changeset 2 8bb370ba6d1d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testexecfw/stf/stfext/testmodules/teftestmod/testexecmdw/inifileparser/src/iniparser.cpp	Fri Apr 09 10:46:28 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "iniparser.h"
+// Default directory to look for INI file
+_LIT(KIniSysDrive, "${SYSDRIVE}");
+_LIT(KLegacySysDrive, "C:");
+// Constant Value changed for defect047130 fix
+const TInt KTokenSize=256;
+enum TIniPanic
+	{
+	ESectionNameTooBig,
+	EKeyNameTooBig,
+	};
+#ifndef EKA2
+// DLL entry point
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(TDllReason /*aReason*/)	
+	{
+	return (KErrNone);
+	}
+void Panic(TIniPanic aPanic)
+	{
+	_LIT(CIniData,"CIniData");
+	User::Panic(CIniData,aPanic);
+	}
+ * Updates ${SYSDRIVE} variables in the ini file buffer
+ * To the system drive set during object constrcution
+ */
+void CIniData::UpdateVariablesL()
+	{
+	if (iIniData != NULL)
+		{
+		//prevent re-allocating to copy the same data again
+		TPtr temp(iIniData->Des()) ; 
+		if(iPtr.Compare(temp) != 0)
+			{
+			delete iIniData;
+			iIniData = NULL ; 
+			}
+		}
+	// if iIniData was never allocated or just deleted...
+	if(iIniData == NULL)
+		{
+		iIniData = iPtr.AllocL();
+		}
+	iPtrExpandedVars.Set(iIniData->Des());
+	if(iPtrExpandedVars.FindF(KIniSysDrive) == KErrNotFound)
+		return;
+	while ( iPtrExpandedVars.Find(KIniSysDrive) != KErrNotFound )
+		{
+		TInt offset = iPtrExpandedVars.Find(KIniSysDrive);
+		iPtrExpandedVars.Replace(offset, 11, iSysDrive);
+		}
+	}
+ * Constructor
+ */
+EXPORT_C CIniData::CIniData() 
+	: iPtr(NULL,0), iPtrExpandedVars(NULL,0)
+	{
+	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CIniData"));
+	iSysDrive.Copy(KLegacySysDrive);
+	}
+ * Overloaded constructor
+ * Takes in the system drive letter to overwrite
+ */
+EXPORT_C CIniData::CIniData(const TDesC& aSysDrive) 
+	: iPtr(NULL,0), iPtrExpandedVars(NULL,0)
+	{
+	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CIniData"));
+	if ( aSysDrive.Length() == 2 )
+		iSysDrive.Copy(aSysDrive);
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ * Frees the resources located in second-phase constructor
+ */
+EXPORT_C CIniData::~CIniData()
+	{
+	if( iIniData != NULL )
+		delete iIniData;
+	delete (TText*)iPtr.Ptr();
+	delete iToken;
+	delete iName;
+	}
+ * Creates, and returns a pointer to CIniData object, leave on failure
+ * @param aName - Path and name of the ini file to be parsed
+ * @return A pointer to the CiniData object
+ */
+EXPORT_C CIniData* CIniData::NewL(const TDesC& aName)
+	{
+	CIniData* p=new(ELeave) CIniData();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+	p->ConstructL(aName);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return p;
+	}
+ * Creates, and returns a pointer to CIniData object, leave on failure
+ * @param aName - Path and name of the ini file to be parsed
+ * @param aSysDrive - Drive letter to overwrite the default system drive
+ * @return A pointer to the CiniData object
+ */
+EXPORT_C CIniData* CIniData::NewL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aSysDrive)
+	{
+	CIniData* p=new(ELeave) CIniData(aSysDrive);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+	p->ConstructL(aName);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return p;
+	}
+ * Second-phase constructor.
+ * The function attempts to allocate a buffer and Read file's contents into iPtr
+ * @param aName the name of the file which contains the ini data
+ * @leave One of the system-wide error codes
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CIniData::ConstructL(const TDesC& aName)
+	{
+ 	// Allocate space for token
+	iToken=HBufC::NewL(KTokenSize+2);	// 2 extra chars for [tokenName]
+	// Connect to file server
+	TAutoClose<RFs> fs;
+	User::LeaveIfError(fs.iObj.Connect());
+	fs.PushL();
+	// Find file, given name
+	TFindFile ff(fs.iObj);
+	TFileName iniFileDir(KLegacySysDrive);
+	iniFileDir.Append(KIniFileDir);
+	User::LeaveIfError(ff.FindByDir(aName, iniFileDir));
+	iName=ff.File().AllocL();
+	// Open file
+	TAutoClose<RFile> file;
+	TInt size;
+	User::LeaveIfError(file.iObj.Open(fs.iObj,*iName,EFileStreamText|EFileShareReadersOrWriters));
+	file.PushL();
+	// Get file size and read in
+	User::LeaveIfError(file.iObj.Size(size));
+	TText* data=(TText*)User::AllocL(size);
+	iPtr.Set(data, size/sizeof(TText), size/sizeof(TText));
+	TPtr8 dest((TUint8*)data, 0, size);
+	User::LeaveIfError(file.iObj.Read(dest));
+	TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)data;
+	//
+	// This is orderred as FEFF assuming the processor is Little Endian
+	// The data in the file is FFFE.		PRR 28/9/98
+	//
+	if(size>=(TInt)sizeof(TText) && iPtr[0]==0xFEFF)
+	{
+		// UNICODE Text file so lose the FFFE
+		Mem::Copy(ptr, ptr+sizeof(TText), size-sizeof(TText));
+		iPtr.Set(data, size/sizeof(TText)-1, size/sizeof(TText)-1);
+	}
+	else if(size)
+	{
+		// NON-UNICODE so convert to UNICODE
+		TText* newdata = (TText*)User::AllocL(size*sizeof(TText));
+		iPtr.Set(newdata, size, size);
+		TInt i;
+		for(i=0 ; i<size ; ++i)
+			iPtr[i]=ptr[i];
+		delete data;
+	}
+	// Create a duplicate of the iPtr
+	// Expand all ${SYSDRIVE} entries to system drive letter
+	UpdateVariablesL();
+	file.Pop();
+	fs.Pop();
+ * Find a text value from given aKeyName regardless the section in the ini data file
+ * @param aKeyName Key being searched for
+ * @param aResult On return, contains the text result 
+ * @return ETrue if found, otherwise EFalse
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CIniData::FindVar(const TDesC &aKeyName, TPtrC &aResult)
+	// Call with no section, so starts at beginning
+	if (FindVar((TDesC&)KNullDesC , aKeyName, aResult))
+		return(ETrue);
+	else
+		return(EFalse);
+ * Find a text value from given aKeyName and aSecName in the ini data file
+ * @param aSectName Section containing key
+ * @param aKeyName Key being searched for in aSectName
+ * @param aResult On return, contains the text result 
+ * @return ETrue if found, otherwise EFalse
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CIniData::FindVar(const TDesC &aSectName,const TDesC &aKeyName,TPtrC &aResult)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSectName.Length()<=KTokenSize,Panic(ESectionNameTooBig));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aKeyName.Length()<=KTokenSize,Panic(EKeyNameTooBig));
+	return FindVar(aSectName,aKeyName,aResult, iPtrExpandedVars);
+	}
+ * Find a text value from given aKeyName and aSecName in the provided ini data pointer
+ * @param aSectName Section containing key
+ * @param aKeyName Key being searched for in aSectName
+ * @param aResult On return, contains the text result 
+ * @param aIniDataPtr ini data pointer to be used to find the value
+ * @return ETrue if found, otherwise EFalse
+ */
+TBool CIniData::FindVar(const TDesC &aSectName,const TDesC &aKeyName,TPtrC &aResult, TPtr& aIniDataPtr)
+	{
+	TInt posStartOfSection(0);
+	TInt posEndOfSection(aIniDataPtr.Length()); // Default to the entire length of the ini data
+	TPtrC SearchBuf;
+	// If we have a section, set pos to section start
+	TInt posI(0);	// Position in internal data Buffer
+	if( aSectName.Length() > 0 )
+		{
+		TBool FoundSection(false);
+		while ( ! FoundSection )
+			{
+			// Move search buffer to next area of interest
+			SearchBuf.Set(aIniDataPtr.Mid(posI));
+			// Make up token "[SECTIONNAME]", to search for
+			TPtr sectionToken=iToken->Des();
+			_LIT(sectionTokenFmtString,"[%S]");
+			sectionToken.Format(sectionTokenFmtString,&aSectName);
+			// Search for next occurrence of aSectName
+			TInt posSB = SearchBuf.Find(sectionToken);
+			if (posSB==KErrNotFound)
+				return(EFalse);
+			// Check this is at beginning of line (ie. non-commented)
+			// ie. Check preceding char was LF
+			if(posSB>0)
+				{
+				// Create a Buffer, starting one char before found subBuf
+				TPtrC CharBefore(SearchBuf.Right(SearchBuf.Length()-posSB+1));
+				// Check first char is end of prev
+				if(CharBefore[0] == '\n')
+					{
+					FoundSection = ETrue;		// found
+					posI = posI + posSB;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					posI = posI + posSB + 1;	// try again
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				FoundSection = ETrue;
+				}
+			}	// while ( ! FoundSection ) 
+		// Set start of section, after section name, (incl '[' and ']')
+		posStartOfSection = posI + aSectName.Length() + 2;
+		// Set end of section, by finding begin of next section or end
+		SearchBuf.Set(aIniDataPtr.Mid(posI));
+		_LIT(nextSectionBuf,"\n[");
+		TInt posSB = SearchBuf.Find(nextSectionBuf);
+		if(posSB != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			posEndOfSection = posI + posSB;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			posEndOfSection = aIniDataPtr.Length();
+			}
+		}	// if( aSectName.Length() > 0 )
+	// Look for key in ini file data Buffer
+	posI = posStartOfSection;
+	TBool FoundKey(false);
+	while ( ! FoundKey )
+		{
+		// Search for next occurrence of aKeyName
+		SearchBuf.Set(aIniDataPtr.Mid(posI,posEndOfSection-posI));
+		TInt posSB = SearchBuf.Find(aKeyName);
+		// If not found, return
+		if (posSB==KErrNotFound)
+			return(EFalse);
+		// Check this is at beginning of line (ie. non-commented)
+		// ie. Check preceding char was CR or LF
+		if(posSB>0)
+			{
+			// Create a Buffer, starting one char before found subBuf
+			TPtrC CharBefore(SearchBuf.Right(SearchBuf.Length()-posSB+1));
+			// Check if the first char is end of prev and also check 
+			// if the token found is not a substring of another string  
+			TBool beginningOK = ((CharBefore[0] == '\n') || (CharBefore[0] == ' ') || (CharBefore[0] == '\t'));
+			TBool endingOK = ((CharBefore[aKeyName.Length()+1] == '=') || (CharBefore[aKeyName.Length()+1] == ' ') || (CharBefore[aKeyName.Length()+1] == '\t'));
+			if (beginningOK && endingOK)
+				{
+				FoundKey = ETrue;
+				posI = posI + posSB;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				posI = posI + posSB + 1;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			FoundKey = ETrue;
+			}
+		}	// while ( ! FoundKey )
+	// Set pos, to just after '=' sign
+	SearchBuf.Set(aIniDataPtr.Mid(posI));
+	TInt posSB = SearchBuf.Locate('=');
+	if(posSB==KErrNotFound)		// Illegal format, should flag this...
+		return(EFalse);
+	// Identify start and end of data (EOL or EOF)
+	posI = posI + posSB + 1;	// 1 char after '='
+	TInt posValStart = posI;
+	TInt posValEnd;
+	SearchBuf.Set(aIniDataPtr.Mid(posI));
+	posSB = SearchBuf.Locate('\n');
+	if(posSB!=KErrNotFound)
+		{
+     		// ini file uses LF for EOL 
+            posValEnd = posI + posSB; 
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		posValEnd = aIniDataPtr.Length();
+		}
+	// Check we are still in the section requested
+	if( aSectName.Length() > 0 )
+		{
+		if( posValEnd > posEndOfSection )
+			{
+			return(EFalse);
+			}
+		}
+	// Parse Buffer from posn of key
+	// Start one space after '='
+	TLex lex(aIniDataPtr.Mid(posValStart, posValEnd-posValStart));
+	lex.SkipSpaceAndMark();		// Should be at the start of the data
+	aResult.Set(lex.MarkedToken().Ptr(),posValEnd-posValStart - lex.Offset() );
+	TInt filterOffset;
+	// Mark the offset value to the end of the value string
+	filterOffset = aResult.Length() - 1;
+	// Loop from end of the value string marked by the offset fetched by above process
+    // And check to see if there is spaces, tabs or carriage returns
+	while(filterOffset >= 0 &&
+		(aResult[filterOffset] == '\t' ||
+         aResult[filterOffset] == ' ' ||
+         aResult[filterOffset] == '\r'))
+		{
+		// If found, reduce the offset by 1 for every space and tab during the while loop
+		filterOffset--;
+		}
+	// The final offset value indicating end of actual value
+	// within the ini data is set to the result string reference passed in
+	aResult.Set(aResult.Mid(0,filterOffset + 1));
+	return(ETrue);
+	}
+ * Find an integer value from given aKeyName regardless the section in the ini data file
+ * @param aKeyName Key being searched for
+ * @param aResult On return, contains the TInt result 
+ * @return ETrue if found, otherwise EFalse
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CIniData::FindVar(const TDesC &aKeyName, TInt &aResult)
+	{
+	TPtrC ptr(NULL,0);
+	if (FindVar(aKeyName,ptr))
+		{
+		TLex lex(ptr);
+		if (lex.Val(aResult)==KErrNone)
+			return(ETrue);
+		}
+	return(EFalse);
+	}
+ * Find an integer value from given aKeyName and aSecName in the ini data file
+ * @param aSectName Section containing key
+ * @param aKeyName Key being searched for  in aSectName
+ * @param aResult On return, contains TInt result 
+ * @return ETrue if found, otherwise EFalse
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CIniData::FindVar(const TDesC &aSection,const TDesC &aKeyName,TInt &aResult)
+	{
+	TPtrC ptr(NULL,0);
+	if (FindVar(aSection,aKeyName,ptr))
+		{
+		TLex lex(ptr);
+		if (lex.Val(aResult)==KErrNone)
+			return(ETrue);
+		}
+	return(EFalse);
+	}
+ * Find an 64-bit integer value from given aKeyName and aSecName in the ini data file
+ * @param aSectName Section containing key
+ * @param aKeyName Key being searched for  in aSectName
+ * @param aResult On return, contains TInt64 result 
+ * @return ETrue if found, otherwise EFalse
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CIniData::FindVar(const TDesC &aSection,	// Section to look under
+					const TDesC &aKeyName,		// Key to look for
+					TInt64 &aResult)			// Int64 ref to store result
+	{
+	TPtrC ptr(NULL,0);
+	if (FindVar(aSection,aKeyName,ptr))
+		{
+		TLex lex(ptr);
+		if (lex.Val(aResult)==KErrNone)
+			return(ETrue);
+		}
+	return(EFalse);
+	}
+ * Set a text value to given aKeyName and aSecName in the ini data file
+ * @param aSectName Section containing key
+ * @param aKeyName Key being set  in aSectName
+ * @param aValue A text value set for the aKeyName in section ASecName
+ * @return KErrNone if sucessful, otherwise system error
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt CIniData::SetValue(const TDesC& aSection,const TDesC& aKeyName,const TDesC& aValue)
+	{
+	// First find the variable - this gives us a descriptor into the
+	// ini data giving the bound of the item that has got to be replaced.
+	TPtrC ptr;
+	if (!FindVar(aSection, aKeyName, ptr, iPtr))
+		return KErrNotFound;
+	TInt pos = ptr.Ptr()-iPtr.Ptr();
+	TInt size = iPtr.Length()+aValue.Length()-ptr.Length();
+	if (size>iPtr.MaxLength())
+		{
+		size = size * sizeof(TText);
+		TText* newdata = (TText*)User::ReAlloc((TUint8*)iPtr.Ptr(), size); 
+		if (newdata == 0)
+			return KErrNoMemory;
+		iPtr.Set(newdata, iPtr.Length(), iPtr.Length()>size/(TInt)sizeof(TText)?iPtr.Length():size/(TInt)sizeof(TText));
+		}
+	iPtr.Replace(pos, ptr.Length(), aValue);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+ * Set a text value to given aKeyName regardless of the section in the ini data file
+ * @param aKeyName Key being searched for
+ * @param aValue A text value set for the aKeyName 
+ * @return KErrNone if sucessful, otherwise system error
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt CIniData::SetValue(const TDesC& aKeyName,const TDesC& aValue)
+	{
+	// Call with no section, so starts at beginning
+	return SetValue((TDesC&)KNullDesC, aKeyName, aValue);
+	}
+ * Add key aKeyName to end of ini data file
+ * @param aKeyName aKeyName Key being added
+ * @param aValue Text value assigned to the aKeyName
+ * @return KErrNone if sucessful, otherwise system error
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt CIniData::AddValue(const TDesC& aKeyName,const TDesC& aValue)
+	{
+		// Call with no section, so starts at beginning
+		return AddValue((TDesC&)KNullDesC, aKeyName, aValue);
+	}
+ * Add key aKeyName to section aSectName
+ * @param aSectName Section
+ * @param aKeyName Key being added to section aSectName
+ * @param aValue A text value added to the aKeyName 
+ * @return KErrNone if sucessful, otherwise system error
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt CIniData::AddValue(const TDesC& aSectName,const TDesC& aKeyName,const TDesC& aValue)
+	{
+	// The request will be denied if the variable exists. 
+	// 
+	// If the variable is not there then making an implementation.
+	// If the Section name existed in the ini file then just append it 
+	// to this section otherwise append the section, key name and 
+	// variable at the end of the ini file.
+	TPtrC ptr;
+	if (FindVar(aSectName, aKeyName, ptr))  
+		return KErrAlreadyExists;  // an key name exists, 
+								// not allow to add value again to same key
+		/////////////////////////////
+	TPtr insertSection =iToken->Des();
+	TInt size;
+	TInt posEndOfSection(iPtr.Length()); // Default to the entire length of the ini data
+	TPtrC SearchBuf;
+	// If there is a section, set pos to section start
+	TInt posI(0);	// Initiate to 0. Position in internal data Buffer
+	TInt posSB(0);  
+	if( aSectName.Length() > 0 )
+		{
+		TBool FoundSection(false);
+		while ( ! FoundSection )
+			{
+			// Move search buffer to next area of interest
+			SearchBuf.Set(iPtr.Mid(posI));
+			// Make up token "[SECTIONNAME]", to search for
+			TPtr sectionToken=iToken->Des();
+			_LIT(sectionTokenFmtString,"[%S]");
+			sectionToken.Format(sectionTokenFmtString,&aSectName);
+			// Search for next occurrence of aSectName
+			posSB = SearchBuf.Find(sectionToken);
+			// If not found, return
+			if (posSB==KErrNotFound)
+			{
+				FoundSection = ETrue; //Stop while searching
+				_LIT(insertSectionfmt,"\r\n[%S]\r\n%S = %S\r\n");  //if there is no section existed
+				insertSection.Format(insertSectionfmt,&aSectName,&aKeyName, &aValue);
+			}
+			// Check this is at beginning of line (ie. non-commented)
+			// ie. Check preceding char was LF
+			if(posSB>=0)
+				{
+				// Create a Buffer, starting one char before found subBuf
+				TPtrC CharBefore(SearchBuf.Right(SearchBuf.Length()-posSB+1));
+				// Check first char is end of prev
+				if(CharBefore[0] == '\n' or posSB == 0)
+					{
+					FoundSection = ETrue;		// found
+					posI = posI + posSB;
+					_LIT(insertSectionfmt,"\r\n%S = %S\r\n");  //if there is no section existed
+					insertSection.Format(insertSectionfmt,&aKeyName, &aValue);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					posI = posI + posSB + 1;	// try again
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				FoundSection = ETrue; //found at the beginning of the search buffer
+				}
+			}	// while ( ! FoundSection ) 
+			// Set start of section, after section name, (incl '[' and ']')
+			if(posSB!=KErrNotFound)
+			{
+				// Set end of section, by finding begin of next section or end
+				SearchBuf.Set(iPtr.Mid(posI));
+				_LIT(nextSectionBuf,"\n[");
+				TInt posSB = SearchBuf.Find(nextSectionBuf);
+				if(posSB != KErrNotFound)
+					{
+					posEndOfSection = posI + posSB+1;  //insert it between \n and [
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					posEndOfSection = iPtr.Length();
+					}			
+			}
+		}	// if( aSectName.Length() > 0 )
+	// append/insert here
+	size = (iPtr.Length()+ insertSection.Length())*sizeof(TText);
+	if (size>iPtr.MaxLength())
+		{
+		TText* newdata = (TText*)User::ReAlloc((TUint8*)iPtr.Ptr(), size); 
+		if (newdata == 0)
+			return KErrNoMemory;
+		iPtr.Set(newdata, iPtr.Length(), size/(TInt)sizeof(TText));
+		}
+	iPtr.Insert(posEndOfSection,insertSection);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+ * A method used to flush the data in the buffer to the file given in second-phase constructor
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CIniData::WriteToFileL()
+	{
+#ifndef __WINC__
+	TAutoClose<RFs> fs;
+	User::LeaveIfError(fs.iObj.Connect());
+	fs.PushL();
+	TAutoClose<RFile> file;
+	User::LeaveIfError(file.iObj.Replace(fs.iObj,*iName,EFileStreamText|EFileShareExclusive));
+	file.PushL();
+	// convert 16 bits to 8 bits stream
+	HBufC8* buf8 = HBufC8::NewL(iPtr.Length());
+	TPtr8 ptr8(buf8->Des());
+	ptr8.Copy(iPtr);
+	User::LeaveIfError(file.iObj.Write(ptr8));
+	delete buf8;
+	// Refresh the iPtrExpandedVars with the new written ini file content
+	// Repeat the process of expanding the ${SYSDRIVE}
+	UpdateVariablesL();
+	file.Pop();
+	fs.Pop();
+	}