changeset 1 25a17d01db0c
child 3 46218c8b8afa
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:89d6a7a84779 1:25a17d01db0c
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE task
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
    12 <task id="GUID-FDDAF8E9-4CAB-5489-B578-A5362E2140C1" xml:lang="en"><title>Decompressing
    13 File Archives</title><abstract><shortdesc>The Zip Compression Library, EZLib provides file archive
    14 decompression functionality for the Symbian platforms. </shortdesc> <p>EZLib
    15 allows clients to decompress data from file archives. The decompression task
    16 is performed by calling the decompression functions iteratively, until the
    17 required task completion. </p> </abstract><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
    18 <context><p>The input archive file is opened and the properties of all the
    19 files in the archive are retrieved. </p> </context>
    20 <steps id="GUID-0D781F2C-8D11-5792-98D5-76091DA8EBBB">
    21 <step id="GUID-E92A26A2-F56D-5FA0-A583-43B227AE670C"><cmd/>
    22 <info>Pass the input file archive and create an instance of the <xref href="GUID-79C613E8-35F8-319B-BE8B-1411CBE5AF00.dita"><apiname>CZipFile</apiname></xref> class.</info>
    23 <info> The <xref href="GUID-79C613E8-35F8-319B-BE8B-1411CBE5AF00.dita"><apiname>CZipFile</apiname></xref> is a read only interface. It does not
    24 support file compression to a single or multiple zip file archives. </info>
    25 </step>
    26 <step id="GUID-8E916762-869C-5E9C-B38C-43B55805EB73"><cmd/>
    27 <info>Invoke <xref href="GUID-79C613E8-35F8-319B-BE8B-1411CBE5AF00.dita#GUID-79C613E8-35F8-319B-BE8B-1411CBE5AF00/GUID-7F528528-1814-39A6-BE14-CA1F7AABFD06"><apiname>CZipFile::GetMembersL()</apiname></xref> that returns a pointer
    28 of <xref href="GUID-D458AE6A-EC64-3882-BCEA-A44A43DAA99A.dita"><apiname>CZipFileMemberIterator</apiname></xref>  </info>
    29 <info>The <xref href="GUID-D458AE6A-EC64-3882-BCEA-A44A43DAA99A.dita"><apiname>CZipFileMemberIterator</apiname></xref> iterator
    30 class provides functions that point to the first file in the archive and to
    31 navigate through all the entries in the archive. </info>
    32 <info>The <xref href="GUID-D458AE6A-EC64-3882-BCEA-A44A43DAA99A.dita"><apiname>CZipFileMemberIterator</apiname></xref> iterator class can access
    33 each member of the zip archive using <xref href="GUID-D458AE6A-EC64-3882-BCEA-A44A43DAA99A.dita#GUID-D458AE6A-EC64-3882-BCEA-A44A43DAA99A/GUID-610F12F0-C1B7-39BB-A446-7616BBF84B2C"><apiname>CZipFileMemberIterator::NextL()</apiname></xref>  </info>
    34 </step>
    35 <step id="GUID-BB056063-4391-5EC7-A223-ED752E2F1B32"><cmd/>
    36 <info>The properties of the member file are retrieved using the functions
    37 of <xref href="GUID-02A8BC62-D653-39A3-BE0C-92A5F3F43E85.dita"><apiname>CZipFileMember</apiname></xref>. </info>
    38 <info>The <xref href="GUID-02A8BC62-D653-39A3-BE0C-92A5F3F43E85.dita"><apiname>CZipFileMember</apiname></xref> class retrieves the properties
    39 of the member file once the member file is accessible. </info>
    40 </step>
    41 <step id="GUID-4EAC4BD5-551B-58A3-A6B4-D4433027F5C8"><cmd/>
    42 <info>The files extracted from the archive are stored in the output folder. </info>
    43 <info>If the output folder is unavailable a new folder is created prior to
    44 archive decompression. </info>
    45 </step>
    46 </steps>
    47 <example><p>The following example code illustrates the decompression of file
    48 archive. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/*
    49     * Decompresses all the files in "" using the EZlib.
    50     *  If an input filename is not specified it is assumed that the
    51     * input file name is contained in a provided .ini file.
    52     */
    53     void CEZlibEZipTests::DoEZlibZipArchiveDecompressL()
    54     {
    55     RFs iFs;
    56     iFS.connect();
    57     CleanupClosePushL(iFS);
    58     TInt err = KErrNone;
    59     HBufC8 *outputBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(outputBufferSize);
    61     _LIT(KInputFileLocation, "c:\\private\\E80000B7\\zip\\input\\");
    62     TFileName inputFile(KInputFileLocation);
    64     RFile input;
    65     err = input.Open(iFs, inputFile, EFileStream | EFileRead | EFileShareExclusive);
    66     if(err != KErrNone)
    67         {
    68         INFO_PRINTF1(KOpenFileError);
    69         User::Leave(err);
    70         }
    71     CleanupClosePushL(input);
    73     CZipFile *zipFile = CZipFile::NewL(iFs,input);
    74     CleanupStack::PushL(zipFile);
    75     CZipFileMemberIterator *fileMemberIter = zipFile-&gt;GetMembersL();
    77     //  iZipArchiveEzlibFolder = GenerateZipArchiveFolderNameL(aInputFileName);
    78     //  iZipArchiveEzlibFolder.Append(KZipArchiveEzlib);
    80     for(TOLDEZIP::CZipFileMember *fileMember = fileMemberIter-&gt;NextL(); fileMember != NULL; fileMember = fileMemberIter-&gt;NextL())
    81         {
    82         TFileName tmpfilename(*(fileMember-&gt;Name()));
    84         // Check if we have a folder or file
    85         TPtrC lastChar = tmpfilename.Right(1);
    86         if(lastChar.Compare(_L("\\")) != 0 &amp;&amp; lastChar.Compare(_L("/")) != 0)
    87             {
    88             RFile output;
    89             err = output.Replace(iFs, tmpfilename, EFileStream | EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive);
    90             if(err != KErrNone)
    91                 {
    92                 INFO_PRINTF1(KCreateFileError);
    93                 User::Leave(err);
    94                 }
    95             CleanupClosePushL(output);
    97             TOLDEZIP::RZipFileMemberReaderStream *readerStream;
    98             zipFile-&gt;GetInputStreamL(fileMember, readerStream);
    99             CleanupStack::PushL(readerStream);
   101             TPtr8 pOutputBuffer = outputBuffer-&gt;Des();
   102             do
   103                 {
   104                 err = readerStream-&gt;Read(pOutputBuffer, outputBufferSize);
   105                 output.Write(pOutputBuffer);
   106                 } while(err == KErrNone);
   107             if(err != KErrEof)
   108                 {
   109                 User::Leave(err);
   110                 }
   111             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
   112             }
   113         else
   114             {
   115             TFileName fullPath("c:\\private\\E80000B7\\zip\\input\\");
   116             fullPath.Append(tmpfilename);
   117             iRfs.MkDir(fullPath);
   118             }
   119         }
   120     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);
   121     }
   122 </codeblock></example>
   123 </taskbody></task>