--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-07DD47FD-86B7-4AFD-BEDB-DF6EA12DFC6C.dita Tue Jul 20 12:00:49 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-07DD47FD-86B7-4AFD-BEDB-DF6EA12DFC6C.dita Fri Aug 13 16:47:46 2010 +0100
@@ -1,125 +1,125 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
-<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
-"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
-and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
-<!-- Initial Contributors:
- Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-<!DOCTYPE concept
- PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
-<concept id="GUID-07DD47FD-86B7-4AFD-BEDB-DF6EA12DFC6C" xml:lang="en"><title>Using
-button states</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
-<p>The states can also be added to button dynamically. To add button states
-as required, use the method <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknButton.html#656fd550a246e6c2b77bf96939dad6d2" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>AddStateL()</codeph></xref> in the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknButton.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CAknButton</codeph></xref>. </p>
-<codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Add state with button text and help text
-HBufC* stateText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_MYAPP_BUTTON_TEXT );
-HBufC* stateHelpText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_MYAPP_BUTTON_TEXT );
-button->AddStateL( 0, 0, 0, 0, *stateText, *stateHelpText, 0 );
-CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // stateText, stateHelpText
-// Add state with icon
-#include <avkon.mbg>
-TPtrC8 pathPtr( ( TUint8* ) AVKON_BITMAP_FILE );
-HBufC *filePath = HBufC::NewLC( pathPtr.Length() );
-filePath->Des().Copy( pathPtr );
-button->AddStateL( *filePath,
- EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down,
- EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask,
- 0, 0,
- EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down,
- EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask,
- 0, 0,
- KNullDesC, KNullDesC, 0,
- KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDown,
- KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDownInactive,
- KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDownSelected,
- KAknsIIDDefault );
-CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filePath );
-<p>The following sample code defines three different kinds of buttons with
-button states in a resource file.</p>
-<codeblock xml:space="preserve">#include <avkon.mbg>
-#include <aknsconstants.hrh>
-RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_command_button
- {
- flags = 0;
- states =
- {
- {
- bmpfile = AVKON_BITMAP_FILE;
- bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down;
- bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask;
- press_bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down;
- press_bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask;
- helptxt = "Volume down";
- // Skinning support for state icon
- extension = r_myapp_command_button_extension;
- }
- };
- }
-RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON_STATE_EXTENSION r_myapp_command_button_extension
- {
- bmbSkinIdMajor = EAknsMajorGeneric;
- bmbSkinIdMinor = EAknsMinorGenericQgnIndiVolumeArrowDown;
- }
-RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_onoff_button
- {
- flags = 0;
- states =
- {
- {
- txt = "Off";
- helptxt = "Turn on";
- },
- {
- flags = KAknButtonStateHasLatchedFrame;
- txt = "On";
- helptxt = "Turn off";
- }
- };
- }
-RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_mode_button
- {
- flags = 0;
- states =
- {
- {
- txt = "Mode 1";
- helptxt = "Switch to 2";
- },
- {
- txt = "Mode 2";
- helptxt = "Switch to 3";
- },
- {
- txt = "Mode 3";
- helptxt = "Switch to 1";
- }
- };
- }
-<p>To set current state for the button, use the method <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknButton.html#19d9e952ed9002fcb6fc3f15dfe5583a" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>SetCurrentState()</codeph></xref> in the class <codeph>CAknButton</codeph>.
-To get a pointer to the current state of the button, use <codeph>State()</codeph> method.
-The index of the current state can be acquired with the method <codeph>CAknButton::StateIndex()</codeph>.</p>
-<codeblock xml:space="preserve">if ( button->StateIndex() == 0 )
- button->SetCurrentState( 1, ETrue );
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
+"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
+and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
+<!-- Initial Contributors:
+ Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<!DOCTYPE concept
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
+<concept id="GUID-07DD47FD-86B7-4AFD-BEDB-DF6EA12DFC6C" xml:lang="en"><title>Using
+button states</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
+<p>The states can also be added to button dynamically. To add button states
+as required, use the method <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknButton.html#656fd550a246e6c2b77bf96939dad6d2" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>AddStateL()</codeph></xref> in the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknButton.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CAknButton</codeph></xref>. </p>
+<codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Add state with button text and help text
+HBufC* stateText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_MYAPP_BUTTON_TEXT );
+HBufC* stateHelpText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_MYAPP_BUTTON_TEXT );
+button->AddStateL( 0, 0, 0, 0, *stateText, *stateHelpText, 0 );
+CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // stateText, stateHelpText
+// Add state with icon
+#include <avkon.mbg>
+TPtrC8 pathPtr( ( TUint8* ) AVKON_BITMAP_FILE );
+HBufC *filePath = HBufC::NewLC( pathPtr.Length() );
+filePath->Des().Copy( pathPtr );
+button->AddStateL( *filePath,
+ EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down,
+ EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask,
+ 0, 0,
+ EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down,
+ EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask,
+ 0, 0,
+ KNullDesC, KNullDesC, 0,
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDown,
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDownInactive,
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiVolumeArrowDownSelected,
+ KAknsIIDDefault );
+CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filePath );
+<p>The following sample code defines three different kinds of buttons with
+button states in a resource file.</p>
+<codeblock xml:space="preserve">#include <avkon.mbg>
+#include <aknsconstants.hrh>
+RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_command_button
+ {
+ flags = 0;
+ states =
+ {
+ {
+ bmpfile = AVKON_BITMAP_FILE;
+ bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down;
+ bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask;
+ press_bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down;
+ press_bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_volume_arrow_down_mask;
+ helptxt = "Volume down";
+ // Skinning support for state icon
+ extension = r_myapp_command_button_extension;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON_STATE_EXTENSION r_myapp_command_button_extension
+ {
+ bmbSkinIdMajor = EAknsMajorGeneric;
+ bmbSkinIdMinor = EAknsMinorGenericQgnIndiVolumeArrowDown;
+ }
+RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_onoff_button
+ {
+ flags = 0;
+ states =
+ {
+ {
+ txt = "Off";
+ helptxt = "Turn on";
+ },
+ {
+ flags = KAknButtonStateHasLatchedFrame;
+ txt = "On";
+ helptxt = "Turn off";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+RESOURCE AVKON_BUTTON r_myapp_mode_button
+ {
+ flags = 0;
+ states =
+ {
+ {
+ txt = "Mode 1";
+ helptxt = "Switch to 2";
+ },
+ {
+ txt = "Mode 2";
+ helptxt = "Switch to 3";
+ },
+ {
+ txt = "Mode 3";
+ helptxt = "Switch to 1";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+<p>To set current state for the button, use the method <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknButton.html#19d9e952ed9002fcb6fc3f15dfe5583a" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>SetCurrentState()</codeph></xref> in the class <codeph>CAknButton</codeph>.
+To get a pointer to the current state of the button, use <codeph>State()</codeph> method.
+The index of the current state can be acquired with the method <codeph>CAknButton::StateIndex()</codeph>.</p>
+<codeblock xml:space="preserve">if ( button->StateIndex() == 0 )
+ button->SetCurrentState( 1, ETrue );
\ No newline at end of file