1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE task |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd"> |
12 <task id="GUID-641A276D-F618-50CE-BA5A-658DCC26BAB5" xml:lang="en"><title>Creating |
13 an Implementation Project File </title><abstract>An implementation project file is a .mmp file, which specifies the |
14 essential elements of the implementation. The project files are used for project |
15 development. The implementation project file contains information (source |
16 file, build file) about the implementation that is being built.<shortdesc>The |
17 format of implementation project file is dependent on the version of Symbian |
18 platform used. The differences basically reflect the introduction of platform |
19 security into Symbian OS v9.0 and later versions. </shortdesc></abstract><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody> |
20 <steps-unordered id="GUID-C62C17ED-E41C-54FA-BA0A-9C10A49E159B"> |
21 <step id="GUID-BB98ED98-0E27-4865-857D-01BC54ACB226"><cmd>For creating a plug-in project file for Symbian OS v9.1 and later: </cmd> |
22 <substeps id="GUID-A24F641F-EF19-46A2-8B4B-883E726AE909"> |
23 <substep id="GUID-F4AC55A1-0B66-4F17-8B24-2BE518949884"><cmd/> |
24 <info>Set <codeph>TARGET</codeph> to the standard DLL name. <codeph>TARGET</codeph> contains |
25 the final binary name of the project generated. </info> |
26 <info>The plug-in DLL file is stored along other binaries in the<filepath>\Sys\Bin</filepath> directory. |
27 The plug-in framework does not discover plug-ins installed in the pre v9.1 |
28 location, <filepath>\System\Libs\Plugins</filepath>. </info> |
29 </substep> |
30 <substep id="GUID-3D73991A-AC41-428C-92B8-1B8C6CDD7419"><cmd/> |
31 <info>Set <codeph>TARGETTYPE</codeph> to PLUGIN. <codeph>TARGETTYPE</codeph> specifies |
32 the type of binary. </info> |
33 <info>Set <codeph>TARGETTYPE</codeph> to PLUGIN3 for DLLs supporting the extension |
34 interfaces. PLUGIN3 DLLs are given the UID2 value of 0x10009D93. </info> |
35 </substep> |
36 <substep id="GUID-9C78513D-ACDC-4C26-BFF0-74E6410212A8"><cmd/> |
37 <info>Set <codeph>UID</codeph> to plug-in framework DLL recognition UID followed |
38 by the unique UID of the plug-in. </info> |
39 <info>UID of the plug-in must be the same as the one specified in the <codeph>dll_uid</codeph> member |
40 in the <xref href="GUID-9A9103E4-27B0-5CF3-855A-DCD44795A5C0.dita">registration |
41 resource file</xref>. </info> |
42 </substep> |
43 <substep id="GUID-52CCD76E-8FCA-45F1-89BC-5EF582E692C4"><cmd/> |
44 <info>Set <codeph>VENDORID</codeph> to the vendor creating the plug-ins. </info> |
45 </substep> |
46 <substep id="GUID-B5F9FBB6-232B-4508-9C0F-2B49C226AB1A"><cmd/> |
47 <info>Set <codeph>CAPABILITY</codeph> to the capabilities of the plug-in in |
48 the variable. </info> |
49 <info>If the plug-in is assigned no capabilities, only client processes with |
50 no capabilities can use them. </info> |
51 <info>For more information, see <xref href="GUID-9E4D75C0-D797-5541-8E52-3C6D154CC74A.dita">ECom |
52 and the Platform Security Architecture</xref>. </info> |
53 </substep> |
54 <substep id="GUID-596BA5E8-0E55-41F9-925A-BDF0C2743090"><cmd/> |
55 <info>Set <codeph>SOURCEPATH</codeph> to the path where the source files exist. </info> |
56 <info>The path set in this variable must be relative to the path of the project |
57 file. </info> |
58 </substep> |
59 <substep id="GUID-EDBA217E-F553-4B58-99BD-72BFF47237DD"><cmd/> |
60 <info>Set <codeph>SOURCE</codeph> to the name of the source file. </info> |
61 </substep> |
62 <substep id="GUID-90CC5B05-0530-4276-A32B-703A97F77ADF"><cmd/> |
63 <info>Set <codeph>USERINCLUDE</codeph> to the path where the user provided |
64 header files are available. </info> |
65 <info>The path set in this variable must be relative to the path of the project |
66 file. </info> |
67 </substep> |
68 <substep id="GUID-0C3EB2DA-064E-42F0-9D13-BA5B14EC4476"><cmd/> |
69 <info>Set <codeph>SYSTEMINCLUDE</codeph> to<codeph>\epoc32\include\ecom</codeph>. <codeph>SYSTEMINCLUDE</codeph> specifies |
70 the path to OS provided header files. </info> |
71 </substep> |
72 <substep id="GUID-68701E84-5C98-4C37-9F0B-72320E7016A4"><cmd/> |
73 <info>Set <codeph>RESOURCE</codeph> to the registration resource file of the |
74 implementation. </info> |
75 <info>From v9.1, the name of the registration resource file must be the same |
76 as that of the executable. </info> |
77 <info>For example, if the plug-in is <filepath>foo.dll</filepath>, then its |
78 registration resource file must be called <filepath>foo.rsc</filepath>. This |
79 is because plug-in framework uses the names of the registration resource file |
80 to find the plug-in DLLs. </info> |
81 <info>A simple <codeph>START RESOURCE</codeph> statement is of the following |
82 form: </info> |
83 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-B4DAAEEF-0FDA-5192-81F5-650946430C2E" xml:space="preserve">START RESOURCE foo.rss |
84 END</codeblock> </stepxmp> |
85 <info>This builds a file named <filepath>foo.rsc</filepath>. Registration |
86 resource files are always built into the target directory <filepath>\Resource\Plugins</filepath>. |
87 There is no need to explicitly set the target directory for the <filepath>.rsc</filepath> file |
88 in the project file, the build tools take care of it. </info> |
89 <info>Where the registration resource source file is still named after the |
90 UID of the DLL, the built resource file can be renamed to be the same as the |
91 DLL, using the <codeph>TARGET</codeph> keyword. For example: </info> |
92 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-E2636CC2-9658-57CD-B57E-FF244CFE6A59" xml:space="preserve">START RESOURCE 10009DB0.rss |
93 TARGET foo.rsc |
94 END</codeblock> </stepxmp> |
95 <info>This builds the <filepath>10009DB0.rss</filepath> source file into <filepath>\Resource\Plugins\foo.rsc</filepath>. </info> |
96 </substep> |
97 <substep id="GUID-C4476628-A6A3-4A85-9F8D-C11B70EF8A71"><cmd/> |
98 <info>Set the variable <codeph>LIBRARY</codeph> to <filepath>ecom.lib</filepath>. </info> |
99 <info>The binary links against the specified <filepath>.lib</filepath> file. </info> |
100 </substep> |
101 </substeps> |
102 </step> |
103 <step id="GUID-B2656101-01BA-5E5C-9E30-4B28172FC3AD"><cmd/> |
104 <info><p>For creating a plug-in project file for Symbian OS v9.0 and earlier: </p></info> |
105 <substeps id="GUID-B966B7D5-737A-494C-B6E9-74FE8D13DCB5"> |
106 <substep id="GUID-157FEA53-CC94-428D-A9AF-529CDBE25120"><cmd/> |
107 <info>Set <codeph>TARGET</codeph> to the standard DLL name. <codeph>TARGET</codeph> contains |
108 the final binary name of the project generated. </info> |
109 </substep> |
110 <substep id="GUID-0FAC1E07-1D7C-4E6D-B317-0234DD58777A"><cmd/> |
111 <info>Set <codeph>TARGETTYPE</codeph> as ECOMIIC. <codeph>TARGETTYPE</codeph> specifies |
112 the type of binary. </info> |
113 </substep> |
114 <substep id="GUID-34D0442D-9176-4B72-BF58-0E22A1268A6A"><cmd/> |
115 <info>Set <codeph>UID</codeph> to the plug-in framework DLL recognition UID |
116 followed by the unique UID of the plug-in. </info> |
117 <info>Unique UID of the plug-in must be the same as the one specified in the <codeph>dll_uid</codeph> member |
118 in the <xref href="GUID-9A9103E4-27B0-5CF3-855A-DCD44795A5C0.dita">registration |
119 resource file</xref>. </info> |
120 </substep> |
121 <substep id="GUID-A9F72D37-A1F9-4586-9FEE-9C7234867E3E"><cmd/> |
122 <info>Set <codeph>SOURCEPATH</codeph> to the path where the source files exist. </info> |
123 <info>The path set for this variable must be relative to the path of the project |
124 file. </info> |
125 </substep> |
126 <substep id="GUID-DE91B9A8-A3EB-4E02-8DA8-7D43F0043A39"><cmd/> |
127 <info>Set <codeph>SOURCE</codeph> to the name of the source file. </info> |
128 </substep> |
129 <substep id="GUID-F9D4D6B1-0F6A-45A3-B9D8-653AFC7DA1BE"><cmd/> |
130 <info>Set <codeph>USERINCLUDE</codeph> to the path where the user provided |
131 header files are available. </info> |
132 <info>The path set in this variable must be relative to the path of the project |
133 file. </info> |
134 </substep> |
135 <substep id="GUID-6B7059F8-3525-4A3A-815B-6AF80FCA2390"><cmd/> |
136 <info>Set <codeph>SYSTEMINCLUDE</codeph> to<codeph>\epoc32\include\ecom</codeph>. |
137 SYSTEMINCLUDE specifies the path to OS provided header files. </info> |
138 </substep> |
139 <substep id="GUID-E3E217A8-607C-474B-911B-98A1CFC6DEA7"><cmd/> |
140 <info>Set <codeph>RESOURCE</codeph> to the registration resource file of the |
141 implementation. </info> |
142 <info>The registration resource file .rss need not have the same name as the |
143 DLL. It is required to be named after the UID of the DLL. </info> |
144 </substep> |
145 <substep id="GUID-D1F69266-3516-4E1F-9A5F-DD9215DBA886"><cmd/> |
146 <info>Set <codeph>LIBRARY</codeph> to <filepath>ecom.lib</filepath>. The binary |
147 links to the <filepath>.lib</filepath> file. </info> |
148 </substep> |
149 </substeps> |
150 </step> |
151 </steps-unordered> |
152 <example id="GUID-D34B6A0A-45E5-5C1F-ABDA-78EB7100622E"><title>Creating an |
153 implementation project file example</title> <p> <b> For Symbian OS v9.1 and |
154 later </b> </p> <codeblock id="GUID-CBF66575-365D-5587-8435-9B3BE58A0AA2" xml:space="preserve">// ExampleInterfaceImplementation.mmp |
155 // |
156 TARGET ExampleInterfaceImplementation.dll |
158 |
159 // ECom Dll recognition UID followed by the unique dll UID |
160 UID 0x10009D8D 0x10009DB0 |
161 |
162 VENDORID 0x70000001 |
163 |
165 |
166 SOURCEPATH \ExampleInterfaceImplementation |
167 SOURCE ExampleInterfaceImplementation.cpp |
168 |
169 USERINCLUDE \ExampleInterfaceImplementation \inc |
170 SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include |
171 SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include\ecom |
172 |
173 START RESOURCE 10009DB0.rss |
174 TARGET ExampleInterfaceImplementation.rsc |
175 END |
176 |
177 LIBRARY euser.lib |
178 LIBRARY ecom.lib</codeblock> <p> <b> For Symbian OS v9.0 and earlier </b> </p> <codeblock id="GUID-B88DE9DD-169C-5F8B-89A6-6B9D50138773" xml:space="preserve">// ExampleInterfaceImplementation.mmp |
179 // |
180 TARGET ExampleInterfaceImplementation.dll |
182 |
183 // ECom Dll recognition UID followed by the unique dll UID |
184 UID 0x10009D8D 0x10009DB0 |
185 |
186 SOURCEPATH \ExampleInterfaceImplementation |
187 SOURCE ExampleInterfaceImplementation.cpp |
188 |
189 USERINCLUDE \ExampleInterfaceImplementation \inc |
190 SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include |
191 SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include\ecom |
192 |
193 RESOURCE 10009DB0.rss |
194 |
195 LIBRARY euser.lib |
196 LIBRARY ecom.lib</codeblock> </example> |
197 </taskbody></task> |