1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
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3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
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10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-2C8BE998-BCCE-5A06-AFC1-4B611D9233AB" xml:lang="en"><title>Turn |
13 Off Broadcast Receiver Tutorial</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
14 <p>This document helps you to understand how <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver</apiname></xref> handles |
15 session close and the power off for a Broadcast Receiver hardware. </p> |
16 <section><title>Purpose</title> <p>This tutorial tells you about shutting |
17 down the Broadcast Receiver hardware. The purpose is to end up with closed |
18 session and, or power off the hardware. </p> </section> |
19 <section><title>Required Background</title><p>When you have finished with |
20 a <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver</apiname></xref> instance, you must close the session before |
21 it is destroyed or else risk causing a memory leak and corrupt reference count |
22 on the receiver.</p></section> |
23 <section><title>Introduction</title><p>To shut down the hardware, you need |
24 to power off and close the session to the receiver. There are two ways to |
25 shut down the receiver, they are as follows: </p> <ul> |
26 <li id="GUID-2E7E8F37-39DA-542E-9AF6-F1724E78206C"><p>Call <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-67BCF315-6BA2-3968-8E9B-091099B839A6"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOff()</apiname></xref> where |
27 signal to the receiver no longer to be called. </p> </li> |
28 <li id="GUID-29B735E9-B3B1-5A9C-972B-2F771989154E"><p>Shut down immediately. |
29 This is done by calling <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-36FEEFAF-D70C-3503-A7EE-3E82F477699F"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::SetDisabled()</apiname></xref>. </p> </li> |
30 </ul></section> |
31 <section><title>Setup and Configuration Requirements</title><p>You need a |
32 receiver instance for the DVB-H Receiver to be called.</p></section> |
33 <section><title>Using Turn Off Broadcast Receiver Tutorial </title> <p>The |
34 Following tasks will be covered in this tutorial: </p> <ul> |
35 <li id="GUID-0FB84F09-9BBF-57CE-AE54-52F13C2197C9"><p><xref href="GUID-2C8BE998-BCCE-5A06-AFC1-4B611D9233AB.dita#GUID-2C8BE998-BCCE-5A06-AFC1-4B611D9233AB/GUID-14548294-63CE-5F2C-8841-473B55CA4EAA">How to power off the broadcast receiver</xref> </p> </li> |
36 <li id="GUID-433693FC-CAEF-560F-B7A0-8285449A19D0"><p><xref href="GUID-2C8BE998-BCCE-5A06-AFC1-4B611D9233AB.dita#GUID-2C8BE998-BCCE-5A06-AFC1-4B611D9233AB/GUID-C1DB684C-D44A-5F9F-BC92-EBFE9D2D59FD">How to close session of the broadcast receiver</xref> </p> </li> |
37 <li id="GUID-DA3C4A3A-690D-5CDB-B536-877EB901B835"><p><xref href="GUID-2C8BE998-BCCE-5A06-AFC1-4B611D9233AB.dita#GUID-2C8BE998-BCCE-5A06-AFC1-4B611D9233AB/GUID-96FF993F-DF4A-59C3-8C60-F4471243B115">How to shut down immediately the broadcast receiver</xref> </p> </li> |
38 </ul> <p id="GUID-96FF993F-DF4A-59C3-8C60-F4471243B115"><b>Basic Procedure |
39 To Shut Down The Receiver </b> </p> <p>The high level steps to shut down immediately |
40 the broadcast receiver are shown here: </p> <ol id="GUID-C6B5E57D-4DC6-5C42-A558-8D5000B41BDB"> |
41 <li id="GUID-3EAD9828-9D52-59F4-A625-1BB2492B1955"><p>For power downing the |
42 receiver immediately, you need to call <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-36FEEFAF-D70C-3503-A7EE-3E82F477699F"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::SetDisabled()</apiname></xref>. |
43 This method takes a boolean parameter as ETrue to disable or EFalse to re-enable. |
44 If this method is called with ETrue on any instance, then power to the receiver |
45 is immediately cut and the receiver is put into disabled state. </p> <p>In |
46 disabled state, the power to the receiver remains off even if calls to <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-3C48A641-C307-37D6-9931-D627363C8942"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOn()</apiname></xref> are |
47 invoked. Indeed, <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-3C48A641-C307-37D6-9931-D627363C8942"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOn()</apiname></xref> returns KErrLocked |
48 while the receiver is in disabled state. In order for the receiver to be moved |
49 out of disabled state, <codeph>RDvbhReceiver::SetDisabled(EFalse)</codeph> must |
50 be called from each session that issued is <codeph>RDvbhReceiver::SetDisabled(ETrue)</codeph>. |
51 When the receiver is moved out of the disabled state, it may be powered back |
52 on call to <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-3C48A641-C307-37D6-9931-D627363C8942"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOn()</apiname></xref> as usual. </p> </li> |
53 </ol> </section> |
54 <section><title>Basic procedure to power off the broadcast receiver</title><p> The |
55 high level steps to power off the broadcast receiver are shown here: </p> <ol id="GUID-4474F313-4884-53AB-BDAF-396690EEE32B"> |
56 <li id="GUID-748BBB20-5810-5AE3-8629-C0AEBAB46881"><p>To power off the receiver, |
57 call <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-67BCF315-6BA2-3968-8E9B-091099B839A6"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOff()</apiname></xref>. </p> </li> |
58 <li id="GUID-B15585C9-10EC-5AF9-999A-FDAF28DDF6A1"><p>In order to shut down |
59 power completely, <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-67BCF315-6BA2-3968-8E9B-091099B839A6"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOff()</apiname></xref> takes into |
60 account the reference count of the receiver client and puts the power off |
61 until each client that has called <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-3C48A641-C307-37D6-9931-D627363C8942"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOn()</apiname></xref>. </p> </li> |
62 </ol></section> |
63 <section><title>Example to off the broadcast receiver power</title><codeblock id="GUID-691E7762-7B2E-584B-AE47-02E3A9022C26" xml:space="preserve"> |
64 |
65 RDvbhReceiver receiver1; |
66 RDvbhReceiver receiver2; |
67 RDvbhReceiver receiver3; |
68 |
69 User::LeaveIfError(receiver1.Open()); |
70 User::LeaveIfError(receiver2.Open()); |
71 User::LeaveIfError(receiver3.Open()); |
72 |
73 User::LeaveIfError(receiver1.PowerOn()); |
74 User::LeaveIfError(receiver3.PowerOn()); |
75 |
76 //Wait until booting has completed. Shared receiver is now powered on. |
77 receiver1.PowerOff(); //count decremented, but receiver power is still on. |
78 receiver2.PowerOff(); //count not decremented, No effect. |
79 receiver3.PowerOff(); //count decremented to 0. No more clients that have requested power |
80 // on, so the power is turned off. |
81 |
82 </codeblock></section> |
83 <section><title>Basic Procedure To Close Session Of The Broadcast Receiver</title><p> The |
84 high level steps to close session of the broadcast receiver are shown here: </p> <ol id="GUID-CBECB065-48EB-52E4-B758-C4C2A2053435"> |
85 <li id="GUID-55276E26-DEAC-5778-92B4-D78091A882BE"><p>In order to close the |
86 session call <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-FFE19627-4B07-3246-BCB2-957122BD1FBD"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::Close()</apiname></xref>. </p> </li> |
87 <li id="GUID-FC794A51-1FD6-5879-95F7-70A5825C2913"><p>If <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-3C48A641-C307-37D6-9931-D627363C8942"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOn()</apiname></xref> is |
88 called on an instance, then <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-FFE19627-4B07-3246-BCB2-957122BD1FBD"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::Close()</apiname></xref> reduces |
89 the reference count as if <xref href="GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF.dita#GUID-617CD367-CF68-3932-8E77-669820A7B9AF/GUID-67BCF315-6BA2-3968-8E9B-091099B839A6"><apiname>RDvbhReceiver::PowerOff()</apiname></xref> is |
90 called. As a result, if there are no more open sessions to the receiver, then |
91 it is powered off. </p> </li> |
92 </ol></section> |
93 </conbody><related-links> |
94 <link href="GUID-3C9BE2FF-8D5C-51D0-8BC1-BED7BC1288BA.dita"><linktext>Turn On Broadcast |
95 Receiver</linktext></link> |
96 <link href="GUID-0297CAF5-4EB7-5E84-8A8C-8758D6F3B75F.dita"><linktext>Setting Data |
97 Reception</linktext></link> |
98 <link href="GUID-567585CC-26EC-553D-99D5-D3C178C455F6.dita"><linktext>DVB-H Signal |
99 Scanning</linktext></link> |
100 <link href="GUID-743D3117-095B-58D5-947D-A8713475C9A5.dita"><linktext>Tuning IP |
101 Platform</linktext></link> |
102 <link href="GUID-F5FE22F3-B7C4-50B3-9B36-5CB8BC1BA18A.dita"><linktext>Receiving |
103 Broadcast Data</linktext></link> |
104 </related-links></concept> |