changeset 1 25a17d01db0c
child 3 46218c8b8afa
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:89d6a7a84779 1:25a17d01db0c
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE reference
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
    12 <reference id="GUID-4BDC9F63-83A1-53A5-91A0-B092AA821755" xml:lang="en"><title>MakeSIS</title><abstract><p>The <codeph>MakeSIS</codeph> tool generates unsigned Software
    13 Installation (SIS) files based on the information provided in package (PKG)
    14 files.</p></abstract><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><refbody>
    15 <refsyn><title>Syntax</title> <p><userinput>makesis <parmname>[OPTIONS]</parmname> <cmdname> &lt;ARGS&gt;</cmdname> </userinput> </p> <p>The
    16 following table lists the options supported by the <codeph>MakeSIS</codeph> tool. </p> <table id="GUID-3507EC30-B539-5F94-BFFA-073B0BC98177">
    17 <tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/>
    18 <thead>
    19 <row>
    20 <entry>Options </entry>
    21 <entry>Description</entry>
    22 <entry>Usage</entry>
    23 </row>
    24 </thead>
    25 <tbody>
    26 <row>
    27 <entry><p> <varname>-h</varname>  </p> </entry>
    28 <entry><p>Displays the help for PKG file format. </p> </entry>
    29 <entry><p><userinput>makesis [-h]</userinput> </p> </entry>
    30 </row>
    31 <row>
    32 <entry><p> <varname>-i</varname>  </p> </entry>
    33 <entry><p>Displays the Open SSL licence. </p> </entry>
    34 <entry><p><userinput>makesis [-i]</userinput> </p> </entry>
    35 </row>
    36 <row>
    37 <entry><p> <varname>-v</varname>  </p> </entry>
    38 <entry><p>Displays verbose output. </p> </entry>
    39 <entry><p><userinput>makesis [-v]</userinput> </p> </entry>
    40 </row>
    41 <row>
    42 <entry><p> <varname>-s</varname>  </p> </entry>
    43 <entry><p>Generates a ROM stub file. See <xref href="GUID-4BDC9F63-83A1-53A5-91A0-B092AA821755.dita#GUID-4BDC9F63-83A1-53A5-91A0-B092AA821755/GUID-DEF21F73-CF37-51BD-8AD4-E58BEF3D2C44">Notes</xref> for more information. </p> </entry>
    44 <entry><p><userinput>makesis [-s] [-d directory] pkgfile</userinput> </p> </entry>
    45 </row>
    46 <row>
    47 <entry><p> <varname>-c</varname>  </p> </entry>
    48 <entry><p>Reports an error if the generated SIS file is not compatible with
    49 the InterpretSIS tool for preinstall. </p> </entry>
    50 <entry><p><userinput>makesis [-c] [-d directory] pkgfile</userinput> </p> </entry>
    51 </row>
    52 </tbody>
    53 </tgroup>
    54 </table> <p>The following table lists the arguments to be specified with the <codeph>MakeSIS</codeph> tool. </p> <table id="GUID-0CFA878E-F0FF-5831-B24B-320921C5CA4D">
    55 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/>
    56 <thead>
    57 <row>
    58 <entry>Arguments </entry>
    59 <entry>Description</entry>
    60 </row>
    61 </thead>
    62 <tbody>
    63 <row>
    64 <entry><p> <varname>-d directory</varname>  </p> </entry>
    65 <entry><p>Specifies absolute paths in PKG files or paths relative to the current
    66 directory. </p> </entry>
    67 </row>
    68 <row>
    69 <entry><p> <varname>pkgfile</varname>  </p> </entry>
    70 <entry><p>Specifies the PKG file, for which a SIS file is generated. </p> </entry>
    71 </row>
    72 <row>
    73 <entry><p> <varname>sisfile</varname>  </p> </entry>
    74 <entry><p>Specifies the name of the generated SIS file. </p> <p>If not specified,
    75 the output SIS filename is derived from the name of the PKG file, but with
    76 a <filepath>SIS</filepath> file extension. </p> </entry>
    77 </row>
    78 </tbody>
    79 </tgroup>
    80 </table> </refsyn>
    81 <section id="GUID-DEF21F73-CF37-51BD-8AD4-E58BEF3D2C44"><title>Notes</title> <ul>
    82 <li id="GUID-9877B442-775B-5754-BB99-9DA810D30552"><p>A stub SIS file is created
    83 by the software installer on the Symbian device after a package has been installed.
    84 It details which files were installed and where, and is used when uninstalling
    85 and upgrading the package. For pre-installed applications in ROM, <codeph>makesis
    86 -s</codeph> can be used to create a stub SIS file. </p> <p>Stub files that
    87 are created, contain a fixed date/time stamp of 2004/01/01 00:00. </p> </li>
    88 <li id="GUID-2136F1C0-1FD1-58FF-8E6B-6D09D5E89DBF"><p>You can use the <codeph>–d</codeph> argument
    89 with the <codeph>EPOCROOT</codeph> environment variable to avoid using absolute
    90 paths in PKG files or relative paths to the current directory. </p> <p>By
    91 default, binaries are built to the <filepath>epoc32</filepath> tree. So, if
    92 files are described in the PKG file as, for example: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-7F3A3056-88A8-5D19-9CB9-C3135D17DD95" xml:space="preserve">"epoc32\release\armv5\urel\HelloWorld.exe"-"!:\sys\bin\HelloWorld.exe"
    93 "epoc32\release\armv5\urel\z\resource\apps\HelloWorld.rsc"-"!:\resource\apps\HelloWorld.rsc"</codeblock> <p>then <codeph>MakeSIS</codeph> can
    94 be invoked from any location using: </p> <p><userinput>makesis -d%EPOCROOT%
    95 HelloWorld.pkg</userinput> </p> </li>
    96 </ul> </section>
    97 </refbody><related-links>
    98 <link href="GUID-43B4B4E7-413E-5D18-811C-4B9E38CDEB69.dita"><linktext>PKG Format</linktext>
    99 </link>
   100 <link href="GUID-B20EE8A3-D7B2-5872-AF43-001A88C1A46E.dita"><linktext>SignSIS</linktext>
   101 </link>
   102 <link href="GUID-AA555CC1-5CFF-5609-9191-8970F32BA255.dita"><linktext>CreateSIS</linktext>
   103 </link>
   104 <link href="GUID-03BBEA31-3266-5B1C-9017-4EE7EA4AF1A8.dita"><linktext>Creating
   105 and Signing an Installation File</linktext></link>
   106 </related-links></reference>