* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header file of the
* CTestServer.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include "PrintQueue.h"
#include <StifLogger.h>
#include "Logging.h"
#include <StifTestModule.h>
#include <StifTestInterface.h>
// KDefaultHeapSize needed for creating server thread.
const TUint KDefaultHeapSize = 0x10000;
const TUint KMaxHeapSize = 0x20000;
typedef CTestModuleBase*( *CTestInterfaceFactory )();
// Panic reasons
enum TTestServerPanic
class TEvent;
class CTestModule;
class CTestModuleContainer;
class CTestExecution;
class CTestThreadContainer;
class CErrorPrintHandler;
class CTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory;
// CUnderTaker class is an active object that handles thread death
// notifications.
class CUnderTaker
:public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CUnderTaker* NewL( CTestModuleContainer* aContainer );
* Destructor of CUnderTaker.
virtual ~CUnderTaker();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
TInt StartL();
* Is undertaker completed?
TBool Completed();
* Sets or unsets local processing mode
void SetSynchronousMode(const TBool aMode);
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( CTestModuleContainer* aContainer );
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestModuleContainer* iModuleContainer; // Pointer to parent
TBool iCancelNeeded; // Is cancel needed?
TBool iSynchronousMode; // In synchronous mode
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CTestModuleContainer is a class, which contains the test execution thread
// and interface functions to do operations in that thread context.
class CTestModuleContainer
:public CActive
public: // Enumerations
enum TOperation
enum TRequestType
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CTestModuleContainer* NewL( const TDesC& aName,
CTestModule* aSession,
const TDesC& aConfig );
* Destructor of CTestModuleContainer.
virtual ~CTestModuleContainer();
public: // New functions
* Initialize the test module
TInt Initialize( const TFileName& aName,
const TBool aFirstTime );
* Enumerate test cases
TInt EnumerateTestCases( const TFileName& aName );
* Frees the enumeration data
TInt FreeEnumerationData();
* Run a test case
void RunTestCase( const TFileName& aName,
const TInt aCaseNumber,
const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Changes the operation, can fail
TInt ChangeOperation( const TOperation aOperation,
const TFileName& aNameBuffer,
const TInt aInt );
* Changes the operation
void ChangeOperationNoError( const TOperation aOperation,
const TInt aInt );
* Return the operation
//@spe const TOperation Operation();
TOperation Operation();
* Set a new execution subsession
void SetExecutionSubSession( CTestExecution* aExecution );
* Pauses the thread
TInt PauseThread();
* Resumes the thread
TInt ResumeThread();
* Returns pointer to test cases
const RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>* TestCases() const;
* Returns error code from operation
TInt& OperationErrorResult();
* Returns error code from module
TInt& ModuleResult();
* Kill the thread
void KillThread( const TInt aCode );
* Error print handler.
void DoErrorPrint();
* Make sure that any of the test interference thread's won't stay
* to run if test case is crashed of test interference object is not
* deleted.
void KillTestinterferenceThread();
* Make sure that any of the test measurement process's won't stay
* to run if test case is crashed of test measurement object is not
* deleted.
void KillTestMeasurement();
* Get semaphore handles.
TInt OperationStartSemHandle(){ return iOperationStartSemaphore.Handle(); };
TInt OperationChangeSemHandle(){ return iOperationChangeSemaphore.Handle(); };
* Access to "shared" memory.
* Called from test thread'
void SetThreadContainer( CTestThreadContainer* aThread )
{ iThreadContainer = aThread; };
const TDesC& OperationName(){ return iOperationName; };
TDes& OperationText(){ return iOperationText; };
TInt& OperationIntBuffer(){ return iOperationIntBuffer; };
TOperation OperationType(){ return iOperationType; };
const TDesC& TestModuleName();
const TDesC& TestModuleIniFile();
CTestModuleIf::TExitReason& AllowedExitReason()
{ return iAllowedExitReason; };
TInt& AllowedExitCode(){ return iAllowedExitCode; };
TThreadId ServerThreadId(){ return iServerThreadId; };
CTestExecution* TestExecution()
{ return iCTestExecution; };
TRequestStatus* GetRequest( TRequestType aType );
TErrorNotification& ErrorNotification(){ return iErrorPrint; };
TInt ErrorPrintSemHandle(){ return iErrorPrintSem.Handle(); };
* Get title of currently running test case
void GetTestCaseTitleL(TDes& aTestCaseTitle);
* Gets pointer to test module
CTestModule* GetTestModule();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const TDesC& aName,
CTestModule* aSession,
const TDesC& aConfig );
private: // New functions
* Start and wait until operation is completed.
TInt StartAndWaitOperation();
* Completes operation from test execution thread or from undertaker
void Complete( const TInt aCompletionCode );
* Function that initialise module in execution thread context.
TInt InitializeModuleInThread( RLibrary& aModule );
* Function that enumerates test cases in execution thread context.
TInt EnumerateInThread();
* Function that frees the enumeration data in execution thread context.
void FreeEnumerationDataInThread();
* Function that executes test case in execution thread context.
TInt ExecuteTestCaseInThread();
* Delete a test module instance
void DeleteTestModule();
* Function that resolves test case completion code
TInt ResolveCompletionCode( TInt aLeaveCode,
TInt aErrorCode );
* Test case execution thread thread function
static TInt ExecutionThread( TAny* aParams );
* Parse stack and heap information for TestScripter's
* test case (config) file.
TInt ReadParametersFromScriptFileL( const TDesC& aConfig,
TInt& aStackSize,
TInt& aHeapMinSize,
TInt& aHeapMaxSize );
* Loads dynamically testmodule and calls SetRequirements()-
* method for test module parameter handling.
TInt ReadParametersFromTestModule( const TDesC& aModuleName,
CTestModuleParam*& aTestModuleParam );
* Load test module dynamically. If loading is done succesfully
* then get test module's parameters according to version.
* Verifies received parameters also.
TInt GetTestModuleParams( const TDesC& aModuleName,
const TDesC& aConfig,
TInt& aStackSize,
TInt& aHeapMinSize,
TInt& aHeapMaxSize );
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
public: // Data
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestExecution* iCTestExecution; // Handle to "parent" test execution
CTestModule* iCTestModule; // Handle to "parent" module
CUnderTaker* iUnderTaker; // Pointer to thread undertaker
CTestThreadContainer* iThreadContainer;// Pointer thread container
RThread iThread; // Thread where test module lives in
TBool iUpAndRunning; // Is the thread running
TOperation iOperationType; // What to do?
RSemaphore iOperationStartSemaphore; // Used to wait until something to do
RSemaphore iOperationChangeSemaphore; // Protects the operation changes
TPtr iOperationName; // Operation descriptor buffer
HBufC* iModuleNameBuffer; // HBuffer for module name file;
TInt iOperationIntBuffer; // Transfers operation int to thread
RMessage2 iMessage; // Message to complete, used in RunTestCase
// Results from test module
TInt iModuleResult; // Low priority result from test module
TInt iErrorResult; // High priority error from operation
TRequestStatus iOperationStatus; // Operation ongoing?
TThreadId iServerThreadId; // Server thread Id. Used in completion
TBuf<30> iOperationText; // Human readable current operation for
CTestModuleIf::TExitReason iAllowedExitReason; // Allowed exit reason
TInt iAllowedExitCode; // Allowed exit code
// Error print handler
CErrorPrintHandler* iErrorPrintHandler;
RSemaphore iErrorPrintSem; // Synchonize error messages
TErrorNotification iErrorPrint;
// Indicates is pause operation executed. This value will be checked
// when test case is executed. Resume operation will be reset this
// value.
TBool iIsPaused;
// This active scheduler is uses as a nested one
CActiveSchedulerWait* iNestedActiveScheduler;
public: // Friend classes
friend class CUnderTaker; // Handles the thread deaths
friend class CErrorPrintHandler;
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CTestServer is a server class.
// Contains an object container index which provides subsessions with object containers.
class CTestServer
:public CServer2
public: // Enumerations
enum { ETestServerPriority = CActive::EPriorityHigh };
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CTestServer* NewL( const TFileName& aName );
* Destructor of CTestServer.
public: // New functions
* ThreadFunction is used to create new thread.
static TInt ThreadFunction( TAny* aStarted );
* Return object container, guaranteed to produce object containers with
* unique ids within the server.
CObjectCon* NewContainerL();
* Removes a container. Needed to close session properly.
void DeleteContainer( CObjectCon* aContainer );
* Inform Server that session is closed.
void SessionClosed();
* Returns module name
const TDesC& ModuleName() const;
* Is module inside this server already initialised?
//@spe const TBool FirstTime() const;
TBool FirstTime() const;
* Clears the module first time flag.
void ClearFirstTime();
* PanicServer panics the CTestServer
static void PanicServer( const TTestServerPanic aPanic );
* GetServerThreadId for ServerStateHandler Active object usage
TInt GetServerThreadId ();
* Gets CTestThreadContainerRunner pointer which is used in UI testing
CTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory* GetTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory();
* Gets information that testserver supports UI testing or not
TBool IsUiTestingSupported();
* Gets pointer to UiEnvProxy.
CUiEnvProxy* GetUiEnvProxy();
public: // Functions from base classes
* NewSessionL creates new CTestServer session.
CSession2* NewSessionL( const TVersion &aVersion,
const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const TFileName& aName );
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CObjectConIx* iContainerIndex; // Pointer to container
TPtr iModuleName; // Server name
HBufC* iModuleNameBuffer; // HBuffer for module name file;
TBool iFirstTime; // Is module previously initialized?
// Container count
TInt iSessionCount;
TBool iUiTestingSupport; // Indicates if it is testserver which supports UI testing
CTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory* iTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory; // Pointer to CTestThreadContainerRunnerFactory
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CTestCasesList is a class, which contains list of test cases assosiated with
// specified config file.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CTestCasesList ): public CBase
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CTestCasesList* NewL( const TDesC& aConfigFileName );
* Destructor of CTestServer.
* Appends test case.
void AppendTestCaseL( const TDesC& aTestCaseTitle );
* Returns specified test case title.
const TDesC& GetTestCaseTitleL( TInt aIndex ) const;
* Returns config file name.
const TDesC& GetConfigFileName() const;
* Returns count of test cases.
TInt Count() const;
* Resets list of test cases.
void ResetAndDestroy();
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const TDesC& aConfigFileName );
// Config file name
HBufC* iConfigFileName;
// List of test cases
RPointerArray<HBufC> iTestCases;
// CTestModule is a session class.
// Session for the CTestServer server, to a single client-side session
// a session may own any number of CCounter objects
class CTestModule
:public CSession2
// None
private: // Enumerations
// None
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Construct a test module object.
static CTestModule* NewL( CTestServer* aServer );
* Destructor
virtual ~CTestModule();
public: // New functions
* Dispatch message
TInt DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Create Module Session
TInt CreateModuleSessionL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Close the session to CTestServer.
TInt CloseSession( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Create CTestExecution subsession.
TInt NewTestExecutionL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Destroy the created CTestExecution subsession.
* Cannot fail - can panic client.
void DeleteTestExecution( const TUint aHandle, const RMessage2& aMessage );
* NumResources is used to provide reserver resources to client.
void NumResources( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Return the number of resources owned by the session.
TInt CountResources();
* Enumerates test cases
TInt EnumerateTestCasesL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Get test cases
TInt GetTestCasesL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Handles error notifications
TInt HandleErrorNotificationL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Get Server Thread Id
TInt GetServerThreadIdL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
TInt PassEngineSessionSettings( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Prints error notification
void ErrorPrint( const TInt aPriority,
TPtrC aError );
* Cancels asynchronous request
TInt CancelAsyncRequestL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Frees a test case specific data owned by module( i.e enumeration data )
TInt FreeCaseData();
* Returns case corresponding handle
CTestExecution* CaseFromHandle( const TUint aHandle, const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
* Returns module initialisation file name
const TDesC& IniName() const;
* Returns module name
const TDesC& Name() const;
* Returns a test module.
TInt GetTestModule( CTestModuleContainer*& aContainer,
const TDesC& aConfig );
* Frees a test module.
TInt FreeTestModule( CTestModuleContainer* aModule );
* Write is utility method.
void Write( const TAny* aPtr, const TDesC8& aDes, TInt anOffset = 0 );
* PanicClient panics the user of CTestModule( RTestModule user )
void PanicClient( TInt aPanic, const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
* Get title of currently running test case
void GetTestCaseTitleL(TInt aTestCaseNumber, const TDesC& aConfigFile, TDes& aTestCaseTitle);
* Get pointer to test server
CTestServer* GetTestServer();
TBool UiTesting();
TBool SeperateProcesses();
public: // Functions from base classes
* ServiceL handles the messages to CTestServer
virtual void ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( CTestServer* aServer );
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
RPointerArray<CTestModuleContainer>* iTestModuleInstances; // List of FREE test modules
CTestServer* iTestServer; // Pointer to "parent"
CObjectCon* iContainer; // Object container for this session
CObjectIx* iTestExecutionHandle; // Object index( stores CTestExecutions,
// (Unclosed)subsession handle )
TBool iUiTesting;
TBool iSeperateProcesses;
TInt iResourceCount; // Total number of resources allocated
TPtr iIni; // Module initialisation( file ) name
HBufC* iIniBuffer; // HBuffer for ini name file;
CTestModuleContainer* iEnumerateModule; // Module used in enumeration
RMessage2 iErrorMessage; // Error message
TBool iErrorMessageAvailable; // Error message available?
RPointerArray<CTestCasesList> iTestCaseTitlesMap; //Test case titles
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CPrintHandler class is an active object that handles print
// indication from test thread.
class CPrintHandler
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CPrintHandler* NewL( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* Destructor of CPrintHandler.
virtual ~CPrintHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
void StartL();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CPrintHandler( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestExecution& iExecution; // Pointer to parent
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CEventHandler class is an active object that handles print
// indication from test thread.
class CEventHandler
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CEventHandler* NewL( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* Destructor of CEventHandler.
virtual ~CEventHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
void StartL();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CEventHandler( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestExecution& iExecution; // Pointer to parent
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CSndHandler class is an active object that handles print
// indication from test thread.
class CSndHandler
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CSndHandler* NewL( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* Destructor of CSndHandler.
virtual ~CSndHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
void StartL();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CSndHandler( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestExecution& iExecution; // Pointer to parent
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CRcvHandler class is an active object that handles print
// indication from test thread.
class CRcvHandler
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CRcvHandler* NewL( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* Destructor of CRcvHandler.
virtual ~CRcvHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
void StartL();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CRcvHandler( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestExecution& iExecution; // Pointer to parent
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CErrorPrintHandler class is an active object that handles print
// indication from test thread.
class CErrorPrintHandler
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CErrorPrintHandler* NewL( CTestModuleContainer& aContainer );
* Destructor of CErrorPrintHandler.
virtual ~CErrorPrintHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
void StartL();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CErrorPrintHandler( CTestModuleContainer& aContainer );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestModuleContainer& iContainer; // Pointer to parent
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CTestInterferenceHandler class is an active object that handles test
// interference
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CInterferenceHandler )
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CInterferenceHandler* NewL( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* Destructor of CInterferenceHandler.
virtual ~CInterferenceHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
void StartL();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CInterferenceHandler( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestExecution& iExecution; // Pointer to parent
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
// CMeasurementHandler class is an active object that handles test
// measurement
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMeasurementHandler )
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CMeasurementHandler* NewL( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* Destructor of CMeasurementHandler.
virtual ~CMeasurementHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
void StartL();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CMeasurementHandler( CTestExecution& aExecution );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
// Pointer to test execution side
CTestExecution& iExecution;
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
* Check is module TestScripter. Does parsing and returns new module name and
* error codes(Needed operations when creating server sessions to TestScripter).
TInt CheckModuleName( TFileName aModuleName, TFileName& aNewModuleName );
* Remove optional index appended to module name.
* If it is found (@ char) then set new module name without it.
* This feature is used when iSeparateProcesses is set in TestEngine.
void RemoveOptionalIndex(const TDesC& aModuleName, TDes& aNewModuleName);
// CEventHandler class is an active object that handles print
// indication from test thread.
: public CActive
public: // Enumerations
private: // Enumerations
public: // Constructors and destructor
* NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
static CCommandHandler* NewL(CTestExecution& aExecution);
* Destructor of CCommandHandler.
virtual ~CCommandHandler();
public: // New functions
* Start monitoring
void StartL();
public: // Functions from base classes
* RunL derived from CActive handles the completed requests.
void RunL();
* DoCancel derived from CActive handles the Cancel
void DoCancel();
* RunError derived from CActive handles errors from active handler.
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
protected: // New functions
// None
protected: // Functions from base classes
// None
* C++ default constructor.
CCommandHandler(CTestExecution& aExecution);
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: //Data
// None
protected: // Data
// None
private: // Data
CTestExecution& iExecution; // Pointer to parent
public: // Friend classes
// None
protected: // Friend classes
// None
private: // Friend classes
// None
#endif // TEST_SERVER_H
// End of File