# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
require Algorithm::Diff;
#ppm install Algorithm-Diff
# Globle variables
# compare result counter
$PASSCounter = 0;
$DIFFCounter = 0;
$MISSCounter = 0; #only existed in BaseLine directory
$NEWADDCounter = 0; #only existed in DABS directory
$IGNCounter = 0; # this is some case cann't using this tool to comapre
$GlobleisLowCases = 0;
$CmpDetail = 0; # this is detailed compare information switch
$ShowPassCmp = 0; # only output negtive compare result.
$cmpResultF = "dailyregresultfile.txt";
my $CurrentDir = ".";
sub compareBase2DABS_ReturnEmailBody
my ( $baseLineDir, $DABSResultDir,$currentpath) = @_;
$CurrentDir = $currentpath; #save to inner pm current variable
compareBase2DABS( $baseLineDir, $DABSResultDir);
my $mydir = "$currentpath\\$cmpResultF";
print $mydir;
my @fileArr = read_file($mydir);
my $buf;
foreach $item (@fileArr){
$buf = $buf . $item . "<br>\n";# for lotus not mail.
return $buf;
sub compareBase2DABS
my ( $baseLineDir, $DABSResultDir, $argv3, $argv4 ) = @_;
$CurrentDir = getcwd;
# print $argv1." VS ".$argv2."\n";
# my($GlobleisLowCases);
if (!open( DailyRegResultOutPut, ">$cmpResultF" ))
print "open $DailyRegResultOutPut failed.";
print DailyRegResultOutPut "Start of Result compare\n";
compare_BaseLineFiles_with_DABSResult( $baseLineDir, $DABSResultDir );
checking_TestCase_no_BaseLine( $baseLineDir, $DABSResultDir );
print DailyRegResultOutPut "End of Result compare\n";
# gerarate the baseline dir of tef code
# this is utility function for DABS
sub makeBaseLineDir
my ( $device, $build ) = @_;
my ( $device1, $build1 );
my ($dirResult);
$dirResult = "\\testexecute\\Test\\baseline";
if ( $device =~ /arm/i ) {
$device1 = "\\h4";
elsif ( $device =~ /winscw/i ) {
$device1 = "\\emulator";
else {
return "error_path";
if ( $build =~ /urel/i ) {
$build1 = "\\urel";
elsif ( $build =~ /udeb/i ) {
$build1 = "\\udeb";
else {
return "error_path";
return $dirResult =
$dirResult . $device1 . $build1; #\testexecute\Test\baseline\h4\udeb
sub SummaryCounter2File
$seperator = " = ";
$eol = "\n";
print DailyRegResultOutPut $eol,"*******************" ,$eol,"Compare Summary: ",$eol;
print DailyRegResultOutPut "Pass", $seperator, $PASSCounter,$eol;
print DailyRegResultOutPut "Diff", $seperator, $DIFFCounter,$eol;
print DailyRegResultOutPut "Existing only on Base Line" , $seperator, $MISSCounter,$eol;
print DailyRegResultOutPut "Existing only on DABS", $seperator, $NEWADDCounter,$eol;
print DailyRegResultOutPut "Needs to manual check", $seperator, $IGNCounter,$eol;
sub checking_TestCase_no_BaseLine {
my ( $baseLineDir, $DABSResultDir ) = @_;
# read DABS file list
my $thisdir;
opendir( $thisdir, $DABSResultDir );
my @DABSFiles = readdir($thisdir);
# read base file list
opendir( $thisdir, $baseLineDir );
my @baseFiles = readdir($thisdir);
# New test case without base line
my ( $DABSfile, $basefile );
# compare all the file name
foreach $DABSfile (@DABSFiles) {
if ( $DABSfile =~ /\.htm/ ) {
my ( $i, $match );
for ( $i = 0, $match = 0 ; $i < @baseFiles ; $i++ ) {
$basefile = @baseFiles[$i];
if ( $DABSfile eq $basefile ) {
$match = 1;
# the new test case file name found!
if ( $match != 1 ) {
print DailyRegResultOutPut
"$DABSfile is a new test case without baseline.\n";
sub compare_BaseLineFiles_with_DABSResult {
my ( $baseLineDir, $DABSResultDir ) = @_;
#chdir($baseLineDir) ;
if ( !-e $baseLineDir)
print DailyRegResultOutPut
"[Fatal Error]: Can not open $baseLineDir.\n";
my $thisdir;
opendir( $thisdir, $baseLineDir );
my @baseLineFiles = readdir($thisdir);
my $i = 0;
my @BaseFileSet;
my @DABSFileSet;
# generate the file path
my $count2 = 0;
while ( $i < @baseLineFiles ) {
if ( ( !-d @baseLineFiles[$i] )
&& ( @baseLineFiles[$i] =~ /\.htm/ )
) # (@files[$count] =~/\.htm/) to select all *.htm files
@BaseFileSet[$count2] = $baseLineDir . "\\" . "@baseLineFiles[$i]";
# print "@srcfiles[$i] \n";
@DABSFileSet[$count2] =
$DABSResultDir . "\\" . "@baseLineFiles[$i]";
# print "@dstfiles[$i] \n";
# file context compare
$i = 2; #ignore .. and . files
while ( $i < @BaseFileSet ) {
if ( @DABSFileSet[$i] =~ /dt-tef-concurrent/
|| @DABSFileSet[$i] =~ /dt-tef-performance-0001/
|| @DABSFileSet[$i] =~ /dt-tef-command-line/
) {
#skip concurrent compare
print DailyRegResultOutPut @DABSFileSet[$i],
" compare has being ignored. Plese checke your self.\n";
elsif ( !-e @BaseFileSet[$i] ) {
# this case will not TRUE because only baseline's file name will be compared.
# see the upper while {....}
print DailyRegResultOutPut
"@BaseFileSet[$i] does not exist in baseline.\n";# is a new test case without baseline
#baseLineFiles[$i] only contain file name.
elsif ( !-e @DABSFileSet[$i] ) {
print DailyRegResultOutPut
"$DABSFileSet[$i] does not exist in DABS.\n";
#baseLineFiles[$i] only contain file name.
else {
FileCompare( @BaseFileSet[$i], @DABSFileSet[$i] );
#chang back to the orginal dir.
chdir($CurrentDir); # don't die this fail not change
sub FileCompare {
my ( $argv1, $argv2 ) = @_;
@array1 = file_array( $argv1, $GlobleisLowCases );
@array2 = file_array( $argv2, $GlobleisLowCases );
# This example produces traditional 'diff' output:
my $diff =
Algorithm::Diff->new( \@array1, \@array2 ); # this must done in main
my ($result);
$result = TEF_Compare_Diff($diff);
if ( $result == 0 ) #file diff
print DailyRegResultOutPut $argv2, " different with baseline.\n";
else {
if ( $ShowPassCmp == 1 )
print DailyRegResultOutPut $argv2, " PASS\n";
# if ( $argv4 == "-D" ) {
# Save_Tailored_to_file( "PR1", @array1 );
# Save_Tailored_to_file( "PR2", @array2 );
# }
# print @file1[0].@file2[0];
sub file_array {
my ( $filename, $isLowCase ) = @_;
# if ($isLowCase == 1)
# {
# print "file_arrayisLowCases = 1";
# print "\n";
# }
# else
# {
# print "file_arrayisLowCases = 0";
# print "\n";
# }
my @readarray;
@readarray = read_file($filename);
return @readarray = remove_prefix_from_arrary( @readarray, $isLowCase );
sub read_file {
my ($read_file1) = @_;
if(!open( IN1, $read_file1 ) )
print DailyRegResultOutPut "[Fatal Error]: Can not open the $read_file1 file !\n" ;
my @content = <IN1>;
return @content;
sub TEF_Compare_Diff {
# This example produces traditional 'diff' output:
# my $diff = Algorithm::Diff->new( \@arr1, \@arr2 );
my ($diff) = @_;
my ($BoolSame);
$BoolSame = 1; #file same
$diff->Base(1); # Return line numbers, not indices
while ( $diff->Next() ) {
next if $diff->Same();
if ( $CmpDetail == 1 ) {
my $sep = '';
if ( !$diff->Items(2) ) {
printf DailyRegResultOutPut "%d,%dd%d\n",
$diff->Get(qw( Min1 Max1 Max2 ));
elsif ( !$diff->Items(1) ) {
printf DailyRegResultOutPut "%da%d,%d\n",
$diff->Get(qw( Max1 Min2 Max2 ));
else {
$sep = "---\n";
printf DailyRegResultOutPut "%d,%dc%d,%d\n",
$diff->Get(qw( Min1 Max1 Min2 Max2 ));
print DailyRegResultOutPut "< $_" for $diff->Items(1);
print DailyRegResultOutPut $sep;
print DailyRegResultOutPut "> $_" for $diff->Items(2);
$BoolSame = 0; #file diff
return $BoolSame;
sub Save_Tailored_to_file {
my ( $write_file1, @array ) = @_;
if (!open( OUT, "| cat >$write_file1" ) )
print DailyRegResultOutPut "[Fatal Error]: Can NOT open the $write_file1 file !\n" ;
return ;
my $i = 0;
my $item;
while ( $i < @array ) {
$item = @array[ $i++ ];
print OUT $item;
sub output_arrary {
my (@array) = @_;
my $i = 0;
while ( $i < @array ) {
$item = @array[ $i++ ];
print $item ;
sub remove_prefix_from_arrary {
my ( @_array, $LowCase ) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $item;
while ( $i < @_array ) {
$item = @_array[$i];
$item = remove_time_stamp($item);
$item = remove_INFOPRINT($item);
$item = remove_remote_panic($item);
$item = remove_time_infomation($item);
@_array[$i] = remove_script_linenum($item);
if ( $GlobleisLowCases == 1 ) {
@_array[$i] = lc( @_array[$i] );
return @_array;
sub remove_script_linenum {
my ($srcstring) = @_;
# search for
# ....\dt-tef-testclient-0009.script Line = 22 Command = END_TESTCASE...
$_ = $srcstring;
if (/[.]*.script [Ll]ine = [\d]+ [Cc]ommand =[.]*/) {
# print ":)\n";
$srcstring =~
s/[.]*.script [Ll]ine = [\d]+ [Cc]ommand =[.]*/\.script line = command =/;
return $srcstring;
sub remove_remote_panic {
my ($srcstring) = @_;
$_ = $srcstring;
if (/[Rr]emote [Pp]anic \d/) {
# print ":)\n";
return $srcstring = ""; # remove panic string
else {
# print ":(\n";
return $srcstring;
sub remove_INFOPRINT {
my ($srcstring) = @_;
$_ = $srcstring;
# if (/(INFO|ERROR|WARN|HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW)[ ]- [0-9]+[ ][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+[.][a-zA-Z]* [0-9]+/) {
# the file name to strict for "03:39:57:980 INFO - 2607 DIR\DIR\ 221 GetCPPModuleName"
# "DIR\DIR\" not a legeal file name,
# so I change the regx
if (
/(INFO|ERROR|WARN|HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW)[ ]- [0-9]+[ ][a-zA-Z0-9_.-\\]* [0-9]+/
# print ":)\n";
$srcstring =~ s/[ ]- [0-9]+[ ][a-zA-Z0-9_.-\\]* [0-9]+//;
## now else no use.
# else
# {
# print ":(\n";
# }
return $srcstring;
sub remove_time_stamp {
my ($srcstring) = @_;
$_ = substr( $srcstring, 0, 12 );
if (/[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+/) {
return substr( $srcstring, 12 );
sub remove_time_infomation {
my ($srcstring) = @_;
if ($srcstring =~ /[.]*[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+ [0-9]+\:[0-9]+\:[0-9]+ [apAP][.]*/) {
#print ":)\n";
$srcstring =~ s/[.]*[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+ [0-9]+\:[0-9]+\:[0-9]+ [apAP][.]*/$1/;
# else
# {
# print ":(\n";
# }
return $srcstring;