changeset 2 8bb370ba6d1d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testexecfw/stf/testmoduletemplates/createtestmodule.bat	Fri Apr 09 10:46:28 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+:: Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+:: All rights reserved.
+:: This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+:: under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+:: which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+:: at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+:: Initial Contributors:
+:: Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+:: Contributors:
+:: Description: This file contains capsmodifier implementation.
+@perl -x createtestmodule.bat %*
+@goto end
+#!perl -w
+use strict;
+use Term::ReadLine;
+my $moduletype = "";
+my $modulename = "";
+my $modulepath = "";
+my $hardcoded = "hardcoded";
+my $testclass = "testclass";
+my $kerneltestclass = "kerneltest";
+my $capsmodifier = "capsmodifier";
+my $hardcodedi = "h";
+my $testclassi = "t";
+my $kerneltestclassi = "k";
+my $capsmodifieri = "c";
+my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'Simple Perl calc';
+my $prompttype = "Enter ModuleType (name/short cut): ";
+my $promptname = "Enter ModuleName (or exit): ";  
+my $promptpath = "Enter path [default is drive root] (or exit): ";  
+my $exit = "exit";
+my $exiti = "e";   
+sub PrintHelp();
+if ( $#ARGV >= 0 )
+    $moduletype = $ARGV[0];
+    if( $moduletype eq "help" )
+    {
+    PrintHelp();
+    }
+    print "Enter ModuleType :\n";
+	print "\t($hardcodedi) $hardcoded = creates test module that uses hardcoded test cases.\n";
+	print "\t($testclassi) $testclass = creates test class which is used with TestScripter.\n";
+	print "\t($kerneltestclassi) $kerneltestclass = creates kernel test class which is used with TestScripter (only for kernel testing!).\n";
+	print "\t($capsmodifieri) $capsmodifier = creates capability modification module\n";
+  print "\t($exiti) $exit = Exit.\n";  
+    $moduletype = $term->readline($prompttype);
+    if( $moduletype eq $exit || $moduletype eq $exiti)
+    {
+        exit;
+    }
+if(  $moduletype ne $hardcoded && $moduletype ne $testclass && $moduletype ne $kerneltestclass && $moduletype ne $capsmodifier  && $moduletype ne $hardcodedi && $moduletype ne $testclassi && $moduletype ne $kerneltestclassi && $moduletype ne $capsmodifieri )
+    {
+        print "\nInvalid module type\n";
+        print "See createtestmodule help\n";
+        exit;
+    }
+if ( $#ARGV >= 1 )
+    $modulename = $ARGV[1];
+	if( $moduletype eq $hardcoded || $moduletype eq $hardcodedi )
+	{
+   	 	print "$hardcoded module selected.\n";
+	}
+	elsif( $moduletype eq $testclass || $moduletype eq $testclassi )
+	{
+  		print "$testclass module selected.\n";
+	}
+	elsif( $moduletype eq $kerneltestclass || $moduletype eq $kerneltestclassi )
+	{
+  		print "$kerneltestclass module selected.\n";
+	}
+	elsif( $moduletype eq $capsmodifier || $moduletype eq $capsmodifieri )
+	{
+ 		print "$capsmodifier module selected.\n";
+	}
+	print "Enter ModuleName which has to be a valid C++ variable name.\n";
+	$modulename = $term->readline($promptname);
+    if( $modulename eq $exit || $modulename eq $exiti)
+    {
+        exit;
+    }
+if ( $#ARGV >= 2 )
+    $modulepath = $ARGV[2];
+    $modulepath = $term->readline($promptpath);
+    if( $modulepath eq $exit || $modulepath eq $exiti )
+    {
+        exit;
+    }
+$modulepath.= "\\";
+print "Create test module of type $moduletype with name $modulename ";
+if ( $modulepath eq "" )
+    print "to current drive root\n";
+    print "to $modulepath\n";
+my @args = ("$modulename", "$modulepath");
+if( $moduletype eq $hardcoded || $moduletype eq $hardcodedi )
+    chdir "HardCodedTestModuleXXX";
+    system("perl -x createhardcodedmodule.bat @args");
+elsif( $moduletype eq $testclass || $moduletype eq $testclassi )
+    chdir "TemplateScriptXXX";
+    system("perl -x CreateTestClass.bat @args");
+elsif( $moduletype eq $kerneltestclass || $moduletype eq $kerneltestclassi )
+    chdir "TemplateKernelScriptXXX";
+    system("perl -x CreateKernelTestClass.bat @args");
+elsif( $moduletype eq $capsmodifier || $moduletype eq $capsmodifieri )
+    chdir "CapsModifierXXX";
+    system("perl -x CreateCapsModifier.bat @args");
+sub PrintHelp()
+	print "CreateTestModule [ModuleType] [ModuleName] [path]\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "Creates a new test module\n";
+	print "ModuleType defines the type of test module:.\n";
+  print "\thardcoded = creates test module that uses hardcoded test cases.\n";
+	print "\ttestclass = creates test class which is used with TestScripter.\n";
+	print "\tkerneltestclass = creates kernel test class which is used with TestScripter (only for kernel testing!).\n";
+	print "\tcapsmodifier = creates capability modification module\n";
+	print "If no arguments are given, they are asked from user.\n";
+	print "If [path] is given, it must contain the final \'\\\' in path name.\n";
+	print "Command must be executed in STIFTestFramework\\TestModuleTemplates directory\n";
+	exit;