changeset 0 89d6a7a84779
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:89d6a7a84779
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-64D2B0E2-BB5D-4009-ACE5-7A3503016341" xml:lang="en"><title>Troubleshooting
    13 Tips</title><shortdesc>This section addresses the basic differences in the way things
    14 are done in Symbian Platform and in Linux. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    15 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-1">       <title>Symbian
    16 directory structure</title>       <p>In Symbian platform, project source files
    17 are arranged based on the directory pattern shown below.</p><table id="GUID-AF9A4B8F-EC2B-4BBA-AE84-9B49F2081B4F">
    18 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/>
    19 <tbody>
    20 <row>
    21 <entry><p><b>Directory</b></p></entry>
    22 <entry><p><b>Description</b></p></entry>
    23 </row>
    24 <row>
    25 <entry><codeph>src</codeph></entry>
    26 <entry><p>Contains all the source files of the project.</p></entry>
    27 </row>
    28 <row>
    29 <entry><codeph>inc</codeph></entry>
    30 <entry><p>Contains all the header files of the project.</p></entry>
    31 </row>
    32 <row>
    33 <entry><codeph>group</codeph></entry>
    34 <entry><p>Contains MMP files, and bld.inf. </p></entry>
    35 </row>
    36 </tbody>
    37 </tgroup>
    38 </table>    <p>The developer can choose whether to follow these tips.</p></section>
    39 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-2">       <title>EXPORT_C,
    40 DEF file and ordinal numbers</title>       <p>This applies only for the DLL
    41 target type. If a DLL wants to export an API, the code definition should start
    42 with the macro <codeph>EXPORT_C</codeph>.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Declaration
    43 #ifdef SYMBIAN
    44 #define GLOBAL(type)		EXPORT_C type
    45 #else
    46 #define GLOBAL(type)		type
    47 #endif // SYMBIAN
    48  // Definition
    49  GLOBAL(void)
    50  jpeg_CreateDecompress (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)
    51  {
    52    int i;
    54    /* Guard against version mismatches between library and caller. */
    55    cinfo-&gt;mem = NULL;		/* so jpeg_destroy knows mem mgr not called */
    56    if (version != JPEG_LIB_VERSION)
    57      ERREXIT2(cinfo, JERR_BAD_LIB_VERSION, JPEG_LIB_VERSION, version);
    58    if (structsize != SIZEOF(struct jpeg_decompress_struct))
    59      ERREXIT2(cinfo, JERR_BAD_STRUCT_SIZE, 
    60  	     (int) SIZEOF(struct jpeg_decompress_struct), (int) structsize);
    61  ...
    62  } </codeblock><p>Whenever a DLL is built on Symbian platform, it creates
    63 three files: </p><ul>
    64 <li><p><filepath>&lt;target&gt;.dll</filepath> is the actual DLL that gets loaded
    65 at runtime </p></li>
    66 <li><p><filepath>&lt;target&gt;.lib</filepath> is the static library which contains
    67 wrappers for each DLL exported function that, when run, will locate and execute
    68 the real function’s code in the appropriate runtime-loaded DLL. </p></li>
    69 <li><p><filepath>&lt;target.def&gt;</filepath> gets created when the user executes
    70 abld freeze. The <filepath>.def</filepath> file contains the list of exported
    71 DLL functions along with their ordinal numbers. Symbian platform does not
    72 store exported symbol names in DLL; instead, the exported functions are referenced
    73 using only their ordinal numbers. Storing the ordinal numbers instead of names
    74 reduces the size of the DLL. </p></li>
    75 </ul><p>The following is a sample <filepath>.def</filepath> file created for <codeph>libjpeg</codeph>:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">EXPORTS
    76 jcopy_block_row @ 1 NONAME
    77 jcopy_sample_rows @ 2 NONAME
    78 jdiv_round_up @ 3 NONAME
    79 jinit_1pass_quantizer @ 4 NONAME
    80 jinit_2pass_quantizer @ 5 NONAME
    81 jinit_c_coef_controller @ 6 NONAME
    82 jinit_c_main_controller @ 7 NONAME
    83 jinit_c_master_control @ 8 NONAME
    84 jinit_c_prep_controller @ 9 NONAME
    85 jinit_color_converter @ 10 NONAME
    86 </codeblock><p>The following example shows how to declare and define an exportable
    87 function from a DLL and to make it callable from a Symbian C++ application:
    88  </p><p>In <filepath>xxx.h</filepath></p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#ifdef __cplusplus
    89 extern "C" 
    90 #endif
    91 IMPORT_C int Foo();
    92 </codeblock><p>In <codeph>xxx.c</codeph></p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">extern "C" EXPORT_C int Foo()
    93     {
    94     return something;
    95     }
    96 </codeblock>     </section>
    97 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-3">       <title><codeph>dlsym()</codeph> or <codeph>g_module_symbol()</codeph></title> 
    98      <p>Since DLL entry points are not exported by name, DLL symbol lookup
    99 functions do not work on Symbian platform. For more information about alternatives
   100 suggested on Symbian platform, see <xref href="GUID-9D278187-8B5E-581D-9869-EE8861048F93.dita">Dynamic
   101 Link Libraries</xref>.</p><p>The functions <codeph>dlsym()</codeph> from <codeph>libdl</codeph> and <codeph>g_module_symbol()</codeph> from GLib are examples of such functions. Look for usage of these functions
   102 in the OSS port and change the code.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">ret = g_module_symbol (module, "jinit_c_prep_controller", &amp;ptr); 
   103 </codeblock><p>needs to be changed to:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">ret = g_module_symbol (module, "9", &amp;ptr);</codeblock><p>For
   104 example, for <codeph>dlsym()</codeph> pass the function's ordinal number as
   105 symbol parameter (refer the library's list of exports, the DEF file for the
   106 function's ordinal number):</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">dlsym(&amp;handle, "foo")
   107 </codeblock><p>needs to be changed to:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">dlsym (&amp;handle, "3")</codeblock></section>
   108 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-4"><title>Problem with
   109 a variable list of arguments in macros</title><p>This section suggests a way
   110 to overcome the problems faced when macros with a variable list of arguments
   111 are used.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#define DEBUG(a,...)</codeblock><p>The above statement
   112 causes a compilation error. One of the solutions to solve this problem is
   113 as follows:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#define DEBUG _DEBUG
   114 static inline void _DEBUG (const char *a, ...) 
   115 { 
   116 }</codeblock>     </section>
   117 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-5">       <title>Keep
   118 changes to OSS to a minimum</title><p>While porting the OSS code, keep the
   119 changes to the OSS code as few as possible. The OSS code is already tested
   120 and used by a bigger community, and is unlikely to have any compilation errors
   121 or major logical errors. In many cases code changes that are necessary brings
   122 potential logical flaws to the OSS port. Minimum changes to the OSS code while
   123 porting also helps in merging to the new OSS.  </p>     </section>
   124 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-6">       <title>Exporting
   125 variables from a DLL</title>       <p>Exporting data from a DLL is not allowed
   126 in Symbian platform . The following pattern can be used:</p><ol>
   127 <li id="GUID-FE2ACA35-3472-47C2-8C3F-B65CAEE09C66"><p>Do not export global
   128 variables. Within DLL, there is one global variable, for example:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">int globalVal; </codeblock></li>
   129 <li id="GUID-F6A52B57-7E83-4DFE-9FD3-AB8E7D9B55D4"><p>  Export one method
   130 that returns a pointer to that variable.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">extern "C" EXPORT_C int* GlbData ()
   131     {
   132     return &amp;globalVal
   133     }
   134 </codeblock></li>
   135 <li id="GUID-3231DC39-90BF-4775-BC66-2ADC9A60463E"><p>Define a macro for the
   136 user of the DLL. See the example below. Within the DLL header (for example, <filepath>xxx.h</filepath>),
   137 define the following:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#ifdef __cplusplus
   138 extern "C" 
   139 #endif
   140 IMPORT_C int* GlbData ();
   141 #define globalVal (*GlbData())</codeblock></li>
   142 </ol>     </section>
   143 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-7">       <title>Application
   144 is not loaded</title>       <p>The absence of the dependent libraries could
   145 be one of the reasons for the application not to load in the mobile device.
   146 On the target device, Symbian platform looks for libraries in <filepath>c:\sys\bin</filepath> or
   147 in <filepath>z:\sys\bin</filepath>.</p><p>Do make sure that all the libraries
   148 are present in either of the above-mentioned libraries. </p>     </section>
   149 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-8">       <title>Capabilities
   150 not known</title>       <p>Capabilities are specified in the MMP file. The
   151 primary information source is the P.I.P.S. API reference documentation. If
   152 problems with capabilities remain, one known method to find the capability
   153 is to analyze the [Debug Messages] window in CodeWarrior IDE (while debugging).
   154 During development, <codeph>CAPABILITY All –Tcb</codeph> is acceptable, but
   155 for release code it is good practice to give a valid capability in the MMP
   156 file in order to have the application successfully signed. The following is
   157 a sample of a capability error found in the [Debug Messages] window.  </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">*PlatSec* ERROR - Capability check failed - Process hellogst.exe[10015942]0001 was checked by Thread c32exe.exe[101f7989]0001::ESock_IP and was found to be missing the capabilities: NetworkServices. </codeblock>     </section>
   158 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-9">       <title>Environment
   159 variables</title>       <p>At the moment, environment variables are not completely
   160 supported in Symbian C++. Therefore be wary of using library functions like <codeph>getenv()</codeph> which
   161 work on environment variables. Make sure the library initialization routine
   162 calls <codeph>setenv()</codeph> with the proper value of the environment variable.
   163 Also, be wary of functions like <codeph>g_get_home_dir()</codeph> which may
   164 not work as they behave in Linux.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">if ((memenv = getenv("JPEGMEM")) != NULL) // will not work properly</codeblock><p>Suggested
   165 change: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void LibraryInit() 
   166 {  
   167    setenv ("JPEGMEM ", "XXXXX", 1);  
   168 }</codeblock>     </section>
   169 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-10">       <title>Assembly
   170 code</title>       <p>The syntax for inline assembly code is different in
   171 Symbian platform. The following is a code snippet of assembly code syntax
   172 in Symbian platform.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint16 TTemplate::Register16(TUint anAddr) 
   173 /**  
   174   Read a 16-bit register  
   175   @returns register contents  
   176 */ 	
   177   { 	
   178   asm("ldrh	r0,[r0]");
   179   	__JUMP(,lr); 	
   180   } </codeblock><p>In common practice the assembly code has the extension <filepath>.CIA</filepath> in
   181 Symbian platform, whereas in Linux the assembly code has the extension <filepath>.S</filepath>.
   182  </p>     </section>
   183 <section id="GUID-77D7347D-8DEC-45D0-A677-8FDBDFB8FF81-GENID-1-6-1-10-1-1-5-1-3-1-9-1-3-11">       <title>Glossary</title> 
   184      <p>The following table lists terms used in Linux and their approximate
   185 equivalents in Symbian platform:  </p><table id="GUID-BFB874F5-148B-44B2-A110-F37AC084756B">
   186 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/>
   187 <tbody>
   188 <row>
   189 <entry><p><b>Linux</b></p></entry>
   190 <entry><p><b>Symbian</b></p></entry>
   191 </row>
   192 <row>
   193 <entry><p><codeph>-D</codeph> of Makefile </p></entry>
   194 <entry><p><codeph>MACRO</codeph> of theMMP file </p></entry>
   195 </row>
   196 <row>
   197 <entry><p><codeph>-I</codeph> of Makefile</p></entry>
   198 <entry><p><codeph>USERINCLUDE</codeph> of the MMP file </p></entry>
   199 </row>
   200 <row>
   201 <entry><p><codeph>SO</codeph></p></entry>
   202 <entry><p>DLL</p></entry>
   203 </row>
   204 <row>
   205 <entry><p><codeph>A</codeph></p></entry>
   206 <entry><p>LIB</p></entry>
   207 </row>
   208 <row>
   209 <entry><p>Makefile</p></entry>
   210 <entry><p>MMP file</p></entry>
   211 </row>
   212 <row>
   213 <entry><p>SOURCES of Makefile </p></entry>
   214 <entry><p>SOURCE of the MMP file </p></entry>
   215 </row>
   216 <row>
   217 <entry><p><filepath>/usr/include/</filepath></p></entry>
   218 <entry><p><filepath>\EPOC32\INCLUDE</filepath></p></entry>
   219 </row>
   220 <row>
   221 <entry><p><filepath>/usr/lib/</filepath></p></entry>
   222 <entry><p><filepath>\epoc32\data\c\sys\bin</filepath> on an emulator, <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> on
   223 a target device</p></entry>
   224 </row>
   225 </tbody>
   226 </tgroup>
   227 </table><p>The following table lists a few important things about the Symbian
   228 platform: </p><table id="GUID-A43D5623-C816-4308-9AFC-FCA97DA75A2D">
   229 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/>
   230 <tbody>
   231 <row>
   232 <entry><p><codeph>ABI_DIR</codeph></p></entry>
   233 <entry><p>Platform, for example winscw or armv5</p></entry>
   234 </row>
   235 <row>
   236 <entry><p><codeph>BUILD_DIR</codeph></p></entry>
   237 <entry><p>UDEB or UREL</p></entry>
   238 </row>
   239 <row>
   240 <entry><p><filepath>c:</filepath> drive in emulator </p></entry>
   241 <entry><p><filepath>\epoc32\data\c</filepath> and <filepath>\epoc32\winscw\c</filepath></p></entry>
   242 </row>
   243 <row>
   244 <entry><p><filepath>z:</filepath> drive in emulator</p></entry>
   245 <entry><p><filepath>Z:\epoc32\data\z</filepath></p></entry>
   246 </row>
   247 <row>
   248 <entry><p><filepath>bld.inf</filepath></p></entry>
   249 <entry><p>Lists public header files and their location in <filepath>\EPOC32\INCLUDE</filepath></p></entry>
   250 </row>
   251 </tbody>
   252 </tgroup>
   253 </table>     </section>
   254 </conbody></concept>