changeset 1 25a17d01db0c
child 3 46218c8b8afa
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-E6F4AC4E-7065-53BD-B9B3-B85D4257ED3C.dita	Fri Jan 22 18:26:19 2010 +0000
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
+"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
+and is available at the URL "". -->
+<!-- Initial Contributors:
+    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<!DOCTYPE task
+  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
+<task xml:lang="en" id="GUID-E6F4AC4E-7065-53BD-B9B3-B85D4257ED3C"><title>Read the Test Logs </title><shortdesc>This section describes the test logs produced by PSY tester </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody><context><p>PSY Tester writes test logs for its tests. The logs indicate if a test was successful. A separate log file is produced for each tested PSY. </p> </context> <steps-unordered><step id="GUID-5F6E444F-F62B-50F4-87FE-E161A7AE86F6"><cmd>Open and read a test log file </cmd> <info>PSY Tester writes a separate log file for each PSY that was tested. The log filename is of the form <filepath>&lt;PSYNAME&gt;_&lt;UID&gt;.txt</filepath> (for example <filepath>TestPSY5Status_01ff0018.txt</filepath>). </info> <info>Log files are stored in <filepath>C:\logs\psytester</filepath>. </info> <info>The log file begins with a header that contains the same information as in the PSY Tester List View: implementation name, implementation UID and version number. </info> <info>The different test parameters specified in the PSY Tester resource file are then logged. </info> <info>There is a test header for every test performed. It declares the name of the test and the time and date when the test was performed. All test headers begin with a line of ‘*’ characters. </info> <info>At the end of the log, there is a summary that gives the total number of messages of different types: <codeph>Info</codeph>, <codeph>Warning</codeph> and <codeph>Error</codeph>. Note that for repeated tests for the same PSY, the output is appended in the log file. </info> <info>The example log below shows the contents of the log file that is generated when testing a PSY called <codeph>TestPSY5Status</codeph>. It shows the test output with a number of <codeph>Info</codeph> information messages. If there is a problem with the test, <codeph>Error</codeph> and <codeph>Warning</codeph> are written in the log. </info> <info>For some complex tests, the results in the log are divided into sections by delimiters. A number of ‘=’ characters together with some information text marks a section of results, and in some cases, these subsections are divided into separate subsections that are marked with a number of ‘-‘ characters. </info> <info>If a log file contains only <codeph>Info</codeph> messages, the PSY has sucessfully passed the tests. </info> <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-8B66AB60-AC44-5857-ABB9-EE5D0E08CD21" xml:space="preserve">********************************************************************
+PSY Name: Test PSY5 Status
+PSY Uid: [01ff0018]
+PSY Version: 1
+PSY Tester Parameters.
+Number of Memory Requests: 1000
+Number of Location Requests: 25
+Number of Partial Update Requests: 20
+Number of Stress Test Instances: 20
+Number of Multiple Session Test Instances: 3
+Number of Multiple Session Cancel Test Instances: 2
+Heap Size Percentage Level: 10
+Time To Fix Threshold: 3
+Horizontal Accuracy Threshold: 3
+Vertical Accuracy Threshold: 3
+Maxage Max Test Time: 30
+Max Horizontal Accuracy: 50000
+Max Vertical Accuracy: 5000
+Reasonable Horizontal Accuracy: 1000
+Reasonable Vertical Accuracy: 200
+Max Time To First Fix: 30000000
+PSY Central Repository Capability Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:58:45
+Info: All the PSY Central Repository values are protected with proper capabilities
+Parameter Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:58:45
+Info: PSYInterfaceVersion = 1
+Info: PSYPriority = PriorityAuto
+Info: PSYAvailability = Available
+Info: TimeToFirstFix = 12000000 µs
+Info: TimeToFix = 6000000 µs
+Info: VerticalAccuracy = 20.000000 m
+Info: HorizontalAccuracy = 20.000000 m
+Info: CostIndicator = CostUnknown
+Info: PowerConsumption = PowerHigh
+Info: TechnologyType = 2
+Info: DeviceLocation = DeviceExternal
+Info: Horizontal Capability supported as well as necessary TPositionInfo class
+Info: Vertical Capability not supported
+Info: Speed Capability not supported
+Info: Direction Capability not supported
+Info: Satellite Capability not supported
+Info: Compass Capability not supported
+Info: NMEA Capability not supported
+Info: Address Capability not supported
+Info: Building Capability not supported
+Info: Media Capability not supported
+Info: TPositionInfo and HPositionGenericInfo classes supported
+Info: TPositionCourseInfo class not supported
+Info: TPositionSatelliteInfo class not supported
+Info: Quality Timeout: 10 s
+Info: PSY is visible
+MaxAge Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:58:45
+Info: PSY doesn't support MaxAge for TPositionInfo.
+Info: PSY doesn't support MaxAge for HPositionGenericInfo.
+Memory Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:58:46
+Info: Stack size: 16384 bytes
+Info: Min heap size: 396 bytes, Max heap size: 396 bytes
+Partial Update Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:58:48
+Info: Number of partial updates: 0 out of 20 requests.
+Uid-ECom Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:58:52
+Info: UID retrieved and it was correct.
+Cancel Request Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:58:53
+Info: Cancel of request worked properly, request completed with KErrCancel
+Location Request Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:58:53
+Info: Time to first fix less or equal than specified.
+==== Testing capabilities with TPositionInfo ====
+Info: All Requests returned correct UID number in position object
+Info: 0 of 24  of TimeToFix values are greater than specified value
+Info: All requests returned correct time in position object
+---- Testing Horizontal Capability ----
+Info: 1/3 or less of horizontal values outside specified accuracy interval.
+Number of values outside interval: 0 of 25
+---- Testing Vertical Capability ----
+Info: Vertical Capability not checked because capability not supported
+==== Testing capabilities with HPositionGenericInfo ====
+Info: All Requests returned correct UID number in position object
+Info: 0 of 24  of TimeToFix values are greater than specified value
+Info: All requests returned correct time in position object
+---- Testing Horizontal Capability ----
+Info: 1/3 or less of horizontal values outside specified accuracy interval.
+Number of values outside interval: 0 of 25
+---- Testing Vertical Capability ----
+Info: Vertical Capability not checked because capability not supported
+---- Testing Speed Capability ----
+Info: Speed capability not supported
+---- Testing Direction Capability ----
+Info: Direction capability not supported
+---- Testing Satellite Capability ----
+Info: Satellite capability not supported
+---- Testing Compass Capability ----
+Info: Compass Capability not checked because capability not supported
+---- Testing NMEA Capability ----
+Info: NMEA Capability not checked because capability not supported
+---- Testing Address Capability ----
+Info: Address Capability not checked because capability not supported
+---- Testing Media Capability ----
+Info: Media Capability not checked because capability not supported
+---- Testing Building Capability ----
+Info: Building capability not supported
+Info: Location request tests not performed with TPositionCourseInfo because PSY
+didn't support it.
+Info: Location request tests not performed with TPositionSatelliteInfo because
+PSY didn't support it.
+Update Interval Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:59:3
+Info: Update Interval (Tracking) not supported.
+Monitor Status Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:59:3
+Info: Status updates seems not to be supported
+Clear Position Data Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:59:8
+==== Testing clearing of TPositionInfo ====
+Info: All TPositionInfo fields were cleared for TPositionInfo
+==== Testing clearing of HPositionGenericInfo ====
+Info: All TPositionInfo fields were cleared for HPositionGenericInfo
+Info: All HPositionGenericInfo fields were cleared for HPositionGenericInfo
+==== Testing clearing of TPositionCourseInfo ====
+Info: Clearing of position data tests not performed with TPositionCourseInfo because PSY didn't support it.
+==== Testing clearing of TPositionSatelliteInfo ====
+Info: Clearing of position data tests not performed with TPositionSatelliteInfo because PSY didn't support it.
+Monitor Thread Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:59:8
+Process monitoring is not performed on emulator
+Multiple Session Test
+Test date and time : 2003/11/19 13:59:8
+=== Testing multiple sessions ===
+Info: PSY probably uses Request Bundling
+Info: 0 of 3 TimeToFix values are greater than specified value
+Info: All requests returned correct UID number
+Info: 3 of 3 requests returned with KErrNone
+=== Testing multiple sessions with cancel, canceling 2 of 3 requests ===
+Info: 0 of 3 TimeToFix values are greater than specified value
+Info: All requests returned correct UID number
+Info: 2 of 3 requests returned with KErrCancel
+Info: 1 of 3 requests returned with KErrNone
+===Stress testing multiple sessions ===
+Info: 0 of 20 TimeToFix values are greater than specified value
+Info: All requests returned correct UID number
+Info: 20 of 20 requests returned with KErrNone
+Testing completed! Number of Errors = 0 | Number of Warnings = 0 | Number of Infos = 70
+</codeblock> </stepxmp> </step> </steps-unordered> <postreq><p>For information about handling problems or errors read <xref href="GUID-24CBC72E-D971-5587-9049-1AA53547E1F5.dita">Handle errors and problems</xref>. </p> </postreq> </taskbody><related-links><link href="GUID-5EED00FE-F39D-5942-BA22-1F286EFF38AA.dita"><linktext>PSY
+                Tester Tutorial</linktext> </link> </related-links></task>
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