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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-A3449F37-89BB-5208-8FD5-F4DF73F7E71A" xml:lang="en"><title>System
    13 Startup Overview</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <section id="GUID-C41A0540-2C28-4CCC-B8AA-8236C68CEB18"><title> Configuring and Controlling a device's boot process </title> <p>Whenever
    15 a Symbian device is powered up a number of things have to happen before it
    16 is ready to be used. A number of processes and applications have to be started
    17 and certain tasks performed. </p> <p>The System Starter and its related components
    18 control the startup process. This guide describes what the System Starter
    19 does and how it may be configured. Configuration is the responsibility of
    20 device manufacturers. A manufacturer may choose to enable operators, third
    21 parties and users to extend the startup configuration. </p> <p>There are numerous
    22 considerations when configuring device startup. These include: </p> <ul>
    23 <li id="GUID-5BA1769D-D1FC-59A4-87F6-30D031443CD9"><p>which processes, tasks
    24 and applications are required, </p> </li>
    25 <li id="GUID-48D7345B-0D3B-5ADA-A646-A3DAC85FE4F5"><p>the sequence of, and
    26 inter-dependencies between, activities, </p> </li>
    27 <li id="GUID-9C7A919A-8C67-5DC0-BDD8-D1DC12AE0636"><p>the user experience, </p> </li>
    28 <li id="GUID-9F2C5CCC-EAD6-5AD6-8B85-7EB459F385BA"><p>the impact on manufacturing
    29 and testing, </p> </li>
    30 <li id="GUID-7212D20D-2A6C-51BC-A3B4-23FAF4CA5EC0"><p>operators' customisation
    31 requirements, </p> </li>
    32 <li id="GUID-1D75BFB9-9E0C-5E60-8473-278D3ABCF7B7"><p>users' customisation
    33 requirements, </p> </li>
    34 <li id="GUID-41225C9C-047B-59BF-A670-0981A73BF6FC"><p>what to do when something
    35 goes wrong </p> <p>and </p> </li>
    36 <li id="GUID-5E519AE8-3268-5C2B-A623-2E99229947F8"><p>aftermarket applications </p> </li>
    37 </ul> <p><b>Processes and Applications </b> </p> <p>In the interest of readability
    38 this document frequently<b> uses the terms application and process interchangeably</b>.
    39 Unless specifically stated otherwise you may assume that the term used refers
    40 to both. </p> </section>
    41 <section id="GUID-528B2FD1-7233-413A-81C8-5064095135AB"><title>Static Startup Configuration</title> <p>The System Starter
    42 is automatically invoked as part of the boot process once the file system
    43 has been mounted. It works by processing a list of instructions in sequence.
    44 The list is referred to as a Static Startup Configuration, or SSC. In practical
    45 terms the SSC is defined in a resource file and is built into the ROM. </p> <p>A
    46 fundamental feature of the SSC is that it allows the start up procedure to
    47 be optimised. Though the commands are processed in sequence their effect is
    48 to perform tasks not only in <b>sequence</b> (wait for the application or
    49 process to initialise before continuing) but also in <b>parallel</b> (do not
    50 wait for initialisation) and <b>at the optimum time</b> (wait until conditions
    51 are right). </p> <p>For further information on the contents of an SSC see: </p> <ul>
    52 <li id="GUID-1F8911D9-F92B-5A4F-8548-942842A7ED2A"><p><xref href="GUID-57F38146-1DA3-5657-ADF4-76DF740363C5.dita">Static
    53 Startup Configuration</xref>  </p> </li>
    54 </ul> <p>Though an SSC cannot be changed, a number of SSCs may be included
    55 in a ROM. This allows a device to be started with one of a number of different
    56 configurations, i.e. to be booted into different <b>modes</b>. </p> <ul>
    57 <li id="GUID-92E0E027-8A4F-55A5-AC48-4252164E2E77"><p>The mode determines
    58 which SSC the System Starter uses to start the system. Symbian has defined
    59 (and reserved) a number of Startup Modes (for test and reference purposes):
    60 Full, Emulator, Emergency, Battery charge &amp; Test. Device manufacturers
    61 may use their own startup modes and reserve their own unique range of values
    62 by sending an email to the Device Services package mailing list (<xref href="" scope="external"></xref>)
    63 specifying: </p> <ol id="GUID-E4D9A3AB-4BD5-5E5E-8B70-8E6435842F06">
    64 <li id="GUID-9F4658CA-4DCE-5E88-91FC-AE0F3CA65997"><p>the device manufacturer
    65 name </p> </li>
    66 <li id="GUID-AA1CC293-099A-5534-BA71-3EEE6691BE53"><p>the number of start-up
    67 mode ranges required (each range has 32 values)</p> </li>
    68 </ol> </li>
    69 </ul> <p>SSC files are named <filepath>SCCForStartupModeN.rss</filepath> where
    70 N is the number of the mode. The method of selecting the mode, and therefore
    71 the SSC file, for each startup is defined by the licensee. </p> <p>The degree
    72 to which an SSC can control and optimise the boot process is further enhanced
    73 by the concepts of <b>Startup States</b> and <b>Staged Startup</b>. </p> <p><b> Startup States</b> </p> <p>An SSC is divided into a series of states which
    74 follow each other sequentially. Those described here are defined by Symbian.
    75 Licencees may add or insert further states by defining them and including
    76 them in an SSC. The Symbian defined states have a certain significance: </p> <ul>
    77 <li id="GUID-4C3113C7-CFAF-59AE-A271-51424F6B2478"><p> <b>The Critical Static
    78 State:</b> This is when the essential ROM based components are started. Nothing
    79 started in this state relies on anything outside the ROM. </p> </li>
    80 <li id="GUID-56754FF8-08A4-56BE-A4C2-A8F2A25AE738"><p> <b> The Critical Dynamic
    81 State:</b> This is when essential non-ROM based components and components
    82 which use non-ROM based files are started. </p> </li>
    83 <li id="GUID-804244EC-006E-5216-B286-D9FC6B9495EA"><p> <b> The Non-critical
    84 State:</b> Components started here are not essential for the basic functionality
    85 of the device. i.e. the phone will be 'up and running' before these components
    86 are started. </p> </li>
    87 </ul> <p><b>Staged
    88 Startup</b> </p> <p>A further level of startup control and configuration can
    89 be achieved using Staged Startup. This technique enables components to perform
    90 their initialisation procedure as separate stages - essential earlier, non-essential
    91 later. This enables further reduction of the effective boot time. </p> <p>Applications
    92 must be <b>Staged Startup Aware (SSA)</b> to take advantage of the staged
    93 startup facilities. They must register with the Starter so that they can receive
    94 state-change notifications. An SSA application may perform a <b>stage</b> of
    95 its startup during each SSC <b>state</b>. </p> <p>Staged startup subdivides
    96 each state into five ordered domains: Kernel, Base, OS Services, Application
    97 Services and UI Framework (these correspond to the <xref href="GUID-98E4DFEE-D7FA-581B-A56C-89797890D418.dita">Symbian
    98 OS System Model</xref>). Each SSA component associates itself with a domain
    99 according to its location in the System Model. Within each state the domains
   100 are processed sequentially. This allows application dependency to be accommodated
   101 without individual applications having to manage these dependencies. </p> </section>
   102 <section id="GUID-F58AE201-31BF-4E36-96B6-50D61A53B9CA"><title>Dynamic Startup Configuration (DSC) </title> <p>All of the
   103 components included in the Static Startup Configuration are present for the
   104 life of the device. Components installed after the ROM has been built, or
   105 after the device has been shipped, may also be started during boot by being
   106 added to a Dynamic Startup Configuration (DSC). </p> <p>One or more DSCs may
   107 be included at various points in an SSC. </p> <p>A run-time API allows entries
   108 to be added to and deleted from a DSC. This means that aftermarket applications,
   109 updates and patches can be inserted automatically on installation, over the
   110 air by a Network Operator, or by the user. </p> <ul>
   111 <li id="GUID-84D36270-880B-56F4-BBD9-5C80F9DA1BEF"><p><xref href="GUID-E3941FAF-988E-5FB3-8E62-84E192E41EA1.dita">How
   112 to use the DSC API</xref>  </p> </li>
   113 </ul> </section>
   114 <section id="GUID-D6D28700-0BAD-4F88-8CE9-2E0330233468"><title>Specifying action on failure </title> <p>Though system startup
   115 is an automatic process, things can go wrong. In some cases the device can
   116 continue to function if a component fails to start, in others it cannot. Applications
   117 can fail to start or fail after they have started for a variety of reasons.
   118 Symbian OS provides mechanisms for detecting and handling failure. </p> <p>When
   119 an application is started using an SSC or a DSC several parameters must be
   120 specified in its resource. These include: </p> <ul>
   121 <li id="GUID-4DC8B8DA-FA50-57E9-B1FD-B60991C927C1"><p>a startup method (<codeph>EFireAndForget</codeph>, <codeph>EWaitForStart</codeph>, <codeph>EDeferredWaitForStart</codeph>) </p> </li>
   122 <li id="GUID-8236B8FB-CDD9-544A-91FA-F53231EDEDAF"><p>the number of retries
   123 (attempts to start the application) </p> </li>
   124 <li id="GUID-A9EA3792-BA99-59C8-8AE1-40A34CFAC095"><p>a timeout period (after
   125 which an EWaitForStart startup will be considered to have failed) </p> </li>
   126 <li id="GUID-F9CEA642-4140-5430-9092-C5B70BE9B691"><p>a restart action (<codeph>EIgnoreProcessFailure</codeph>, <codeph>ERestartOS</codeph>, <codeph>ERestartOSWithMode</codeph> - the action to be taken in the event of failure
   127 to rendezvous or failure while running normally.) </p> </li>
   128 <li id="GUID-F737C84D-3BAB-5256-858E-4D9EF9C0AB19"><p>a restart mode (the
   129 phone might restart in a 'Safe Mode', for instance) </p> </li>
   130 <li id="GUID-2030D3D4-D1C6-5E80-B75E-F8F656CA5168"><p>whether to initiate
   131 monitoring after the component has made its rendezvous. </p> </li>
   132 </ul> <p>If, after the <b>timeout period</b> the application has not made
   133 its rendezvous, the OS can make further attempts to start it. If, after the <b>number
   134 of retries</b> specified, it has not succeeded it will take the specified <b>restart
   135 action</b>. If the restart action is <codeph>ERestartOS</codeph> or <codeph>ERestartOSWithMode</codeph> it
   136 will shut down the device and restart it (in the second case in the <b>restart
   137 mode</b> specified). If <b>monitoring</b> is enabled the System Monitor will
   138 continue to monitor the process after a successful rendezvous and, if it stops
   139 unexpectedly at any time, will re-use the same configuration information and
   140 act accordingly. </p> <ul>
   141 <li id="GUID-64BFBF8C-3279-5DE5-9350-19DB7FD5D481"><p><xref href="GUID-4E195F2A-78AE-5664-A115-AD65BF457AB1.dita">How
   142 to use the System Monitor</xref>  </p> </li>
   143 </ul> <p>Note that processes or threads declared 'System Critical' use an
   144 aternative monitoring mechanism, which pre-dates the System Monitor, to restart
   145 the OS when they fail (see <xref href="GUID-B0E661BC-4058-3256-B9C3-5A4FD52F6DE5.dita#GUID-B0E661BC-4058-3256-B9C3-5A4FD52F6DE5/GUID-AF3E8BE4-FE65-3CCE-8B5A-6C4585BEA2EC"><apiname>RThread::SetCritical()</apiname></xref>). The
   146 System Monitor offers two significant advantages: the ability to restart the
   147 process without restarting the OS and the option of restarting in a specified
   148 mode. </p> </section>
   149 </conbody></concept>