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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-9B3CDA90-2BAE-5AF3-914A-6CB9FC84746A" xml:lang="en"><title>Generic
    13 Board Support Packages Overview</title><shortdesc>Describes the generic board support packages used in Symbian platform. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <section id="GUID-8AA53EA3-B5D7-4723-B37D-BCADC5620820"><title>Purpose</title> <p>The
    15 Generic BSP provides a framework for developing a new BSP. </p> </section>
    16 <section id="GUID-64AB7044-E473-4449-A280-95FBDD14011A"><title>Required background</title> <p>It
    17 is assumed that you are familiar with the Board Support Packages used in Symbian
    18 platform. </p> </section>
    19 <section id="GUID-939B3E38-F9A7-44A1-9FEB-DAE5E85036E0"><title>Key concepts
    20 and terms</title> <dl>
    21 <dlentry>
    22 <dt>ASSP</dt>
    23 <dd><p>Contains software that supports a specific ASSP or ASIC. This would
    24 be used by a BSP that was targeting a device that used the specified ASIC. </p> </dd>
    25 </dlentry>
    26 <dlentry>
    27 <dt>Variant</dt>
    28 <dd><p>This has the master build files and source for the device specific
    29 peripherals. </p> </dd>
    30 </dlentry>
    31 <dlentry>
    32 <dt>Board Support Package</dt>
    33 <dd><p>Provides hardware-specific support code for a given hardware reference
    34 board. A package may be delivered as a single component or in multiple components. </p> </dd>
    35 </dlentry>
    36 </dl> </section>
    37 <section id="GUID-90192E63-3DF3-4F23-9470-B213AD68F8CC"><title>Architecture</title> <p>The
    38 generic board support package architecture constitute the lowest layer of
    39 the kernel. The kernel contains separate code for the ASSP and variant called
    40 by the kernel. This acts as a framework on which a set of generic device drivers
    41 for a common peripheral controllers such as LCD, UART, Keyboard, Digitizer
    42 and NOR Flash Media Driver are customized at compile-time. These drivers are
    43 made generic through a set of preprocessor macros which specify the customizes
    44 parts like I/O base address and optional features . It also has template variant
    45 that provide template code with placeholders to simplify development of a
    46 variant for new hardware. It includes generic code for common extensions and
    47 physical drivers. </p> </section>
    48 <section id="GUID-3C050451-8FC3-4FCD-89A7-0E808365AF57"><title>Generic Board
    49 Support Packages Summary</title> <p>Generic BSP provides the following framework
    50 for the following: </p> <ul>
    51 <li id="GUID-FCF3E7D2-E083-597A-88A7-276BA7B5F3D3"><p> <b>DMA Framework </b>  </p> <p> <filepath>dma.lib</filepath>  </p> <p>DMA
    52 Platform Independent Layer that provides DMA Framework to transfer data using
    53 DMA. </p> </li>
    54 <li id="GUID-7B0DEC0C-5DB6-5105-A668-AA143A71FC6F"><p> <b>Binary Power Framework</b>  </p> <p> <filepath>bpower.cpp</filepath>  </p> <p>A
    55 framework for managing power within the system, and the management of the
    56 transition between power states. </p> </li>
    57 <li id="GUID-43B546A0-3718-5D83-8441-17C2468DD1C5"><p> <b>Basic Resource Manager
    58 Framework</b>  </p> <p> <filepath>resmanpsl.lib</filepath>  </p> <p>A framework
    59 that provides essential or required functionality for static resources. </p> </li>
    60 <li id="GUID-7D4B029C-73FA-5D46-AD66-1EB9BE299D08"><p> <b>Extended Resource
    61 Manager Framework</b>  </p> <p> <filepath>resmanextenedpsl.lib</filepath>  </p> <p>A
    62 framework that provides additional support for dynamic resources and resource
    63 dependencies. </p> </li>
    64 </ul> </section>
    65 </conbody><related-links>
    66 <link href="GUID-A91C6359-E547-51AD-AA8C-45BCAFBA98AC.dita#GUID-A91C6359-E547-51AD-AA8C-45BCAFBA98AC/GUID-B66850E3-11C9-58D6-ADB3-12ABBC1B792C">
    67 <linktext>Kernel Architecture 2</linktext></link>
    68 </related-links></concept>