changeset 0 89d6a7a84779
child 2 ebc84c812384
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:89d6a7a84779
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-A8130D83-E684-5B6C-BDFE-EB6EE3CD49E8" xml:lang="en"><title>Writing
    13 a UPS Dialog Creator</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <section><title>Introduction</title> <p>Dialog creators are EComplug-ins that
    15 device creators can write to generate the dialogs containing prompts for phone
    16 users. </p> <p>The plug-in has an API that consists of two asynchronous functions: </p> <ul>
    17 <li id="GUID-96CBCE79-4F5D-5F87-AC6B-C366346447AB"><p>The <codeph>PrepareDialog()</codeph> function.
    18 This function is called first by the UPS server. It enables the dialog creator
    19 to query other system servers such as AppArc or the SIS registry to retrieve
    20 additional information to display in the dialog. For example it might query
    21 the SIS registry using the client application’s secure id. </p> </li>
    22 <li id="GUID-A439E217-B95B-5B68-8893-BDBD61D694D1"><p>The <codeph>DisplayDialog()</codeph> function.
    23 This function is called second by the UPS server. It displays the prompt,
    24 most commonly through the notification framework. This function also returns
    25 the option selected by the user and, if applicable, the fingerprint for a
    26 new decision record. </p> </li>
    27 </ul> <p>The UPS displays only one prompt at a time so it is possible for
    28 there to be a delay between calling the function to prepare the dialog and
    29 the function to display the dialog. It is also possible for other dialogs
    30 to be displayed between the dialog being prepared and its being displayed. </p> <p>Both <codeph>PrepareDialog()</codeph> and <codeph>DisplayDialog()</codeph> are asynchronous and must support cancellation through <codeph>CActive::Cancel</codeph>.
    31 If either function is cancelled, the dialog creator instance is destroyed
    32 without calling further methods. </p> <p>The work split between <codeph>PrepareDialog()</codeph> and <codeph>DisplayDialog()</codeph> described
    33 above is a recommendation, and some of the functionality could be implemented
    34 directly in the notifier implementation. </p> <p>In the example given in this
    35 document, the functionality for dialogs is implemented separately from the
    36 functionality for policy evaluators. This allows multiple policy evaluators
    37 to share common UI code. However, it is possible to deliver policy evaluator
    38 and dialog creator plug-ins in the same DLL. </p> </section>
    39 <section><title>Procedure</title> <p>Dialog creators implement the <codeph>CDialogCreator</codeph> interface.
    40 This section shows how to implement the functions that prepare and display
    41 the user prompt. </p> <ol id="GUID-0F29F8B7-F303-5D42-BB95-A32B1FE13A9A">
    42 <li id="GUID-9FDDAD1F-4B9A-516A-8A00-0C331F38C4CA"><p>Prepare a dialog using
    43 the <xref href="GUID-2308E2F4-A878-3B0A-951B-EFC4908AD9BB.dita"><apiname>PrepareDialog()</apiname></xref> function. </p> </li>
    44 <li id="GUID-45C16A52-A05E-545A-AB3A-967CCA35BB15"><p>Display the dialog using
    45 the <xref href="GUID-E6C3B0F0-43A7-3656-946B-5CFE97DCFC80.dita"><apiname>DisplayDialog()</apiname></xref> function. </p> </li>
    46 </ol> <p>The Dialog Creator plug-in creates a dialog prompt in cases where
    47 no previous decision is found in the decision database. </p> <p><b> Preparing
    48 the dialog</b> </p> <p>The parameters to <codeph>PrepareDialog()</codeph> are
    49 mostly <codeph>const</codeph> pointers and references to the data that has
    50 already been generated by the UPS or policy evaluator. </p> <p>The following
    51 table describes the parameters for the <codeph>PrepareDialog()</codeph> function: </p> <table id="GUID-6D139216-B6A8-55A1-8D9B-C15134198198">
    52 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/>
    53 <thead>
    54 <row>
    55 <entry>Parameter</entry>
    56 <entry>Description</entry>
    57 </row>
    58 </thead>
    59 <tbody>
    60 <row>
    61 <entry><p> <codeph>aRequest</codeph>  </p> </entry>
    62 <entry><p>Data that the system server provides to the UPS, including the ClientSid,
    63 ServerSid and ServiceId. </p> </entry>
    64 </row>
    65 <row>
    66 <entry><p> <codeph>aPolicy</codeph>  </p> </entry>
    67 <entry><p>Details of the policy for the service. </p> </entry>
    68 </row>
    69 <row>
    70 <entry><p> <codeph>aFingerprints</codeph>  </p> </entry>
    71 <entry><p>A pointer to the fingerprints array generated by the policy evaluator.
    72 (If the user selects "Always" or “Never”, the dialog creator returns a pointer
    73 to an existing fingerprint object instead of re-generating the fingerprint.) </p> </entry>
    74 </row>
    75 <row>
    76 <entry><p> <codeph>aClientEntity</codeph>  </p> </entry>
    77 <entry><p>Details of client entity (will be null if the client process is
    78 not an execution host or the policy evaluator does not support client entities). </p> </entry>
    79 </row>
    80 <row>
    81 <entry><p> <codeph>aEvalPrivateData</codeph>  </p> </entry>
    82 <entry><p>Opaque data, which can be any other information for use in the fingerprint
    83 or to be displayed in the dialog. </p> </entry>
    84 </row>
    85 <row>
    86 <entry><p> <codeph>aStatus</codeph>  </p> </entry>
    87 <entry><p>The request status used to contain completion information for the
    88 function. </p> </entry>
    89 </row>
    90 </tbody>
    91 </tgroup>
    92 </table> <p><note/> The UPS does not allow any responses to be returned
    93 to the system server except those defined in the UPS policy file. If the dialog
    94 creator returns an option that was not specified in the policy, the request
    95 is rejected and <codeph>EUpsDecNo</codeph> is returned. </p><p>Your implementation
    96 can assume that the pointers remain valid until after <codeph>DisplayDialog()</codeph> has
    97 been called. </p><p>The <codeph>PrepareDialog()</codeph> function sets values. </p><p>The<codeph> DoPrepareDialogL()</codeph> function
    98 prepares the data for the prompt. The DoPrepareDialogL() function is called
    99 through a switch statement, which can be seen in the full code sample at the
   100 end of this. </p> <p><b>Displaying the dialog </b> </p> <p>The <codeph>DisplayDialog()</codeph> function
   101 displays the dialog created by <codeph>PrepareDialog()</codeph>. On completion,
   102 it sets the option selected by the user and the fingerprint value if “Always”
   103 or “Never” was selected. Usually, dialogs are displayed using the notifier
   104 framework, but device creators are free to use other mechanisms. </p> <p>On
   105 completion <codeph>iOptionSelected</codeph> must be set to the option selected
   106 by the user: Yes, No, Session, Always or Never. </p> <ul>
   107 <li id="GUID-C657A459-6ED4-59EF-9A8A-C9FE41AF2DD0"><p>If the user selects
   108 “Always” or “Never”, <codeph>iFingerprint</codeph> must be set to point to
   109 the fingerprint to use for the new decision record. Usually, this would just
   110 point to one of the fingerprints passed to <codeph>PrepareDialog()</codeph>,
   111 but generating a new fingerprint is also permitted. </p> </li>
   112 <li id="GUID-0E2690AB-B44B-5C8B-9365-E09BC3031398"><p>If the decision record
   113 already exists and <codeph>DisplayDialog()</codeph> modifies the value of <codeph>aEvaluatorInfo</codeph>,
   114 the record is updated with the new value. </p> </li>
   115 </ul> <p>In the example at the end of this section, the <codeph>DisplayDialog()</codeph> function
   116 sets values. The <codeph>DoDisplayDialogL()</codeph> function calls the notifier
   117 framework to display the dialogs. The <codeph>DoDisplayDialogL()</codeph> function
   118 is called through a <codeph>switch</codeph> statement, which can be seen in
   119 the full code sample at the end of this section: </p> </section>
   120 <section><title>Example</title> <p>The following code shows an example of
   121 a full implementation of the dialog creator file: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-314673F2-BBA0-56C0-A76D-07862BB4592F" xml:space="preserve">// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
   122 // All rights reserved.
   123 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
   124 // under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
   125 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
   126 // at the URL "".
   127 //
   128 // Initial Contributors:
   129 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
   131 // refdialogcreator.cpp
   134 #include "refdialogcreator.h"
   135 #include &lt;ecom/implementationproxy.h&gt;
   136 #include &lt;apaid.h&gt;
   137 #include &lt;apgcli.h&gt;
   138 #include &lt;ups/promptrequest.h&gt;
   139 #include &lt;swi/sisregistrypackage.h&gt;
   140 #include &lt;swi/sisregistrysession.h&gt;
   141 #include &lt;scs/nullstream.h&gt;
   142 #include &lt;s32mem.h&gt;
   144 static const TUint KRefDialogCreatorImplementationId = 0x10283694;
   146 static const TUint KRefNotifierImplementationId = 0x1028369B;
   148 CDialogCreator* CRefDialogCreator::CreateDialogCreatorL()
   149 /**
   150 Factory method that instantiates a new dialog creator EComplug-in.
   152 @return A pointer to the new reference dialog creator object.
   153 */
   154     {
   155     CRefDialogCreator* self = new (ELeave)CRefDialogCreator();
   156     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   157     self-&gt;ConstructL();
   158     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   159     return self;
   160     }
   162 static const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
   163     {
   164     IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KRefDialogCreatorImplementationId, CRefDialogCreator::CreateDialogCreatorL)
   165     };
   167 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt&amp; aTableCount)
   168 /**
   169 Standard EComfactory
   170 */
   171     {
   172     aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
   173     return ImplementationTable;
   174     }    
   177 CRefDialogCreator::CRefDialogCreator() 
   178 /**
   179 Constructor
   180 */
   181     : CDialogCreator(), iPromptResult(), iPromptResultPckg(iPromptResult), iState(EIdle)
   182     {
   183     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);    
   184     }
   186 CRefDialogCreator::~CRefDialogCreator()
   187 /**
   188 Destructor
   189 */
   190     {
   191     Deque();
   192     delete iPromptData;
   193     iPromptDataDes.Close();
   194     iNotifier.Close();
   195     }
   197 void CRefDialogCreator::ConstructL()
   198 /**
   199 Second phase constructor
   200 */
   201     {
   202     User::LeaveIfError(iNotifier.Connect());
   203     }
   205 void CRefDialogCreator::DoCancel()
   206     {
   207     if (iState == EProcessResult)
   208         {
   209         iNotifier.CancelNotifier(TUid::Uid(KRefNotifierImplementationId));
   210         }
   211     if (iClientStatus)
   212         {
   213         User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, KErrCancel);
   214         }
   215     }
   217 TInt CRefDialogCreator::RunError(TInt aError)
   218     {
   219     if (iClientStatus)
   220         {
   221         User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, aError);
   222         }
   223     return KErrNone;
   224     }
   226 void CRefDialogCreator::RunL()
   227     {
   228     User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
   229     switch (iState)
   230         {
   231         case EPrepareDialog:
   232             DoPrepareDialogL();
   233             break;
   234         case EDisplayDialog:
   235             DoDisplayDialogL();
   236             break;
   237         case EProcessResult:
   238             DoProcessResultL();
   239             break;
   240         default:
   241             ASSERT(EFalse);            
   242         }
   243     }
   245 void CRefDialogCreator::DoPrepareDialogL()
   246     {
   247     iPromptData = CPromptData::NewL();
   249     // Only one state at the moment but more should be
   250     // added for long running operators e.g. querying the SIS registry
   251     // or resolving the client entity.
   252     ResolveClientNameL(iRequest-&gt;ClientSid());
   254     // Get the vendor name for the client process
   255     ResolveVendorNameL(iRequest-&gt;ClientVid());
   257     // Server / Service localized names generated in notifier plug-in. 
   258     iPromptData-&gt;iServerSid = iRequest-&gt;ServerSid();
   259     iPromptData-&gt;iServiceId = iRequest-&gt;ServiceId();
   261     // Different dialog text is displayed depending on whether the client application
   262     // is signed.
   263     // N.B. Protected SID is assumed to be signed or included at ROM build.
   264     if (iRequest-&gt;IsClientSidProtected()) iPromptData-&gt;iFlags |= ETrustedClient;
   266     // Use the options specified by the policy
   267     iPromptData-&gt;iOptions = iPolicy-&gt;Options();
   269     // Add the descriptions of the fingerprints. This could be used
   270     // to allow the user to grant access to all destinations 
   271     // or a single destination.
   272     TInt count = iFingerprints-&gt;Count();
   273     for (TInt i = 0; i &lt; count; ++i)
   274         {
   275         HBufC* description = (*iFingerprints)[i]-&gt;Description().AllocLC();
   276         iPromptData-&gt;iDescriptions.AppendL(description);
   277         CleanupStack::Pop(description);
   278         }
   280     User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, KErrNone);
   281     // DisplayDialog is invoked by the UPS, this just verifies 
   282     // that PrepareDialog was called first.
   283     iState = EDisplayDialog;
   284     }
   286 void CRefDialogCreator::DoDisplayDialogL()
   287 /**
   288 Uses the notifier framework to display the dialog.
   289 */
   290     {
   291     // Externalize the prompt data to a descriptor
   292     RNullWriteStream ns;
   293     ns &lt;&lt; *iPromptData;
   294     ns.CommitL();
   295     iPromptDataDes.CreateL(ns.BytesWritten());
   296     RDesWriteStream ws;    
   297     ws.Open(iPromptDataDes);
   298     ws &lt;&lt; *iPromptData;
   299     ws.CommitL();    
   300     iNotifier.StartNotifierAndGetResponse(iStatus, TUid::Uid(KRefNotifierImplementationId),
   301         iPromptDataDes, iPromptResultPckg);
   302     SetActive();
   303     iState = EProcessResult;
   304     }
   306 void CRefDialogCreator::DoProcessResultL()
   307 /**
   308 Processes the result returned by the notifier.
   309 */
   310     {
   311     if (iPromptResult.iSelected == CPolicy::EAlways ||
   312         iPromptResult.iSelected == CPolicy::ENever)
   313         {
   314         // The Always or Never option was selected so return the fingerprint 
   315         // for the new decision record.
   316         // 
   317         // In this implementation a copy of the original fingerprint is returned. However,
   318         // it is permitted to return a different fingerprint e.g. a modifier description.        
   319         if (iPromptResult.iDestination &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; iPromptResult.iDestination &lt; iFingerprints-&gt;Count())        
   320             {
   321             *iFingerprint = (*iFingerprints)[iPromptResult.iDestination];
   322             }
   323         else
   324             {
   325             ASSERT(EFalse);    // should never happen, unless the notifier has errors.
   326             }
   327         }            
   328     *iOptionSelected =    iPromptResult.iSelected;
   329     iState = EIdle;
   330     User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, KErrNone);        
   331     }
   333 void CRefDialogCreator::ResolveVendorNameL(const TVendorId&amp; aVid)
   334 /**
   335 Looks up the localized vendor name for the client process and writes
   336 this to iPromptData-&gt;iVendorName.
   338 Typically, this would be resolved from the SIS registry or a lookup table.
   340 @param aVid    The vendor id of the client process.
   341 */
   342     {
   343     if (iPromptData-&gt;iVendorName.Length() != 0)
   344         {
   345         // already obtained vendor name from SIS registry
   346         return;
   347         }
   349     if (aVid.iId == 0x70000001)
   350         {
   351         _LIT(KSymbian, "Symbian Foundation");
   352         iPromptData-&gt;iVendorName.Create(KSymbian);
   353         }
   354     else 
   355         {
   356         _LIT(KUnknown, "Unknown vendor");
   357         iPromptData-&gt;iVendorName.Create(KUnknown);
   358         }
   359     }
   361 void CRefDialogCreator::ResolveClientNameL(const TSecureId&amp; aSid)
   362 /**
   363 Generates a human readable name for the client process. In order of 
   364 preference the following data is returned
   366 - The AppArc caption name.
   367 - The localized package name that owns this SID.
   368 - A value from a lookup table.
   369 - The filename for the client process executable.
   371 @param aSid    The secure id of the client process.
   372 */
   373     {
   374     TBool found = EFalse;
   376     // Although the client name from AppArc takes precedance the SIS
   377     // registry is always invoked in order to retrieve the vendor name
   378     found |= ResolveClientNameFromSisRegistryL(aSid);
   379     found |= ResolveClientNameFromAppArcL(aSid);
   381     // A lookup that maps secure-ids to application names could
   382     // be used here.
   384     // Fall back to the filename of the client process
   385     // The original thread may have exited so the process handle is used instead.
   386     // because the client-side object e.g. RSocket may be shared between threads.
   388     // If the process has exited then it's o.k. to leave.
   389     if (! found)
   390         {            
   391         RProcess clientProcess;
   392         User::LeaveIfError(clientProcess.Open(iRequest-&gt;ClientProcessId()));
   393         CleanupClosePushL(clientProcess);
   394         iPromptData-&gt;iClientName.Create(clientProcess.FileName());        
   395         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&amp;clientProcess); 
   396         }
   397     }
   399 TBool CRefDialogCreator::ResolveClientNameFromAppArcL(const TSecureId&amp; aSid)
   400 /**
   401 Gets the caption name for the application from AppArc (if available).
   403 @param    aSid    The secure id of the client process.
   404 @return            ETrue if a match was found in apparc; otherwise, EFalse is returned.
   405 */
   406     {
   407     TBool found(EFalse);
   409     RApaLsSession apa;
   410     CleanupClosePushL(apa);    
   411     TInt err = apa.Connect();
   412     if (err == KErrNone)
   413         {        
   414         TApaAppInfo* info = new(ELeave) TApaAppInfo();
   415         CleanupStack::PushL(info);
   417         err = apa.GetAppInfo(*info, TUid::Uid(aSid));
   418         if (err == KErrNone)
   419             {
   420             iPromptData-&gt;iClientName.Close();
   421             iPromptData-&gt;iClientName.Create(info-&gt;iCaption);
   422             found = ETrue;
   423             }
   424         else if (err != KErrNotFound)
   425             {
   426             User::Leave(err);
   427             }    
   428         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(info); 
   429         }
   430     else if (err != KErrNotFound)
   431         {
   432         // If the connection to apparc failed with KErrNotFound
   433         // then the error is ignored becase we assume the dialog
   434         // creator was invoked from text-shell
   435         User::Leave(err);
   436         }
   437     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&amp;apa);
   438     return found;
   439     }
   441 TBool CRefDialogCreator::ResolveClientNameFromSisRegistryL(const TSecureId&amp; aSid)
   442 /**
   443 Retrieves the client and vendor information from the SIS registry.
   444 @param aSid        The secure-id of the client application to lookup in the registry.
   445 @return            ETrue, if the lookup was successful; otherwise, EFalse is returned.
   446 */
   447     {
   448     TBool found(EFalse);
   449     Swi::RSisRegistrySession r;
   450     User::LeaveIfError(r.Connect());
   451     CleanupClosePushL(r);
   453     Swi::CSisRegistryPackage* p(0);
   454     TRAPD(err, p = r.SidToPackageL(TUid::Uid(aSid.iId)));
   455     if (err == KErrNone)
   456         {
   457         iPromptData-&gt;iClientName.Create(p-&gt;Name());
   458         iPromptData-&gt;iVendorName.Create(p-&gt;Vendor());
   459         found = ETrue;
   460         delete p;
   461         }
   462     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&amp;r);
   463     return found;
   464     }
   466 // From CDialogCreator
   467 void CRefDialogCreator::PrepareDialog(
   468     const UserPromptService::CPromptRequest&amp; aRequest, const CPolicy&amp; aPolicy,            
   469     const RPointerArray&lt;CFingerprint&gt;&amp; aFingerprints, const CClientEntity* aClientEntity,
   470     const TAny* aEvalPrivateData, TRequestStatus&amp; aStatus)
   471     {
   472     aStatus = KRequestPending;
   473     iClientStatus = &amp;aStatus;
   475     iRequest = &amp;aRequest;
   476     iPolicy = &amp;aPolicy;
   477     iFingerprints = &amp;aFingerprints;
   478     iEvalPrivateData = aEvalPrivateData;
   479     (void) aClientEntity;
   481     // Kick off dialog creator state machine
   482     iState = EPrepareDialog;
   483     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   484     TRequestStatus* status = &amp;iStatus;
   485     SetActive();
   486     User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   487     }
   489 void CRefDialogCreator::DisplayDialog(CPolicy::TOptions&amp; aOptions, const CFingerprint*&amp; aFingerprint,
   490         TUint&amp; aEvaluatorInfo, TRequestStatus&amp; aStatus)
   491     {    
   492     aStatus = KRequestPending;
   493     iClientStatus = &amp;aStatus;
   495     iOptionSelected = &amp;aOptions;
   496     iFingerprint = &amp;aFingerprint;
   497     aFingerprint = 0;
   498     iEvaluatorInfo = &amp;aEvaluatorInfo;
   499     iClientStatus = &amp;aStatus;
   501     // Start state machine
   502     ASSERT(iState == EDisplayDialog); // PrepareDialog should have been called first
   503     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   504     TRequestStatus* status = &amp;iStatus;
   505     SetActive();
   506     User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   507     }
   508 </codeblock> </section>
   509 </conbody></concept>