERunning;
+					iTestCaseIDToIgnore.Set(KTEFNull);
+					iCanComplete = EFalse;
+					iCurrentScriptLine.Set(scriptLine);
+					//before going back to running re-evaluate the 
+					//state of selective testing
+					ProcessEndCase() ; 
+					Kick();
+					break;
+				}
+				}
+			}
+		break;
+		}
+	default:
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+ * Implement the PRINT command
+ * Print the string(s) following the PRINT command to the log file
+ */
+void CScriptControl::PrintFromScriptLine() const
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	lex.NextToken();
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> buf;
+	buf.Copy(lex.Remainder());
+	_LIT(KCommentString, " //");
+	TInt offset = buf.Find(KCommentString);
+	if (offset != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		buf.SetLength(offset);
+		}
+	_LIT(KS,"%S");
+	INFO_PRINTF2(KS,&buf);
+	}
+ * Implement the PREFIX command
+ * Stores the prefix for command line prefixing
+ */
+void CScriptControl::SetPrefix() 
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	// Bypass the PREFIX command
+	lex.NextToken();
+	// Get rid of any leading spaces
+	while(!lex.Eos())
+		{
+		TChar peek = lex.Peek();
+		if(peek == ' ')
+			{
+			lex.Inc();
+			}
+		else
+			break;
+		}
+	// Chop off the carriage return and insert a space
+	// If there  is a preceding comment line, get rid of that.
+	iScriptLinePrefix.Copy(lex.Remainder());
+	_LIT(KCarriageReturn, "\r\n");
+	_LIT(KCommentString, " //");
+	TInt offset = iScriptLinePrefix.Find(KCommentString);
+	if (offset != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		iScriptLinePrefix.SetLength(offset);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		offset = iScriptLinePrefix.Find(KCarriageReturn);
+		if (offset != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			iScriptLinePrefix.SetLength(offset);
+			}
+		}
+	_LIT(KTEFSpace, " ");
+	iScriptLinePrefix.Append(KTEFSpace);
+	iScriptLinePrefixSet = ETrue;
+	}
+ * Function to evaluate the situation of selective testing 
+ * Returns whether the testcase on the current script line 
+ * should be run.
+ */
+TBool CScriptControl::ProceedTestCase() 
+	{ 
+	//if selective testing is not on, dont bother
+	if(iSelTestingOptions == NULL)
+		return ETrue;
+	iTestCaseCounter++;
+	if(iTestCaseCounter > 1) //if this is nested, let it run unconditionally
+		return ETrue;
+	// the remaining continues only if selective testing is on
+	// AND we have a non-null, and hopefully valid instance of
+	// iSelTestingOptions
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	TPtrC token(lex.NextToken());
+	TPtrC testCaseID(lex.NextToken());
+	//evaluating class state variables...
+	//check range
+	TIdentityRelation<TPtrC> crackID(TSelectiveTestingOptions::CompareTPtrC);
+	TIdentityRelation<TRange> rangeComprtr(TRange::CompareTRangeStartCase);
+	TRange dummy(testCaseID,testCaseID);
+	for ( TInt index=0; index<iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveCaseRange.Count(); ++index )
+		{
+		if ( testCaseID.CompareF(iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveCaseRange[index].iStartTestCase) == 0 )
+			{
+			iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveCaseRange[index].iState=TRange::EStateInUse;
+			++iRangeRefCounter;//number of ranges now in operation	
+			}
+		}
+	TBool runCase = ETrue ; //run everything by def
+	if( iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveTestingType == iInclusive )
+		{
+		//so selective testing is on and also its inclusive...
+		runCase = (iRangeRefCounter>0) || iSelectOne ; 
+		}
+	else if(iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveTestingType == iExclusive)
+		{
+		//so selective testing is on and also its exclusive...
+		runCase = (iRangeRefCounter<=0) && !iSelectOne ; 
+		}
+	if(!runCase)//if the test case is to be selectively skipped, log it...
+		{
+		//use this one to log unexecuted cases...
+		Logger().LogTestCaseResult(iScriptFile, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, RFileFlogger::ESevrInfo, token, testCaseID,ESkippedSelectively);
+		}
+	if(runCase == EFalse)
+		{
+			iTestCaseIDToIgnore.Set(testCaseID) ; 
+		}
+	return runCase ; 	
+	}
+ * Function to evaluate the state variables 
+ * at the end of test case 
+ */
+void CScriptControl::ProcessEndCase()
+	{
+	if(iSelTestingOptions==NULL) //selective testing is not on
+		return;					// dont bother
+	iTestCaseCounter--;
+	if(iTestCaseCounter<0) //in case we encountered unmatched end cases
+		iTestCaseCounter=0;
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	TPtrC token(lex.NextToken());
+	TPtrC testCaseID(lex.NextToken());	
+	//check if this is ending a range
+	TRange dummy(testCaseID,testCaseID);
+	TIdentityRelation<TRange> crackIDRangeend(TRange::CompareTRangeEnd);
+	for ( TInt index=0; index<iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveCaseRange.Count(); ++index )
+		{
+		if ( testCaseID.CompareF(iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveCaseRange[index].iEndTestCase) == 0 )
+			{
+			if ( iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveCaseRange[index].iState == TRange::EStateInUse )
+				{
+				iSelTestingOptions->iSelectiveCaseRange[index].iState=TRange::EStateUsed;
+				--iRangeRefCounter;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				//	Error condition. An end test case has been matched to a range that has not processed the start test case
+				//	Either the start test case does not exist or the start test case comes after the end test case in the script
+				//or maybe do nothing
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	//always reset the onetime test case thing
+	iSelectOne = EFalse;
+	}
+ * Implement START_TESTCASE/ END_TESTCASE commands
+ * Write a testcase marker to the logfile
+ */
+void CScriptControl::LogTestCaseMarkerL() 
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	TPtrC token(lex.NextToken());
+	TVerdict TestCaseResult(EFail);
+	TPtrC TestCaseMarker(lex.NextToken());
+		if (token.CompareF(KTEFStartTestCaseCommand) == 0 || token.CompareF(KTEFStartSyncTestCaseCommand) == 0)
+		{
+		// Call the interface routine for logging in HTML & XML format
+		Logger().LogTestCaseResult(iScriptFile, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, RFileFlogger::ESevrHigh, token, TestCaseMarker);
+		iTestCaseID.Copy(TestCaseMarker);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Its an END_TESTCASE.
+		// Need to identify whether all preceding test steps in the file
+		// passed (back to a *matching* START_TESTCASE).
+		TestCaseResult = HasTestCasePassedL(TestCaseMarker);
+			// Special case for KTEFEndSyncTestCaseCommand where the result in 
+			// the shared data area needs to be updated so STAT can retrieve it later.
+			if( token.CompareF(KTEFEndSyncTestCaseCommand) == 0 )
+				{
+				// Check to see if the Sync Data has been created
+				if( iSyncControl != NULL )
+					{
+					// Update the TEFResult shared data value
+					iSyncControl->SetResultL( TestCaseResult );
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+					}
+				}
+		// Call the interface routine for logging in HTML & XML format
+		Logger().LogTestCaseResult(iScriptFile, iCurrentScriptLineNumber, RFileFlogger::ESevrHigh, token, TestCaseMarker, TestCaseResult);
+		iTestCaseID.Copy(KTEFTestCaseDefault);
+		}
+	}
+ *
+ * Implement TestCase pass checking
+ */
+TVerdict CScriptControl::HasTestCasePassedL(TPtrC aTestCaseMarker)
+	{
+	// Looks from the top of the file for the equivalent Start_TestCase
+	// when it finds it it checks that all the steps to the bottom of 
+	// the file (the current position) 
+	// Create a Cinidata object to parse through the testexecute.ini
+	// To retrieve the path where the log is to be placed
+	CTestExecuteIniData* parseTestExecuteIni = NULL;
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> resultFilePath;
+	TRAPD(err,parseTestExecuteIni = CTestExecuteIniData::NewL(iDefaultSysDrive));
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(parseTestExecuteIni);
+		parseTestExecuteIni->ExtractValuesFromIni();
+		parseTestExecuteIni->GetKeyValueFromIni(KTEFHtmlKey, resultFilePath);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		resultFilePath.Copy(KTestExecuteLogPath);
+		resultFilePath.Replace(0, 2, iDefaultSysDrive);
+		}
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> resultFileName(resultFilePath);
+	// loading the simplified test result in case of out-of-memory 
+	resultFileName.Append(KTEFTestExecuteResultSimplifiedSummaryFile);
+	if (parseTestExecuteIni != NULL)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(parseTestExecuteIni);
+		}
+	// Open the result summary file
+	RFs fS;
+	User::LeaveIfError(fS.Connect());
+	CleanupClosePushL(fS);
+	RFile logFile;
+	User::LeaveIfError(logFile.Open(fS,resultFileName, EFileWrite | EFileRead | EFileShareAny));
+	CleanupClosePushL(logFile);
+	TInt fileSize;
+	// Read the complete result summary file onto the heap
+	// It wont be that large
+	User::LeaveIfError(logFile.Size(fileSize));
+	HBufC* resultData = HBufC::NewLC(fileSize);
+	HBufC8* resultData8 = HBufC8::NewLC(fileSize);	
+	TPtr8 ptrData8(resultData8->Des());
+	User::LeaveIfError(logFile.Read(ptrData8));
+	TPtr ptrData(resultData->Des());
+	ptrData.Copy(ptrData8);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(resultData8);
+	TBool foundMarker(EFalse);
+	TBool foundNonPassResult(EFalse);
+	TInt duplicatesCounter(0);
+	TLex lex(ptrData);
+	while (!lex.Eos())
+		{
+		// Find the ***Result keywords
+		TPtrC commandName( lex.NextToken() );
+		if(	commandName.CompareF(KTEFStartTestCaseCommand) == 0 ||
+			commandName.CompareF(KTEFStartSyncTestCaseCommand) == 0 )
+			{
+			if (lex.NextToken() == aTestCaseMarker)
+				{
+				// Increment the counter to identify that the test case id is duplicated
+				duplicatesCounter++;
+				if (duplicatesCounter == 2)
+					{
+					// If the test case id is duplicated for more than once,
+					// issue a warning in the log file, mentioning duplicate of test case id
+					_LIT(KWarnDuplicateTCID, "Test Case ID : %S re-used");
+					WARN_PRINTF2(KWarnDuplicateTCID, &aTestCaseMarker);
+					}
+				// When a matching test case id is found, the found marker is set to ETrue
+				foundMarker = ETrue;
+				// Initialise the foundNonPassResult to EFalse, on entry into each test case result in the log
+				foundNonPassResult = EFalse;
+				continue;
+				}
+			continue;
+			}
+		else if (foundMarker && commandName == KTEFResultTag)
+			{
+			// If the START_TESTCASE is found and a RESULT tag is found in the test result file,
+			// Extract the result value set for every test step called within
+			// and check to see if there are any non-pas results
+			_LIT(KTEFEquals,"=");
+			if (lex.NextToken() != KTEFEquals)
+			continue;
+			TPtrC result(lex.NextToken());
+			if(result != KTEFResultPass)
+				{
+				// Set the foundNonPassResult to ETrue indicating the test case to fail
+				foundNonPassResult = ETrue;
+				}
+			}			
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(resultData);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&logFile);
+	logFile.Close();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&fS);
+	fS.Close();
+	if (foundMarker)
+		{
+		if (foundNonPassResult)
+			{
+			return EFail;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			return EPass;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return EInconclusive;
+		}
+	}
+ * Implement the DELAY command
+ */
+void CScriptControl::StartTimerFromScriptLine()
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	lex.NextToken();
+	TLex delayLex(lex.NextToken());
+	TInt delay;
+	// Read the delay in milliseconds
+	TInt err = delayLex.Val(delay);
+	if(err)
+		// Set the default
+		delay = KDefaultDelayMilliseconds;
+	iTimer.After(iStatus,delay*1000);
+	}
+ * Secure - same for Target and Wins
+ */
+void CScriptControl::RunCedFromScriptLineL()
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	// Skip CED
+	lex.NextToken();
+	TPtrC cedCommandLine(lex.Remainder());
+	iCurrentScriptLine.Set(cedCommandLine);
+	RProcess process;
+	User::LeaveIfError(process.Create(_L("ced.exe"),iCurrentScriptLine));
+	process.Rendezvous(iStatus);
+	// Run CED asynchronously
+	process.Resume();
+	process.Close();
+	}
+ * Set up the path of a script file for a child CScriptControl object
+ */
+void CScriptControl::GetScriptFileFromScriptLine()
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	lex.NextToken();
+	iChildScriptFile.Set(lex.NextToken());
+	}
+ * @param aUtilsCommand - Command string for the utilities command
+ * Implement basic commands:
+ * NB: Always requires the full path
+ * Logic borrowed from Scheduletest
+ * Always complete synchronously
+ * 
+ * CopyFile
+ * MKDir
+ * MakeReadWrite
+ * Delete
+ * DeleteDirectory
+ */
+void CScriptControl::RunUtilsFromScriptLineL() const
+	{
+	_LIT(KDefault,				"?:\\default");
+	_LIT(KCDrive,				"?:\\"); 
+	_LIT(KTEFBackslash,			"\\" );
+	TBuf<10> defaultPath(KDefault);
+	defaultPath.Replace(0, 2, iTestSysDrive);
+	TBuf<3> cDrive(KCDrive);
+	cDrive.Replace(0, 2, iTestSysDrive);
+	RFs fS;
+	User::LeaveIfError(fS.Connect() );
+	CleanupClosePushL(fS);
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	lex.NextToken();
+	TPtrC token(lex.NextToken());
+	if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsCopyFile) == 0)
+		{
+		TPtrC file1=lex.NextToken();
+		TPtrC file2=lex.NextToken();
+		TParse source, dest;
+		CFileMan* fMan = CFileMan::NewL(fS);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(fMan);
+		User::LeaveIfError(source.Set(file1, &defaultPath, NULL) );
+		User::LeaveIfError(dest.Set(file2, &defaultPath, NULL) );
+		User::LeaveIfError(fMan->Copy(source.FullName(), dest.FullName(), CFileMan::EOverWrite) );
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fMan);
+		}
+	else if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsMkDir) == 0)
+		{
+		token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+		TParse fileName;
+		if (!token.Length())
+			User::Leave(KErrPathNotFound);
+		TPtrC lastChar(token.Mid(token.Length() - 1));
+		if ( lastChar.CompareF(KTEFBackslash) != 0 )
+			{
+			TBuf<64> tempToken(token);
+			tempToken.Append(KTEFBackslash);
+			token.Set(tempToken);
+			}
+		User::LeaveIfError( fileName.Set(token, &cDrive, NULL) );
+		User::LeaveIfError( fS.MkDir( fileName.DriveAndPath() ) );
+		}
+	else if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsDeleteFile) == 0 ||
+	         token.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsDelete) == 0)
+		{
+		token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+		// defect047128 - Code change for handling wildcard deletes
+		CFileMan* fMan = CFileMan::NewL(fS);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(fMan);
+		User::LeaveIfError(fMan->Delete(token) );
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fMan);
+		}
+	else if(token.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsMakeReadWrite) == 0)
+		{
+		token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+		TParse fileName;
+		User::LeaveIfError(fileName.Set(token, &defaultPath, NULL) );
+		TInt err = fS.SetAtt(fileName.FullName(),0, KEntryAttReadOnly);
+		if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound)
+			User::Leave(err);
+		}
+	//It deletes the specified directory
+	else if(token.CompareF(KTEFDeleteDirectory) == 0)
+		{
+		token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+		TParse fileName;
+		if (!token.Length())
+			User::Leave(KErrPathNotFound);
+		TPtrC lastChar(token.Mid(token.Length() - 1));
+		if ( lastChar.CompareF(KTEFBackslash) != 0 )
+			{
+			TBuf<64> tempToken(token);
+			tempToken.Append(KTEFBackslash);
+			token.Set(tempToken);
+			}
+		CFileMan* fMan = CFileMan::NewL(fS);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(fMan);
+		User::LeaveIfError(fileName.Set(token, &cDrive, NULL) );
+		User::LeaveIfError( fMan->RmDir( fileName.DriveAndPath() ) );
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fMan);
+		}
+	fS.Close();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&fS);	
+	}
+ * Read the Script File data into a heap buffer
+ * We could read the file line by line but that would be cumbersome, and unless there
+ * is a heap size problem, this is tidier.
+ */
+void CScriptControl::CreateScriptDataFromScriptFileL()
+	{
+	RFs fS;
+	User::LeaveIfError(fS.Connect());
+	CleanupClosePushL(fS);
+	RFile scriptFile;
+	User::LeaveIfError(scriptFile.Open(fS,iScriptFile,EFileRead | EFileShareAny));
+	CleanupClosePushL(scriptFile);
+	TInt fileSize;
+	User::LeaveIfError(scriptFile.Size(fileSize));
+	// Create a 16bit heap buffer
+	iScriptData = HBufC::NewL(fileSize);
+	HBufC8* narrowData = HBufC8::NewL(fileSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(narrowData);
+	TPtr8 narrowPtr=narrowData->Des();
+	// Read the file into an 8bit heap buffer
+	User::LeaveIfError(scriptFile.Read(narrowPtr));
+	TPtr widePtr(iScriptData->Des());
+	// Copy it to the 16bit buffer
+	widePtr.Copy(narrowData->Des());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(narrowData);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(2);
+	scriptFile.Close();
+	fS.Close();
+	// Set up the instance token parser
+	iScriptLex = iScriptData->Des();
+	}
+ * Extracts the human readable server name from the current script line then
+ * calls Client RTestServ Interface to make a connection to the server.
+ */
+void CScriptControl::CreateServerFromScriptLineL()
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	lex.NextToken();
+	TInt i=0;
+	TInt count = iServers.Count();
+	TPtrC serverName(lex.NextToken());
+	// We loop through to see if the server has already been created
+	for(i=0;i<count;i++)
+		{
+		if(iServers[i]->ServerName() == serverName)
+			// Server already exists in our array
+			break;
+		}
+	if(i == count)
+		{
+		// Create a new RTestServ pointer and add it to the list
+		RScriptTestServ* serv = new (ELeave) RScriptTestServ;
+		// Connect using the client API
+		TInt err;
+		if(lex.NextToken().CompareF(KTEFLoadSuiteSharedData) == 0)
+			{
+			err = serv->Connect(serverName,ETrue);
+			}
+		else
+			err = serv->Connect(serverName,EFalse);
+		if(err)
+			{
+			// Don't add the server to the array if we fail to connect.
+			delete serv;
+			// Caller TRAP's
+			User::Leave(err);
+			}
+		iServers.Append(serv);
+		}
+	}
+ * @param aIndex - Return the index of the RTestServ instance - If found
+ * @return - EFalse if server not found. ETrue if server found.
+ * 
+ */
+TBool CScriptControl::GetServerIndexFromScriptLine(TInt& aIndex)
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	TLex lexTimeout;
+	_LIT(KErrInvalidArgumentSet,"The arguments are not provided in proper format.\
+			Unable to retrieve the details of the server from the command line");
+	TPtrC command(lex.NextToken());
+	if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepResultCommand) == 0)
+		{
+		lex.NextToken();
+		lex.SkipSpace();
+		lex.Mark();
+		}
+	else if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand) == 0)
+		{
+		lex.NextToken();
+		TPtrC panicString(lex.NextToken());
+		// Check to see if the panic string contains open quotes and close quotes
+		// If the panic string token contains open quote, it is understood that the panic string contains spaces
+		// So, look for close quote in the subsequent tokens. If not found, return boolean false as return value
+		if(panicString.Left(1).Compare(KTEFOpenQuotes) == 0 && panicString.Right(1).Compare(KTEFOpenQuotes) != 0)
+			{
+			TBool validCommandLine(EFalse);
+			while(!lex.Eos() && !validCommandLine)
+				{				
+				panicString.Set(lex.NextToken());
+				if(panicString.Right(1).Compare(KTEFOpenQuotes) == 0)
+					validCommandLine = ETrue;
+				}
+			if (!validCommandLine)
+				{
+				ERR_PRINTF1(KErrInvalidArgumentSet);
+				return EFalse;
+				}
+			}
+		lex.SkipSpace();
+		lex.Mark();
+		}
+	else if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 ||
+			command.CompareF(KTEFStartTestBlock) == 0)
+		{
+		TInt firstChar;
+		TPtrC commandStr;
+		TBool panicStringComplete(ETrue);
+		while(!lex.Eos())
+			{
+			lex.SkipSpace();
+			lex.Mark();
+			TPtrC	token = lex.NextToken();
+			if( token.Length()>0 )
+				{
+				commandStr.Set( token );
+				firstChar = commandStr[0];
+				// 33 is the ascii value for "!". Used here for confirming switches
+				if (firstChar != KTEFAsciiExclamation && panicStringComplete)
+					{
+					break;
+					}
+				// Check to see if !PanicString TEF parameter contains panic string with spaces
+				// If so, see if they are enclosed within a open & close braces
+				if(commandStr.Length() > 14 && 
+					commandStr.Mid(0,14).Compare(_L("!PanicString=\"")) == 0)
+						panicStringComplete = EFalse;
+				if(!panicStringComplete && commandStr.Right(1).Compare(KTEFOpenQuotes) == 0)
+					panicStringComplete = ETrue;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!panicStringComplete)
+				{
+				ERR_PRINTF1(KErrInvalidArgumentSet);
+				return EFalse;
+				}
+		}
+	// We need to skip the timeout if it's there.
+	if(	command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 ||
+		command.CompareF(KTEFStartTestBlock) == 0)
+		lexTimeout=lex.MarkedToken();
+	else
+		lexTimeout=lex.NextToken();
+	TInt timeout;
+	TPtrC serverName;
+	if(lexTimeout.Val(timeout) != KErrNone)
+		// No timeout so use the second token
+		serverName.Set(lex.MarkedToken());
+	else
+		// Timeout value there
+		serverName.Set(lex.NextToken());
+	TInt i=0;
+	// Loop through the installed servers
+	TInt count = iServers.Count();
+	for(i=0;i<count;i++)
+		{
+		if(iServers[i]->ServerName() == serverName)
+			// Found server installed
+			break;
+		}
+	// Return found or not found
+	if(i == count)
+		return EFalse;
+	else
+		{
+		aIndex = i;
+		if (iServers[i]->SharedData())
+			{
+			iConcurrent = EFalse;
+			}
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	}
+ *  * @return - ETrue if the scriptline is valid, else retuens EFalse
+ */
+TBool CScriptControl::CheckValidScriptLine() const
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	TPtrC command(lex.NextToken());
+	TBool panicCodeSet(EFalse);
+	TBool panicStringSet(EFalse);
+	TBool heapValueSet(EFalse);
+	TBool validScript(ETrue);
+	TBool oomRequestSet(EFalse);
+	TBool setupOptionSet(EFalse);
+	if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0)
+		{
+		TInt firstChar;
+		TPtrC commandStr;
+		while(!lex.Eos())
+			{
+			lex.SkipSpace();
+			commandStr.Set(lex.NextToken());
+			firstChar = commandStr[0];
+			// 33 is the ascii value for "!". Used here for confirming switches
+			if (firstChar == KTEFAsciiExclamation)
+				{
+				if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinErrorParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinErrorParamLength).CompareF(KTEFError) == 0)
+					{
+					if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0)
+						command.Set(KTEFRunErrorStepResultCommand);
+					else
+						validScript = EFalse;
+					}
+				else if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinSetupParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinSetupParamLength).CompareF(KTEFSetUpParam) == 0)
+					{
+					if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 && !setupOptionSet)
+						setupOptionSet = ETrue;
+					else
+						validScript = EFalse;
+					}
+				else if (commandStr.Length() > KTEFMinResultParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinResultParamLength).CompareF(KTEFResult) == 0 && commandStr.Mid(KTEFMinResultParamLength).Length() <= KTEFMaxVerdictLength)
+					{
+					if (command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand)  == 0)
+						command.Set(KTEFRunTestStepResultCommand);
+					else
+						validScript = EFalse;
+					}
+				else if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinPanicCodeParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinPanicCodeParamLength).CompareF(KTEFPanicCode) == 0)
+					{
+					if ((command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 || command.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand) == 0) && !panicCodeSet)
+						{
+						command.Set(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand);
+						panicCodeSet=ETrue;
+						}
+					else
+						validScript = EFalse;
+					}
+				else if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinPanicStringParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinPanicStringParamLength).CompareF(KTEFPanicString) == 0)
+					{
+					if ((command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 || command.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand) == 0) && !panicStringSet)
+						{
+						command.Set(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand);
+						panicStringSet = ETrue;
+						}
+					else
+						validScript = EFalse;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinHeapParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinHeapParamLength).CompareF(KTEFHeap) == 0 && !heapValueSet)
+						heapValueSet = ETrue;
+					else if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinOomParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinOomParamLength).CompareF(KTEFOom) == 0 && !oomRequestSet)
+						oomRequestSet = ETrue;
+					else
+						validScript = EFalse;
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return validScript;
+	}
+ * Return the next line in the script file
+ * @param aScriptLine - return line in the script file minus CRLF
+ * @return - True if line found, false for end of file.
+ */	
+TBool CScriptControl::GetNextScriptLine(TPtrC& aScriptLine)
+	{
+	if(iScriptLex.Eos())
+		{
+		// Fix defect 1193337, check the value is zero or not. If zero, this should be no nested run script
+		if((0 == iNestedNumRunScriptInLoop) && iLoop)
+		// End defect 119337
+			{
+			_LIT(KEndRepeatNotFound,"The END_REPEAT command is not found");
+			INFO_PRINTF1(KEndRepeatNotFound);
+			}
+		// Fix defect 119337, check if this is still in loop and this run script command is nested
+		// decrease one shows that the nested number is decreased
+		else if (iNestedNumRunScriptInLoop > 0 && iLoop)
+			{
+			--iNestedNumRunScriptInLoop;
+			}
+		// End defect 119337
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	// Mark the current script line to return
+	iScriptLex.Mark();
+	if(iLoop && !iCheckVar)
+		{
+		iStoreLoop.Assign(iScriptLex.RemainderFromMark());
+		iTempStoreLoop.Assign(iScriptLex.RemainderFromMark());
+		iCheckVar=ETrue;
+		}
+	// Place the lex marker for the next read
+	while(!iScriptLex.Eos())
+		{
+		TChar peek = iScriptLex.Peek();
+		if(peek == '\n')
+			{
+			iScriptLex.Inc();
+			iCurrentScriptLineNumber++;
+			break;
+			}
+		else
+			iScriptLex.Inc();
+		}
+	aScriptLine.Set(iScriptLex.MarkedToken());
+	if(aScriptLine.FindF(KTEFRunScriptCommand)!=KErrNotFound && iLoop)
+		{
+		// Fix defect 119337, add this integer shows a nested run script added.
+		++iNestedNumRunScriptInLoop;
+		// End Fix defect 119337
+		}
+	if(aScriptLine.Length() || !iScriptLex.Eos())
+		return ETrue;
+	else
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+ * Return the next line from script file which is to be looped
+ * @param aScriptLine - return line in the script file which is under loop minus CRLF
+ * @return -True if line is found else return false
+ * 
+ * If RUN_SCRIPT command has been encountered return the line from GetNextScriptLine Function
+ */
+TBool CScriptControl::GetLoopScriptLine(TPtrC& aScriptLine)
+	{
+	// Fix defect 119337, check if the run script is nested
+	if (0 != iNestedNumRunScriptInLoop)
+	// End defect 119337
+		return(GetNextScriptLine(aScriptLine));
+	if(iStoreLoop.Eos())
+		return EFalse;
+	iStoreLoop.Mark();
+	while(!iStoreLoop.Eos())
+		{
+		TChar peek = iStoreLoop.Peek();
+		if(peek == '\n')
+			{
+			iStoreLoop.Inc();
+			break;
+			}
+		else
+			iStoreLoop.Inc();
+		}
+	aScriptLine.Set(iStoreLoop.MarkedToken());
+	if(aScriptLine.Find(KTEFEndRepeat)!=KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		iStoreLoop.Assign(iTempStoreLoop);	
+		}
+	if(aScriptLine.FindF(KTEFRunScriptCommand)!=KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		// Fix defect 119337, add this integer shows a nested run script added.
+		++iNestedNumRunScriptInLoop;
+		// End defect 119337
+		}
+	if(aScriptLine.Length() || !iStoreLoop.Eos())
+		return ETrue;
+	else
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+ * @param aErr - The completion code
+ * @param aPanicString - Descriptor reference containing the panic string if a test were to panic
+ * @param aScriptLineNumber - Script line number used for printing result into log file
+ * @param aCommand - Command name also used for printing result into log file
+ * Called by a CClientControl or CProgramControl child object
+ */
+void CScriptControl::TaskCompletion(TInt aErr, const TDesC& aPanicString, TInt aScriptLineNumber,const TDesC& aCommand,TBool aTaskCanComplete,TTEFItemArray* aItemArray)
+	{
+	if(aItemArray)
+		{
+		TVerdict err = Logger().LogBlock( aItemArray, aScriptLineNumber );
+		// If no error was set on the server side (ie. a panic) then set
+		//  it here with the post processing result
+		if( EPass == aErr && aPanicString.Length() == 0 )
+			{
+			aErr = err;
+			}
+		}
+	// Log the test step result to the output file
+	LogResult((TVerdict)aErr, aPanicString, aScriptLineNumber, aCommand);
+	if(aErr != KErrNone && aErr != KErrNotSupported && iBreakOnError)
+		// Put this instance of the script engine into the closing state as we've
+		// encountered the BREAK_ERROR_ON command.
+		// KErrNotSupported is considered a benign error 
+		{
+		iState = EClosing;
+		}
+	iAsyncTasksOutstanding--;
+	// Check the flag first then trigger our own RunL()
+	if(aTaskCanComplete || iCanComplete)
+		Complete(aErr);
+	}
+ * Print the current script line to the console
+ */
+void CScriptControl::PrintCurrentScriptLine() const
+	{
+	// Check we don't overflow
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteLogLineLength> output;
+	if((iCurrentScriptLine.Length() + iScriptFile.Length() + 4 ) > output.MaxLength())
+		{
+		output.Copy(iAlteredScriptLine);
+		Logger().PrintCurrentScriptLine(output);
+		return;
+		}
+	// Copy the script filename. Handy for recursion
+	output.Copy(iScriptFile);
+	output.Append(KTEFSpace);
+	// Append the script file line
+	output.Append(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	// Write to console
+	ConsoleLogger().Console().Printf(KTEFStringFormat,&output);
+	Logger().PrintCurrentScriptLine(output);
+	}
+ * Checks for commented commands and increments a counter for logging
+ */
+TBool CScriptControl::CheckCommentedCommands() const
+	{
+	if(!iCurrentScriptLine.Length())
+		return ETrue;
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	TPtrC token(lex.NextToken());
+	if (!token.Length())
+		return ETrue;
+	TInt firstChar = iCurrentScriptLine[0];
+	if(firstChar == '/')
+		{
+		TInt findRunTestStep;
+		TInt findRunPanicStep;
+		TInt findRunScript;
+		TInt findRunProgram;
+		TInt findRunWSProgram;
+		TInt findStartTestBlock;
+		findRunTestStep=iCurrentScriptLine.Find(KTEFRunTestStepCommand);
+		findRunScript=iCurrentScriptLine.Find(KTEFRunScriptCommand);
+		findRunPanicStep=iCurrentScriptLine.Find(KTEFRunPanicStepCommand);
+		findRunProgram=iCurrentScriptLine.Find(KTEFRunProgramCommand);
+		findRunWSProgram=iCurrentScriptLine.Find(KTEFRunWSProgramCommand);
+		findStartTestBlock=iCurrentScriptLine.Find(KTEFStartTestBlock);
+		if(findRunTestStep>0 || findRunScript>0 || findRunPanicStep>0 || findRunProgram>0 || findRunWSProgram>0 || findStartTestBlock>0 && !iStartLooping)
+			{
+			commentedCommandsCount++;
+			}
+		}
+	if(firstChar == '\r' || firstChar == '\n' || firstChar == '#' || firstChar == '/')
+		return ETrue;
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+ * @param aResult - Test Step result
+ * @param aPanicString - Descriptor containing the panic string if test were to panic
+ * @param aScriptLineNumber - The line in the script file
+ * @param aCommand - Command name whose result is set for logging
+ * Log a RUN_TEST_STEP, RUN_PANIC_STEP or RUN_PROGRAM result to file
+ */
+void CScriptControl::LogResult(TVerdict aResult, const TDesC& aPanicString, TInt aScriptLineNumber,const TDesC& aCommand)
+	{
+	// Call the Logger()'s LogResult() routine to manipulate results of RUN_TEST_STEP command/variants
+	// Also controls the fields for logging both HTML & XML logging
+	Logger().LogResult(aResult, aPanicString, aScriptLineNumber, aCommand, iScriptFile, RFileFlogger::ESevrHigh);
+	}
+ * Constructor
+ * @param RTestServ - Reference to a root RTestServer instance
+ * @param aCommand - Reference to a RUN_TEST_STEP script line
+ * @param MTaskCompletion - Reference to the parent completion interface
+ * @param aScriptLineNumber - The line in script file
+ * @param aLogger - Reference to the Logger class
+ * @param aLoopIndex - TInt reference that provides the loop index for the test. The value is 0 if not in loop.
+ * @param aTestCaseID - Descriptor containing the test case id, if test run is within a test case
+ * @param aScriptFilePath - The path of the script file being executed
+ * @param aSysDrive - Default system drive letter
+ * @param aTestSysDrive - System drive letter overwritten from testexecute.ini
+ */
+CClientControl::CClientControl(RScriptTestServ& aServ,const TDesC& aCommand, MTaskCompletion& aCompletion, TInt aScriptLineNumber, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger, TInt aLoopIndex, const TDesC& aTestCaseID, TPtrC& aScriptFilePath, const TDriveName& aSysDrive, const TDriveName& aTestSysDrive)
+:	CTaskControlBase(aCommand,aCompletion,aScriptLineNumber,aLogger)
+,	iServ(aServ)
+,	iRetryCount(0)
+,	iLoopIndex(aLoopIndex)
+,	iTestCaseID(aTestCaseID)
+,	iBlockArrayPkg(NULL)
+,	iBlockArrayPtr(STATIC_CAST(TUint8*,NULL), 0)
+,	iScriptFilePath(aScriptFilePath)
+,	iDefaultSysDrive(aSysDrive)
+,	iTestSysDrive(aTestSysDrive)
+	{
+	// Extract the parameters to the test step and store them in the class
+	GetStepParamsFromStepCommand();
+	}
+CClientControl* CClientControl::NewL(	RScriptTestServ& aTestServ,
+										const TDesC& aCommand,
+										MTaskCompletion& aCompletion,
+										TInt aScriptLineNumber,
+										CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger,
+										TInt aLoopIndex,
+										const TDesC& aTestCaseID,
+										const TDesC& aEndBlockCommand,
+										TPtrC& aScriptFilePath,
+										const TTEFItemArray& aBlockArray,
+										const TDriveName& aSysDrive,
+										const TDriveName& aTestSysDrive)
+	{
+	CClientControl* self = new (ELeave) CClientControl(	aTestServ,
+														aCommand,
+														aCompletion,
+														aScriptLineNumber,
+														aLogger,
+														aLoopIndex,
+														aTestCaseID,
+														aScriptFilePath,
+														aSysDrive,
+														aTestSysDrive);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aEndBlockCommand, aBlockArray);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+void CClientControl::ConstructL( const TDesC& aEndBlockCommand, const TTEFItemArray& aBlockArray )
+	{
+	iEndBlockCommand.Set( aEndBlockCommand );
+	TTEFItemPkgBuf	itemPckgBuf;
+	TInt			count = aBlockArray.Count();
+	iBlockArrayPkg	= HBufC8::NewL( count * itemPckgBuf.Size() );
+	iBlockArrayPtr.Set( iBlockArrayPkg->Des() );
+	for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
+		{
+		itemPckgBuf = aBlockArray.At(i);
+		iBlockArrayPtr.Append( itemPckgBuf );
+		}
+	}
+TTEFItemArray* CClientControl::CreateBlockArrayLC()
+	{
+	TTEFItemPkgBuf	itemPckgBuf;
+	TPtr8			blockArrayPtr(iBlockArrayPkg->Des());
+	TInt			count = blockArrayPtr.Size()/itemPckgBuf.Size();
+	TTEFItemArray*	itemArray = new (ELeave) TTEFItemArray( count );
+	CleanupStack::PushL( itemArray );
+	TInt	pos = 0;
+	for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
+		{
+		itemPckgBuf.Copy(blockArrayPtr.Mid(pos, itemPckgBuf.Size()));
+		pos += itemPckgBuf.Size();
+		itemArray->AppendL( itemPckgBuf() );
+		}
+	return itemArray;
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	iTimer.Cancel();
+	iTimer.Close();
+	if( iBlockArrayPkg )
+		{
+		delete iBlockArrayPkg;
+		iBlockArrayPkg = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+const TInt KDisableTimer = -1;
+ * Test step has done. log the test result. 
+ */
+void CClientControl::TestStepComplete()
+	{
+	iSession.Close();
+	if(iBlockArrayPkg)
+		{
+		TTEFItemArray *itemArray = CreateBlockArrayLC();
+		iParent.TaskCompletion(iStatus.Int(), iTaskExitCategory, iScriptLineNumber, iEndBlockCommand, iTaskCanComplete, itemArray);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(itemArray);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iParent.TaskCompletion(iStatus.Int(), iTaskExitCategory, iScriptLineNumber, iCommandLine, iTaskCanComplete);
+		}
+	}
+ * Pure virtual
+ * Test step handling state machine
+ * Kick'd() into by the parent CScriptControl object. Constructed in the EInit state
+ */
+void CClientControl::RunL()
+	{
+	switch(iState)
+		{
+	case EInit	:
+		User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal());
+		if(iBlockArrayPkg)
+			{
+			User::LeaveIfError(iSession.Open(iServ, EFalse));		
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			User::LeaveIfError(iSession.Open(iServ, ETrue, iStepName));
+			}
+		// Whilst testing concurrent mode, the OS occasionally completes with
+		// KErrServerBusy or KErrInUse.
+		// clean up retry counter. case ERetry will using.
+		iRetryCount = 0;
+	case EServerRetry :
+		{
+		SetActive();
+		// Set the heap size for creating the thread heap size
+		iTaskExitCategory.Copy(iTaskHeapSize);
+		TBuf<5> checkOOMArgsBuf;
+		// Check if the step args has the OOM arguments already
+		// A minimum 5 chars expected to check this : "OOM=0" or "OOM=1"
+		if (iStepArgs.Length() >=5)
+			{
+			// Extract the first 5 chars from the start of step args string
+			checkOOMArgsBuf.Copy(iStepArgs.Mid(0,5));
+			}
+		_LIT(KOOMOne,"OOM=1");
+		_LIT(KOOMZero,"OOM=0");
+		// Set the OOM argument after checking for existence of OOM param already
+		if ((checkOOMArgsBuf.CompareF(KOOMOne) != KErrNone) && (checkOOMArgsBuf.CompareF(KOOMZero) != KErrNone))
+			{
+			// Insert the OOM arguments to the start of iStepArgs string
+			if (iOOMRequestSet) // Set OOM=1 if !OOM is used in the RUN_TEST_STEP command
+				iStepArgs.Insert(0,_L("OOM=1 "));
+			else
+				iStepArgs.Insert(0,_L("OOM=0 "));
+			}
+		TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> checkSetUpArgsBuf;
+		// Check if the step args has the Setup arguments already
+		// A min of 13 chars expected to check this : "OOM=0 !Setup=" or "OOM=1 !Setup="
+		if (iStepArgs.Length() >=13)
+			{
+			// Extract 7 chars after skipping the OOM arguments "OOM=0 " or "OOM=1 "
+			checkSetUpArgsBuf.Copy(iStepArgs.Mid(6,7));
+			}
+		// Set the !Setup argument after checking for existence !Setup param already
+		if (checkSetUpArgsBuf.CompareF(KTEFSetUpParam) != KErrNone)
+			{
+			// Retain the !Setup value from RUN_TEST_STEP command, if available
+			if (iSetUpParamValue.Length() == KTEFZeroValue)
+				{
+				// If !Setup is not used in RUN_TEST_STEP, set the !Setup to TTestSetupState::ESetupNone (0)
+				iSetUpParamValue.Copy(KTEFSetUpParam);
+				iSetUpParamValue.AppendNum(TTestSetupState(ESetupNone));
+				}
+			// Append a space and also include the loop index
+			iSetUpParamValue.Append(KTEFSpace);
+			// The loop index is 0 if the test is not in loop; loop index, otherwise
+			iSetUpParamValue.AppendNum(iLoopIndex);
+			iSetUpParamValue.Append(KTEFSpace);
+			// Append the TestCaseID along with the Setup params
+			iSetUpParamValue.Append(iTestCaseID);
+			iSetUpParamValue.Append(KTEFSpace);
+			// Insert the !Setup arguments after the OOM arguments within the iStepArgs
+			iStepArgs.Insert(6, iSetUpParamValue);
+			}
+		// Call the async client API to run the test step
+		if(iBlockArrayPkg)
+			{
+			iSession.RunTestBlock(iStepArgs,iTaskExitCategory,iBlockArrayPtr,iStatus);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iSession.RunTestStep(iStepArgs,iTaskExitCategory,iStatus);
+			}
+		// Start a timer and provide it with our callback MTaskCompletion
+		iState = ERunning;
+		// Only start the timer if the disable value is not set
+		if(iTaskTimeout != KDisableTimer)
+			{
+			iTaskTimer = CTaskTimer::NewL(*this);
+			iTaskTimer->Timeout(iTaskTimeout);
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunning :
+		{
+		// We have been completed but we need to find out the source
+		// If the timer expires it Aborts the server test step which results in
+		// the RunTestStep call completing with KErrAbort.
+		// When the timer expires it calls us back and we delete it then NULL it.
+		if(iTaskTimer)
+			{
+			// The timer did not expire
+			iTaskTimer->Cancel();
+			delete iTaskTimer;
+			iTaskTimer = NULL;
+			}
+		const TInt KRetry10Microseconds = 100000;
+		const TInt KMaxRetryCount = 20;
+		if(iStatus.Int() == KErrInUse && iRetryCount < KMaxRetryCount)
+			{
+			// OS (not the server) has rejected the call.
+			// Timed retry
+			// Noticed this one after panic's in shared data mode
+			iState = EServerRetry;
+			// Keep increasing the timeout
+			iRetryCount++;
+			SetActive();
+			iLogger.LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrInfo,
+					_L("Error Message :: The Task Is Retrying "));
+			iTimer.After(iStatus,KRetry10Microseconds * iRetryCount);							
+			}		
+		else if(iStatus.Int() == KErrServerBusy)
+			{
+			// tempt to do test again when test server return busy.
+			iState = EServerRetry;
+			iRetryCount++;
+			if(iRetryCount < KMaxRetryCount)
+				{
+				iState = EServerRetry;
+				SetActive();
+				iLogger.LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrInfo,
+						_L("Error Message : Server return -16 = KErrServerBusy : Retrying %d"),iRetryCount);
+				iTimer.After(iStatus,KRetry10Microseconds );
+				}
+			else//server alwayse busy. stop test. 
+				{
+				iLogger.LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrErr,
+										_L("Error Message : Server Busy Retrying %d times. Test Teminated!"),iRetryCount);
+				iParent.TaskCompletion(iStatus.Int(),iTaskExitCategory,iScriptLineNumber,iCommandLine,iTaskCanComplete);
+				iSession.Close();
+				delete this;				
+				}
+			}			
+		else
+			{
+			// see testserverbase.cpp::void SytemWideErrToTefErr(TInt &aErr). converting thi value.
+			//Check the status, if the status is KErrTestExecuteInUse
+			//then log the information  and change it back to 
+			if(iStatus.Int() == KErrTestExecuteInUse)
+				{
+				//Convert the status back to KErrInUse
+				iStatus=KErrInUse;
+				}
+			else if(iStatus.Int() == KErrTestExecuteServerBusy)
+				{
+				//this is not server really busy! we should change the server side iStatus back to -16
+				//Convert the status back to KErrServerBusy
+				iStatus = KErrServerBusy;
+				}
+			// Step completion
+			TestStepComplete();
+			delete this;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+ * @param aError - TInt value representing error returned due to processing request from RunL()
+ * Handles the leave from RunL() and cleans up the allocated objects
+ * Also returns KErrNone upon sucessful handling of leave
+ */
+TInt CClientControl::RunError(TInt aError)
+	{
+	if(iBlockArrayPkg)
+		{
+		TTEFItemArray*	itemArray = CreateBlockArrayLC();
+		iParent.TaskCompletion(aError,iTaskExitCategory,iScriptLineNumber,iEndBlockCommand,iTaskCanComplete,itemArray);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( itemArray );
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iParent.TaskCompletion(aError,iTaskExitCategory,iScriptLineNumber,iCommandLine,iTaskCanComplete);
+		}
+	delete this;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ * Extract and save the timeout, step name and test step arguments
+ */
+void CClientControl::GetStepParamsFromStepCommand()
+	{
+	TLex scriptLineLex(iCommandLine);
+	TPtrC command(scriptLineLex.NextToken());
+	if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepResultCommand) == 0)
+		scriptLineLex.NextToken();
+	else if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand) == 0)
+		{
+		scriptLineLex.NextToken();
+		TPtrC panicString(scriptLineLex.NextToken());
+		if(panicString.Left(1).Compare(KTEFOpenQuotes) == 0 && panicString.Right(1).Compare(KTEFOpenQuotes) != 0)
+			{
+			TBool validCommandLine(EFalse);
+			while(!scriptLineLex.Eos() && !validCommandLine)
+				{				
+				panicString.Set(scriptLineLex.NextToken());
+				if(panicString.Right(1).Compare(KTEFOpenQuotes) == 0)
+					validCommandLine = ETrue;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else if(command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 ||
+			command.CompareF(KTEFStartTestBlock) == 0 )
+		{
+		TInt firstChar;
+		TPtrC commandStr;
+		TBool panicStringComplete(ETrue);
+		while(!scriptLineLex.Eos())
+			{
+			scriptLineLex.SkipSpace();
+			scriptLineLex.Mark();
+			TPtrC	token = scriptLineLex.NextToken();
+			if( token.Length()>0 )
+				{
+				commandStr.Set( token );
+				firstChar = commandStr[0];
+				// 33 is the ascii value for "!". Used here for confirming switches
+				if (firstChar != KTEFAsciiExclamation && panicStringComplete)
+					{
+					break;
+					}
+				if(commandStr.Length() > 14 && 
+					commandStr.Mid(0,14).Compare(_L("!PanicString=\"")) == 0)
+						panicStringComplete = EFalse;
+				if(!panicStringComplete && commandStr.Right(1).Compare(KTEFOpenQuotes) == 0)
+					panicStringComplete = ETrue;
+				if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinHeapParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinHeapParamLength).CompareF(KTEFHeap) == 0)
+					iTaskHeapSize.Set(commandStr.Mid(KTEFMinHeapParamLength));
+				else if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinSetupParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinSetupParamLength).CompareF(KTEFSetUpParam) == 0)
+					iSetUpParamValue.Copy(commandStr);
+				else if (commandStr.Length() >= KTEFMinOomParamLength && commandStr.Mid(0,KTEFMinOomParamLength).CompareF(KTEFOom) == 0)
+					{
+					// Out of memory cannot be supported for UREL builds due to UHEAP macros
+					// not being supported in UREL builds
+					#if defined(_DEBUG)
+						iOOMRequestSet = ETrue;
+					#else
+						iOOMRequestSet = EFalse;
+						iLogger.LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrWarn,
+								_L("Out of Memory Testing is not supported for UREL builds"));
+					#endif
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	TLex timeoutLex;
+	if(	command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 ||
+		command.CompareF(KTEFStartTestBlock) == 0)
+		timeoutLex = scriptLineLex.MarkedToken();
+	else
+		timeoutLex = scriptLineLex.NextToken();
+	TInt err = timeoutLex.Val(iTaskTimeout);
+	if(err)
+		{
+		// No timeout specified
+		iTaskTimeout = KDefaultTimeoutSeconds;
+		iStepName.Set(scriptLineLex.NextToken());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		scriptLineLex.NextToken();
+		if( command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepCommand) == 0 ||
+			command.CompareF(KTEFRunTestStepResultCommand) == 0 ||
+			command.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepResultCommand) == 0 ||
+			command.CompareF(KTEFRunPanicStepCommand) == 0||
+			command.CompareF(KTEFRunErrorStepResultCommand) == 0)
+			{
+			// Save the step name
+			iStepName.Set(scriptLineLex.NextToken());
+			}
+		}
+	// The rest is sent to the server
+	scriptLineLex.SkipSpace();
+  	iStepArgs.Copy(iScriptFilePath.Mid(0,2));
+  	iStepArgs.Append(KTEFSpace);
+	iStepArgs.Append(iDefaultSysDrive);
+	iStepArgs.Append(KTEFSpace);
+	iStepArgs.Append(iTestSysDrive);
+	iStepArgs.Append(KTEFSpace);
+  	iStepArgs.Append(scriptLineLex.Remainder());
+	}
+ * Callback from a CTaskTimer object
+ * Abort the test step, NULL the timer so we know that a timeout has caused test step completion
+ */
+void CClientControl::TaskTimerCompletion()
+	{
+	delete iTaskTimer;
+	iTaskTimer = NULL;
+	iSession.AbortTestStep();
+	}
+ * Constructor
+ * @param aCompletion - Reference to a callback method in the CClientControl parent object
+ */
+CTaskTimer::CTaskTimer(MTaskTimerCompletion& aCompletion) : CTimer(EPriorityUserInput), iParent(aCompletion)
+	{
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+	}
+ * Iterate till the timer has expired and callback into the parent
+ */
+void CTaskTimer::RunL()
+	{
+	if (iTimesAfter > 0 || iSecondsRemaining > 0)
+		{
+		RunTimeout(); // Function call implementing the After() routines
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iParent.TaskTimerCompletion(); // Call the completion routine for the timeout
+		}
+	}
+ * Implements a timeout based using CTimer::After()
+ * Modified for handling huge timeout values
+ * @param aSeconds - Timeout value in seconds
+ */
+ void CTaskTimer::Timeout(TInt aSeconds)
+	{
+	iTimesAfter = aSeconds/60; // Convert the aSeconds to equivalent minutes
+	iSecondsRemaining = (aSeconds - (iTimesAfter*60)); // Remainder of seconds after converting to equivalent minutes
+	RunTimeout();
+	}
+ * Implements the After() routines for the timeout value specified
+ * The call is initiated from Timeout() & is iterated from the RunL()
+ */
+void CTaskTimer::RunTimeout()
+	{
+	if (iTimesAfter > 0)
+		{
+		After(60*1000000); // Call After() for every minute until iTimesAfter is >0
+		iTimesAfter--;
+		}
+	else if (iSecondsRemaining > 0)
+		{
+		After(iSecondsRemaining*1000000); // Call After() for remainder of microsec
+		iSecondsRemaining = 0;
+		}
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	}
+ * @param aCompletion - Reference to a callback method in a CTaskControlBase parent object
+ * Two phase contruction
+ */
+CTaskTimer* CTaskTimer::NewL(MTaskTimerCompletion& aCompletion)
+	{
+	CTaskTimer* taskTimer = new(ELeave) CTaskTimer(aCompletion);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(taskTimer);
+	// We have to call the base class second phase constructor
+	taskTimer->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(taskTimer);
+	return taskTimer;
+	}
+ * @param aCommand - Command for the derived class
+ * @param aCompletion - Reference to the parent class callback method
+ * @param aScriptLineNumber - The script file line number of this command
+ * @param aLogger - Reference to a Flogger derived session
+ * Constructor - Just initialise the abstract class data
+ */
+CTaskControlBase::CTaskControlBase(const TDesC& aCommand, MTaskCompletion& aCompletion,TInt aScriptLineNumber, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger) :
+	iCommandLine(aCommand),
+	iParent(aCompletion),
+	iScriptLineNumber(aScriptLineNumber),
+	iLogger(aLogger),
+	iTaskTimer(NULL)
+	{
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	}
+ * @param aCommand - Command line for the program (Store in base class)
+ * @param aCompletion - Reference to the parent class callback method (Store in base class)
+ * @param aScriptLineNumber - The script file line number of this command (Store in base class)
+ * @param aLogger - Reference to a Flogger derived session (Store in base class)
+ * @param aWSProgRun - Boolean value used for identifying window server programs
+ */
+CProgramControl::CProgramControl(const TDesC& aCommand,MTaskCompletion& aCompletion,TInt aScriptLineNumber, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger, TBool aWSProgRun) : CTaskControlBase(aCommand,aCompletion,aScriptLineNumber,aLogger),
+	iState(EInit)
+	{
+ 	// Extract the program arguments from the command line
+	GetProgramArgsFromCommand();
+	// Try to connect to the window server (if available)
+	iWSProgRun = aWSProgRun;
+  	#if !defined TEF_LITE
+	if( iWSProgRun )
+		{
+		iWs.Connect();
+		}
+  	#else
+  	// Always set to false if TEF_LITE is set
+  	//iWSProgRun = EFalse;
+  	#endif
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	#if !defined TEF_LITE
+	if( iWSProgRun )
+		{
+		iWs.Close();
+		}
+	#endif
+	}
+ * Simple State machine.
+ * Kick()'d into by parent object.
+ * Runs an executable in its own process.
+ */
+void CProgramControl::RunL()
+	{
+	switch(iState)
+		{
+	case EInit	:
+		{
+		TRAPD(err,RunProgramL());
+		if(err != KErrNone)
+			{
+			// Special case where the executable has already completed
+			if( err == KErrCompletion )
+				{
+				// Reset the error code
+				err = KErrNone;
+				}
+			// Failed so complete immediately
+			iParent.TaskCompletion(err,iTaskExitCategory,iScriptLineNumber,iCommandLine,iTaskCanComplete);
+			delete this;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			SetActive();
+			iState = ERunning;
+			// Only start the timer if the disable value is not set
+			if(iTaskTimeout != KDisableTimer)
+				{
+				iTaskTimer = CTaskTimer::NewL(*this);
+				iTaskTimer->Timeout(iTaskTimeout);
+				}
+			if (iProgRenamed == 1)
+ 				{
+  				iLogger.LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrInfo,
+  					_L(".EXE not found - .APP run instead"));
+  				}
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERunning :
+		{
+		if(iTaskTimer)
+			{
+			// The timer did not expire
+			iTaskTimer->Cancel();
+			delete iTaskTimer;
+			iTaskTimer = NULL;
+			}
+		// Set up the panic string if the program panicked
+		if( !iWSProgRun )
+			{
+			if(iProgram.ExitType() == EExitPanic)
+				{
+				iTaskExitCategory.Copy(KPanicEquals);
+				iTaskExitCategory.Append(iProgram.ExitCategory());
+				}
+			else if (iProgram.ExitType() == EExitPending)
+				{
+				iProgram.Kill(KErrAbort);
+				iLogger.LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrWarn,
+				  	_L("Program has been killed as the timeout is achieved."));
+				}
+			iProgram.Close();
+			}
+  		#if !defined TEF_LITE
+		else
+			{
+			if(iProgramWS.ExitType() == EExitPanic)
+				{
+				iTaskExitCategory.Copy(KPanicEquals);
+				iTaskExitCategory.Append(iProgramWS.ExitCategory());
+				}
+			// Close the application
+			TInt prev = 0;
+			TInt winGid = iWs.FindWindowGroupIdentifier(prev, iProgramWS.Id());
+			TApaTask task(iWs);
+			task.SetWgId(winGid);
+			if( task.Exists() )
+				{
+				task.KillTask();
+				}
+			iProgramWS.Close();
+			}
+		#endif
+		// Complete to the parent object.
+		iParent.TaskCompletion(iStatus.Int(),iTaskExitCategory,iScriptLineNumber,iCommandLine,iTaskCanComplete);
+		delete this;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+ * Retrieve the program arguments from the script line.
+ */
+void CProgramControl::GetProgramArgsFromCommand()
+	{
+	TLex scriptLineLex(iCommandLine);
+	// Skip the RUN_PROGRAM command
+	scriptLineLex.NextToken();
+	TLex lex(scriptLineLex);
+	// Get the timer if it's been included
+	TLex timeoutLex(lex.NextToken());
+	TInt err = timeoutLex.Val(iTaskTimeout);
+	if(err)
+		// No timeout specified
+		iTaskTimeout = KDefaultTimeoutSeconds;
+	else
+		// Skip the timeout value
+		scriptLineLex.NextToken();
+	scriptLineLex.SkipSpace();
+	// Use the rest
+	iProgramArgs.Set(scriptLineLex.Remainder());
+	}
+ * Task timer expired
+ */
+void CProgramControl::TaskTimerCompletion()
+	{
+	delete iTaskTimer;
+	iTaskTimer = NULL;
+		if( !iWSProgRun )
+			{
+			iProgram.RendezvousCancel(iStatus);
+			}
+		#if !defined TEF_LITE
+		else
+			{
+			iProgramWS.RendezvousCancel(iStatus);
+			}
+		#endif
+		// We ORPHAN the process
+		// Our RunL() gets called immediately
+		// Kill requires KillAnyProcess capability
+		// ups the stakes as regards CAPABILITY
+	}
+ * Processes RUN_PROGRAM command arguments and starts the program
+ */
+void CProgramControl::RunProgramL()
+	{
+	TLex lex(iProgramArgs);
+	//	Get program name.	
+	lex.Mark();
+	lex.NextToken();
+#if   !defined TEF_LITE
+	// Set up the program arguments
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> programArgs(lex.Remainder());
+	programArgs.Trim();
+	iProgramArgs.Set(programArgs);
+	if( !iWSProgRun )
+		{
+		// Create the Process
+		User::LeaveIfError(iProgram.Create(lex.MarkedToken(),iProgramArgs));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+ 		if( !IsWindowServerAvailable() )
+ 			{
+ 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ 			}
+ 		// Launch the application using RApaLsSession
+		// This will only work if there is a window server available.
+		// It allows TechView apps to be launched
+		CApaCommandLine *cmd=CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
+		cmd->SetExecutableNameL(lex.MarkedToken());
+		// Set the program arguments
+		cmd->SetDocumentNameL( iProgramArgs );
+		cmd->SetCommandL(EApaCommandRun);
+		User::LeaveIfError( iApaLsSess.Connect() );
+		// startup
+		TThreadId thread;
+		User::LeaveIfError( iApaLsSess.StartApp(*cmd, thread) );
+		TInt ret = iProgramWS.Open(thread);
+		if( ret != KErrNone )
+			{
+			if( ret == KErrNotFound )
+				{
+				// If the thread can not be found then it has already completed
+				// Leave with a relavent error
+				User::Leave(KErrCompletion);
+				}
+			User::Leave(ret);
+			}
+		//cleanup
+		iApaLsSess.Close();
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+		}
+ * Kick off an exe in its own pocess
+ * completes asynchronously
+ */
+	if (iWSProgRun)  //TEF lite doesn't support RUN_WS_PROGRAM.
+		{
+		iLogger.LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrErr,
+				_L("Error Message :: TEF lite doesn't support RUN_WS_PROGRAM."));
+		User::Leave(EFail);
+		}
+	// Set up the program arguments
+	TPtrC commandLine(lex.Remainder());
+	iProgramArgs.Set(commandLine);
+	// Create the Process
+	User::LeaveIfError(iProgram.Create(lex.MarkedToken(),iProgramArgs));
+	if( !iWSProgRun )
+		{
+		iProgram.Rendezvous(iStatus);
+		iProgram.Resume();
+		}
+	#if !defined TEF_LITE
+	else
+		{
+		iProgramWS.Rendezvous(iStatus);
+		}
+	#endif
+	}
+ * @param aServerName - Test server to connect to
+ * @param aSharedData - Flag for shared data mode session with test server
+ * Connect to the test server
+ * EKA2 version requires a just in time debug flag for the test server process
+ * This is read from the command line.
+ * Base class connect acts on this.
+ */
+TInt RScriptTestServ::Connect(const TDesC& aServerName,TBool aSharedData)
+	{
+	iSharedData = aSharedData;
+	// Parse the command line for -d
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> commandLine;
+	if(User::CommandLineLength() > commandLine.MaxLength())
+		User::Leave(KErrTooBig);
+	User::CommandLine(commandLine);
+	TLex flagLex(commandLine);
+	// Default to false
+	TBool aJustInTime(EFalse);
+	while(!flagLex.Eos())
+		{
+		TPtrC token(flagLex.NextToken());
+		if(token == KTestExecuteCommandLineFlagDebugMode)
+			{
+			aJustInTime = ETrue;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return RTestServ::Connect(aServerName,aJustInTime);
+	}
+ * Copies the integer value read from ini file to the reference integer passed to the function
+ * @param aConfigData - Pointer to CIniData object used for reading data from ini file
+ * @param aConfigSection - Descriptor value describing the section name within an ini file for reading
+ * @param aSharedData - KeyName within a section where the input data is available in ini file
+ * @param aSharedDataNum - Reference integer variable for collecting the value at the keyname specified
+ * @Leave system wide errors
+ */
+void CScriptControl::FindValueL(CIniData* aConfigData, TPtrC aConfigSection, TPtrC aSharedData, TInt& aSharedDataNum)
+	{
+	aConfigData->FindVar(aConfigSection, aSharedData, aSharedDataNum);
+	if (aSharedDataNum == 0)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+		}
+	}
+ * Copies the descriptor value read from ini file to the reference descriptor passed to the function
+ * @param aConfigData - Pointer to CIniData object used for reading data from ini file
+ * @param aConfigSection - Descriptor value describing the section name within an ini file for reading
+ * @param aSharedData - KeyName within a section where the input data is available in ini file
+ * @param aSharedDataName - Reference descriptor variable for collecting the value at the keyname specified
+ * @Leave system wide errors
+ */
+void CScriptControl::FindValueL(CIniData* aConfigData, TPtrC aConfigSection, TPtrC aSharedData, TPtrC& aSharedDataName)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(aConfigData->FindVar(aConfigSection, aSharedData, aSharedDataName));
+	TPtrC blankString(KNull);
+	if (aSharedDataName.CompareF(blankString) == 0)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+		}
+	}
+ * Creates one or more shared objects based on the inputs provided in ini file
+ * @Leave system wide errors
+ */
+void CScriptControl::CreateSharedObjectsFromScriptLineL()
+	{
+	CIniData* configData = NULL;
+	TInt err = 0;
+	TInt sharedDataCount = 0;
+	TPtrC sharedDataName;
+	// Sets the boolean to ETrue
+	// Avoids SHARED_DATA command being called more than once
+	iIsSharedData = ETrue;
+	//It copies the current line from the script to TLex object
+	TLex shareLex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	//reads the next word
+	shareLex.NextToken();
+	TPtrC configFile(shareLex.NextToken());
+	TPtrC configSection(shareLex.NextToken());
+	if(configFile.Length())
+		{
+		// Create instance of CIniData for reading ini input
+		TRAP(err,configData = CIniData::NewL(configFile));
+		}
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF1(KTEFErrorReadingIni);
+		User::Leave(err);
+		}
+	if(configData)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(configData);
+		TPtrC sharedDataNumberKey(KTEFSharedDataNum);
+		// Read the ini file for number of shared objects to be created
+		// Store the value into variable sharedDataCount
+		TRAP(err,FindValueL(configData,configSection,sharedDataNumberKey,sharedDataCount));
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			{
+			ERR_PRINTF1(KTEFErrNumberOfShareNotInIni);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// If ini input is available for number of shared data
+			// Run a loop to read individual shared objects name
+			for (TInt i=1; i<=sharedDataCount; i++)
+				{
+				TBuf<20> keyName(KTEFSharedName);
+				keyName.AppendNum(i);
+				keyName.ZeroTerminate();
+				TPtrC sharedDataNameKey(keyName);
+				sharedDataName.Set(KNull);
+				// Read ini file for i th object name
+				TRAP(err,FindValueL(configData,configSection,sharedDataNameKey,sharedDataName));
+				if (err != KErrNone)
+					{
+					ERR_PRINTF2(KTEFErrShareNameNotInIni,i);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// Number of shared data is limited to the value set in the constant KTEFMaxSharedArraySize
+					// The constant is defined in ScriptEngine.h which can be extended from there
+					if (iSharedDataNum < KTEFMaxSharedArraySize)
+						{
+						// If ini input is available for i th object name
+						// Creating template class object for sharing the object
+						CTestSharedData* sharedObject = NULL;
+						CTEFSharedData<CTestSharedData>* sharedData1 = NULL;
+						TRAP(err,sharedData1 = CTEFSharedData<CTestSharedData>::NewL(sharedObject, KTEFSharedDataSize, sharedDataName));
+						if (err != KErrNone)
+							{
+							User::Leave(err);
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							sharedData1->EnterCriticalSection();
+							sharedObject->Construct();
+							sharedData1->ExitCriticalSection();
+							// Adding the template object to an array
+							iSharedDataArray[iSharedDataNum] = sharedData1;
+							// Counting the number of objects created
+							// destructor can destroy the objects based on this count
+							iSharedDataNum++;
+							}
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						WARN_PRINTF1(KTEFMaxNumberOfSharedObjectsReached);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Cleanup CInidata object
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(configData);
+		}
+	}
+ * Parses the test block header
+ * @Return ETrue if pass ok else EFalse
+ */
+// Fix defect 118337, check the configuration file exists or not, and set the flag.
+TBool CScriptControl::ParseTestBlockHeader()
+	{
+	TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+	TPtrC token = lex.NextToken();
+	TInt paraCount = 1;
+	const TInt KLeastBlockHeaderParaCount = 4;
+	_LIT(KLegacySysDrive, "C:");
+	_LIT(KDefaultIniFilePath, "\\System\\Data\\");
+	while (!lex.Eos())
+		{
+		token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+		lex.SkipSpace();
+		++paraCount;
+		}
+	if (paraCount < KLeastBlockHeaderParaCount)
+		{
+		_LIT(KBadError, "Bad error syntax!");
+		ERR_PRINTF1(KBadError);
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	TFileName defaultIniFilePath(KLegacySysDrive);
+	defaultIniFilePath.Append(KDefaultIniFilePath);
+	iFS.Connect();
+	TFindFile fileFind(iFS);
+	TInt ret = fileFind.FindByDir(token, defaultIniFilePath);
+	iFS.Close();
+	if (KErrNotFound == ret)
+		{
+		_LIT(KFileNotFound, "Configuration File %S Not Found!");
+		ERR_PRINTF2(KFileNotFound, &token);
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+// End defect 118337
+ * Parses the test block and populates the iBlockArray
+ * @Leave system wide errors
+ */
+void CScriptControl::ParseTestBlockL( TTEFItemArray& aItemArray )
+	{
+	// Iterate through the commands contained within the test block
+	//  and append them to the itemArray.
+	TPtrC	startBlockScriptLine	= iCurrentScriptLine;
+	TInt	startBlockLineNumber 	= iCurrentScriptLineNumber;
+	TBool parseResult = ParseTestBlockHeader();
+		{
+		TTEFBlockItem	blockItem;
+		// Read in the next script line
+		TBool	scriptLineRes = EFalse;
+		if( !iStartLooping )
+			{
+			scriptLineRes = GetNextScriptLine(iCurrentScriptLine);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			scriptLineRes = GetLoopScriptLine(iCurrentScriptLine);
+			}
+		if( !scriptLineRes )
+			{
+			_LIT( KTEFEoF, "Unexpectedly hit the end of the file" );
+			TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString;
+			LogResult(EFail, blankPanicString, startBlockLineNumber, startBlockScriptLine);
+			User::Leave( KErrEof );
+			}
+		// Strip off any trailling comment
+		TInt offset = iCurrentScriptLine.Find(KTEFComment);
+		if( offset != KErrNotFound )
+			{
+			iCurrentScriptLine.Set( iCurrentScriptLine.Mid(0, offset) );
+			}
+		TLex lex(iCurrentScriptLine);
+		TPtrC token(lex.NextToken());
+		// Populate the blockItem with the data required for each command
+		// CREATE_OBJECT <object type> <object name section>
+		if(	0 == token.CompareF(KTEFCreateObject) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType		= ETEFCreateObject;
+			blockItem.iObjectType	= lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);
+			blockItem.iSection		= lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);
+			}
+		// RESTORE_OBJECT <object type> <object name section>
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFRestoreObject) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType		= ETEFRestoreObject;
+			blockItem.iObjectType	= lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);
+			blockItem.iSection		= lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);
+			}
+		// COMMAND [Error TEFParameter] <object name section> <function name> [section]
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFCommand) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType = ETEFCommand;
+			TPtrC param = lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);
+			if( param.Length() > 0 )
+				{
+				while( param[0] == KTEFAsciiExclamation )
+					{
+					// This is a TEF Error Parameter
+					// Extract the type of TEF parameter being read in
+					if( param.Length() >= KTEFError().Length() &&
+						0 == param.Mid(0,KTEFError().Length()).CompareF(KTEFError) )
+						{
+						TInt	start = KTEFError().Length();
+						TInt	length = param.Length()-start;
+						TLex	errorCodeLex( param.Mid(start,
+														length ));
+						TInt errorCode = 0;
+						if( errorCodeLex.Val(errorCode) == KErrNone )
+							{
+							blockItem.iExpectedError = errorCode;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							_LIT(KBadError,"Bad error syntax.");
+							ERR_PRINTF1(KBadError);	
+							blockItem.iError = KErrNotSupported;
+							}
+						}
+					else if( param.Length() >= KTEFAsyncError().Length() &&
+							 0 == param.Mid(0,KTEFAsyncError().Length()).CompareF(KTEFAsyncError))
+						{
+						TInt	start = KTEFAsyncError().Length();
+						TInt	length = param.Length()-start;
+						TLex	errorCodeLex( param.Mid(start,
+														length ));
+						TInt errorCode = 0;
+						if( errorCodeLex.Val(errorCode) == KErrNone )
+							{
+							blockItem.iExpectedAsyncError = errorCode;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							_LIT(KBadError,"Bad error syntax.");
+							ERR_PRINTF1(KBadError);
+							blockItem.iAsyncError = KErrNotSupported;					
+							}
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						// Unknown TEFParameter
+						_LIT(KUnknownTEFParam,"Unknown Test Block TEFParameter.");
+						ERR_PRINTF1(KUnknownTEFParam);
+						TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString;
+						LogResult(EFail, blankPanicString, startBlockLineNumber, startBlockScriptLine);
+						User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+						}
+					// Read the next token
+					param.Set( lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength) );
+					}
+				}
+			// Read in the object section name, function name and optional data section
+			blockItem.iCommand.iObject		= param;
+			blockItem.iCommand.iFunction	= lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);
+			blockItem.iSection				= lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);
+			}
+		// STORE <section>
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFStore) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType		= ETEFStore;
+			blockItem.iSection		= lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);
+			}
+		// OUTSTANDING <poll interval in ms>
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFOutstanding) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType		= ETEFOutstanding;
+			TLex	pollLex( lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength) );
+			TInt	poll = 0;
+			blockItem.iTime			= (KErrNone==pollLex.Val(poll)?poll:0);
+			blockItem.iSection		= lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength);		
+			}
+		// DELAY <time in ms>
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFDelay) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType		= ETEFDelay;
+			TLex	delayLex( lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength) );
+			TInt	delay = 0;
+			blockItem.iTime = (KErrNone==delayLex.Val(delay)?delay:0);		
+			}
+		// ASYNC_DELAY <time in ms>
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFAsyncDelay) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType		= ETEFAsyncDelay;
+			TLex	delayLex( lex.NextToken().Left(KTEFMaxNameLength) );
+			TInt	delay = 0;
+			blockItem.iTime = (KErrNone==delayLex.Val(delay)?delay:0);
+			}
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFSharedActiveScheduler) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType		= ETEFSharedActiveScheduler;			
+			}
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFStoreActiveScheduler) )
+			{
+			blockItem.iItemType		= ETEFStoreActiveScheduler;			
+			}
+		// END_TEST_BLOCK [Scheduler Cleanup]
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFEndTestBlock) )
+			{
+			TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString;
+			if( 0 == aItemArray.Count() )
+				{
+				_LIT( KTEFEmptyBlock, "The Test Block is empty." );
+				ERR_PRINTF1( KTEFEmptyBlock );
+				LogResult(EFail, blankPanicString, startBlockLineNumber, startBlockScriptLine);
+				User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Hit the end of the test block and the package is ready
+				// Fix defect 118337, check parse result, and print corresponding message.
+				LogResult(parseResult?EPass:EFail, blankPanicString, startBlockLineNumber, startBlockScriptLine);
+				//End defect 118337
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		else if( 0 == token.CompareF(KTEFStartTestBlock) )
+			{
+			// Error - there was no end test block command
+			_LIT(KMissingEnd,"Missing END_TEST_BLOCK command.");
+			ERR_PRINTF1(KMissingEnd);
+			TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString;
+			LogResult(EFail, blankPanicString, startBlockLineNumber, startBlockScriptLine);
+			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if( token.Length() > 0 )
+				{
+				if( 0 != token.Left(2).Compare(KTEFComment) )
+					{
+					// The SART_TEST_BLOCK command failed
+					_LIT(KUnknownCmd,"Unknown Test Block command.");
+					ERR_PRINTF1(KUnknownCmd);
+					TExitCategoryName  blankPanicString;
+					LogResult(EFail, blankPanicString, startBlockLineNumber, startBlockScriptLine);
+					// Special case for END_TESTCASE commands
+					//  If one has been hit here because an END_TEST_BLOCK command was missing
+					//  the we must log its completion.
+					if( token.CompareF(KTEFEndTestCaseCommand) == 0 || token.CompareF(KTEFEndSyncTestCaseCommand) == 0 )
+						{
+						LogTestCaseMarkerL();
+						}
+					User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Append the blockItem to the package
+		if( ETEFNull != blockItem.iItemType )
+			{
+			aItemArray.AppendL( blockItem );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+_LIT( KTEFSyncStatus, "TEFStatus" );
+_LIT( KTEFSyncResult, "TEFResult" );
+const TInt KDelay		= 3000000;
+const TInt KRetryCount	= 10;
+enum TSyncStatus
+	{
+	ETEFSyncUnknown		= 0,
+	ETEFSyncRunning		= 1,
+	ETEFSyncComplete	= 2,
+	ETEFSyncWaiting		= 3,
+	ETEFSyncContinue	= 4,
+	ETEFRetrieveResult	= 5
+	};
+ * Constructor
+ */
+	: iSharedTEFStatus(NULL), iSharedTEFResult(NULL)
+	{
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	if( iSharedTEFResult && iSharedTEFStatus )
+		{
+		// Don't cleanup until the status is correct
+		// This will allow time for any retrieve result calls to get through before TEF exits
+		// Will retry for 30 seconds
+		CTestSharedData* tefStatus = iSharedTEFStatus->Ptr();
+		if( tefStatus != NULL )
+			{
+			TInt64 status = ETEFRetrieveResult;
+			TInt count = 0;
+			while( status == ETEFRetrieveResult && count < KRetryCount )
+				{
+				iSharedTEFStatus->EnterCriticalSection();
+				HBufC* statusBuffer = NULL;
+				TRAPD( err, statusBuffer = HBufC::NewL(tefStatus->TextLength()) );
+				if( err == KErrNone )
+					{
+					TPtr statusPtr( statusBuffer->Des() );
+					tefStatus->GetText( statusPtr );
+					TLex lex(statusPtr);
+					lex.Val(status);
+					delete statusBuffer;
+					}
+				iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+				// Don't deley for the first i
+				if( count > 0 )
+					{
+					User::After( KDelay );
+					}
+				count++;
+				}
+			}
+		delete iSharedTEFResult;
+		delete iSharedTEFStatus;		
+		}
+	}
+ * Two phase construction
+ */	
+CSyncControl* CSyncControl::NewL()
+	{
+	CSyncControl* self = CSyncControl::NewLC();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+ * Two phase construction
+ */	
+CSyncControl* CSyncControl::NewLC()
+	{
+	CSyncControl* self = new (ELeave) CSyncControl();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+	}
+ * ConstructL
+ */	
+void CSyncControl::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// Initialise the sync status shared data
+	CTestSharedData* tefStatus = NULL;
+	iSharedTEFStatus = CTEFSharedData<CTestSharedData>::NewL(	tefStatus,
+																KMaxSharedDataLength,
+																KTEFSyncStatus );
+	iSharedTEFStatus->EnterCriticalSection();
+	tefStatus->Construct();
+	HBufC* statusBuffer = NULL;
+	TRAPD( err, statusBuffer = HBufC::NewL(sizeof(TInt64)) );
+	if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+		iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+		User::Leave( err );
+		}
+	TPtr statusPtr( statusBuffer->Des() );
+	statusPtr.Num( ETEFSyncWaiting );
+	tefStatus->SetText( statusPtr );
+	delete statusBuffer;
+	iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+	// Initialise the sync result shared data
+	CTestSharedData* tefResult = NULL;
+	iSharedTEFResult = CTEFSharedData<CTestSharedData>::NewL(	tefResult,
+																KMaxSharedDataLength,
+																KTEFSyncResult );
+	iSharedTEFResult->EnterCriticalSection();
+	tefResult->Construct();
+	HBufC* resBuffer = NULL;
+	TRAP( err, resBuffer = HBufC::NewL(sizeof(TInt64)) );
+	if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+		iSharedTEFResult->ExitCriticalSection();
+		User::Leave( err );
+		}
+	TPtr resPtr( resBuffer->Des() );
+	resPtr.Num( EInconclusive );
+	tefResult->SetText( resPtr );
+	delete resBuffer;
+	iSharedTEFResult->ExitCriticalSection();
+	}
+ * @param aError - Error value resulting from synchronised testcase for logging
+ * Sets the result obtained from synchronised testcase for logging
+ */
+void CSyncControl::SetResultL( TVerdict aError )
+	{
+	// Retrieve the status and result shared data pointers
+	CTestSharedData* tefResult = iSharedTEFResult->Ptr();
+	CTestSharedData* tefStatus = iSharedTEFStatus->Ptr();
+	if( tefResult != NULL && tefStatus != NULL )
+		{
+		// Update the shared sync test case result code
+		iSharedTEFResult->EnterCriticalSection();
+		HBufC* resBuffer = NULL;
+		TRAPD( err, resBuffer = HBufC::NewL(sizeof(TInt64)) );
+		if( err != KErrNone )
+			{
+			iSharedTEFResult->ExitCriticalSection();
+			User::Leave( err );
+			}
+		TPtr resPtr( resBuffer->Des() );
+		resPtr.Num( (TInt64)aError );
+		tefResult->SetText( resPtr );
+		delete resBuffer;
+		iSharedTEFResult->ExitCriticalSection();
+		// So now the test has complete and the result has been updated
+		//  we need to update the status to reflect this
+		iSharedTEFStatus->EnterCriticalSection();
+		HBufC* statusBuffer = NULL;
+		TRAP( err, statusBuffer = HBufC::NewL(sizeof(TInt64)) );
+		if( err != KErrNone )
+			{
+			iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+			User::Leave( err );
+			}
+		TPtr statusPtr( statusBuffer->Des() );
+		statusPtr.Num( ETEFRetrieveResult );
+		tefStatus->SetText( statusPtr );
+		delete statusBuffer;
+		iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+		}
+	}
+ * Identifies state of synchronised testcases and continues with the test or completes the tests
+ */
+TBool CSyncControl::TestCaseContinueL()
+	{
+	TBool tefContinue = EFalse;
+	// Retrieve the status and result shared data pointers
+	CTestSharedData* tefStatus = iSharedTEFStatus->Ptr();
+	CTestSharedData* tefResult = iSharedTEFResult->Ptr();
+	if( tefStatus != NULL && tefResult != NULL )
+		{
+		iSharedTEFStatus->EnterCriticalSection();
+		// Retrieve the current status
+		HBufC* statusBuffer = NULL;
+		TRAPD( err, statusBuffer = HBufC::NewL(tefStatus->TextLength()) );
+		if( err != KErrNone )
+			{
+			iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+			User::Leave( err );
+			}
+		TPtr statusPtr( statusBuffer->Des() );
+		tefStatus->GetText( statusPtr );
+		TLex lex(statusPtr);
+		TInt64	status = ETEFSyncUnknown;
+		User::LeaveIfError( lex.Val(status) );
+		if( status == ETEFSyncContinue )
+			{
+			tefContinue = ETrue;
+			// Update the status to running
+			HBufC* buffer = NULL;
+			TRAP( err, buffer = HBufC::NewL(sizeof(TInt64)) );
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				delete statusBuffer;
+				iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+				User::Leave( err );
+				}
+			TPtr ptr( buffer->Des() );
+			ptr.Num( ETEFSyncRunning );
+			tefStatus->SetText( ptr );
+			delete buffer;
+			}
+		else if( status == ETEFSyncComplete )
+			{
+			// Previous test has completed and a new sync block has been hit
+			// Update the status to waiting
+			HBufC* buffer = NULL;
+			TRAP( err, buffer = HBufC::NewL(sizeof(TInt64)) );
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				delete statusBuffer;
+				iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+				User::Leave( err );
+				}
+			TPtr ptr( buffer->Des() );
+			ptr.Num( ETEFSyncWaiting );
+			tefStatus->SetText( ptr );
+			delete buffer;
+			}
+		delete statusBuffer;
+		iSharedTEFStatus->ExitCriticalSection();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+		}
+	return tefContinue;
+	}
+ * Takes in a script line updates any relative file paths into corresponding absolute path based on the current script file path
+ * @param aScriptLineString - Pointer descriptor containing a particular script line for updation
+ */
+void CScriptControl::MakeAbsoluteFilePathsL(TPtrC16& aScriptLineString)
+	{
+	TLex lex(aScriptLineString);
+	iAlteredScriptLine.Zero(); // Initialise the altered script line to zero b4 we start processing
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> commandName; // To store the command name, basically first token of each script line
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> commandString; // To store individual tokens of script line for processing
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> prevCommandString;
+	const TInt KTEFMinFileExtnSizeIni = 4;
+	const TInt KTEFMinFileExtnSizeScript = 7;
+	while(!lex.Eos()) // start a loop for each token until end of the script line
+		{
+		lex.NextToken();
+		lex.SkipSpace();
+		if (lex.MarkedToken().Length() > KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength)
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrTooBig);
+			}
+		commandString.Copy(lex.MarkedToken());
+		lex.Mark();
+		if (commandName.CompareF(KTEFRunScriptCommand) == 0 &&
+			commandString.CompareF(KTEFNull) != 0)
+			{
+			// if the command name is RUN_SCRIPT, then check the parameter is not not null and has valid .script extn
+			// We append .script extn if the length of the token is less than 7 (.script -> Length)
+			// Or when the token does not end with .script enxtn
+			if(commandString.Length() < KTEFMinFileExtnSizeScript ||
+				commandString.Right(KTEFMinFileExtnSizeScript).CompareF(KTEFScriptExtension) != 0)
+				{
+				commandString.Append(KTEFScriptExtension);
+				}
+			}
+		// Expand recognised variables into their values
+		// At the moment just ${SYSDRIVE} -> GetSystemDrive()
+		ExpandVariables(commandString);
+		// we consider eligible path if the token is an argument for RUN_SCRIPT
+		// or any INI file or an argument for RUN_UTILS command
+		// Check to see if the token contains a ":" as second character represeting a drive letter
+		if (commandString.Length() >= KTEFMinFileExtnSizeIni &&
+			commandString.Mid(1,1).CompareF(KTEFColon) != 0)
+			{
+			// if the ":" is not found, we process converting relative -> absolute path
+			// Provided the token ends with .script or .ini extns
+		    if ((commandString.Length() >= KTEFMinFileExtnSizeScript && 
+				commandString.Right(KTEFMinFileExtnSizeScript).CompareF(KTEFScriptExtension) == 0) ||
+				(commandString.Length() >= KTEFMinFileExtnSizeIni && 
+				commandString.Right(KTEFMinFileExtnSizeIni).CompareF(KTEFIniExtension) == 0))
+				{
+				// token does not does not have a ':' but is a eligible path,
+				// so, convert relative path to absolute path
+				TRAPD(err, ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteL(commandString));
+				if(err != KErrNone)
+					{
+					// Leave here since we have got an invalid path
+					User::Leave(err);
+					}				
+				}
+			else if(commandName.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsCommand) == 0 &&
+					(prevCommandString.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsCopyFile) == 0 ||
+					prevCommandString.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsMkDir) == 0 ||
+					prevCommandString.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsDeleteFile) == 0 ||
+					prevCommandString.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsDelete) == 0 ||
+					prevCommandString.CompareF(KTEFRunUtilsMakeReadWrite) == 0 ||
+					prevCommandString.CompareF(KTEFDeleteDirectory) == 0))
+				{
+				// token does not does not have a ':' but is a eligible path,
+				// so, convert relative path to absolute path
+				TRAPD(err, ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteL(commandString));
+				if(err != KErrNone)
+					{
+					// Leave here since we have got an invalid path
+					User::Leave(err);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		//start defect 120600 
+		//remove the code which append an extra space.
+		// if (iAlteredScriptLine.Length())
+		//end defect 120600
+		if (iAlteredScriptLine.Length() == 0)
+			{
+			// While completng the processing for the first token in the script line,
+			// we record the token as command name, so that we can use it to identify
+			// eligible paths in the following loop cycles for the script line
+			commandName.Copy(commandString);
+			}
+		prevCommandString.Copy(commandString);
+		// Construct the altered script line with individual verified tokens of script line
+		if(iAlteredScriptLine.Length() + commandString.Length() <= iAlteredScriptLine.MaxLength() )
+			{
+			iAlteredScriptLine.Append(commandString);			
+			}
+		else// this scipte too long buffer not long enought
+			{			
+			User::Leave(KErrTooBig);
+			}
+		}
+	// At the end of the while loop, we are ready with new processed script line
+	// which we shall update it with the original reference taken in
+	aScriptLineString.Set(iAlteredScriptLine);
+	}
+ * Takes in lex token and updates any relative file paths into corresponding absolute path based on the current script file path
+ * @param aCommandString - Pointer descriptor containing a particular token within a script line for updation
+ */
+void CScriptControl::ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteL(TDes& aCommandString)
+	{
+	TInt offset = 0;
+	TInt posOfLastSlash=iScriptFile.LocateReverse('\\') ;
+	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> tempStore(iScriptFile.Mid(0,posOfLastSlash)); // Initial script file path
+	if(aCommandString.FindC(KTEFOneUp) >= 0)
+		{
+		while(aCommandString.FindC(KTEFOneUp) >= 0)
+			{
+			offset = aCommandString.FindC(KTEFOneUp);
+			posOfLastSlash=tempStore.LocateReverse('\\') ;
+			if (posOfLastSlash <= 0)
+				{
+				User::Leave(KTEFErrInvalidRelPath);
+				}
+			tempStore.Copy(iScriptFile.Mid(0,posOfLastSlash));// script file path
+			aCommandString.Copy(aCommandString.Mid(offset + 3)); // 3 for ..'\\'
+			}
+		tempStore.Append('\\');
+		}
+	else if (aCommandString.FindC(KTEFDotSlash) >= 0)
+		{
+		offset = aCommandString.FindC(KTEFDotSlash);
+		aCommandString.Copy(aCommandString.Mid(offset + 1));
+		}
+	else if(aCommandString.Locate('\\') == 0)
+		{
+		tempStore.Copy(iScriptFile.Mid(0,2)); // Example: c:
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		tempStore.Append('\\');
+		}
+	tempStore.Append(aCommandString);
+	aCommandString.Copy(tempStore);
+	}
+ * Expand recognised variables in script file into their corresponding value
+ * Currently supported variable is ${SYSDRIVE} -> GetSystemDrive() / Drive letter set from testexecute.ini
+ * @param aCommandString - Descriptor containing a particular token within a script line for updation
+ */
+void CScriptControl::ExpandVariables(TDes& aCommandString)
+	{
+	TInt offset = 0;
+	if (aCommandString.FindC(KTEFSysDrive) >= 0)
+		{
+		// If we find ${SYSDRIVE} in the token, replace it with the drive letter to be substitued
+		offset = aCommandString.FindC(KTEFSysDrive);
+		aCommandString.Replace(offset, 11, iTestSysDrive);
+		}
+	}