1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-84B6389A-55CC-53EB-8725-65F753FD7217" xml:lang="en"><title>Content |
13 Access Framework Overview</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
14 <p>The Content Access Framework (CAF) provides a common interface for applications |
15 to access Digital Rights Management (DRM) protected content. An application |
16 might be a video or sound player or an internet browser and DRM content might |
17 be a media files or a game. </p> |
18 <section><title>Purpose</title> <p>CAF provides a single point of access to |
19 all functionality related to DRM-protected content. </p> <ul> |
20 <li id="GUID-15DE43E1-3623-54FF-8AA5-0156D4809199"><p>Access to DRM-protected |
21 content for content consumers, such as media players or software installers </p> </li> |
22 <li id="GUID-CAD976B3-5AF4-53D2-B4C9-BB20D329AA88"><p>Management of DRM protected |
23 content </p> </li> |
24 <li id="GUID-FC614936-1F4A-557D-A61C-BF876050F5A2"><p>Import DRM protected |
25 information </p> </li> |
26 <li id="GUID-1DA7B843-171D-5C58-8157-B984C8218987"><p>Notification on DRM |
27 related events, such as rights expiry </p> </li> |
28 <li id="GUID-BE79AE4B-4DAD-5F91-A7BC-8FAC2143E858"><p>Implementation of new |
29 DRM schemes </p> </li> |
30 </ul> </section> |
31 <section id="GUID-290C30C0-B088-534F-992E-CA2ED277F07D"><title>Key concepts |
32 and terms</title> <dl> |
33 <dlentry> |
34 <dt>Content</dt> |
35 <dd><p>Content is logically-coupled data such as a movie, a soundtrack or |
36 a ringtone forming a content file. </p> </dd> |
37 </dlentry> |
38 </dl> <dl> |
39 <dlentry> |
40 <dt>Content consumer</dt> |
41 <dd><p>Content consumers are applications such as media players or software |
42 installers that access DRM-protected content. </p> </dd> |
43 </dlentry> |
44 </dl> <dl> |
45 <dlentry> |
46 <dt>Content access agent</dt> |
47 <dd><p>A content access agent is an ECom plug-in which implements the CAF |
48 interface and performs the following functions: </p> <ul> |
49 <li id="GUID-96ACA45F-F89C-5F83-B2FC-FE19F7EEECB0"><p>Provides access to protected |
50 content such as MPEG and MP3, and allows viewing them as plain text (even |
51 if the content is encrypted). </p> </li> |
52 <li id="GUID-2B5D35F4-71F7-52A2-A596-24817C68E769"><p>Provides indirect access |
53 to a private server directory. </p> </li> |
54 <li id="GUID-A2DA01FB-721E-5E9C-B61C-3A5E28034971"><p>Provides platform security |
55 enforcement. CAF does not provide any capability enforcement so the agent |
56 must police access to the APIs. The agent can choose to deny some operations |
57 in the CAF API based upon both the application's capabilities and the agent's |
58 policy. </p> </li> |
59 </ul> </dd> |
60 </dlentry> |
61 </dl> <dl> |
62 <dlentry> |
63 <dt>F32 agent</dt> |
64 <dd><p>The F32 agent provides access to unprotected files. CAF treats the |
65 F32 agent as a special case. If no other agent is responsible for a file or |
66 directory, the F32 Agent is used. </p> <p>The F32 agent runs in the same process |
67 and thread as the calling application, so its file operations are limited |
68 to the capability of the calling application's. </p> </dd> |
69 </dlentry> |
70 </dl> <dl> |
71 <dlentry> |
72 <dt>Handling and sharing content in a private directory </dt> |
73 <dd><p>Few agents can provide access to files stored in their private directory. |
74 They can share their files existence to applications through implementation |
75 of the <xref href="GUID-D7457871-5361-3684-9A95-FBDB9C2689DD.dita#GUID-D7457871-5361-3684-9A95-FBDB9C2689DD/GUID-0306A1CE-9EAA-3008-A9D7-1AACA95A6081"><apiname>ContentAccess::CAgentManager::GetDir()</apiname></xref> function. |
76 In the file system the private directories have the format: </p> <p> <codeph>\private\xxxxxxxx\directory_1\...directory_n\filename.ext</codeph> </p> <p>where <codeph>xxxxxxxx</codeph> is the UID of the agent. </p> <p>CAF |
77 will translate that path so applications see the file as: </p> <p> <codeph>\private\agent_name\directory_1\...directory_n\filename.ext</codeph> </p> <p>where <codeph>agent_name</codeph> is the name of the agent. </p> <p>When |
78 an application opens a file stored in the private directory, CAF selects the |
79 agent which handles that content based upon the name in the path. If the file |
80 is not stored in a private directory, CAF asks each of the agents in turn |
81 whether they support the file. If no agent supports the file, it will be read |
82 as plaintext using the F32Agent. </p> </dd> |
83 </dlentry> |
84 </dl> </section> |
85 <section><title>Architecture</title> <p>CAF provides interfaces for applications |
86 to read both unprotected and DRM protected content. It behaves as a switch |
87 between different Content Access Agents. </p> <p>CAF uses a client-server |
88 architecture. The CAF client DLL must be linked with the client process. CAF |
89 agents can be implemented as plug-ins to the CAF client if they do not require |
90 access to keys or rights. An agent requiring access to encryption or decryption |
91 of keys, or rights must be implemented as a server-side plug-in. A server |
92 side plug-in must ensure that only applications with the right capabilities |
93 can access the content. </p> <p>Each agent is an ECOM plug-in implementing |
94 the content access agent interface UID 0x10204740. The agents can run in separate |
95 processes and need not have the capability to open files in the TCB or private |
96 server directories using just a file name. Files must be opened by the process |
97 that owns them and an open <xref href="GUID-BE0804F6-4375-3C8A-8C83-968F510466E0.dita"><apiname>RFile</apiname></xref> handle passed to CAF to |
98 read it. </p> <p>In the following diagram the yellow blocks represent the |
99 components provided by Symbian and the blue blocks represent the components |
100 that must be implemented by device creators. </p> <fig id="GUID-40498A21-44F3-5250-9E02-3ACF30EC2BF9"> |
101 <title> CAF Architecture </title> |
102 <image href="GUID-B93C26B8-D767-5341-A629-1A5714A20992_d0e606022_href.jpg" placement="inline"/> |
103 </fig> <p> <b>Note</b>: The F32 agent is a client-side implementation as it |
104 is used for accessing unprotected content only. </p> </section> |
105 <section><title>Key classes</title> <p>The following table summarizes the |
106 important classes provided by CAF: </p> <p> <b>Note</b>: The classes below |
107 are defined within the namespace <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita"><apiname>ContentAccess</apiname></xref> </p> <table id="GUID-7399345A-ADC8-57B1-B3D5-C8DD93F0F626"> |
108 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/> |
109 <thead> |
110 <row> |
111 <entry>Class</entry> |
112 <entry>Description</entry> |
113 </row> |
114 </thead> |
115 <tbody> |
116 <row> |
117 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-45942AF3-2D3E-3D22-88D0-904D70074357.dita"><apiname>CSupplier</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
118 <entry><p>Delivers and transforms content into a secure format for storing |
119 it in the device </p> </entry> |
120 </row> |
121 <row> |
122 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-EF3C33C0-F02E-3C35-B289-3800631EDC3A.dita"><apiname>CContent</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
123 <entry><p>Provides read access to content (including protected content) stored |
124 in a device. </p> </entry> |
125 </row> |
126 <row> |
127 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-7F3D9E35-A8FC-35A6-8036-23396BAADFDC.dita"><apiname>CManager</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
128 <entry><p>Manages files and content access agents </p> </entry> |
129 </row> |
130 <row> |
131 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-C4B8AE31-6ABD-3FEA-88DD-3B4EE13ACF49.dita"><apiname>CRightsManager</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
132 <entry><p>Manages DRM rights for a specific CAF agent </p> </entry> |
133 </row> |
134 <row> |
135 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-136D0282-4C73-33E9-B9D4-9CE92A33BF75.dita"><apiname>CData</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
136 <entry><p>Allows clients to read data from a content object </p> </entry> |
137 </row> |
138 <row> |
139 <entry><p> <xref href="GUID-D90E390E-0A4F-357D-98BF-C445CC2E7EB0.dita"><apiname>CAgentFactory</apiname></xref> </p> </entry> |
140 <entry><p>Represents the ECom interface for a CAF Agent. A CAF agent must |
141 implement a concrete factory derived from <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-798F4B18-D6AE-36B9-B03F-C1FC55266CB5"><apiname>ContentAccess::CAgentFactory</apiname></xref>. </p> </entry> |
142 </row> |
143 </tbody> |
144 </tgroup> |
145 </table> <p>The above APIs are grouped as follows: </p> <p><b>Supplier API </b> </p> <p>The |
146 classes <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-0CE549BA-2F8C-3101-AD01-A1BF15C4EAE4"><apiname>ContentAccess::CSupplier</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-E952CB96-3638-321A-B9BC-01C559FB8F4C"><apiname>ContentAccess::CImportFile</apiname></xref> together |
147 represents the supplier API. </p> <p>The Supplier API handles the delivery |
148 and transformation of content. It is used to transform DRM protected files |
149 when they arrive on a device into a compatible format for storing it securely |
150 on the device. It is also used to intercept content and ensure it is stored |
151 in an agent's private directory. </p> <p><b>Consumer API </b> </p> <p>The |
152 classes <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-FC40011B-32D3-328B-BB59-35BEF46A215A"><apiname>ContentAccess::CContent</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-B54C8391-FE69-324C-AC0A-1E88C2555F00"><apiname>ContentAccess::CData</apiname></xref> together |
153 represents the consumer API. </p> <p>The consumer API allows applications |
154 to view the content as plain text, regardless of how it is actually stored |
155 on the device. (For instance, it might be encrypted). It is used by applications |
156 to render content and multimedia plug-ins. <b>Note</b>: Rendering implies |
157 reading data from a file, transforming it, then playing or displaying it on |
158 the device. </p> <p><b>Manager API </b> </p> <p>The <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-671191B1-B249-3DD3-A5E8-6F1A41A371C8"><apiname>ContentAccess::CManager</apiname></xref> class, |
159 which manages the files and content access agents forms the manager API. </p> <p><b>Rights |
160 Manager API </b> </p> <p>The <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-2CBEF3AA-7101-3247-BAED-79B624CEBBD1"><apiname>ContentAccess::CRightsManager</apiname></xref> class, |
161 which manages DRM rights within a particular DRM agent forms the rights manager |
162 API. </p> <p><b>Agent API </b> </p> <p>The <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-798F4B18-D6AE-36B9-B03F-C1FC55266CB5"><apiname>ContentAccess::CAgentFactory</apiname></xref> class |
163 forms the agent interface. It allows to integrate new agents at a later date, |
164 dynamically if required. The agent's factory produces products derived from |
165 the following: </p> <ul> |
166 <li id="GUID-72BCBDF7-5352-5907-902F-42CAB9C9BF55"><p> <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-983AF0B0-F0FD-31C6-94DF-C695A5D2B2D0"><apiname>ContentAccess::CAgentContent</apiname></xref> </p> </li> |
167 <li id="GUID-35289C35-01FA-52A5-8AFF-BBF3F870AA87"><p> <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-D9B55B22-9A2D-3475-80CB-37D44E11F34B"><apiname>ContentAccess::CAgentData</apiname></xref> </p> </li> |
168 <li id="GUID-4CF57B3A-8D8F-5B03-9E4A-A0A12A71FF53"><p> <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-89000D71-032A-3F08-947C-AF7006A06D2F"><apiname>ContentAccess::CAgentImportFile</apiname></xref> </p> </li> |
169 <li id="GUID-B7CA6E3F-59CA-5CA1-A65B-E055B5ECCC8B"><p> <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-D7457871-5361-3684-9A95-FBDB9C2689DD"><apiname>ContentAccess::CAgentManager</apiname></xref> </p> </li> |
170 <li id="GUID-871A9A11-7705-50DC-B528-8357FCD1A997"><p> <xref href="GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601.dita#GUID-0F5CE9B5-E674-3962-8376-CFB1ECB2F601/GUID-441831EC-2FC0-340E-B276-BFFA00665FD2"><apiname>ContentAccess::CAgentRightsManager</apiname></xref> </p> </li> |
171 </ul> </section> |
172 <section><title>Typical uses</title> <p>CAF provides interfaces for implementing |
173 and using CAF agents. CAF agents allows authorised users to access the DRM |
174 protected content for installation and playback. CAF APIs can be used to perform |
175 the following tasks: </p> <ul> |
176 <li id="GUID-02285849-C4FA-58AC-BFE1-0D77A9A5FF51"><p>Handling delivery and |
177 transformation of DRM protected content. For more information, see <xref href="GUID-1B20D403-5FC9-5A61-9D2B-8ACB9D73423C.dita">Supplier |
178 API Tutorial</xref>. </p> </li> |
179 <li id="GUID-E039C0ED-5A67-5326-8431-047985855B23"><p>Providing services for |
180 applications that render content and multimedia plug-ins. For more information, |
181 see <xref href="GUID-09A760FD-4C2A-5F79-91F2-DCC25A63699C.dita">Consumer API Tutorial</xref>. </p> </li> |
182 <li id="GUID-769084EB-0B7A-514B-9453-9277DBD9D4E1"><p>Managing files and CAF |
183 agents. For more information, see <xref href="GUID-920CF819-645B-5705-8017-C1FAD7C6ABAF.dita">Manager |
184 API Tutorials</xref>. </p> </li> |
185 <li id="GUID-E8EF07A8-4348-5F42-918C-F2BE7877EF31"><p>Managing DRM rights |
186 within a particular DRM agent. For more information, see <xref href="GUID-77578F7E-E6E0-5177-99B2-E586DD6DD0C6.dita">Rights |
187 Manager API Tutorial</xref>. </p> </li> |
188 </ul> </section> |
189 </conbody><related-links> |
190 <link href="GUID-986EBD34-DE90-59BA-8A5F-E6E48845F18E.dita"><linktext>CAF Recogniser |
191 Config</linktext></link> |
192 <link href="GUID-AD61E913-9720-5F6B-8386-680384165E87.dita"><linktext>CAF Streaming |
193 Support</linktext></link> |
194 </related-links></concept> |