changeset 1 25a17d01db0c
child 3 46218c8b8afa
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:89d6a7a84779 1:25a17d01db0c
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept xml:lang="en" id="GUID-685CF352-372F-5393-97AF-1FA17DC57BA8"><title>Constructing Descriptor Arrays</title><shortdesc>Descriptor arrays provide normal array operations for inserting, appending, deleting, and accessing elements. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody><section><title>Procedure</title> <p>Follow the steps listed below to construct descriptor arrays: </p> <ol id="GUID-4957F727-EC6C-5DFF-B970-44DD0AB5E69C"><li id="GUID-69B3273C-1552-5B9C-816D-1398BFF49A6B"><p>Construct a set of descriptors. </p> <p>The following code fragments illustrate how to construct a <xref href="GUID-29384669-FFCE-38FC-A005-61163D99401D.dita"><apiname>CDesCArrayFlat</apiname></xref> and a <xref href="GUID-FC3F3E4A-C86C-3DDB-B851-538BF20D5B27.dita"><apiname>CPtrCArray</apiname></xref>. Both array types can accept any type of descriptor as source when adding a new array element. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-AEE8ABB8-CCCE-5263-8EA4-AD2D8898F4D4" xml:space="preserve">_LIT( KText1,"abcdefg" );
    13 _LIT( KText2,"hijk" );
    14 _LIT( KText3,"lmnopqr" );
    15 _LIT( KText4,"stuvwxyz" );
    16 ...
    17 TBufC&lt;8&gt; buffer1( KText1 );  // a non-modifiable buffer descriptor
    18 TBuf&lt;8&gt;  buffer2( Ktext2 );  // a modifiable buffer descriptor
    19 ...
    20 TPtrC  ptr1( Ktext3 );       // a non-modifiable pointer descriptor
    21 TPtr   ptr2;                 // a modifiable pointer descriptor 
    22 ptr2 = buffer1.Des();        // pointing to the data in buffer1
    23 ...
    24 HBufC* heapbuff = HBufC::NewL( 8 );  // a heap descriptor
    25 *heapbuff = KText4;</codeblock> <p> <b>Note:</b> Constructing and using a <xref href="GUID-1B44227C-6F11-3A51-BE2C-8780319C6F72.dita"><apiname>CDesCArraySeg</apiname></xref> is same as using <xref href="GUID-29384669-FFCE-38FC-A005-61163D99401D.dita"><apiname>CDesCArrayFlat</apiname></xref>. </p> </li> <li id="GUID-8A1E403F-FBA4-5A60-AAC4-7296BA7B160F"><p>Add the five descriptors to <xref href="GUID-29384669-FFCE-38FC-A005-61163D99401D.dita"><apiname>CDesCArrayFlat</apiname></xref> as shown in the following code. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-6DE21030-1887-53D8-8D04-B9DB0F69F647" xml:space="preserve">CDesCArrayFlat* descarray;
    26 ...
    27 descarray = new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( 5 );
    28 ...
    29 descarray-&gt;AppendL( buffer1 );
    30 descarray-&gt;AppendL( buffer2 );
    31 descarray-&gt;AppendL( ptr1 );
    32 descarray-&gt;AppendL( ptr2 );
    33 descarray-&gt;AppendL( *heapbuff );
    34 ...
    35 TInt len = descarray-&gt;MdcaPoint( 2 ).Length();  // information about
    36                                                 // the third element
    37 ...</codeblock> </li> <li id="GUID-EE266B93-2899-5D35-A0BF-569694574D5C"><p>Add the five descriptors to <xref href="GUID-FC3F3E4A-C86C-3DDB-B851-538BF20D5B27.dita"><apiname>CPtrCArray</apiname></xref> as shown in the following code. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-90A51320-7B9E-5DAD-A041-77FD6B2C3A37" xml:space="preserve">CPtrCArray* ptrcarray;
    38 ...
    39 ptrcarray = new( ELeave ) CPtrCArray( 5 );
    40 ...
    41 ptrcarray-&gt;AppendL( buffer1 );
    42 ptrcarray-&gt;AppendL( buffer2 );
    43 ptrcarray-&gt;AppendL( ptr1 );
    44 ptrcarray-&gt;AppendL( ptr2 );
    45 ptrcarray-&gt;AppendL( *heapbuff );
    46 ...
    47 TInt len = ptrcarray-&gt;MdcaPoint( 2 ).Length();  // information about
    48                                                 // the third element
    49 ...</codeblock> </li> </ol> </section> </conbody><related-links><link href="GUID-E8266924-FA52-5171-BD73-423A46227A74.dita"><linktext>Descriptor Arrays</linktext> </link> </related-links></concept>