--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testexecfw/useremul/src/UserEmulatorScriptsView.cpp Mon Mar 08 15:03:44 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@
+ -
+ * Software Name : UserEmulator
+ * Version : v4.2.1309
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 France Telecom. All rights reserved.
+ * This software is distributed under the License
+ * "Eclipse Public License - v 1.0" the text of which is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * France Telecom
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -
+ * File Name: UserEmulatorScriptsView.cpp
+ *
+ * Created: 13/08/2009
+ * Author(s): Marcell Kiss, Reshma Sandeep Das
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Application View class
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -
+ *
+ */
+// System Includes
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <eikedwin.h>
+#include <akniconarray.h>
+#include <gulicon.h>
+#include <eikclbd.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <aknmessagequerydialog.h>
+#include <icons.mbg>
+// User Includes
+#include <UserEmulator_0x2001C3AF.rsg>
+#include "UserEmulatorScriptsView.h"
+#include "UserEmulatorAppUi.h"
+#include "UserEmulatorApplication.h"
+#include "XmlHandler.h"
+#include "UserEmulator.hrh"
+#include "ScanFolders.h"
+#include "Utils.h"
+// Constant
+// Listbox icon file name
+_LIT(KIconFileName, "\\system\\apps\\useremulator\\Icons.mbm");
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUserEmulatorScriptsView::NewL()
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUserEmulatorScriptsView* CUserEmulatorScriptsView::NewL(const TRect& aRect, CSettings* aSettings, CEikonEnv* aEikonEnv)
+ {
+ CUserEmulatorScriptsView* self = CUserEmulatorScriptsView::NewLC( aRect, aSettings, aEikonEnv);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUserEmulatorScriptsView::NewLC()
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUserEmulatorScriptsView* CUserEmulatorScriptsView::NewLC(const TRect& aRect, CSettings* aSettings, CEikonEnv* aEikonEnv)
+ {
+ CUserEmulatorScriptsView* self = new ( ELeave ) CUserEmulatorScriptsView(aSettings, aEikonEnv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aRect);
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUserEmulatorScriptsView::ConstructL()
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
+ _LIT8(KXml,"*.xml");
+ // Create a window for this application view
+ CreateWindowL();
+ iScanFolder = CScanFolders::NewL();
+ iScanFolder->AddListenerL(this);
+ iScanFolder->SetFilter( KXml );
+ // Create a single numbered style listbox
+ iListBox = new (ELeave) CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox(); // markable
+ // Construct listbox
+ iListBox->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxMarkableList | EAknListBoxLoopScrolling );
+ // Set scrollbars
+ iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
+ iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
+ iListBox->UpdateScrollBarsL();
+ iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );
+ iFilesArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(1);
+ iSelectedFilesArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(1);
+ iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iFilesArray );
+ // Listbox deletes the item array
+ iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
+ // Add icons to listbox
+ SetupListIconsL();
+ // Activate Listbox
+ iListBox->ActivateL();
+ iNotifyFileChange = CNotifyFileChange::NewL(*this, iSettings->iScriptsPath);
+ iIMEIReader = CImeiReader::NewL(*this);
+ ShowScriptsL();
+ // Set the windows size
+ SetRect(aRect);
+ // Activate the window, which makes it ready to be drawn
+ ActivateL();
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+// Gets the reference to CNotifyFileChange object
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+CNotifyFileChange* CUserEmulatorScriptsView::GetNotifyFileChange()
+ {
+ return iNotifyFileChange;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a list from files in script folder
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::ShowScriptsL()
+ iFileName.Copy(iSettings->iScriptsPath);
+ TParsePtrC parser(iFileName);
+ BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL(iEEnv->FsSession(), parser.DriveAndPath());
+ iScanFolder->ScanFolderL(iFileName);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUserEmulatorScriptsView::CUserEmulatorScriptsView()
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUserEmulatorScriptsView::CUserEmulatorScriptsView(CSettings* aSettings, CEikonEnv* aEikonEnv)
+ : iSettings(aSettings), iEEnv(aEikonEnv)//,iStartLog(EFalse),iSystemInfo(ETrue)
+ // No implementation required
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUserEmulatorScriptsView::~CUserEmulatorScriptsView()
+// Destructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ delete iListBox;
+ if(iScanFolder)
+ {
+ iScanFolder->RemoveListener(this);
+ delete iScanFolder;
+ iScanFolder = NULL;
+ }
+ delete iSelectedFilesArray;
+ delete iNotifyFileChange;
+ delete iIMEIReader;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUserEmulatorAppView::Draw()
+// Draws the display.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
+ // Get the standard graphics context
+ CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+ // Gets the control's extent
+ TRect drawRect(Rect());
+ // Clears the screen
+ gc.Clear(drawRect);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUserEmulatorScriptsView::SizeChanged()
+// Called by framework when the view size is changed.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::SizeChanged()
+ if(iListBox)
+ {
+ iListBox->SetRect(Rect());
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iListBox->UpdateScrollBarsL());
+ }
+ DrawNow();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUserEmulatorScriptsView::PositionChanged()
+// Called by framework when the view position is changed.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::PositionChanged()
+ if(iListBox)
+ {
+ iListBox->SetRect(Rect());
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iListBox->UpdateScrollBarsL());
+ }
+ DrawNow();
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+// Returns number of components in View
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+TInt CUserEmulatorScriptsView::CountComponentControls() const
+ return 1;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructs a TVwsViewId object with User Emulator's UID and EScriptsView ID
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TVwsViewId CUserEmulatorScriptsView::ViewId() const
+ const TUid viewId = { EScriptsView };
+ return TVwsViewId(KUidUserEmulatorApp, viewId);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Stores device's IMEI details
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::GotIMEI(const TDesC& aIMEI,TInt /*aError*/)
+ iImeiNo.Copy(aIMEI);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sends the CCoeControl interface of the control which has the given index
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCoeControl* CUserEmulatorScriptsView::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
+ switch ( aIndex )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return iListBox;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialises icons of the script list
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::SetupListIconsL()
+ CFbsBitmap* markBitmap = NULL;
+ CFbsBitmap* markBitmapMask = NULL;
+ TFileName iconFileName;
+ TBuf<KDriveSize> appDrive;
+ appDrive.Copy(iEEnv->EikAppUi()->Application()->AppFullName().Left(2));
+ // Insert drive letter into path
+ iconFileName.Insert(0, appDrive);
+ iconFileName.Append(KIconFileName());
+ //CListItemDrawer is using this logical color as default for its marked icons
+ TRgb defaultColor;
+ defaultColor = iEEnv->Color(EColorControlText);
+ CAknIconArray* iconArray = new(ELeave) CAknIconArray(4);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(iconArray);
+ //Mark Icon
+ AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC(AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiMarkedAdd,
+ KAknsIIDQsnIconColors,
+ EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG13,
+ markBitmap,
+ markBitmapMask,
+ KAvkonBitmapFile,
+ EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_marked_add,
+ EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_marked_add_mask,
+ defaultColor
+ );
+ CGulIcon* markIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( markBitmap,markBitmapMask );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // markBitmap, markBitmapMask
+ CleanupStack::PushL( markIcon );
+ iconArray->AppendL( markIcon );
+ iconArray->AppendL(iEikonEnv->CreateIconL(iconFileName, EMbmIconsPass, EMbmIconsPass));
+ iconArray->AppendL(iEikonEnv->CreateIconL(iconFileName, EMbmIconsFail, EMbmIconsFail_mask));
+ iconArray->AppendL(iEikonEnv->CreateIconL(iconFileName, EMbmIconsCancel, EMbmIconsCancel_mask));
+ iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray(iconArray);
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );// markIcon, iconArray
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Changes icon of a script in list
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::ChangeIconL(TInt aScriptStatus, TInt aIndex)
+ TBuf<KBuffer256> listItem;
+ _LIT(KListItemUnMark, "\t%S\t\t");
+ _LIT(KListItemWithPassIcon, "1\t%S\t\t");
+ _LIT(KListItemWithFailIcon, "2\t%S\t\t");
+ _LIT(KListItemWithCancelIcon, "3\t%S\t\t");
+ CTextListBoxModel* model = iListBox->Model(); // not taking ownership
+ const CArrayFix<TInt> *SelectedIndexes = iListBox->SelectionIndexes();
+ if(aIndex < 0 || aIndex > SelectedIndexes->Count())
+ return;
+ // Get the index of the selected item
+ TInt selectedItemIndex = (*SelectedIndexes)[aIndex];
+ if(iFilesArray->Count()>0 && selectedItemIndex <= iFilesArray->Count())
+ {
+ TPtrC filePtr = model->ItemText(selectedItemIndex);
+ TPtrC buff = filePtr.Mid(filePtr.LocateF('\t')+1);
+ TPtrC fileNamePtr = buff.Mid(0,buff.LocateF('\t'));
+ HBufC* fileName = HBufC::NewLC(fileNamePtr.Length());
+ fileName->Des().Copy(fileNamePtr);
+ //delete old item
+ CDesCArray* itemArray = STATIC_CAST(CDesCArray*, model->ItemTextArray());
+ itemArray->Delete(selectedItemIndex);
+ // Script statuses
+ switch(aScriptStatus)
+ {
+ case EScriptPassed:
+ listItem.AppendFormat(KListItemWithPassIcon(), fileName); // Format new item
+ break;
+ case EScriptFailed:
+ listItem.AppendFormat(KListItemWithFailIcon(), fileName); // Format new item
+ break;
+ case EScriptCancelled:
+ listItem.AppendFormat(KListItemWithCancelIcon(), fileName); // Format new item
+ break;
+ case EScriptUnMark:
+ listItem.AppendFormat(KListItemUnMark(), fileName); // Format new item
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ itemArray->InsertL(selectedItemIndex, listItem); // Insert new item - changes icon to green
+ SelectedIndexes->Count();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileName);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Script view's activation function
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::DoViewActivatedL(const TVwsViewId& /*aPrevViewId*/,
+ TUid /*aCustomMessageId*/, const TDesC8& /*aCustomMessage*/)
+ iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
+ CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn, CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn);
+ UpdateSystemCba(EFalse);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Updates command button(s)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::UpdateSystemCba(TBool aConnStatus)
+ TInt res = 0;
+ res = GetScriptsCount();
+ if( res > 0 && !aConnStatus)
+ else
+ CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->Cba();
+ TRAPD(err,cba->SetCommandSetL(res));
+ cba->DrawDeferred();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Script view's deactivation function
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::DoViewDeactivated()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gets script name by index
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC* CUserEmulatorScriptsView::GetScriptNameLC(TInt aIndex)
+ HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC(KBuffer512);
+ TPtr textPtr(text->Des());
+ // Get the selected item indexes an array
+ iSelectedIndexes = iListBox->SelectionIndexes();
+ CTextListBoxModel* model = iListBox->Model(); // not taking ownership
+ if(aIndex < 0 || aIndex > iSelectedIndexes->Count())
+ return NULL;
+ if ( iSelectedIndexes && iSelectedIndexes->Count() != 0 && aIndex<=iSelectedIndexes->Count() )
+ {
+ // Get the index of the selected item
+ TInt selectedItemIndex = (*iSelectedIndexes)[aIndex];
+ TPtrC filePtr = model->ItemText(selectedItemIndex);
+ TInt pos=filePtr.LocateF('\t');
+ TPtrC buff;
+ if(pos!=KErrNotFound && pos+1<=filePtr.Length())
+ buff.Set(filePtr.Mid(pos+1));
+ pos=buff.LocateF('\t');
+ TPtrC fileNamePtr;
+ if(pos!=KErrNotFound)
+ fileNamePtr.Set(buff.Mid(0,pos));
+ textPtr.Copy(fileNamePtr);
+ }
+ return text;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gets sum of scripts selected
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CUserEmulatorScriptsView::GetSelectedScriptsCount()
+ return iSelectedIndexes->Count();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gets sum of all scripts in script's folder
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CUserEmulatorScriptsView::GetScriptsCount()
+ CTextListBoxModel* model = iListBox->Model(); // not taking ownership
+ return model->NumberOfItems();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+// Run selected scripts
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CUserEmulatorScriptsView::RunScriptsL(TInt& aErrcode)
+ TInt err=KErrNone;
+ aErrcode=KErrNone;
+ // Get the selected item indexes an array
+ iSelectedIndexes = iListBox->SelectionIndexes();
+ iSelectedFilesArray->Reset();
+ CTextListBoxModel* model = iListBox->Model(); // not taking ownership
+ // Make sure the array is not null (no items)
+ if ( iSelectedIndexes && iSelectedIndexes->Count() > 0)
+ {
+ // Loop through the selected item indexes
+ for ( TInt index=0; index < iSelectedIndexes->Count(); index++ )
+ {
+ // Get the index of the selected item
+ TInt selectedItemIndex = (*iSelectedIndexes)[index];
+ if(iFilesArray->Count()>0 && selectedItemIndex <= iFilesArray->Count())
+ {
+ TPtrC filePtr = model->ItemText(selectedItemIndex);
+ // Disallow too long file names
+ TInt pos=filePtr.LocateF('\t');
+ TPtrC buff;
+ if(pos!=KErrNotFound && pos+1<=filePtr.Length())
+ buff.Set(filePtr.Mid(pos+1));
+ TPtrC fileNamePtr;
+ pos=buff.LocateF('\t');
+ if(pos!=KErrNotFound)
+ fileNamePtr.Set(buff.Mid(0,pos));
+ iSelectedFilesArray->AppendL(fileNamePtr);
+ //Append the selected file names to an array
+ if(!iFileName.Length())
+ iFileName.Copy(iSettings->iScriptsPath);
+ iFileName.Append(fileNamePtr);
+ //check if the iFilaName is valid
+ err = iSettings->CheckDrive(iFileName);
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ // Parse the XML file
+ TRAPD(err,aErrcode=static_cast<CUserEmulatorAppUi*>(iCoeEnv->AppUi())->StartParsingL(iFileName));
+ iFileName.Zero();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //If no scripts selected
+ _LIT(KSELECTSCRIPT, "Select scripts to run..");
+ CUtils::MessageBoxL(KSELECTSCRIPT);
+ }
+ return err;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handles incoming pointer events (if pointer events are enabled on the device)
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
+ {
+ if(AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
+ {
+ if (iListBox)
+ {
+ iListBox->HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
+ }
+ // Call base class HandlePointerEventL()
+ CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Helper function
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::HandleMarkCommandL(TInt aCommand)
+ if (iListBox)
+ {
+ AknSelectionService::HandleMarkableListProcessCommandL (aCommand, iListBox);
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Checks how many items are selected and the current one is selected or not
+// This function is needed to display correct Mark, Unmark, Mark all, etc. menus
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CUserEmulatorScriptsView::CheckListBoxSelection()
+ {
+ TInt res=0;
+ // Gets all entries
+ TInt allEntries = GetScriptsCount();
+ if(allEntries>0)
+ {
+ const CArrayFix<TInt> *SelectedIndexes = iListBox->SelectionIndexes();
+ // Checks if current item is selected
+ TInt n=iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
+ TBool IsSelected = iListBox->View()->ItemIsSelected(n);
+ if(SelectedIndexes)
+ {
+ TInt selEntries = SelectedIndexes->Count();
+ // There is only one item in list box and it's selected
+ if(allEntries==1 && IsSelected)
+ res=EOneItemSel;
+ // There is only one item and it is not selected
+ else if(allEntries==1 && !IsSelected)
+ res=EOneItem;
+ // There are more items and current one is selected and there's only one selected item
+ else if(allEntries>1 && IsSelected && selEntries==1)
+ res=EMoreItemsSel;
+ // There are more items and current one is not selected and there's no selected item
+ else if(allEntries>1 && !IsSelected && selEntries==0)
+ res=EMoreItems;
+ // There are more items and current one is selected and all items are selected in the list
+ else if(allEntries>1 && IsSelected && selEntries==allEntries)
+ res=EMoreItemsAll;
+ // There are more items and current one is not selected and all items are selected in
+ // the list (except the current one)
+ else if(allEntries>1 && !IsSelected && selEntries==allEntries-1)
+ res=EMoreItemsAllExc;
+ // There are more items and current one is selected and there are more than one selected items
+ // but not all
+ else if(allEntries>1 && IsSelected && selEntries>1 && allEntries>selEntries)
+ res=EMoreItemsNotAll;
+ // There are more items and at least one item is selected which is not the current one
+ // but not all items are selected
+ else if(allEntries>1 && !IsSelected && selEntries>0 && allEntries>selEntries)
+ res=EMoreItemsNotAllNotCurrent;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Unmark an item or unmark all items (according to aCommand param)
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::UnMarkL(TInt aCommand)
+ const CArrayFix<TInt> *SelectedIndexes = iListBox->SelectionIndexes();
+ TInt currentItem = 0;
+ // Make sure the array is not null (no items)
+ if ( SelectedIndexes && SelectedIndexes->Count() != 0)
+ {
+ if(aCommand == EAknCmdUnmark)
+ currentItem = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
+ // Loop through the selected item indexes
+ for ( TInt index=0; index < SelectedIndexes->Count(); index++ )
+ {
+ if(currentItem == (*SelectedIndexes)[index] && aCommand == EAknCmdUnmark)
+ {
+ ChangeIconL(EScriptUnMark,index);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(aCommand == EAknUnmarkAll)
+ ChangeIconL(EScriptUnMark,index);
+ }
+ HandleMarkCommandL(aCommand);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------
+// Handles key events
+// -----------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CUserEmulatorScriptsView::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType)
+ // Only key events
+ if (aType == EEventKey)
+ {
+ switch (aKeyEvent.iCode)
+ {
+ case EKeyUpArrow:
+ case EKeyDownArrow:
+ return iListBox->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aType);
+ case EKeyBackspace:
+ // Don't handle key if shift is pressed
+ if ((aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierShift) == 0)
+ {
+ return EKeyWasConsumed;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+// -----------------------------------------
+// Handles resource change
+// -----------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
+ TRect rect;
+ if ( aType==KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
+ {
+ AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, rect);
+ SetRect(rect);
+ static_cast<CUserEmulatorAppUi*>(iCoeEnv->AppUi())->SetApplicationRectInSettings();
+ }
+ CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(aType);
+// -----------------------------------------
+// Gets system info details
+// -----------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::CmdGetSystemInfoL(TBool aValue)
+ // Operating system version
+ TVersionName versionName = User::Version().Name();
+ class THal {
+ public:
+ const TPtrC Machine(TInt aUid) {
+ static const struct SMachine {
+ TInt Uid;
+ const TText* iName;
+ } machine[] = {
+ { 0x101f4fc3, _S("Nokia 7650") },
+ { 0x101f466a, _S("Nokia 3650/3660") },
+ { 0x101f8c19, _S("Nokia N-Gage") },
+ { 0x101fb2b1, _S("Nokia N-Gage QD") },
+ { 0x101fb3f4, _S("Nokia 6260") },
+ { 0x101fb3dd, _S("Nokia 6600") },
+ { 0x101f3ee3, _S("Nokia 6620") },
+ { 0x101fb3f3, _S("Nokia 6670/7610") },
+ { 0x101fbb55, _S("Nokia 6630") },
+ { 0x10200f99, _S("Nokia 6680") },
+ { 0x10200f97, _S("Nokia 3230") },
+ { 0x10200f9b, _S("Nokia 6682") },
+ { 0x10200f9c, _S("Nokia 6681") },
+ { 0x10200f98, _S("N90") },
+ { 0x10200f9a, _S("N70") },
+ { 0x101fa031, _S("Sendo X") },
+ { 0x101f9071, _S("Siemens SX") },
+ { HAL::EMachineUid_Win32Emulator, _S("Win32 emulator") },
+ { 0x00000000, 0 } // End of array
+ };
+ for (TInt i = 0; machine[i].Uid; ++i)
+ if (aUid == machine[i].Uid)
+ return TPtrC(machine[i].iName);
+ return TPtrC(_S("N/A"));
+ }
+ const TPtrC Family(TUint aIndex) {
+ const TText* family[] = {
+ _S("Crystal"),
+ _S("Pearl"),
+ _S("Quartz"),
+ };
+ if (aIndex < sizeof family / sizeof *family)
+ return TPtrC(family[aIndex]);
+ else
+ return TPtrC(_S("N/A"));
+ }
+ const TPtrC Cpu(TUint aIndex) {
+ const TText* cpu[] = {
+ _S("ARM"),
+ _S("MCore"),
+ _S("x86"),
+ };
+ if (aIndex < sizeof cpu / sizeof *cpu)
+ return TPtrC(cpu[aIndex]);
+ else
+ return TPtrC(_S("N/A"));
+ }
+ const TPtrC StartupReason(TUint aIndex) {
+ const TText* startup[] = {
+ _S("Cold"),
+ _S("Warm"),
+ _S("Fault"),
+ };
+ if (aIndex < sizeof startup / sizeof *startup)
+ return TPtrC(startup[aIndex]);
+ else
+ return TPtrC(_S("N/A"));
+ }
+ } hal;
+ //Get UI Version
+ TVersion UIversion = iEikonEnv->Version();
+ TVersionName UIVersion( UIversion.Name() );
+ // Get Machine Id
+ TInt machineUid;
+ TBuf<KBuffer20> machUid;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::EMachineUid, machineUid);
+ machUid.Format(K0x, machineUid);
+ // Get Family
+ TInt family;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::EDeviceFamily, family);
+ const TPtrC& familyName = hal.Family(family);
+ // Get Family revision
+ TInt familyRev;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::EDeviceFamilyRev, familyRev);
+ // Get CPU
+ TInt cpu;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::ECPU, cpu);
+ const TPtrC& cpuName = hal.Cpu(cpu);
+ // Get CPU speed
+ TInt cpuSpeed;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::ECPUSpeed, cpuSpeed);
+ // Get Startup reason
+ TInt startupReason;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::ESystemStartupReason, startupReason);
+ const TPtrC& startupReasonName = hal.StartupReason(startupReason);
+ // Get total RAM
+ TInt ram;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::EMemoryRAM, ram);
+ // Get Free RAM
+ TInt ramFree;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::EMemoryRAMFree, ramFree);
+ // Get available ROM
+ TInt rom;
+ HAL::Get(HAL::EMemoryROM, rom);
+ //Log system information
+ if(aValue)
+ {
+ _LIT(KSystemHeader, "#Date, Time,OS-Version,UI-Version,Machine ID,IMEI No,Family,CPU,CPUSpeed,Startup reason,RAM,FreeRAM,ROM\n");
+ static_cast<CUserEmulatorAppUi*>(iCoeEnv->AppUi())->Logger().WriteLogL(KSystemHeader, ETrue);
+ }
+ HBufC* title = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC(R_TEXT_SYSTEM_DETAILS);
+ HBufC* textFormat = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC(R_FORMAT_SYSTEM_DETAILS);
+ HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC(KBuffer1024);
+ text->Des().Format(*textFormat, &versionName, &UIVersion, &machUid,&iImeiNo, &familyName, familyRev, &cpuName, cpuSpeed / 1000,
+ &startupReasonName, ram, ram >> 20, ramFree, static_cast<TReal32>(ramFree) / 0x100000, rom, rom >> 20);
+ //Log system information
+ if(aValue)
+ {
+ HBufC* textFormat1 = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC(R_FORMAT_SYSTEM_DETAILS_FILE);
+ HBufC* text1 = HBufC::NewLC(KBuffer1024);
+ text1->Des().Format(*textFormat1, &versionName, &UIVersion, &machUid, &iImeiNo, &familyName, familyRev, &cpuName, cpuSpeed / 1000,
+ &startupReasonName, ram, ram >> 20, ramFree, static_cast<TReal32>(ramFree) / 0x100000, rom, rom >> 20);
+ static_cast<CUserEmulatorAppUi*>(iCoeEnv->AppUi())->Logger().WriteLogL(text1->Des(), EFalse, ETrue);
+ //Log drive information
+ TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
+ TInt driveNumber=EDriveA;
+ TBuf<KBuffer200> buffer;
+ TChar driveLetter;
+ _LIT(KDriveFormat,"Volume name: %c,Size: %Ld (%Ld MB),Free space: %Ld (%Ld MB)\n");
+ for (driveNumber=EDriveA; driveNumber<EDriveZ; driveNumber++)
+ {
+ TInt err=iEEnv->FsSession().Volume(volumeInfo,driveNumber);
+ if (err!=KErrNotReady)
+ // Volume() returns KErrNotReady if no volume present.
+ // In this case, check next drive number
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iEEnv->FsSession().DriveToChar(driveNumber,driveLetter));
+ buffer.Zero();
+ buffer.AppendFormat(KDriveFormat,TUint(driveLetter),volumeInfo.iSize,volumeInfo.iSize >> 20, volumeInfo.iFree, volumeInfo.iFree >> 20);
+ static_cast<CUserEmulatorAppUi*>(iCoeEnv->AppUi())->Logger().WriteLogL(buffer, EFalse, ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+ }
+ // Don't log but display error info details
+ if(!aValue)
+ {
+ CAknMessageQueryDialog* dlg = CAknMessageQueryDialog::NewL(*text);
+ dlg->SetHeaderText(*title);
+ dlg->PrepareLC(R_DIALOG_INFO);
+ dlg->RunLD();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function gets called before a new folder is being scanned
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::FolderStarting( const TDesC & /*aFullPath*/,
+ TBool /*aIsDriveListFlag*/ )
+ iFilesArray->Reset();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function gets called with every entry of the currently
+// scanned folder that is a folder. Not used
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::NewFolder( const TDesC & /*aEntry*/ )
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function gets called with every entry of the currently
+// scanned folder that is a plain file.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::NewFile( const TDesC & aEntry )
+ TBuf<KBuffer256> nameBuf;
+ _LIT(KFormatString, "\t%S\t\t");
+ nameBuf.AppendFormat(KFormatString, &aEntry);
+ TRAPD(err,iFilesArray->AppendL(nameBuf));
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ //Display error message
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// This is called after all entries of the currently scanned folder
+// have been delivered. This is NOT called when a scan operation is
+// aborted by starting a new scan before this got called!
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::FolderCompleteL()
+ TRAPD(err,ShowFileListL());
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ //Display error message
+ }
+ UpdateSystemCba(EFalse);
+ // Notifies the AppUi that listbox is initialised with script name list
+ static_cast<CUserEmulatorAppUi*>(iCoeEnv->AppUi())->FolderScanCompletedL();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Called when an unexpected error occures during scanning. Not used
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::ErrorOccured( TInt /*aReasonCode*/ )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Make list box to redraw its items
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::ShowFileListL()
+ iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL( );
+ iListBox->SetFocus(ETrue, EDrawNow);
+ iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->EnableMarqueeL(ETrue);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Calls ShowScriptL function because a change occured in the given folder
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUserEmulatorScriptsView::FileChangeEventL()
+ ShowScriptsL();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gets the index of a given script and mark it
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CUserEmulatorScriptsView::GetScriptIndexAndMarkL(const TDesC8& aScriptName)
+ TInt ret = -1;
+ TFileName scriptName;
+ scriptName.Copy(aScriptName);
+ // Steps through the file array
+ for(TInt i=0; i < iFilesArray->Count();i++)
+ {
+ // Gets i. file name
+ TPtrC fileName = iFilesArray->operator [](i);
+ TFileName script;
+ TInt pos=fileName.LocateF('\t');
+ TPtrC buff;
+ if(pos!=KErrNotFound && pos+1<=fileName.Length())
+ buff.Set(fileName.Mid(pos+1));
+ pos=buff.LocateF('\t');
+ TPtrC fileNamePtr;
+ if(pos!=KErrNotFound)
+ fileNamePtr.Set(buff.Mid(0,pos));
+ script.Copy(fileNamePtr);
+ // If that's the script we are looking for then
+ if(scriptName.Compare(script) == 0)
+ {
+ // the result will be it's index
+ ret = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ret < GetScriptsCount() && ret!=-1)
+ {
+ iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(ret);
+ HandleMarkCommandL(EAknCmdMark);
+ }
+ return ret;
+// ----------------------------------
+// CImeiReader::NewL
+// ----------------------------------
+CImeiReader* CImeiReader::NewL(MImeiObserver& aObserver)
+ {
+ CImeiReader* self = NewLC(aObserver);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------
+// CImeiReader::NewL
+// ----------------------------------
+CImeiReader* CImeiReader::NewLC(MImeiObserver& aObserver)
+ {
+ CImeiReader* self = new (ELeave) CImeiReader(aObserver);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------
+// CImeiReader::CImeiReader
+// ----------------------------------
+CImeiReader::CImeiReader(MImeiObserver& aObserver)
+// ----------------------------------
+// CImeiReader::~CImeiReader
+// ----------------------------------
+ Cancel();
+ delete iTelephony;
+// ----------------------------------
+// CImeiReader::ConstructL
+// ----------------------------------
+void CImeiReader::ConstructL()
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ // Create telephony object
+ iTelephony = CTelephony::NewL();
+ iTelephony->GetPhoneId(iStatus,iIdV1Pkg);
+ SetActive();
+// ----------------------------------
+// CActive class's cancel function
+// ----------------------------------
+void CImeiReader::DoCancel()
+ iTelephony->CancelAsync(CTelephony::EGetPhoneIdCancel);
+// ----------------------------------
+// CActive class's RunL function
+// ----------------------------------
+void CImeiReader::RunL()
+ // Calls GotIMEI and stores serial number
+ iObserver.GotIMEI(iIdV1.iSerialNumber,iStatus.Int());
+// End of File