1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-AA49FB68-22A1-417F-AB57-9C22CE016B21" xml:lang="en"><title>Parent |
13 and Child IPC Using a Single Pipe</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
14 <p>In this scenario, the parent and child processes communicate using a single |
15 pipe. The following pseudo code details the mechanism used by code in the |
16 parent process in a Unix-like system. <codeblock xml:space="preserve">//Call pipe() to create the pipe. |
17 //Call Fork(). |
18 if (child process) |
19 { |
20 //Child Process. |
21 //duplicate (via a dup2() call) the read/write end of the pipe using |
22 //prior agreed file descriptor numbers which will subsequently be used by the //child process following the exec() call. |
23 //Close the original file descriptors. |
24 //Call exec() to replace the code image in the child process. |
25 } |
26 else |
27 { |
28 //Parent process |
29 //Do Whatever |
30 } |
31 </codeblock></p> |
32 <p>Instead of using the <codeph>fork()</codeph>/<codeph>exec()</codeph> as |
33 described above, POSIX libraries including P.I.P.S. provide the <xref href="GUID-A9DB6E7C-B8D6-377A-BBE6-39E0A7A09E5D.dita"><apiname>popen()</apiname></xref> function |
34 as defined in <filepath>stdio.h</filepath>. Rather than using a pipe for the |
35 IPC mechanism the parent process communicates with the child using the stream |
36 returned by the <xref href="GUID-A9DB6E7C-B8D6-377A-BBE6-39E0A7A09E5D.dita"><apiname>popen()</apiname></xref> call, while the child process input |
37 or output is using the <xref href="GUID-C0C1D22B-298F-3E8D-A1E9-6F5EFA81F9E8.dita"><apiname>stdin()</apiname></xref>/<xref href="GUID-85797574-E2A2-3C0C-9670-C178078DE199.dita"><apiname>stdout()</apiname></xref> streams. </p> |
38 <p>However if the parent process requires a file descriptor it can be obtained |
39 by using the <xref href="GUID-7A399B7D-553D-345E-92BD-43A8A8224D39.dita"><apiname>fileno()</apiname></xref> API call. For more information about |
40 the <xref href="GUID-A9DB6E7C-B8D6-377A-BBE6-39E0A7A09E5D.dita"><apiname>popen()</apiname></xref> function, see <xref href="http://www.opengroup.org" scope="external">http:\\www.opengroup.org</xref>. </p> |
41 <p><b>Parent process <codeph>fork()</codeph> and <codeph>exec()</codeph> functions</b></p> |
42 <p>The following code shows the use of a pipe and subsequent <codeph>fork()</codeph>/<codeph>exec()</codeph> calls |
43 to create a Pipe for IPC. The example shown is the child process writing data |
44 to the pipe, and the parent process receiving the data.</p> |
45 <codeblock xml:space="preserve">//Child Process File Descriptors for the pipe. These should be defined in a common header |
46 //file used to compile both the parent and child process's executable. |
47 //However #define is here for clarity. |
48 #define WRITE_FD 104 |
49 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
50 { |
51 int pipeEnds[2]; //Pipe file descriptors [0] is for read [1] is for write |
52 |
53 //create the pipe |
54 if(pipe(pipeEnds) != 0) |
55 { |
56 //Pipe creation error |
57 return EXIT_FAILURE; |
58 } |
59 else |
60 { |
61 pid_t Childpid = fork(); |
62 |
63 if(Childpid == 0) |
64 { |
65 //close the redundant read FD obtained from the parent process |
66 (void)close(pipeEnds[0]); |
67 |
68 //duplicate the file descriptor for use following exec(). |
69 if(dup2(pipeEnds[1], WRITE_FD) == -1) |
70 { |
71 printf("dup2 error\n"); |
72 return EXIT_FAILURE; |
73 } |
74 //close the redundant write FD obtained from the parent process |
75 (void)close(pipeEnds[1]); |
76 |
77 //exec() to replace the child process executable |
78 char execFileName[] = "/root/PortDoc/Example1_c/Posix/Child/ChildProg"; |
79 execl(execFileName,NULL); |
80 } |
81 else |
82 { |
83 //Parent process. This reads from the pipe. Therefore close the write end of the |
84 //pipe. |
85 close(pipeEnds[1]); |
86 |
87 //declare receive buffer, and clear its contents |
88 char RxBuffer[100]; |
89 memset(RxBuffer,0,sizeof(RxBuffer)); |
90 |
91 //Wait for data from the child process. Child sends a string. |
92 read(pipeEnds[0],RxBuffer,sizeof(RxBuffer)); |
93 |
94 printf(RxBuffer); |
95 |
96 //close the Read end of the pipe |
97 close(pipeEnds[0]); |
98 |
99 //Wait for the child process to terminate |
100 waitpid(Childpid,NULL,0); |
101 } |
102 } |
103 return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
104 } |
105 </codeblock> |
106 <p><b>Child process created using <codeph>fork()</codeph> or <codeph>exec()</codeph> functions</b></p> |
107 <p>The following code shows an example of the child process source which will |
108 be executed following the <codeph>exec()</codeph>. </p> |
109 <codeblock xml:space="preserve">//Child Process File Descriptors for the pipe. These should be defined in a common header |
110 //file used to compile both the parent and child process's executable. Shown here for |
111 //clarity. |
112 #define WRITE_FD 104 |
113 |
114 int main(void) |
115 { |
116 char TxMsg[] = "Hello Parent\n"; |
117 |
118 //Send the message to the parent |
119 write(WRITE_FD,TxMsg,sizeof(TxMsg)); |
120 |
121 //close the File Descriptor |
122 close(WRITE_FD); |
123 return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
124 } |
125 </codeblock> |
126 <p><b>Parent process P.I.P.S. example for <xref href="GUID-A9DB6E7C-B8D6-377A-BBE6-39E0A7A09E5D.dita"><apiname>popen()</apiname></xref> function</b></p> |
127 <p>The following code shows how the above code can be modified to use <codeph>popen()</codeph>, |
128 rather than the <codeph>fork()</codeph>/<codeph>exec()</codeph> combination. </p> |
129 <codeblock xml:space="preserve">int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
130 { |
131 //Create child process using popen(). Child process writes to the Parent therefore "r" |
132 //parameter. |
133 FILE* ChildProcessStream = popen("/root/PortDoc/Example1_c/Symbian/Child/ChildProg","r"); |
134 |
135 if(ChildProcessStream == NULL) |
136 { |
137 printf("\n Failure to create child process with popen()\n"); |
138 return EXIT_FAILURE; |
139 } |
140 else |
141 { |
142 //Use a file descriptor rather than a stream |
143 int ChildProcessFD = fileno(ChildProcessStream); |
144 |
145 //Create a receive buffer, and zero contents before receiving. |
146 char RxBuffer[100]; |
147 memset(RxBuffer,0,sizeof(RxBuffer)); |
148 |
149 //Wait for data from the child process. Child sends a string. |
150 int nbytes = read(ChildProcessFD,RxBuffer,sizeof(RxBuffer)); |
151 |
152 //printf is slightly different from the POSIX example to verify that the data output to the |
153 //screen is done by the parent process. |
154 printf("\n Message Received by Parent=%s",RxBuffer); |
155 |
156 //Wait for Child Process to complete |
157 pclose(ChildProcessStream); |
158 } |
159 return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
160 } |
161 </codeblock> |
162 <p><b>Child process P.I.P.S. example for <xref href="GUID-A9DB6E7C-B8D6-377A-BBE6-39E0A7A09E5D.dita"><apiname>popen()</apiname></xref> function</b></p> |
163 <p>The following code shows how the child process source can be modified when |
164 it is executed using <xref href="GUID-A9DB6E7C-B8D6-377A-BBE6-39E0A7A09E5D.dita"><apiname>popen()</apiname></xref>. Note that rather |
165 than using a file descriptor for the communication via the pipe the <xref href="GUID-C0C1D22B-298F-3E8D-A1E9-6F5EFA81F9E8.dita"><apiname>stdin()</apiname></xref> or |
166 the <codeph>stdout</codeph> streams are directed to the parent process, as |
167 defined in the usage of the <xref href="GUID-A9DB6E7C-B8D6-377A-BBE6-39E0A7A09E5D.dita"><apiname>popen()</apiname></xref> call. </p> |
168 <codeblock xml:space="preserve">int main(void) |
169 { |
170 //Child process created by popen() so that its stdout is streamed to the parent process |
171 char TxMsg[] = "Hello Parent\n"; |
172 |
173 //Send the message to the parent |
174 printf(TxMsg); |
175 |
176 return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
177 } |
178 </codeblock> |
179 </conbody></concept> |