1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-723F8716-1FDD-57B4-B685-672D3A755592" xml:lang="en"><title>Requesting |
13 and Cancelling Monitoring for a Process</title><shortdesc>This tutorial describes how to request and cancel monitoring for |
14 a process. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
15 <section><title>Introduction</title> <p>Before monitoring a process, SHMA |
16 reads the following information from SSM: </p> <ul> |
17 <li id="GUID-5396E46B-9AB1-526A-9AAA-FBC5A40A1094"><p>file name of the process |
18 to be launched </p> </li> |
19 <li id="GUID-E18CEB76-319C-5DBA-8DEA-9254EF9CC0CE"><p>arguments required for |
20 the process </p> </li> |
21 <li id="GUID-DC166941-30B5-5918-839A-6700C5932B90"><p>execution behaviour |
22 (See <xref href="GUID-12EE2A10-149F-36C8-8699-65BE8DDFCC6C.dita"><apiname>TSsmExecutionBehaviour</apiname></xref> for more information) </p> </li> |
23 <li id="GUID-A78E13B0-C9AD-5E6E-9BD9-5A103033CEAC"><p>time-out to wait for |
24 process to start before considering it as a failure </p> </li> |
25 <li id="GUID-463017DC-3DC7-54A6-B39B-96324642A52C"><p>number of retries if |
26 an application or a process fails to start. </p> </li> |
27 </ul> <p> <xref href="GUID-19467402-8575-33F0-817D-339D39982D39.dita"><apiname>RSysMonSession</apiname></xref> is the client interface for SHMA. </p> </section> |
28 <section><title>Procedure</title><p>The following methods can be used to request |
29 monitoring a process or an application:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorL( const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties, |
30 const RProcess& aProcess, |
31 TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure )</codeblock><codeblock xml:space="preserve">EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorSelfL( const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties )</codeblock><p>When the SysMon server receives monitoring request, it checks that the |
32 client has appropriate PlatSec capabilities, and that the process is not currently |
33 being monitored. A client which is monitoring itself can use the following |
34 method to cancel monitoring:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::CancelMonitorSelfL()</codeblock><p>It |
35 is not possible for a client to cancel monitoring of another process, even |
36 if it was responsible for requesting monitoring.</p></section> |
37 <section id="GUID-91438FCA-D06F-5779-98E9-D353692BE59F"><title>Example</title> <p>The |
38 following code fragment illustrates how a client can request monitoring using |
39 SHMA, specifying that the monitored process must be restarted in the event |
40 of failure and that, if it cannot be restarted, the device must be rebooted. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-226291A8-CF61-5A8D-BA0C-6FBCA5F5E160" xml:space="preserve">... |
41 // Monitoring a process using SysMon. |
42 |
43 LIT( KMonitoredProcess, "monitoredprocess.exe" ); |
44 |
45 // Properties for the application |
46 CSsmStartupProperties *ssmProp = CSsmStartupProperties::NewLC( KMonitoredProcess, KNullDesC ); |
47 |
48 //ESsmWaitForSignal is the execution behaviour for starting the process. |
49 ssmProp->SetExecutionBehaviour( ESsmWaitForSignal ); |
50 TSsmMonitorInfo monitorInfo; |
51 monitorInfo.iRestartPolicy = ESsmRestartOS; |
52 |
53 //Startup mode to restart the OS |
54 monitorInfo.iRestartMode = 0; |
55 |
56 //Infinite time-out |
57 monitorInfo.iTimeout = 0; |
58 |
59 //No of retries if an application or a process fails to start. |
60 monitorInfo.iRetries = 1; |
61 |
62 ssmProp->SetMonitorInfoL( monitorInfo ); |
63 |
64 RProcess process; |
65 |
66 TInt err = process.Create( KMonitoredProcess, KNullDesC ); |
67 User::LeaveIfError( err ); |
68 CleanupClosePushL( &process ); |
69 process.Resume(); |
70 |
71 // instantiate a session |
72 RSysMonSession sess; |
73 |
74 //Open a session |
75 sess.OpenL(); |
76 |
77 //Create a monitor for the session |
78 TRAP( err, sess.MonitorL( *ssmProp, process ) ); |
79 sess.Close(); |
80 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, ssmProp ); </codeblock> <p>The following |
81 code fragments illustrate the structs in a resource file used for process |
82 monitoring: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-921B742E-6566-51CF-92A7-1AC653379647" xml:space="preserve">STRUCT SSM_START_APP_INFO |
83 { |
84 // Must be the first entry in this struct - Zero means command is unconditional |
85 LLINK conditional_information = 0; |
86 // Must be the second entry in this struct and must not be changed |
87 WORD type = ESsmCmdStartApp; |
89 // Must be the third entry in this struct |
90 WORD version = ECmdStartAppInitialVersion; |
91 #else |
92 // This version supports priority of the command |
93 WORD version = ECmdStartAppVersionWithPriority; |
94 #endif |
95 // Can have a higher severity defined in TCmdErrorSeverity |
96 WORD severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure; |
97 // VALUE REQUIRED - full path to the application |
98 LTEXT name = ""; |
99 // Passed to the "Tail End" at the command line |
100 // see CApaCommandLine. Maximum argument length allowed is 256 chars. |
101 LTEXT args = ""; |
102 // Can also be ESsmWaitForSignal or ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal |
103 BYTE execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget; |
104 // Time in milliseconds for every retry on failure |
105 LONG timeout = 0; |
106 // Number of times to retry on failure |
107 WORD retries = 0; |
108 // Set to 1 if app is viewless |
109 BYTE viewless = 0; |
110 // Set to 1 if app should be launched in the background |
111 BYTE background = 0; |
112 // zero means no monitoring is required, SSM_MONITOR_INFO |
113 // should be used if monitoring is required |
114 LLINK monitor_info = 0; |
116 // The order of the command in the list - range can be from 0x00 to 0xffffu |
117 WORD priority = KDefaultCommandPriority; |
118 #endif |
119 } |
120 </codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-D8529CF5-87ED-503E-87CB-7599263AF403" xml:space="preserve"> |
121 /** |
122 Struct for starting processes. |
123 |
125 { |
126 // Must be the first entry in this struct - Zero means |
127 // command is unconditional |
128 LLINK conditional_information = 0; |
129 // Must be the second entry in this struct and must not be changed |
130 WORD type = ESsmCmdStartProcess; |
132 // Must be the third entry in this struct |
133 WORD version = ECmdStartProcessInitialVersion; |
134 #else |
135 // This version supports priority of the command |
136 WORD version = ECmdStartProcessVersionWithPriority; |
137 #endif |
138 // Can have a higher severity defined in TCmdErrorSeverity |
139 WORD severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure; |
140 // VALUE REQUIRED - full path to the process |
141 LTEXT name = ""; |
142 // Passed to the "Tail End" at the command line |
143 // see CApaCommandLine. Maximum argument length allowed is 256 chars. |
144 LTEXT args = ""; |
145 // Can also be ESsmWaitForSignal or ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal |
146 BYTE execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget; |
147 // Time in milliseconds for every retry on failure |
148 LONG timeout = 0; |
149 // Number of times to retry on failure |
150 WORD retries = 0; |
151 // zero means no monitoring is required, |
152 // SSM_MONITOR_INFO should be used if monitoring is required |
153 LLINK monitor_info = 0; |
155 // The order of the command in the list - range can be from 0x00 to 0xffffu |
156 WORD priority = KDefaultCommandPriority; |
157 #endif |
158 }</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-06E40D32-AF80-58D8-B445-75D317F7D748" xml:space="preserve">/** |
159 Struct for monitoring information. |
160 |
162 { |
163 // Must be the first entry in this struct and must not be changed |
164 WORD type = ESsmMonitorInfo; |
165 // Must be the second entry in this struct |
166 WORD version = ESsmMonitorInfoInitialVersion; |
167 // OS Restart policy to be used if component restarting has failed |
168 BYTE restart_policy = ESsmIgnoreOnFailure; |
169 // Restart mode when restart_policy=ESsmRestartOSWithMode |
170 BYTE restart_mode; |
171 // Delay in milliseconds between retries |
172 LONG timeout = 0; |
173 // Number of times to attempt to restart a failed component |
174 WORD retries = 0; |
175 }</codeblock> </section> |
176 </conbody><related-links> |
177 <link href="GUID-8BC13552-7C7D-52AC-AF91-1BB7476912AF.dita"><linktext>System Health |
178 Manager Overview</linktext></link> |
179 <link href="GUID-484B27EF-3FA1-5193-97EC-B9699AE49026.dita"><linktext>System Health |
180 Manager Concepts</linktext></link> |
181 </related-links></concept> |