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5 <title>TB9.2 Example Applications: CLogView Class Reference</title> |
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10 <!-- Generated by Doxygen 1.6.2 --> |
11 <div class="contents"> |
12 <h1>CLogView Class Reference</h1><!-- doxytag: class="CLogView" --> |
13 <p><a href="class_c_log_view-members.html">List of all members.</a></p> |
14 <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> |
15 <tr><td colspan="2"><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr> |
16 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"> </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a0d21a89655cc79416f64bb7449ceb9ea">~CLogView</a> ()</td></tr> |
17 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">TUid </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a3d3844728954242e0055eb2d59ee8561">Id</a> () const </td></tr> |
18 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a044ac3a1fa166e828b8091882da7312a">HandleCommandL</a> (TInt aCommand)</td></tr> |
19 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#aa72bb3e0cfa1cfb380b37a00870bc979">DoActivateL</a> (const TVwsViewId &aPrevViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId, const TDesC8 &aCustomMessage)</td></tr> |
20 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a3844e555ced5ef8c6c7a0005e5a205e9">DoDeactivate</a> ()</td></tr> |
21 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" id="a3b846f8c314af780c994026b83908742"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::SizeChanged" ref="a3b846f8c314af780c994026b83908742" args="()" --> |
22 void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>SizeChanged</b> ()</td></tr> |
23 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a3b8c699df18510fd84524a483b7945e5">DrawTextL</a> (const TDesC &aText)</td></tr> |
24 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a969ede3e5afcf6913877d139a248adfb">DrawUnderlinedTextL</a> (const TDesC &aText)</td></tr> |
25 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a629e54018a567f75798f93d4ff4fac19">DrawTextWithoutCarriageL</a> (const TDesC &aText)</td></tr> |
26 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a162c28e1d721db301f9da7b1f5fab7cd">AddCarriageReturnL</a> ()</td></tr> |
27 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a227ff2a1e0b47ffafe7a303fd2c17307">LogEventBeginningL</a> ()</td></tr> |
28 <tr><td colspan="2"><h2>Static Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr> |
29 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">static <a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html">CLogView</a> * </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#af727e5583e617cbb6ce9c2803921e387">NewL</a> ()</td></tr> |
30 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">static <a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html">CLogView</a> * </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html#a9aaa1e901a696306c9dd004da09d16e8">NewLC</a> ()</td></tr> |
31 </table> |
32 <hr/><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2> |
33 <p>Log view that uses RichTextEditor. </p> |
34 |
35 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8h_source.html#l00017">17</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8h_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.h</a>.</p> |
36 <hr/><h2>Constructor & Destructor Documentation</h2> |
37 <a class="anchor" id="a0d21a89655cc79416f64bb7449ceb9ea"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::~CLogView" ref="a0d21a89655cc79416f64bb7449ceb9ea" args="()" --> |
38 <div class="memitem"> |
39 <div class="memproto"> |
40 <table class="memname"> |
41 <tr> |
42 <td class="memname">CLogView::~CLogView </td> |
43 <td>(</td> |
44 <td class="paramname"></td> |
45 <td> ) </td> |
46 <td></td> |
47 </tr> |
48 </table> |
49 </div> |
50 <div class="memdoc"> |
51 <p>Destroy the object </p> |
52 |
53 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00054">54</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
54 |
55 </div> |
56 </div> |
57 <hr/><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2> |
58 <a class="anchor" id="af727e5583e617cbb6ce9c2803921e387"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::NewL" ref="af727e5583e617cbb6ce9c2803921e387" args="()" --> |
59 <div class="memitem"> |
60 <div class="memproto"> |
61 <table class="memname"> |
62 <tr> |
63 <td class="memname"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html">CLogView</a> * CLogView::NewL </td> |
64 <td>(</td> |
65 <td class="paramname"></td> |
66 <td> ) </td> |
67 <td><code> [static]</code></td> |
68 </tr> |
69 </table> |
70 </div> |
71 <div class="memdoc"> |
72 <p>Create a <a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html">CLogView</a> object </p> |
73 <dl class="return"><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>a pointer to the created instance of <a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html">CLogView</a> </dd></dl> |
74 |
75 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00020">20</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
76 |
77 </div> |
78 </div> |
79 <a class="anchor" id="a9aaa1e901a696306c9dd004da09d16e8"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::NewLC" ref="a9aaa1e901a696306c9dd004da09d16e8" args="()" --> |
80 <div class="memitem"> |
81 <div class="memproto"> |
82 <table class="memname"> |
83 <tr> |
84 <td class="memname"><a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html">CLogView</a> * CLogView::NewLC </td> |
85 <td>(</td> |
86 <td class="paramname"></td> |
87 <td> ) </td> |
88 <td><code> [static]</code></td> |
89 </tr> |
90 </table> |
91 </div> |
92 <div class="memdoc"> |
93 <p>Create a <a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html">CLogView</a> object </p> |
94 <dl class="return"><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>a pointer to the created instance of <a class="el" href="class_c_log_view.html">CLogView</a> </dd></dl> |
95 |
96 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00032">32</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
97 |
98 </div> |
99 </div> |
100 <a class="anchor" id="a3d3844728954242e0055eb2d59ee8561"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::Id" ref="a3d3844728954242e0055eb2d59ee8561" args="() const " --> |
101 <div class="memitem"> |
102 <div class="memproto"> |
103 <table class="memname"> |
104 <tr> |
105 <td class="memname">TUid CLogView::Id </td> |
106 <td>(</td> |
107 <td class="paramname"></td> |
108 <td> ) </td> |
109 <td> const</td> |
110 </tr> |
111 </table> |
112 </div> |
113 <div class="memdoc"> |
114 <p>Identity of this view to the system </p> |
115 <dl class="return"><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the ID of view </dd></dl> |
116 |
117 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00080">80</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
118 |
119 </div> |
120 </div> |
121 <a class="anchor" id="a044ac3a1fa166e828b8091882da7312a"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::HandleCommandL" ref="a044ac3a1fa166e828b8091882da7312a" args="(TInt aCommand)" --> |
122 <div class="memitem"> |
123 <div class="memproto"> |
124 <table class="memname"> |
125 <tr> |
126 <td class="memname">void CLogView::HandleCommandL </td> |
127 <td>(</td> |
128 <td class="paramtype">TInt </td> |
129 <td class="paramname"> <em>aCommand</em></td> |
130 <td> ) </td> |
131 <td></td> |
132 </tr> |
133 </table> |
134 </div> |
135 <div class="memdoc"> |
136 <p>Handle commands </p> |
137 <dl><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
138 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
139 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aCommand</em> </td><td>Command to be handled </td></tr> |
140 </table> |
141 </dd> |
142 </dl> |
143 |
144 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00158">158</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
145 |
146 </div> |
147 </div> |
148 <a class="anchor" id="aa72bb3e0cfa1cfb380b37a00870bc979"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::DoActivateL" ref="aa72bb3e0cfa1cfb380b37a00870bc979" args="(const TVwsViewId &aPrevViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId, const TDesC8 &aCustomMessage)" --> |
149 <div class="memitem"> |
150 <div class="memproto"> |
151 <table class="memname"> |
152 <tr> |
153 <td class="memname">void CLogView::DoActivateL </td> |
154 <td>(</td> |
155 <td class="paramtype">const TVwsViewId & </td> |
156 <td class="paramname"> <em>aPrevViewId</em>, </td> |
157 </tr> |
158 <tr> |
159 <td class="paramkey"></td> |
160 <td></td> |
161 <td class="paramtype">TUid </td> |
162 <td class="paramname"> <em>aCustomMessageId</em>, </td> |
163 </tr> |
164 <tr> |
165 <td class="paramkey"></td> |
166 <td></td> |
167 <td class="paramtype">const TDesC8 & </td> |
168 <td class="paramname"> <em>aCustomMessage</em></td><td> </td> |
169 </tr> |
170 <tr> |
171 <td></td> |
172 <td>)</td> |
173 <td></td><td></td><td></td> |
174 </tr> |
175 </table> |
176 </div> |
177 <div class="memdoc"> |
178 <p>Create the Container class object </p> |
179 <dl><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
180 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
181 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aPrevViewId</em> </td><td>The id of the previous view </td></tr> |
182 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aCustomMessageId</em> </td><td>message identifier </td></tr> |
183 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aCustomMessage</em> </td><td>custom message provided when view is changed </td></tr> |
184 </table> |
185 </dd> |
186 </dl> |
187 |
188 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00093">93</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
189 |
190 </div> |
191 </div> |
192 <a class="anchor" id="a3844e555ced5ef8c6c7a0005e5a205e9"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::DoDeactivate" ref="a3844e555ced5ef8c6c7a0005e5a205e9" args="()" --> |
193 <div class="memitem"> |
194 <div class="memproto"> |
195 <table class="memname"> |
196 <tr> |
197 <td class="memname">void CLogView::DoDeactivate </td> |
198 <td>(</td> |
199 <td class="paramname"></td> |
200 <td> ) </td> |
201 <td></td> |
202 </tr> |
203 </table> |
204 </div> |
205 <div class="memdoc"> |
206 <p>Remove the container class instance from the App UI's stack </p> |
207 |
208 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00107">107</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
209 |
210 </div> |
211 </div> |
212 <a class="anchor" id="a3b8c699df18510fd84524a483b7945e5"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::DrawTextL" ref="a3b8c699df18510fd84524a483b7945e5" args="(const TDesC &aText)" --> |
213 <div class="memitem"> |
214 <div class="memproto"> |
215 <table class="memname"> |
216 <tr> |
217 <td class="memname">void CLogView::DrawTextL </td> |
218 <td>(</td> |
219 <td class="paramtype">const TDesC & </td> |
220 <td class="paramname"> <em>aText</em></td> |
221 <td> ) </td> |
222 <td></td> |
223 </tr> |
224 </table> |
225 </div> |
226 <div class="memdoc"> |
227 <p>Draw text into the log. </p> |
228 <dl><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
229 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
230 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aText</em> </td><td>text to be drawn. </td></tr> |
231 </table> |
232 </dd> |
233 </dl> |
234 |
235 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00168">168</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
236 |
237 </div> |
238 </div> |
239 <a class="anchor" id="a969ede3e5afcf6913877d139a248adfb"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::DrawUnderlinedTextL" ref="a969ede3e5afcf6913877d139a248adfb" args="(const TDesC &aText)" --> |
240 <div class="memitem"> |
241 <div class="memproto"> |
242 <table class="memname"> |
243 <tr> |
244 <td class="memname">void CLogView::DrawUnderlinedTextL </td> |
245 <td>(</td> |
246 <td class="paramtype">const TDesC & </td> |
247 <td class="paramname"> <em>aText</em></td> |
248 <td> ) </td> |
249 <td></td> |
250 </tr> |
251 </table> |
252 </div> |
253 <div class="memdoc"> |
254 <p>Draw underlined text into the log. </p> |
255 <dl><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
256 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
257 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aText</em> </td><td>text to be drawn. </td></tr> |
258 </table> |
259 </dd> |
260 </dl> |
261 |
262 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00138">138</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
263 |
264 </div> |
265 </div> |
266 <a class="anchor" id="a629e54018a567f75798f93d4ff4fac19"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::DrawTextWithoutCarriageL" ref="a629e54018a567f75798f93d4ff4fac19" args="(const TDesC &aText)" --> |
267 <div class="memitem"> |
268 <div class="memproto"> |
269 <table class="memname"> |
270 <tr> |
271 <td class="memname">void CLogView::DrawTextWithoutCarriageL </td> |
272 <td>(</td> |
273 <td class="paramtype">const TDesC & </td> |
274 <td class="paramname"> <em>aText</em></td> |
275 <td> ) </td> |
276 <td></td> |
277 </tr> |
278 </table> |
279 </div> |
280 <div class="memdoc"> |
281 <p>Draw text into the log. Do not add line break at the end of the text. </p> |
282 <dl><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
283 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
284 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aText</em> </td><td>text to be drawn. </td></tr> |
285 </table> |
286 </dd> |
287 </dl> |
288 |
289 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00148">148</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
290 |
291 </div> |
292 </div> |
293 <a class="anchor" id="a162c28e1d721db301f9da7b1f5fab7cd"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::AddCarriageReturnL" ref="a162c28e1d721db301f9da7b1f5fab7cd" args="()" --> |
294 <div class="memitem"> |
295 <div class="memproto"> |
296 <table class="memname"> |
297 <tr> |
298 <td class="memname">void CLogView::AddCarriageReturnL </td> |
299 <td>(</td> |
300 <td class="paramname"></td> |
301 <td> ) </td> |
302 <td></td> |
303 </tr> |
304 </table> |
305 </div> |
306 <div class="memdoc"> |
307 <p>Line break. </p> |
308 |
309 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00178">178</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
310 |
311 </div> |
312 </div> |
313 <a class="anchor" id="a227ff2a1e0b47ffafe7a303fd2c17307"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CLogView::LogEventBeginningL" ref="a227ff2a1e0b47ffafe7a303fd2c17307" args="()" --> |
314 <div class="memitem"> |
315 <div class="memproto"> |
316 <table class="memname"> |
317 <tr> |
318 <td class="memname">void CLogView::LogEventBeginningL </td> |
319 <td>(</td> |
320 <td class="paramname"></td> |
321 <td> ) </td> |
322 <td></td> |
323 </tr> |
324 </table> |
325 </div> |
326 <div class="memdoc"> |
327 <p>Begin a log event (prints a line and current time). </p> |
328 |
329 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html#l00123">123</a> of file <a class="el" href="_s_m_s_example_log_view_8cpp_source.html">SMSExampleLogView.cpp</a>.</p> |
330 |
331 </div> |
332 </div> |
333 </div> |
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