1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-5E8AA6B6-38EB-5347-BA30-F9FF4BF7C107" xml:lang="en"><title>Index</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
13 <p>Messaging Server maintains an index entry in memory. A copy of the index |
14 entry of all message types is stored in the SQL database, so that it can be |
15 restored in the event of a system reset or Messaging Server failure. </p> |
16 <p>Some fields only apply to particular types of entry (such as messages or |
17 services); other fields can be interpreted differently for different entry |
18 types. </p> |
19 <section id="GUID-10265557-F31B-50B3-A955-A548A5A78D7B"><title>Operating with |
20 the SQL database</title> <p>The SQL database is used to store each <xref href="GUID-5A23B804-2C06-3407-9D48-1BFB212D699F.dita"><apiname>TMsvEntry</apiname></xref> (index |
21 entry) as a row of an SQL table in the SQL database. It caches entries, and |
22 maintains the most recently accessed entries in the RAM. Entries are cached |
23 in the RAM, and are loaded only when required. The RAM usage is controlled |
24 by emptying the oldest entry in the cache when it is full. For more information |
25 on caching, see <xref href="GUID-2FAB8281-569A-52BE-8BC8-A2D378068706.dita">Caching</xref>. |
26 The following illustration shows the architecture of the Message Server with |
27 the SQL database. </p> <fig id="GUID-57F87249-8F4F-59B4-902C-2A577A120F1A"> |
28 <title> Message Server architecture with the SQL database |
29 </title> |
30 <image href="GUID-38089CC3-D969-5501-9FDA-BB0369D5D6A9_d0e470360_href.png" placement="inline"/> |
31 </fig><note> Write operations like updating, creating and deleting entries |
32 require disk operation to retrieve <xref href="GUID-5A23B804-2C06-3407-9D48-1BFB212D699F.dita"><apiname>TMsvEntry</apiname></xref> from database, |
33 because the entry cache is always in synchronisation with the corresponding |
34 entry in the database.</note> <p><b>Advantages</b> </p> <p>The following are |
35 the advantages of using the SQL database to store index entries: </p> <ul> |
36 <li id="GUID-49050952-7EB4-52A9-BEB3-0D1F467BFD42"><p>Reduces the amount of |
37 RAM used by messaging, as the message the index file is not used. </p> </li> |
38 <li id="GUID-AE0A5FA5-4588-5C28-A261-8ADD8917D56B"><p>Enables more messages |
39 to be stored on the device, as the number of messages stored is not restricted |
40 to the amount of RAM available to store the message index file. </p> </li> |
41 <li id="GUID-565D30B2-9249-5C9D-9DFD-B67C83BFAC35"><p>Enables controlled usage |
42 of RAM, as index entries are loaded on a need basis. </p> </li> |
43 <li id="GUID-E5CC0C68-A23F-5F99-BFBB-1AD1A3775454"><p>Eliminates the possibility |
44 of the message index file getting damaged and messages stored on the device |
45 getting deleted. </p> </li> |
46 <li id="GUID-148420E8-C23D-5678-8870-B8AA1CD8ED15"><p>Provides advanced search |
47 and sort capabilities for searching messages. </p> </li> |
48 <li id="GUID-0E1A2485-A90C-565B-B927-487EE3FB7E4C"><p>Accesses and manages |
49 message entries on one or more drives at the same time. </p> </li> |
50 </ul> </section> |
51 <section id="GUID-887B217A-0344-5764-800A-CD31481B1493"><title>Index fields</title> <p>The |
52 following information is stored for each index entry. Some fields only apply |
53 to particular types of entry, such as, messages or services; other fields |
54 can be interpreted differently for different entry types. </p> <table id="GUID-B0A760AE-DD82-56E5-A826-7AA0D4F522CD"> |
55 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/> |
56 <tbody> |
57 <row> |
58 <entry><p>Attachment flag </p> </entry> |
59 <entry><p>Indicates that the message has an attachment </p> </entry> |
60 </row> |
61 <row> |
62 <entry><p>BIO </p> </entry> |
63 <entry><p><xref href="GUID-17DE7D55-00C9-5D40-8AE4-39BDB20FCC5B.dita">BIO message</xref> type </p> </entry> |
64 </row> |
65 <row> |
66 <entry><p>Complete flag </p> </entry> |
67 <entry><p>Indicates that the message is complete (for example download has |
68 completed. </p> </entry> |
69 </row> |
70 <row> |
71 <entry><p>Connected flag </p> </entry> |
72 <entry><p>For a service: indicates whether it is currently connected to a |
73 remote server </p> </entry> |
74 </row> |
75 <row> |
76 <entry><p>Deleted flag </p> </entry> |
77 <entry><p>Indicates that the entry has been deleted. The entry is not removed |
78 until any PC synchronisation tools have been informed of the deletion. </p> </entry> |
79 </row> |
80 <row> |
81 <entry><p>Description </p> </entry> |
82 <entry><p>A text string, usually giving the subject of the message </p> </entry> |
83 </row> |
84 <row> |
85 <entry><p>Details </p> </entry> |
86 <entry><p>A text string, as follows: </p> <p>Message: For received messages, |
87 this is the sender; for outgoing messages, it is the recipient </p> <p>Attachment: |
88 The name of the attachment </p> <p>Folder: The name of the folder </p> <p>Service: |
89 The name of the service </p> </entry> |
90 </row> |
91 <row> |
92 <entry><p>Error </p> </entry> |
93 <entry><p>A system-wide or MTM-specific error code </p> </entry> |
94 </row> |
95 <row> |
96 <entry><p>Flag </p> </entry> |
97 <entry><p>Use </p> </entry> |
98 </row> |
99 <row> |
100 <entry><p>Failed flag </p> </entry> |
101 <entry><p>For an outgoing message: indicates that sending failed </p> </entry> |
102 </row> |
103 <row> |
104 <entry><p>Identifier </p> </entry> |
105 <entry><p>An integer that uniquely identifies the entry in the Index </p> </entry> |
106 </row> |
107 <row> |
108 <entry><p>In preparation </p> </entry> |
109 <entry><p>Entry deleted if server restarts </p> </entry> |
110 </row> |
111 <row> |
112 <entry><p>MTM </p> </entry> |
113 <entry><p>A unique identifier specifying the MTM associated with the entry </p> </entry> |
114 </row> |
115 <row> |
116 <entry><p>MTM Data </p> </entry> |
117 <entry><p>Three integer fields for MTM-specific use </p> </entry> |
118 </row> |
119 <row> |
120 <entry><p>Multiple Recipients flag </p> </entry> |
121 <entry><p>Indicates the message has multiple recipients that require separate |
122 transmissions (for example, a fax going to two people) </p> </entry> |
123 </row> |
124 <row> |
125 <entry><p>New flag </p> </entry> |
126 <entry><p>Indicates a new message in a folder </p> </entry> |
127 </row> |
128 <row> |
129 <entry><p>Owner flag </p> </entry> |
130 <entry><p>Indicates that the entry owns other entries (that it is a parent) </p> </entry> |
131 </row> |
132 <row> |
133 <entry><p>Parent </p> </entry> |
134 <entry><p>An integer giving the identifier of the entry’s parent </p> </entry> |
135 </row> |
136 <row> |
137 <entry><p>Priority </p> </entry> |
138 <entry><p>An integer giving the message priority </p> </entry> |
139 </row> |
140 <row> |
141 <entry><p>Read flag </p> </entry> |
142 <entry><p>Indicates that a message has been read </p> </entry> |
143 </row> |
144 <row> |
145 <entry><p>Read Only flag </p> </entry> |
146 <entry><p>Indicates that the entry is read-only </p> </entry> |
147 </row> |
148 <row> |
149 <entry><p>Related folder </p> </entry> |
150 <entry><p>The identifier of a target folder for copying or moving entries </p> </entry> |
151 </row> |
152 <row> |
153 <entry><p>Sending state </p> </entry> |
154 <entry><p>Describes the state the message is in, for example "Sending", "Failed" |
155 and "Sent" </p> </entry> |
156 </row> |
157 <row> |
158 <entry><p>Service </p> </entry> |
159 <entry><p>The identifier of the service by which the message is to be sent |
160 or from which it was received </p> </entry> |
161 </row> |
162 <row> |
163 <entry><p>Size </p> </entry> |
164 <entry><p>An integer giving the size of the message </p> </entry> |
165 </row> |
166 <row> |
167 <entry><p>Standard Folder flag </p> </entry> |
168 <entry><p>Identifies standard folders so that they can be properly sorted |
169 and stops them being changed/deleted </p> </entry> |
170 </row> |
171 <row> |
172 <entry><p>Time </p> </entry> |
173 <entry><p>The time when the message was last edited, sent, or received. Includes |
174 date. </p> </entry> |
175 </row> |
176 <row> |
177 <entry><p>Type </p> </entry> |
178 <entry><p>A unique identifier giving the type (service, folder, message, and |
179 attachment) of the entry </p> </entry> |
180 </row> |
181 <row> |
182 <entry><p>Visibility flag </p> </entry> |
183 <entry><p>Indicates the intended visibility of the entry to users of message |
184 client applications </p> </entry> |
185 </row> |
186 </tbody> |
187 </tgroup> |
188 </table> </section> |
189 </conbody></concept> |