1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-DAC32BB9-C0EB-42FF-A596-C2F1A90A4BD7" xml:lang="en"><title>Views</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
13 <p>The term <i>view</i> refers to the <xref href="GUID-BDDDF68F-F7C3-43AF-8B6C-C77C701FD2A9.dita">MVC |
14 design</xref> (Model-View-Controller) component that has the following attributes:</p> |
15 <ul> |
16 <li><p>displays the application state known by the application</p> |
17 </li> |
18 <li><p>receives user input</p></li> |
19 <li><p>is owned by the <xref href="GUID-FD2CDEB8-0784-4BE5-A775-170F57D71BBC.dita">UI |
20 controller</xref></p></li> |
21 <li><p>observes application state changes either directly or through |
22 the UI controller and updates the screen accordingly</p></li> |
23 </ul> |
24 <p>In practice, views are collections of interface elements, such as controls, |
25 menus, command button areas (CBAs), key events, that make up one top-level |
26 window in an application. Applications may have one or more views. If an application |
27 has more than one view and if the status pane behavior is organized in this |
28 manner, then each view in an application can have its own tab. Applications |
29 can have only a single view active at any one time. The current view is the |
30 view that interacts with the user, receiving events and menu choices as if |
31 it were the only set of UI elements.</p> |
32 <p>Multiple view architectures are widely used in application development |
33 on the Symbian platform. Multiple view architectures:</p> |
34 <ul> |
35 <li><p>provide developers with an efficient way to build multiple |
36 views within an application and switch between them easily and simply. </p> |
37 </li> |
38 <li><p>allow applications to bundle their user interface requirements |
39 into a single element (a view). The view architecture then provides the capability |
40 to switch quickly between the views.</p></li> |
41 <li><p>allow applications to take advantage of object orientation |
42 to encapsulate code, keeping it simple and clear. </p></li> |
43 <li><p>provide the ability for one application to activate the view |
44 of another. This is particularly useful when you want to use an existing display |
45 or editing capability without going to the expense of integrating a component |
46 into your application. </p></li> |
47 <li><p>allow applications to register views, with one view being |
48 active in each running application at any one time. It does not dictate what |
49 a view is; however, it does provide support for a view being a display page |
50 on the screen</p></li> |
51 </ul> |
52 <fig id="GUID-DD277261-3BF3-4F60-87BC-3ABC709C1E09"><title>Controller-view hierarchy in traditional and Symbian architectures</title><image href="GUID-5F5F9DF5-E08E-47F9-B35C-E07180524864_d0e68092_href.png"/></fig> |
53 <p>In practice, the view concept varies depending upon your chosen architecture |
54 approach: </p> |
55 <section id="GUID-53125010-FFC7-422E-9EE5-A42427031F10"><title>Traditional architecture |
56 views</title> |
57 <p>In a traditional architecture, the view is derived from <xref href="jar:GUID-35228542-8C95-4849-A73F-2B4F082F0C44.jar!/sdk/doc_source/reference/reference-cpp/Control_Environment/CCoeControlClass.html" format="application/java-archive"><parmname>CCoeControl</parmname></xref>, which typically constructs a top-level |
58 window-owning control that draws itself and contains other controls.</p> |
59 <p>For more information on views in tradition architecture approaches, |
60 see <xref href="GUID-B5DE1C86-2B16-4B22-887F-7079E54A8ED6.dita">Traditional |
61 Symbian UI application architecture</xref>.</p> |
62 </section> |
63 <section id="GUID-B473202D-9682-4EBA-83F2-8391DB2B56D9"><title>Symbian architecture |
64 views</title> |
65 <p>In Symbian view architecture, a view controller is added between the <xref href="GUID-FD2CDEB8-0784-4BE5-A775-170F57D71BBC.dita">UI controller</xref> and |
66 the view that draws itself and contains other controls. For example, view |
67 controllers can be used to specify CBAs that are specific to specific views.</p> |
68 <p>In a Symbian architecture, the view controller is derived from <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknView.html" format="application/java-archive"><parmname>CAknView</parmname></xref>, |
69 which is derived directly from <xref href="jar:GUID-35228542-8C95-4849-A73F-2B4F082F0C44.jar!/sdk/doc_source/reference/reference-cpp/Kernel_Architecture_2/CBaseClass.html#%3a%3aCBase" format="application/java-archive"><parmname>CBase</parmname></xref> and |
70 not from <xref href="jar:GUID-35228542-8C95-4849-A73F-2B4F082F0C44.jar!/sdk/doc_source/reference/reference-cpp/Control_Environment/CCoeControlClass.html" format="application/java-archive"><parmname>CCoeControl</parmname></xref>. This means the <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknView.html" format="application/java-archive"><parmname>CAknView</parmname></xref>-derived |
71 views are not controls. <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknView.html" format="application/java-archive"><parmname>CAknView</parmname></xref>-derived |
72 views need to contain <xref href="jar:GUID-35228542-8C95-4849-A73F-2B4F082F0C44.jar!/sdk/doc_source/reference/reference-cpp/Control_Environment/CCoeControlClass.html" format="application/java-archive"><parmname>CCoeControl</parmname></xref>-derived |
73 classes to provide visual representation on the display.</p> |
74 <p>For more information on views in Symbian architecture approaches, |
75 see <xref href="GUID-68B999C2-0993-4804-9624-42C3D88BE5C7.dita">View |
76 architecture</xref>.</p> |
77 </section> |
78 <section id="GUID-C9AA9483-424E-4626-8335-5F70FE246E1D"><title>Dialog architecture |
79 views</title> |
80 <p>In dialog architectures, views are implemented in modeless dialog boxes. |
81 Multiple views can be constructed using nested dialogs or a tabbed dialog |
82 pane.</p> |
83 <p>For more information on views in dialog architecture approaches, see <xref href="GUID-DD88DD7B-E246-4BF2-B537-5C677728CC49.dita">Dialog |
84 architecture</xref>.</p> |
85 </section> |
86 </conbody></concept> |