1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-CAC07A47-1475-5152-83AA-E59FD3AFF321" xml:lang="en"><title>elf2e32 |
13 command syntax</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
14 <section><title>Overview</title> <p>The <filepath>elf2e32</filepath> tool's |
15 primary function is to create executables (DLLs and EXEs) in the format required |
16 by Symbian platform, known as the E32Image format. The tool takes as input, |
17 the executables produced by a compiler in the standard Executable and Linking |
18 Format (ELF), and Symbian platform-specific options specified as command-line |
19 arguments to the tool. The tool is located in at <filepath>epoc32\tools\elf2e32.exe</filepath>. </p> <p><b>Invocation |
20 syntax </b> </p> <p> <codeph>elf2e32 [--capability=<capabilities>] [--compressionmethod |
21 [none | inflate | bytepair]] [--debuggable] [--dlldata] |
22 [--definput=<file-path>] [--defoutput=<file-path>] [--dso=<file-path>] |
23 [--dump=<dump-options>] [--e32input=<file-path>] [--elfinput=<file-path>] |
24 [--fixedaddress] [--heap=<committed-size>[,<reserved-size>]] |
25 [--help] [--libpath=<search-paths>] [--linkas=<name>] [--namedlookup] |
26 [--noexportlibrary] [--output=<file-path>] [--sid=<secure-ID>] |
27 [--stack=<size>] [--sysdef=<ordinal-number>,<symbol>] |
28 [--targettype=<target-type>] [--uid1=<UID>] [--uid2=<UID>] |
29 [--uid3=<UID>] [--uncompressed]</codeph> </p> </section> |
30 <section><title>Options</title> <table id="GUID-40226F24-CBEA-5810-832A-9FEC90B108AB"> |
31 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/> |
32 <tbody> |
33 <row> |
34 <entry><p> <b>Option</b> </p> </entry> |
35 <entry><p> <b>Description</b> </p> </entry> |
36 </row> |
37 <row> |
38 <entry><p> <codeph>capability=<capabilities></codeph> </p> </entry> |
39 <entry><p>Platform security capabilities to be assigned to the executable. </p> <p>Capabilities |
40 can be specified by name using the set of identifiers used in mmp files, i.e.: <codeph>TCB</codeph>, <codeph>CommDD</codeph>, <codeph>PowerMgmt</codeph>, <codeph>MultimediaDD</codeph>, <codeph>ReadDeviceData</codeph>, <codeph>WriteDeviceData</codeph>, <codeph>DRM</codeph>, <codeph>TrustedUI</codeph>, <codeph>ProtServ</codeph>, <codeph>DiskAdmin</codeph>, <codeph>NetworkControl</codeph>, <codeph>AllFiles</codeph>, <codeph>SwEvent</codeph>, <codeph>NetworkServices</codeph>, <codeph>LocalServices</codeph>, <codeph>ReadUserData</codeph>, <codeph>WriteUserData</codeph>, <codeph>Location</codeph>, <codeph>SurroundingsDD</codeph>, and <codeph>UserEnvironment</codeph>. </p> <p>Multiple |
41 capabilities can be specified using "+" as a separator. For example: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-80CCAB8E-AA0C-5B48-9E68-59AB1670BCA6" xml:space="preserve">--capability=LocalServices+ReadDeviceData+ReadUserData</codeblock> <p>The |
42 special capability name <codeph>ALL</codeph> can be used to represent all |
43 capabilities supported by the current version of Symbian platform. This can |
44 also be used together with capability names prefixed with a '-' to indicate |
45 which capabilities to exclude. For example: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-08672BAE-CABA-564E-B49C-6AB6FA8E8BA5" xml:space="preserve">--capability=ALL-TCB-TrustedUI</codeblock> <p>The default is no capabilities though the word <codeph>NONE</codeph> can |
46 be used explicitly. </p> </entry> |
47 </row> |
48 <row> |
49 <entry><p> <codeph>debuggable</codeph> </p> </entry> |
50 <entry><p>Specifies that the application can be debugged using the run-mode |
51 debug subsystem. Only executables (EXEs and EXEXPs) can be specified as <codeph>debuggable</codeph>. </p> </entry> |
52 </row> |
53 <row> |
54 <entry><p> <codeph>definput=<file-path></codeph> </p> </entry> |
55 <entry><p>Input DEF file. </p> <p>This is used to specify a DEF file when |
56 constructing a DLL and/or import library. </p> </entry> |
57 </row> |
58 <row> |
59 <entry><p> <codeph>defoutput=<file-path></codeph> </p> </entry> |
60 <entry><p>Output DEF file. </p> <p>Specifies a DEF file to be constructed |
61 by the tool. </p> </entry> |
62 </row> |
63 <row> |
64 <entry><p> <codeph>dlldata</codeph> </p> </entry> |
65 <entry><p>Allow writable static data in the DLL. </p> <p>The default is that |
66 a DLL may not have writable static data. For more information, see <xref href="GUID-5BDE6462-E6CA-5738-A587-C7D875574789.dita">Static |
67 data</xref>. </p> </entry> |
68 </row> |
69 <row> |
70 <entry><p> <codeph>dso=<file-path></codeph> </p> </entry> |
71 <entry><p>Output DSO (or library) file. </p> <p>Specifies the LIB file to |
72 be constructed by the tool. </p> </entry> |
73 </row> |
74 <row> |
75 <entry><p> <codeph>dump=<dump-options></codeph> </p> </entry> |
76 <entry><p>Used to specify the information generated when the <codeph>e32input</codeph> option |
77 is used. The sections to include are specified as follows: </p> <ul> |
78 <li id="GUID-840C91A5-4C8A-507A-A4A3-D78BA9A370D7"><p> <codeph>h</codeph>: |
79 Header </p> </li> |
80 <li id="GUID-4BE04059-6BA5-51D2-9581-74808320B726"><p> <codeph>s</codeph>: |
81 Security information </p> </li> |
82 <li id="GUID-F61A5E32-808F-553F-B65E-6DB64270434B"><p> <codeph>c</codeph>: |
83 Code section </p> </li> |
84 <li id="GUID-B61E0C72-4DEC-5160-BC55-FE4F9094B0D9"><p> <codeph>d</codeph>: |
85 Data section </p> </li> |
86 <li id="GUID-8D16EF3E-63E0-577D-9DEE-EAD64D5B342D"><p> <codeph>e</codeph>: |
87 Export information </p> </li> |
88 <li id="GUID-158B2410-6EBF-5D09-88E7-3CFC2E46DC25"><p> <codeph>I</codeph>: |
89 Import table </p> </li> |
90 </ul> </entry> |
91 </row> |
92 <row> |
93 <entry><p> <codeph>e32input=<file-path></codeph> </p> </entry> |
94 <entry><p>Dumps a description of the specified E32Image file to standard output. |
95 The output describes the executable's properties such as its header, its imports |
96 and exports, and the contents of its code and data sections. Output options |
97 are specified using the <codeph>--dump</codeph> parameter. </p> </entry> |
98 </row> |
99 <row> |
100 <entry><p> <codeph>elfinput=<file-path></codeph> </p> </entry> |
101 <entry><p>Input ELF file. </p> <p>Specifies a compiler-generated executable |
102 in ELF format to be converted into E32Image format by the tool. </p> </entry> |
103 </row> |
104 <row> |
105 <entry><p> <codeph>fixedaddress</codeph> </p> </entry> |
106 <entry><p>Indicates that the process must have a fixed address. </p> <p>See <xref href="GUID-A16508C2-2743-5E36-BCFB-C509ACCD372F.dita">Fixed processes</xref> for |
107 more information. </p> <p>The default is no fixed address. </p> </entry> |
108 </row> |
109 <row> |
110 <entry><p> <codeph>heap=<committed-size>[,<reserved-size>]</codeph> </p> </entry> |
111 <entry><p>The committed size and reserved size of the heap for the process, |
112 specified in bytes. </p> <p>The first value given is the committed size, followed |
113 by the reserved size which is optional. </p> <p>The default committed size |
114 is 0x1000 and the default reserved size is 0x100000. </p> <p>See <xref href="GUID-BFEBCD57-3C83-56D7-B7A3-B8A361725645.dita">Memory |
115 Management concepts</xref> for more information. </p> </entry> |
116 </row> |
117 <row> |
118 <entry><p> <codeph>help</codeph> </p> </entry> |
119 <entry><p>Displays help text for the tool. </p> </entry> |
120 </row> |
121 <row> |
122 <entry><p> <codeph>libpath=<search-paths></codeph> </p> </entry> |
123 <entry><p>A semi-colon separated list of search paths that the tool should |
124 use to locate import libraries. </p> </entry> |
125 </row> |
126 <row> |
127 <entry><p> <codeph>linkas=<name></codeph> </p> </entry> |
128 <entry><p>The internal name used in the image file for the executable. This |
129 can include information that specifies the executable version (in braces) |
130 and the UID3 (in square brackets). For example, <codeph>foo{00020001}[10011235].exe</codeph>, |
131 would be used for an executable <filepath>foo.exe</filepath>, at version 2.1, |
132 with UID3 <codeph>0x10011235</codeph>. </p> </entry> |
133 </row> |
134 <row> |
135 <entry><p> <codeph>log=<file-path></codeph> </p> </entry> |
136 <entry><p>Redirects console log messages to the specified file </p> </entry> |
137 </row> |
138 <row> |
139 <entry><p> <codeph>compressionmethod [none | inflate | bytepair]</codeph> </p> </entry> |
140 <entry><p>The compression method to be used to compress the files. The tool |
141 uses the <codeph>inflate</codeph> method by default. </p> <p>The following |
142 compression methods can be used: </p> <p><table id="GUID-66F65203-1E4F-56D9-9AB8-7D47420C0B3B"> |
143 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/> |
144 <tbody> |
145 <row> |
146 <entry><p>none </p> </entry> |
147 <entry><p>The files are not compressed. This is equivalent to using the <codeph>uncompressed</codeph> keyword. </p> <p> <b>Note</b>: |
148 The <codeph>uncompressed</codeph> keyword, when specified, takes precedence |
149 over any <codeph>compressionmethod</codeph>. </p> </entry> |
150 </row> |
151 <row> |
152 <entry><p>inflate </p> </entry> |
153 <entry><p>Compresses executable files using the default (Deflate, Huffman+LZ77) |
154 algorithm. </p> </entry> |
155 </row> |
156 <row> |
157 <entry><p>bytepair </p> </entry> |
158 <entry><p>Compresses executable files using the bytepair algorithm. Bytepair |
159 compression allows faster decompression than the default Deflate, Huffman+LZ77 |
160 algorithm and supports demand paging by performing compression and decompression |
161 of code in independent 4KB pages. </p> </entry> |
162 </row> |
163 </tbody> |
164 </tgroup> |
165 </table> </p> </entry> |
166 </row> |
167 <row> |
168 <entry><p> <codeph>namedlookup</codeph> </p> </entry> |
169 <entry><p>Enables symbol lookup by name using the <xref href="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/dlsym.html" scope="external">dlsym</xref> Open Group API. This option has an impact on |
170 the binary size as Symbian platform binaries do not include symbol information |
171 by default. </p> <p> <b>Note</b>: If the tool is invoked by the Symbian platform |
172 build toolchain, symbol lookup is enabled for the <codeph>STDEXE</codeph> and <codeph>STDDLL</codeph> target |
173 types only. To enable symbol lookup for other target types, the tool must |
174 be invoked independently. </p> </entry> |
175 </row> |
176 <row> |
177 <entry><p> <codeph>noexportlibrary</codeph> </p> </entry> |
178 <entry><p>Suppress implicit exports. </p> <p>As part of the library exports, |
179 the RVCT tools generate items not marked as <codeph>EXPORT_C</codeph> in the |
180 source code. These include Virtual Table and Run-time Type Information entries. |
181 Specifying this option causes the tool not to include these exports. </p> <p>For |
182 background information, see <filepath>cedar\generic\tools\documentation\Migrating_from_RVCT21_build_328_to_build_416_v1.0.doc</filepath>. </p> <p>The default is to include these items generated by RVCT. </p> </entry> |
183 </row> |
184 <row> |
185 <entry><p> <codeph>output=<file-path></codeph> </p> </entry> |
186 <entry><p>Output E32 image file name. </p> </entry> |
187 </row> |
188 <row> |
189 <entry><p> <codeph>sid=<secure-ID></codeph> </p> </entry> |
190 <entry><p>Secure ID (SID) of the executable. </p> <p>An SID identifies an |
191 executable uniquely on a phone. This allows service providers such as servers |
192 to make security checks on the basis of the executable making the request. </p> </entry> |
193 </row> |
194 <row> |
195 <entry><p> <codeph>stack=<size></codeph> </p> </entry> |
196 <entry><p>Specifies the stack size for a process in bytes. </p> <p>The default |
197 is 0. </p> </entry> |
198 </row> |
199 <row> |
200 <entry><p> <codeph>sysdef=<ordinal-number>, <symbol></codeph> </p> </entry> |
201 <entry><p>This option forces the specified symbol to be exported at the specified |
202 ordinal position. </p> <p>This is required for some target types (polymorphic |
203 DLLs). </p> </entry> |
204 </row> |
205 <row> |
206 <entry><p> <codeph>targettype=<target-type></codeph> </p> </entry> |
207 <entry><p>Target type. The vaild types are as specified by the mmp <xref href="GUID-9535CF67-7541-554E-BE5C-9FDDFDB58EA5.dita">targettype</xref> keyword. </p> <p>If <codeph>elfinput</codeph> is specified and there is no targettype, |
208 a <xref href="GUID-9605B59D-F9DB-4BA3-8C87-1C5205976CBB.dita#GUID-9605B59D-F9DB-4BA3-8C87-1C5205976CBB/GUID-cd54fdec-8587-4d01-b839-d23af95c76b8">Custom |
209 target</xref> is assumed. </p> <p>An <codeph>IMPLIB</codeph> target is assumed |
210 if <codeph>--elfinput</codeph> is not specified and <codeph>-deffilein</codeph> is |
211 specified. </p> </entry> |
212 </row> |
213 <row> |
214 <entry><p> <codeph>uid1=<UID></codeph> </p> </entry> |
215 <entry><p>UID 1 value for output executable. </p> </entry> |
216 </row> |
217 <row> |
218 <entry><p> <codeph>uid2=<UID></codeph> </p> </entry> |
219 <entry><p>UID 2 value for output executable. </p> <p>The default is 0. </p> </entry> |
220 </row> |
221 <row> |
222 <entry><p> <codeph>uid3=<UID></codeph> </p> </entry> |
223 <entry><p>UID 3 value for output executable. </p> <p>The default is 0. </p> </entry> |
224 </row> |
225 <row> |
226 <entry><p> <codeph>uncompressed</codeph> </p> </entry> |
227 <entry><p>Specifies that the target executable must not be compressed. </p> <p>By |
228 default, the target executable is compressed. </p> </entry> |
229 </row> |
230 <row> |
231 <entry><p> <codeph>unfrozen</codeph> </p> </entry> |
232 <entry><p>Specifies that the input DEF file (specified with <codeph>--definput</codeph>) |
233 is not treated as frozen. This means that the tool will not report errors |
234 if the executable does not contain symbols that are specified in the DEF file. </p> </entry> |
235 </row> |
236 <row> |
237 <entry><p> <codeph>vid</codeph> </p> </entry> |
238 <entry><p>Vendor ID (VID) of the executable. </p> <p>A VID allows service |
239 providers such as servers to make security checks on the basis of the supplier |
240 of the executable making the request. </p> </entry> |
241 </row> |
242 </tbody> |
243 </tgroup> |
244 </table> <p>The following table specifies whether an option is required, optional |
245 or not applicable (N/A) for the main use cases of the tool (namely creating |
246 DLLs, EXEs, EXEs with exports (EXEXP target), and import libraries (IMPLIB |
247 target)). </p> <table id="GUID-E566D771-4098-5A82-8FBF-4C061D76BEEF"> |
248 <tgroup cols="5"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/><colspec colname="col3"/><colspec colname="col4"/> |
249 <tbody> |
250 <row> |
251 <entry><p> <b>Option</b> </p> </entry> |
252 <entry><p> <b>DLL (static/polymorphic)</b> </p> </entry> |
253 <entry><p> <b>EXE</b> </p> </entry> |
254 <entry><p> <b>EXEXP</b> </p> </entry> |
255 <entry><p> <b>IMPORT LIB</b> </p> </entry> |
256 </row> |
257 <row> |
258 <entry><p> <codeph>capability</codeph> </p> </entry> |
259 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
260 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
261 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
262 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
263 </row> |
264 <row> |
265 <entry><p> <codeph>debuggable</codeph> </p> </entry> |
266 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
267 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
268 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
269 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
270 </row> |
271 <row> |
272 <entry><p> <codeph>dlldata</codeph> </p> </entry> |
273 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
274 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
275 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
276 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
277 </row> |
278 <row> |
279 <entry><p> <codeph>definput</codeph> </p> </entry> |
280 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
281 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
282 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
283 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
284 </row> |
285 <row> |
286 <entry><p> <codeph>defoutput</codeph> </p> </entry> |
287 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
288 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
289 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
290 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
291 </row> |
292 <row> |
293 <entry><p> <codeph>dso</codeph> </p> </entry> |
294 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
295 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
296 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
297 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
298 </row> |
299 <row> |
300 <entry><p> <codeph>elfinput</codeph> </p> </entry> |
301 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
302 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
303 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
304 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
305 </row> |
306 <row> |
307 <entry><p> <codeph>fixedaddress</codeph> </p> </entry> |
308 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
309 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
310 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
311 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
312 </row> |
313 <row> |
314 <entry><p> <codeph>heap</codeph> </p> </entry> |
315 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
316 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
317 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
318 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
319 </row> |
320 <row> |
321 <entry><p> <codeph>libpath</codeph> </p> </entry> |
322 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
323 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
324 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
325 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
326 </row> |
327 <row> |
328 <entry><p> <codeph>linkas</codeph> </p> </entry> |
329 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
330 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
331 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
332 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
333 </row> |
334 <row> |
335 <entry><p> <codeph>noexportlibrary</codeph> </p> </entry> |
336 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
337 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
338 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
339 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
340 </row> |
341 <row> |
342 <entry><p> <codeph>output</codeph> </p> </entry> |
343 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
344 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
345 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
346 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
347 </row> |
348 <row> |
349 <entry><p> <codeph>sid</codeph> </p> </entry> |
350 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
351 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
352 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
353 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
354 </row> |
355 <row> |
356 <entry><p> <codeph>stack</codeph> </p> </entry> |
357 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
358 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
359 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
360 <entry><p>no </p> </entry> |
361 </row> |
362 <row> |
363 <entry><p> <codeph>sysdef</codeph> </p> </entry> |
364 <entry><p>Required for polymorphic DLL target types only </p> </entry> |
365 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
366 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
367 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
368 </row> |
369 <row> |
370 <entry><p> <codeph>targettype</codeph> </p> </entry> |
371 <entry><p>DLL, or polymorphic DLL target type </p> </entry> |
372 <entry><p>EXE </p> </entry> |
373 <entry><p>EXEXP </p> </entry> |
374 <entry><p>IMPLIB </p> </entry> |
375 </row> |
376 <row> |
377 <entry><p> <codeph>uid1</codeph> </p> </entry> |
378 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
379 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
380 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
381 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
382 </row> |
383 <row> |
384 <entry><p> <codeph>uid2</codeph> </p> </entry> |
385 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
386 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
387 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
388 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
389 </row> |
390 <row> |
391 <entry><p> <codeph>uid3</codeph> </p> </entry> |
392 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
393 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
394 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
395 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
396 </row> |
397 <row> |
398 <entry><p> <codeph>uncompressed</codeph> </p> </entry> |
399 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
400 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
401 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
402 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
403 </row> |
404 <row> |
405 <entry><p> <codeph>unfrozen</codeph> </p> </entry> |
406 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
407 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
408 <entry><p>optional </p> </entry> |
409 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
410 </row> |
411 <row> |
412 <entry><p> <codeph>vid</codeph> </p> </entry> |
413 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
414 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
415 <entry><p>required </p> </entry> |
416 <entry><p>N/A </p> </entry> |
417 </row> |
418 </tbody> |
419 </tgroup> |
420 </table> </section> |
421 </conbody></concept> |