* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Unit test for TestExecuteUtils , CTestExecuteLogger
* Code for logging over serial connection
* please make sure the logging channel is set to 'Serial' or Both
* in the testexecute.ini file for this code to be able to cover the
* serial logging code...
@file TestExecuteLoggingTest.cpp
#include <TestExecuteLogger.h>
#include <e32Cons.h>
_LIT(K16BitText,"This is a short line of 16 Bit Text");
_LIT8(K8BitText,"This is a short line of 8 Bit Text");
_LIT(K16BitFormatText,"This is a short line of 16 Bit Format Text int = %d string = %S");
_LIT8(K8BitFormatText,"This is a short line of 8 Bit Format Text int = %d string = %S");
_LIT(K16BitString,"The String16");
_LIT8(K8BitString,"The String8");
LOCAL_C void TestWorkAPIsL(CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger,CConsoleBase*& aConsole)
aConsole->Write(_L("Testing logger.Write(16BitText) \r\n"));
aConsole->Write(_L("Testing logger.Write(8BitText) \r\n"));
aConsole->Write(_L("Testing logger.WriteFormat(16BitText) \r\n"));
TBuf<20> buf16(K16BitString);
aConsole->Write(_L("Testing logger.WriteFormat(8BitText) \r\n"));
TBuf8<20> buf8(K8BitString);
aConsole->Write(_L("Testing logger.LogExtra() \r\n"));
aLogger.LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,ESevrInfo,K16BitFormatText,1,&buf16);
aConsole->Write(_L("Testing logger.PrintCurrentScriptLine() \r\n"));
TBuf<30> output(_L("Testing PrintCurrentScriptLine")) ;
aLogger.PrintCurrentScriptLine(output) ;
aConsole->Write(_L("Testing logger.LogTestCaseResult() \r\n"));
TBuf<30> file(_L("TestExcuteLoggingTest.cpp"));
TInt lineNo(68) ;
TBuf<20> testCsNm(_L("TestCaseSomething"));
aLogger.LogTestCaseResult(file, lineNo, ESevrInfo, KTEFEndTestCaseCommand, testCsNm);
aConsole->Write(_L("Testing logger.LogResult() \r\n"));
TBuf<30> panicStringbuf(_L("Panic string")) ;
TBuf<30> fileRes(_L("TestExcuteLoggingTest.cpp"));
TInt lineNum(70) ;
TInt severity(RFileFlogger::ESevrHigh) ;
LOCAL_C void MainL()
_LIT(KTitle,"TestExecuteLogger Test Code for serial logging");
CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
CTestExecuteLogger logger;
TInt logLevel =1 ;
TBool separateLogFiles(EFalse);
TPtrC scriptFilePath(KScriptPath);
console->Write(_L("logger.InitialiseLoggingL next2 \n")) ;
logger.InitialiseLoggingL(scriptFilePath, separateLogFiles, logLevel);
console->Write(_L("post logger.InitialiseLoggingL next \n"));
TestWorkAPIsL(logger, console) ;
console->Write(_L("attempting TerminateLoggingL \n")) ;
logger.TerminateLoggingL(3, 4, 3); //suggested by todays fortune cookie...
console->Write(_L("Done testing, press a key to finish \n")) ;
console->Getch() ;
// Entry point for all Epoc32 executables
// See PSP Chapter 2 Getting Started
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
// Heap balance checking
// See PSP Chapter 6 Error Handling
CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
if(cleanup == NULL)
return KErrNoMemory;
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!err, User::Panic(KPanic,err));
delete cleanup;
return KErrNone;