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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-2344B900-5EC5-4467-BEAD-AB55C88CE63E" xml:lang="en"><title>Stack
    13 Implementation Guide</title><shortdesc>How to implement the platform-specific class for an SDIO stack
    14 of an SDIO-based hardware component.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    15 <p>The stack is provided by the <xref href="GUID-908B4DA8-8E1C-3B38-90FF-14EC52277B91.dita"><apiname>DSDIOStack</apiname></xref> class. The developers
    16 porting the SDIO Controller must derive the <codeph>DSDIOStack</codeph> class
    17 and implement three platform-specific functions: <codeph>IssueMMCCommandSM()</codeph>, <codeph>EnableSDIOInterrupt()</codeph> and <codeph>MaxBlockSize()</codeph>. </p>
    18 <p>The following sections describe how to implement these functions in the <codeph>DMySdioStack</codeph> class
    19 derived from <codeph>DSIOStack</codeph>.</p>
    20 <section id="GUID-727CDF1D-9C0A-4793-8B27-DCC33A0D9E16"><title>Hardware registers</title><p>The <codeph>DMySdioStack</codeph> class
    21 needs to have access to the values and offsets of the SDIO configuration registers.
    22 Refer to the platform documentation and declare appropriate constants in the
    23 header file of the stack class. </p></section>
    24 <section id="GUID-94DC0BD9-0588-40A6-A9B9-5DBC2FDBA9E1"><title>IssueMMCCommandSM()</title><p>If
    25 you have not declared it already, declare the following function in the definition
    26 of <codeph>DMySdioStack</codeph>:<codeblock xml:space="preserve">TMMCErr IssueMMCCommandSM();</codeblock></p><p><xref href="GUID-908B4DA8-8E1C-3B38-90FF-14EC52277B91.dita#GUID-908B4DA8-8E1C-3B38-90FF-14EC52277B91/GUID-C4395EDB-2CB8-3BA7-A1C6-6B65A3A1FC46"><apiname>DSDIOStack::IssueMMCCommandSM()</apiname></xref> handles the commands to the bus and must be extended to support the SDIO
    27 protocol. See also <xref href="GUID-E194A923-99E7-5DC1-BB78-D050A4793A60.dita#GUID-E194A923-99E7-5DC1-BB78-D050A4793A60/GUID-3E6B3479-39B6-47BA-BD1A-18EA2F2A8597">DSDStack::IssueMMCCommandsSM()</xref>.</p><p>Rely on the platform documentation to perform the operations and
    28 update appropriate hardware registers when you intercept the following commands:<ul>
    29 <li><p><codeph>IO_OP_COND</codeph> (CMD5)</p></li>
    30 <li><p><codeph>IO_RW_DIRECT</codeph> (CMD52)</p></li>
    31 <li><p><codeph>IO_RW_EXTENDED</codeph> (CMD53)</p></li>
    32 </ul></p><p>You should also handle the additional <codeph>IO_SEND_OP_COND</codeph> (R4)
    33 and <codeph>IO_RW_DIRECT</codeph> (R5) responses.</p><p>In the following example,
    34 the hypothetical hardware platform has two requirements, which are implemented
    35 by the <codeph>IssueMMCCommandSM()</codeph> function. The function disables
    36 the CRC7 check when receiving an R4 response to an CMD5 command, and disables
    37 the SDIO interrupt before issuing a CMD52 command.<codeblock xml:space="preserve">void DMySdioStack::IssueMMCCommandSM()
    38 	{
    39 	TMMCCommandDesc&amp; cmd = Command();
    40 	...
    41 	// CMD5 
    42 	// Disable the CRC7 check for R4 responses
    43 	if (cmd.iCommand == ECmd5)
    44 		{	    
    45 		// Clear the MMC_CRC7_R4_ENABLE bit
    46 		// MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT0 is a 32-bit hardware register for SDIO in slot 0
    47 		AsspRegister::Modify32(MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT0, MMC_CRC7_R4_ENABLE, 0);
    48 		}
    49 	else     
    50 		{
    51 		// Set the MMC_CRC7_R4_ENABLE bit
    52 		AsspRegister::Modify32(MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT0, 0, MMC_CRC7_R4_ENABLE);
    53 	    	}
    55 	// CMD52
    56 	// Disable SDIO interrupts for CMD 52	
    57 	if (cmd.iCommand == ECmd52)
    58 		{	    
    59 		EnableSDIOInterrupt(EFalse);
    60 		}
    61 	...
    62 	}
    63 </codeblock></p><p>As the SDIO Controller is instantiated at run-time, the
    64 memory used to support the SDIO transfer mechanisms must be allocated dynamically.
    65 Therefore, you can use two different types of memory and of data transfer: <ul>
    66 <li><p>Programmatic input/output using virtual memory</p></li>
    67 <li><p>DMA using physically-allocated <xref href="GUID-85454082-6734-3F1D-983F-734D4C2AB12D.dita"><apiname>DChunk</apiname></xref> objects.</p></li>
    68 </ul></p><p>The <codeph>KMMCCmdFlagDMARamValid</codeph> flag of the <xref href="GUID-6B3DDBFD-3A4A-3694-A058-7794700FEC7A.dita"><apiname>TMMCCommandDesc</apiname></xref> object
    69 indicates which kind of memory transfer to use. </p><p>If you use the Programmatic I/O method, you need to queue pending data transfers
    70 while you handle hardware interrupts. Your platform's documentation specifies
    71 which interrupts may be received during transfers.</p></section>
    72 <section id="GUID-21B00930-0D6E-464D-8F50-37355D189FE4"><title>EnableSDIOInterrupt()</title><p>Declare
    73 the following function in the definition of <codeph>DMySdioStack</codeph>:<codeblock xml:space="preserve">virtual void EnableSDIOInterrupt(TBool aEnable);</codeblock></p><p><xref href="GUID-908B4DA8-8E1C-3B38-90FF-14EC52277B91.dita#GUID-908B4DA8-8E1C-3B38-90FF-14EC52277B91/GUID-F547703F-62A6-359D-9AC6-818689DDE2DB"><apiname>DSDIOStack::EnableSDIOInterrupt()</apiname></xref> enables or disables
    74 the SDIO interrupt. </p><p>The following example is a typical implementation
    75 of <codeph>EnableSDIOInterrupt()</codeph>:<codeblock xml:space="preserve">void DMySdioStack::EnableSDIOInterrupt(TBool aEnable)
    76 	{
    77 	if (aEnable)
    78 		{
    79 		// Set the Interrupt Enable Master Bit
    80 		// MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT0 is a 32-bit hardware register for SDIO in slot 0
    81 		AsspRegister:: Modify32(MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT0, SDIO_IENM, 0);
    82 		}
    83 	else
    84 		{
    85 		// Set the Interrupt Enable Master Bit
    86 		AsspRegister:: Modify32(MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT0, 0, SDIO_IENM);
    87 		}
    88 	}
    89 </codeblock></p><p>You must also ensure that your interrupt handler checks
    90 the SDIO interrupt register and the card slot before forwarding the interrupt
    91 to the stack. <note>If checking the card slot is likely to take too long,
    92 use a DFC (Delayed Function Call) for the interrupt handler to preserve real-time
    93 performance.</note></p>The following example illustrates how to implement
    94 this aspect of the interrupt handler:<codeblock xml:space="preserve">void DMySdioInterrupt::Service(TAny* aSelf)
    95 	{
    96 	... 
    97 	// Get access to the stack
    98 	DPlatMMCStack* stack = (reinterpret_cast&lt;DMySdioInterrupt*&gt;(aSelf))-&gt;Stack();
   100 	// MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT0 is a 32-bit hardware register for SDIO in slot 0
   101 	TInt32 sdioReg = AsspRegister::Read32(MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT0);
   102 	// Test for the SDIO interrupt
   103 	if (sdioReg &amp; KMMC_SDIO_IntPending)
   104 		{
   105 		// Trigger the PIL’s interrupt handler for slot 0
   106 		stack-&gt;HandleSDIOInterrupt(0);
   107 		return;
   108 		}
   110 	// MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT1 is a 32-bit hardware register for SDIO in slot 1
   111 	sdioReg = AsspRegister::Read32(MMC_SDIO_REG_SLOT1);
   112 	// Test for the SDIO interrupt
   113 	if (sdioReg &amp; KMMC_SDIO_IntPending)
   114 		{
   115 		// Trigger the PIL’s interrupt handler for slot 1
   116 		stack-&gt;HandleSDIOInterrupt(1);
   117 		return;
   118 		}
   120 	...
   121 	}
   122 </codeblock></section>
   123 <section id="GUID-CF9A5D3D-E46D-4343-9A71-89128217C3F1"><title>MaxBlockSize() </title><p>Declare
   124 the following function in the definition of <codeph>DMySdioStack</codeph>:<codeblock xml:space="preserve">virtual TUint32 MaxBlockSize() const;</codeblock></p><p><xref href="GUID-908B4DA8-8E1C-3B38-90FF-14EC52277B91.dita#GUID-908B4DA8-8E1C-3B38-90FF-14EC52277B91/GUID-CE55D746-6F55-316B-86F3-6799F29F19B4"><apiname>DSDIOStack::MaxBlockSize()</apiname></xref> returns the maximum block size in bytes
   125 that can be transferred on the SDIO bus. Extended read/write commands require
   126 this information.</p><p>In the SD protocol, the block size must be a power
   127 of two. SDIO does not have the same constraint and the block size can be anything
   128 between 1 and 2048.</p><p>The following example is a typical implementation
   129 of <codeph>MaxBlockSize()</codeph>:<codeblock xml:space="preserve">TUint32 DMySdioStack::MaxBlockSize() const
   130 	{
   131 	return(512); 
   132 	}
   133 </codeblock></p></section>
   134 </conbody></concept>