12:11:13:380 <html><body><pre>
12:11:13:381 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>
TEF Version : 3.2.1031
<font size=2 color=00AF00>*** TestExecute Started 12/01/2009 12:11:13:381 ***</font>
12:11:13:411 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script LOAD_SUITE te_RegStepTestSuite -SharedData
12:11:13:445 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script RUN_UTILS CopyFile C:\testdata\configs\readwriteConfig.ini C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini.bak
12:11:13:470 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script START_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0021
12:11:13:479 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script Line = 4 Command = START_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0021 </font>
12:11:13:494 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigStep C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0
12:11:13:517 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 56 This test step tests the read/write config functionality.
12:11:13:519 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 84 Start to test read/write integer value of configuration file...
12:11:13:521 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 IntValue 1234
12:11:13:533 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 356 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 IntValue 2147483647
12:11:13:536 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 IntValue 2147483647
12:11:13:543 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 356 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 IntValue 1234
12:11:13:545 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 104 Test Passed!
12:11:13:547 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 110 Start to test read/write integer 64 bit value of configuration file...
12:11:13:549 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 273 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 Int64Value 2459565876494606882
12:11:13:557 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 403 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 Int64Value 9223372036854775807
12:11:13:559 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 273 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 Int64Value 9223372036854775807
12:11:13:567 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 403 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 Int64Value 2459565876494606882
12:11:13:569 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 131 Test Passed!
12:11:13:571 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 137 Start to test read/write boolean value of configuration file...
12:11:13:573 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 232 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 BoolValue 0
12:11:13:581 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 510 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 BoolValue 1
12:11:13:583 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 232 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 BoolValue 1
12:11:13:590 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 510 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 BoolValue 0
12:11:13:592 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 232 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 BoolValue 0
12:11:13:600 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 510 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 BoolValue 0
12:11:13:602 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 161 Test Failed!
12:11:13:604 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 167 Start to test read/write hex value of configuration file...
12:11:13:606 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 320 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 HexValue 0
12:11:13:614 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 559 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 HexValue 2147483647
12:11:13:616 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 320 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 HexValue 2147483647
12:11:13:624 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 559 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 HexValue 0
12:11:13:626 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 188 Test Passed!
12:11:13:628 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 194 Start to test read/write string value of configuration file...
12:11:13:630 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 StringValue C:
12:11:13:637 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 449 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 StringValue Changed string!
12:11:13:639 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 StringValue Changed string!
12:11:13:647 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 449 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 StringValue C:
12:11:13:649 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 218 Test Passed!
12:11:13:657 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script Line = 14 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigStep C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section0 ***Result = PASS </font>
12:11:13:672 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigStep C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7
12:11:13:694 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 56 This test step tests the read/write config functionality.
12:11:13:696 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 84 Start to test read/write integer value of configuration file...
12:11:13:698 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 IntValue 32
12:11:13:706 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 356 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 IntValue 2147483647
12:11:13:708 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 253 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 IntValue 2147483647
12:11:13:716 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 356 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 IntValue 32
12:11:13:718 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 104 Test Passed!
12:11:13:720 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 110 Start to test read/write integer 64 bit value of configuration file...
12:11:13:722 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 273 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 Int64Value 1152921504606846976
12:11:13:730 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 403 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 Int64Value 9223372036854775807
12:11:13:733 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 273 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 Int64Value 9223372036854775807
12:11:13:741 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 403 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 Int64Value 1152921504606846976
12:11:13:743 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 131 Test Passed!
12:11:13:744 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 137 Start to test read/write boolean value of configuration file...
12:11:13:746 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 232 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 BoolValue 1
12:11:13:754 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 510 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 BoolValue 1
12:11:13:756 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 232 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 BoolValue 1
12:11:13:764 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 510 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 BoolValue 0
12:11:13:767 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 232 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 BoolValue 0
12:11:13:775 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 510 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 BoolValue 1
12:11:13:777 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 161 Test Failed!
12:11:13:779 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 167 Start to test read/write hex value of configuration file...
12:11:13:781 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 320 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 HexValue 255
12:11:13:788 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 559 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 HexValue 2147483647
12:11:13:791 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 320 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 HexValue 2147483647
12:11:13:798 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 559 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 HexValue 255
12:11:13:800 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 188 Test Passed!
12:11:13:803 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 194 Start to test read/write string value of configuration file...
12:11:13:805 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 StringValue This is the original string.
12:11:13:812 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 449 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 StringValue Changed string!
12:11:13:814 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 StringValue Changed string!
12:11:13:823 INFO - 600 teststepbase.cpp 449 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 StringValue This is the original string.
12:11:13:825 INFO - 600 readwriteconfigstep.cpp 218 Test Passed!
12:11:13:832 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script Line = 15 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigStep C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section7 ***Result = PASS </font>
12:11:13:842 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script END_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0021
12:11:13:858 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script Line = 16 Command = END_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0021 ***TestCaseResult = PASS </font>
12:11:13:874 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script RUN_UTILS DeleteFile C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini
12:11:13:915 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script RUN_UTILS CopyFile C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini.bak C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini
12:11:13:996 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0021.script RUN_UTILS DeleteFile C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini.bak
12:11:14:057 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>TEST STEP SUMMARY:</font>
12:11:14:059 <font size=2 color=00AF00>PASS = 2</font>
12:11:14:059 <font size=2 color=FF0000>FAIL = 0</font>
12:11:14:060 <font size=2 color=0000FF>ABORT = 0</font>
12:11:14:060 <font size=2 color=0000FF>PANIC = 0</font>
12:11:14:061 <font size=2 color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
12:11:14:062 <font size=2 color=0000FF>UNKNOWN = 0</font>
12:11:14:062 <font size=2 color=0000FF>UNEXECUTED = 0</font>
12:11:14:063 <font size=2 color=0000FF>COMMENTED OUT COMMAND'S = 0</font>
12:11:14:063 <font size=2 color=0000FF>SYSTEM PANICS COUNT = 0</font>
12:11:14:063 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>TEST CASE SUMMARY:</font>
12:11:14:064 <font size=2 color=00AF00>PASS = 1</font>
12:11:14:064 <font size=2 color=FF0000>FAIL = 0</font>
12:11:14:065 <font size=2 color=C0C0C0>SKIPPED_SELECTIVELY = 0</font>
12:11:14:065 <font size=2 color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
12:11:14:066 </pre></body></html>