1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-4BEFF7BA-2A39-5601-919E-22AF08D06023" xml:lang="en"><title>Zip |
13 Compression Library Overview</title><shortdesc>The Zip Compression Library, EZLib, provides stream and file compression |
14 and decompression functionality for the Symbian platforms. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
15 <p>EZLib provides classes to handle the file, stream and buffer requirements |
16 of zlib. It provides native Symbian APIs that access the zlib compression |
17 algorithms and it exports some zlib and gzio C APIs from libz.dll. EZLib can |
18 operate on streams, flat zip files (zlib format) and gzip files. </p> |
19 <section><title>Purpose</title> <p>EZLib facilitates: </p> <ul> |
20 <li id="GUID-EB810152-39F6-5B42-B9CA-092FD2DBADB5"><p>Compression and decompression |
21 of memory streams </p> </li> |
22 <li id="GUID-F1E8AD72-1E1C-5978-BBDB-FCF529238441"><p>Compression and decompression |
23 of files </p> </li> |
24 <li id="GUID-B08AB8E2-DE37-59B2-86D3-04F5385BFCE0"><p>Decompression of file |
25 archives of gzip format </p> </li> |
26 </ul> </section> |
27 <section><title>Required background</title> <p>You must be familiar with zlib, |
28 gzip compression and decompression formats and Deflate algorithms. You can |
29 find further information about each of these on the IETF (Internet Engineering |
30 Task Force) website. </p> <p> <xref href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt" scope="external">RFC1950- zlib format</xref> </p> <p> <xref href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt" scope="external">RFC1951-Deflate algorithm</xref> </p> <p> <xref href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952.txt" scope="external">RFC1952-gzip format</xref> </p> </section> |
31 <section><title>Key concepts and terms</title> <dl> |
32 <dlentry> |
33 <dt>zlib</dt> |
34 <dd><p>zlib format is an open standard for lossless compressed data. It can |
35 be implemented using a number of alternative compression algorithms. </p> </dd> |
36 </dlentry> |
37 <dlentry> |
38 <dt>Compression</dt> |
39 <dd><p>Data compression is a process of encoding information using fewer bits |
40 (or other information-bearing units) using specific encoding algorithms. </p> </dd> |
41 </dlentry> |
42 <dlentry> |
43 <dt>Decompression</dt> |
44 <dd><p>Decompression is the process of reconverting compressed data into its |
45 original (or nearly original) form. </p> </dd> |
46 </dlentry> |
47 <dlentry> |
48 <dt>Stream</dt> |
49 <dd><p>A stream is an abstraction that represents a device on which input |
50 and ouput operations are performed. A stream can be considered as a source |
51 or destination of characters of indefinite length. A stream can be accessed |
52 only in sequence. </p> </dd> |
53 </dlentry> |
54 <dlentry> |
55 <dt>gzip File Format</dt> |
56 <dd><p>gzip is normally used to compress single files. Deflate is the compression |
57 algorithm used. </p> </dd> |
58 </dlentry> |
59 <dlentry> |
60 <dt>gzio</dt> |
61 <dd><p>gzio APIs are input amd output functions for gzip format. </p> </dd> |
62 </dlentry> |
63 <dlentry> |
64 <dt>zip Format</dt> |
65 <dd><p>The zip file format is both data compression and archive. A zip file |
66 contains one or more files that have been compressed where possible to reduce |
67 file size. The zip file format permits a number of compression algorithms |
68 but only Deflate is widely used and supported. </p> </dd> |
69 </dlentry> |
70 </dl> </section> |
71 <section><title>Architecture</title> <p>The Zip Compression Library (EZLib) |
72 provides C++ wrapper classes that encapsulate the functionality of version |
73 1.2.3 of the zlib library. zlib and gzio APIs are written in C. The core functionality |
74 is performed by a core library (libzcore.dll). </p> <p>EZLib provides three |
75 DLLs which encapsulate the core functionality in Symbian C++ and Open Environment |
76 APIs. </p> <ul> |
77 <li id="GUID-D8A474AF-8853-5297-AF1A-CDB87AA90CDC"><p>LIBZ.DLL: This is an |
78 Open Environment library that provides the zlib and gzio C APIs. The APIs |
79 can be used to compress and decompress zlib and gzip file formats. </p> </li> |
80 <li id="GUID-11302514-AFA7-548A-8EB2-2CD0FE34B1B5"><p>EZLIB.DLL: This provides |
81 Symbian C++ wrappers for the zlib compression and decompression APIs. It offers |
82 buffer, stream and gzip file handling classes. It also exports the C API interface |
83 provided by LIBZ.DLL with the exception of the gzio APIs. This library can |
84 be used to compress and decompress zlib and gzip file formats and memory streams. </p> </li> |
85 <li id="GUID-123ED28B-2F59-593E-B1F4-DA1E70368A0C"><p>EZIP.DLL: This provides |
86 Symbian C++ APIs for reading from and decompressing zip archives. It cannot |
87 be used to compress archives to zip archives. </p> </li> |
88 </ul> <fig id="GUID-14EAABD4-6E9D-53CA-9515-7504EF0482D7"> |
89 <title> EZLib Architecture </title> |
90 <image href="GUID-917790B7-A71D-511C-AFAB-BB46EFD046C6_d0e163507_href.jpg" placement="inline"/> |
91 </fig> </section> |
92 <section><title>APIs</title> <p>The classes exported from <filepath>ezlib.dll</filepath> are |
93 tabulated below: </p> <table id="GUID-DD3CE37A-8241-5961-B517-03266AE463F0"> |
94 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/> |
95 <thead> |
96 <row> |
97 <entry>API</entry> |
98 <entry>Description</entry> |
99 </row> |
100 </thead> |
101 <tbody> |
102 <row> |
103 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-AEF8BCC8-6B24-3D59-AD3A-17B5203B3AA5.dita"><apiname>CEZCompressor</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
104 <entry><p>Provides wrapper for ‘compress’ and ‘Deflate’ zlib APIs. </p> </entry> |
105 </row> |
106 <row> |
107 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-BC3CEC02-B747-38FB-8B35-E7390DB06E35.dita"><apiname>CEZDecompressor</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
108 <entry><p>Provides wrapper for ‘uncompress’ and ‘inflate’ zlib APIs. </p> </entry> |
109 </row> |
110 <row> |
111 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-A54D8675-1874-3B4F-816D-001A235C0F9C.dita"><apiname>CEZFileBufferManager</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
112 <entry><p>Provides basic file handling for CEZCompressor and CEZDecompressor |
113 classes. </p> </entry> |
114 </row> |
115 <row> |
116 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-417AB4E0-FF07-34CB-A4A8-CEF31C48A162.dita"><apiname>CEZFileToGZip</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
117 <entry><p>Provides implementation to compress an uncompressed file to a gzip |
118 file. </p> </entry> |
119 </row> |
120 <row> |
121 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-20B207AF-0DEB-3B4A-8BA4-4C0D17F544AC.dita"><apiname>CEZFileToGzipBM</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
122 <entry><p>Provides buffer management class for CEZFileToGZip. </p> </entry> |
123 </row> |
124 <row> |
125 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-8DE05785-D058-3855-A11F-7132EB4DE078.dita"><apiname>CEZGZipToFile</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
126 <entry><p>Provides implementation to uncompress a gzip file to an output file. </p> </entry> |
127 </row> |
128 <row> |
129 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-2C372219-941A-3D1B-885F-8BC745827445.dita"><apiname>CEZGzipToFileBM</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
130 <entry><p>Provides buffer management class for CEZGzipToFile. </p> </entry> |
131 </row> |
132 <row> |
133 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-E9A5CC9F-612E-3C32-AF93-6F28D2A894EF.dita"><apiname>CEZZStream</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
134 <entry><p>Provides stream handling. </p> </entry> |
135 </row> |
136 <row> |
137 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-B90BA6D6-72A2-3EB8-B8EF-CD5408107A9E.dita"><apiname>MEZBufferManager</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
138 <entry><p>Pure virtual interface class. CEZFileBufferManager derives from |
139 this class. </p> </entry> |
140 </row> |
141 </tbody> |
142 </tgroup> |
143 </table> <p>The classes exported from <filepath>ezip.dll</filepath> are tabulated |
144 below: </p> <table id="GUID-067977A4-93E7-5E09-9962-63B3FA501B42"> |
145 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/> |
146 <thead> |
147 <row> |
148 <entry>API</entry> |
149 <entry>Description</entry> |
150 </row> |
151 </thead> |
152 <tbody> |
153 <row> |
154 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-8C8DEC50-6FC8-3DED-84E1-1EA42E2A0BB8.dita"><apiname>CZipArchive</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
155 <entry><p>Represents a zip archive and defines all relevant enumerations and |
156 structures. </p> </entry> |
157 </row> |
158 <row> |
159 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-79C613E8-35F8-319B-BE8B-1411CBE5AF00.dita"><apiname>CZipFile</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
160 <entry><p>Represents a zip archive contained in a single file. </p> </entry> |
161 </row> |
162 <row> |
163 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-02A8BC62-D653-39A3-BE0C-92A5F3F43E85.dita"><apiname>CZipFileMember</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
164 <entry><p>Represents a compressed file contained in a CZipFile archive file. </p> </entry> |
165 </row> |
166 <row> |
167 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-D458AE6A-EC64-3882-BCEA-A44A43DAA99A.dita"><apiname>CZipFileMemberIterator</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
168 <entry><p>Allows iteration through all the entries of an archive. </p> </entry> |
169 </row> |
170 <row> |
171 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-62F9728B-9C39-3496-BAEB-6E1456E6F197.dita"><apiname>RZipFileMemberReaderStream</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
172 <entry><p>Represents an input stream for compressed files in an archive. </p> </entry> |
173 </row> |
174 </tbody> |
175 </tgroup> |
176 </table> <p><filepath>libz.dll</filepath> provides the C open environment |
177 and hybrid applications to support the zlib library. </p></section> |
178 <section><title>Typical uses</title> <p>The typical uses of |
179 the ZIP Compression Library are: </p> <ul> |
180 <li id="GUID-374EF76C-333C-5A09-9154-42056C70DD58"><p><xref href="GUID-548CC331-8E38-5627-A925-EA386BE90258.dita"> Compression |
181 and decompression of files(gzip)</xref> </p> </li> |
182 <li id="GUID-053B2446-7ED5-5263-AF3D-00866C829B4C"><p><xref href="GUID-84922B27-FDCF-56FD-91ED-5E0BFE3ED0E4.dita">Compression |
183 and decompression of files(zip) </xref> </p> </li> |
184 <li id="GUID-BA9F0FBB-6B0C-51DB-8162-336C27002B79"><p><xref href="GUID-C3086910-D7B4-5549-BF65-374C8B602E8F.dita"> Compression |
185 and decompression of memory streams </xref> </p> </li> |
186 <li id="GUID-A6DDC9BD-B8F4-52CE-BE3D-AFAC549EF9ED"><p><xref href="GUID-FDDAF8E9-4CAB-5489-B578-A5362E2140C1.dita"> Decompression |
187 of file archives </xref> </p> </li> |
188 </ul> </section> |
189 </conbody></concept> |