1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE reference |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd"> |
12 <reference id="GUID-7082D222-72B8-580F-B4FD-D2934F1B3800-GENID-1-10-1-19-1-1-6-1-7-1-6-1-4-1" xml:lang="en"><title>S60 |
13 Platform: Audio Streaming Example </title><shortdesc>This example helps the user in understanding the available audio |
14 formats supported and how to do audio recording using Multimedia Framework. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><refbody> |
15 <section id="GUID-6EA435CA-266F-4DD5-ADDA-1AE3C831B0EE-GENID-1-10-1-19-1-1-6-1-7-1-6-1-4-1-3-1"><title>Description</title> <p>This C++ example application demonstrates |
16 the use of Audio Streaming API, which provides functionality for recording |
17 audio stream into a buffer, and for playback of the audio buffer. Besides |
18 playing, recording, and stopping the audio stream, the recorded audio stream |
19 can be saved into a file, to be played again later. The package includes PCM |
20 and AMR-NB encoded sample files. Audio Streaming API is part of the Symbian |
21 Multimedia Framework (MMF). The updated example has been tested to support |
22 S60 5th Edition and touch UI. Important classes: CMdaAudioInputStream, CMdaAudioOutputStream, |
23 MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback, MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback..</p> <p>For more |
24 information, click on this link : <xref href="http://www.forum.nokia.com/info/sw.nokia.com/id/8bee21ad-d39c-4b84-b0cd-5a54b556a70a/S60_Platform_Audio_Streaming_Example.html" scope="external">Audio Streaming Example.</xref></p> </section> |
25 <section id="GUID-85894902-2FB5-4340-B280-87FDC624E26F-GENID-1-10-1-19-1-1-6-1-7-1-6-1-4-1-3-2"><title>Download</title> <p>Click on the following link to download |
26 the example: <xref href="guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/zips/guid-90b3674d-2812-418b-8f00-74916bca2b55.zip" scope="external">MMFRec.zip file</xref></p><p>Click: <xref href="guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/guid-90b3674d-2812-418b-8f00-74916bca2b55.html" scope="peer">browse </xref> to view the example code.</p> </section> |
27 <section id="GUID-DEFCF4B9-452A-5EAF-ABD3-BC4F6FBD528B-GENID-1-10-1-19-1-1-6-1-7-1-6-1-4-1-3-3"><title>Building and |
28 configuring</title> <p>To build the example: </p> <p>You can build the example |
29 from your IDE or the command line. </p> <p>If you use an IDE, import the <filepath>bld.inf</filepath> file |
30 of the example into your IDE, and use the build command of the IDE. </p> <p>If |
31 you use the command line, open a command prompt, and set the current directory |
32 to the source code directory of the example. You can then build the example |
33 with the SBSv1 build tools with the following commands: </p> <p><userinput>bldmake |
34 bldfiles</userinput> </p> <p><userinput>abld build</userinput> </p> <p><xref href="GUID-793A5EF9-CC16-5EEB-9011-6431EA76EB15.dita">How to use bldmake</xref> and <xref href="GUID-B6B54E07-3B34-5D5C-8815-93383FA8FB4B.dita">How to use abld</xref> describe |
35 how to use the SBSv1 build tools. </p> <p>For the emulator, the example builds |
36 an executable called <filepath>mmfrec.exe.exe</filepath> in the <filepath>epoc32\release\winscw\<udeb |
37 or urel>\</filepath> folder. </p> </section> |
38 <section id="GUID-EBDD6313-0188-5D9D-94DB-E9D7B373A741-GENID-1-10-1-19-1-1-6-1-7-1-6-1-4-1-3-4"><title>Running the |
39 example</title> <p>When running the example, the user is presented with various |
40 menu options that are self explanatory. </p> </section> |
41 <section id="GUID-42DBF93F-BBF1-4C73-B555-B2BC49C1E74A-GENID-1-10-1-19-1-1-6-1-7-1-6-1-4-1-3-5"><title>See also:</title><p><xref href="GUID-D62A282E-9DEA-5EF3-A606-20647BC5049D.dita">Audio |
42 Client Overview</xref></p></section> |
43 </refbody></reference> |