--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-675D02F1-E7B1-4869-9213-8D0C2E0CC50D.dita Thu Mar 11 15:24:26 2010 +0000
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-675D02F1-E7B1-4869-9213-8D0C2E0CC50D.dita Thu Mar 11 18:02:22 2010 +0000
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
-<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
-"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
-and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
-<!-- Initial Contributors:
- Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-<!DOCTYPE concept
- PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
-<concept id="GUID-675D02F1-E7B1-4869-9213-8D0C2E0CC50D" xml:lang="en"><title>Adding,
-Removing and Accessing Header Field Parts</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
-<section id="GUID-F273A4FC-D2C7-45A2-A2CA-12D9B6C8531C"> <p>Header field parts are added by repeated invocation of the <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-A8708AE6-8EAE-37C9-BAD2-87E4A7DCE266"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL()</apiname></xref> method.
-On the first invocation, when no field of that name exists in the header,
-a new field is created with a single part. On subsequent invocations, additional
-parts are added to the existing header field. </p> <p>This behaviour is consistent
-with HTTP/1.1 in which: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-16F90813-AABE-5855-A7EB-6CB4C4D52225" xml:space="preserve">Accept: text/*, text/html</codeblock> <p>is
-preferable to </p> <codeblock id="GUID-7290C356-D37B-5A79-9C11-470D500647CC" xml:space="preserve">Accept: text/* text/html</codeblock> <p>Although
-the two are semantically equivalent, the API will not output the second variant
-under any circumstance. </p> <p>When parts are added to a header field, they
-are given an index number. The first part to be added has index 0, the second
-is index 1, and so on. This index is necessary when identifying parts for
-retrieval (using <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-E89FA67E-7E0B-3C37-B920-B6E594A31BFE"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::GetField()</apiname></xref>). </p> <p>To
-remove a single header field part, <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-656EF7AC-479E-3408-B00C-9FAE3022A37B"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::RemoveFieldPart()</apiname></xref> is
-used, specifying a part index. To remove a header field entirely, <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-2C6BE5F2-E486-39E9-8594-2E5A5E936C1A"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::RemoveField()</apiname></xref> is
-used. </p> <p>Part values are accessed using <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-E89FA67E-7E0B-3C37-B920-B6E594A31BFE"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::GetField()</apiname></xref>.
-The client must supply a part index and an uninitialized <xref href="GUID-DEE8279A-3BEC-316F-97B8-6C49FEDBD5B3.dita"><apiname>THTTPHdrVal</apiname></xref>,
-which will be filled by the method. This example, from <filepath>HTTPEXAMPLECLIENT</filepath>,
-retrieves all response headers and prints their values: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-034F2800-1177-5E78-8253-134E5B2C2323" xml:space="preserve">void CHttpEventHandler::DumpRespHeadersL(RHTTPTransaction& aTrans)
- {
- RHTTPResponse resp = aTrans.Response();
- RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();
- RHTTPHeaders hdr = resp.GetHeaderCollection();
- THTTPHdrFieldIter it = hdr.Fields();
- TBuf<KMaxHeaderNameLen> fieldName16;
- TBuf<KMaxHeaderValueLen> fieldVal16;
- while (it.AtEnd() == EFalse)
- {
- RStringTokenF fieldName = it();
- RStringF fieldNameStr = strP.StringF(fieldName);
- THTTPHdrVal fieldVal;
- if (hdr.GetField(fieldNameStr,0,fieldVal) == KErrNone)
- {
- const TDesC8& fieldNameDesC = fieldNameStr.DesC();
- fieldName16.Copy(fieldNameDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderNameLen));
- switch (fieldVal.Type())
- {
- case THTTPHdrVal::KTIntVal:
- iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %d\n"), &fieldName16, fieldVal.Int());
- break;
- case THTTPHdrVal::KStrFVal:
- {
- RStringF fieldValStr = strP.StringF(fieldVal.StrF());
- const TDesC8& fieldValDesC = fieldValStr.DesC();
- fieldVal16.Copy(fieldValDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderValueLen));
- iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &fieldVal16);
- fieldValStr.Close();
- }
- break;
- case THTTPHdrVal::KStrVal:
- {
- RString fieldValStr = strP.String(fieldVal.Str());
- const TDesC8& fieldValDesC = fieldValStr.DesC();
- fieldVal16.Copy(fieldValDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderValueLen));
- iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &fieldVal16);
- fieldValStr.Close();
- }
- break;
- case THTTPHdrVal::KDateVal:
- {
- TDateTime date = fieldVal.DateTime();
- TBuf<40> dateTimeString;
- TTime t(date);
- t.FormatL(dateTimeString,KDateFormat);
- iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &dateTimeString);
- }
- break;
- default:
- iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: <unrecognised value type>\n"), &fieldName16);
- break;
- }
- ...
- }
- // Advance the iterator to get the next field
- ++it;
- }
- }</codeblock> <p>Note that in this example, only the first part of each
-header field is displayed. </p> </section>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
+"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
+and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
+<!-- Initial Contributors:
+ Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<!DOCTYPE concept
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
+<concept id="GUID-675D02F1-E7B1-4869-9213-8D0C2E0CC50D" xml:lang="en"><title>Adding,
+Removing and Accessing Header Field Parts</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
+<section id="GUID-F273A4FC-D2C7-45A2-A2CA-12D9B6C8531C"> <p>Header field parts are added by repeated invocation of the <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-A8708AE6-8EAE-37C9-BAD2-87E4A7DCE266"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL()</apiname></xref> method.
+On the first invocation, when no field of that name exists in the header,
+a new field is created with a single part. On subsequent invocations, additional
+parts are added to the existing header field. </p> <p>This behaviour is consistent
+with HTTP/1.1 in which: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-16F90813-AABE-5855-A7EB-6CB4C4D52225" xml:space="preserve">Accept: text/*, text/html</codeblock> <p>is
+preferable to </p> <codeblock id="GUID-7290C356-D37B-5A79-9C11-470D500647CC" xml:space="preserve">Accept: text/* text/html</codeblock> <p>Although
+the two are semantically equivalent, the API will not output the second variant
+under any circumstance. </p> <p>When parts are added to a header field, they
+are given an index number. The first part to be added has index 0, the second
+is index 1, and so on. This index is necessary when identifying parts for
+retrieval (using <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-E89FA67E-7E0B-3C37-B920-B6E594A31BFE"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::GetField()</apiname></xref>). </p> <p>To
+remove a single header field part, <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-656EF7AC-479E-3408-B00C-9FAE3022A37B"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::RemoveFieldPart()</apiname></xref> is
+used, specifying a part index. To remove a header field entirely, <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-2C6BE5F2-E486-39E9-8594-2E5A5E936C1A"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::RemoveField()</apiname></xref> is
+used. </p> <p>Part values are accessed using <xref href="GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9.dita#GUID-54F9A87B-FE2F-3429-9793-0A24B83466B9/GUID-E89FA67E-7E0B-3C37-B920-B6E594A31BFE"><apiname>RHTTPHeaders::GetField()</apiname></xref>.
+The client must supply a part index and an uninitialized <xref href="GUID-DEE8279A-3BEC-316F-97B8-6C49FEDBD5B3.dita"><apiname>THTTPHdrVal</apiname></xref>,
+which will be filled by the method. This example, from <filepath>HTTPEXAMPLECLIENT</filepath>,
+retrieves all response headers and prints their values: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-034F2800-1177-5E78-8253-134E5B2C2323" xml:space="preserve">void CHttpEventHandler::DumpRespHeadersL(RHTTPTransaction& aTrans)
+ {
+ RHTTPResponse resp = aTrans.Response();
+ RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();
+ RHTTPHeaders hdr = resp.GetHeaderCollection();
+ THTTPHdrFieldIter it = hdr.Fields();
+ TBuf<KMaxHeaderNameLen> fieldName16;
+ TBuf<KMaxHeaderValueLen> fieldVal16;
+ while (it.AtEnd() == EFalse)
+ {
+ RStringTokenF fieldName = it();
+ RStringF fieldNameStr = strP.StringF(fieldName);
+ THTTPHdrVal fieldVal;
+ if (hdr.GetField(fieldNameStr,0,fieldVal) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ const TDesC8& fieldNameDesC = fieldNameStr.DesC();
+ fieldName16.Copy(fieldNameDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderNameLen));
+ switch (fieldVal.Type())
+ {
+ case THTTPHdrVal::KTIntVal:
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %d\n"), &fieldName16, fieldVal.Int());
+ break;
+ case THTTPHdrVal::KStrFVal:
+ {
+ RStringF fieldValStr = strP.StringF(fieldVal.StrF());
+ const TDesC8& fieldValDesC = fieldValStr.DesC();
+ fieldVal16.Copy(fieldValDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderValueLen));
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &fieldVal16);
+ fieldValStr.Close();
+ }
+ break;
+ case THTTPHdrVal::KStrVal:
+ {
+ RString fieldValStr = strP.String(fieldVal.Str());
+ const TDesC8& fieldValDesC = fieldValStr.DesC();
+ fieldVal16.Copy(fieldValDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderValueLen));
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &fieldVal16);
+ fieldValStr.Close();
+ }
+ break;
+ case THTTPHdrVal::KDateVal:
+ {
+ TDateTime date = fieldVal.DateTime();
+ TBuf<40> dateTimeString;
+ TTime t(date);
+ t.FormatL(dateTimeString,KDateFormat);
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &dateTimeString);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: <unrecognised value type>\n"), &fieldName16);
+ break;
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ // Advance the iterator to get the next field
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }</codeblock> <p>Note that in this example, only the first part of each
+header field is displayed. </p> </section>
\ No newline at end of file