--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-AC53C0A0-6990-4BF8-91E9-9AE14169A7BC.dita Tue Jul 20 12:00:49 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-AC53C0A0-6990-4BF8-91E9-9AE14169A7BC.dita Fri Aug 13 16:47:46 2010 +0100
@@ -1,536 +1,536 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
-<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
-"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
-and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
-<!-- Initial Contributors:
- Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-<!DOCTYPE concept
- PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
-<concept id="GUID-AC53C0A0-6990-4BF8-91E9-9AE14169A7BC" xml:lang="en"><title>Creating
-a Privacy Verification Notifier</title><shortdesc>To use the LBS Privacy Notifiers for privacy verification and privacy
-notification a licensee must implement a Privacy Verification Notifier that
-extends from the Extended Notifier Framework base class <codeph>MEikSrvNotifierBase2</codeph>.
-The licensee must override the asynchronous <codeph>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</codeph> method
-so that the LBS subsystem can receive a privacy response from the user via
-the notifier. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
-<p>This topic describes how to implement a Privacy Verification Notifier.
-The notifier is used to handle privacy verification requests. </p>
-<p>A dialog is shown to the user when verification of a privacy request is
-required. The example shown here uses a CEikDialog derived class, although
-licensees will most probably want to use a dialog class specific to their
-own UI framework. Implementation of the notifier can be described in the following
-<li><p>Define a notifier that derives from the Extended Notifier Framework
-base class <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2</apiname></xref>.</p></li>
-<li><p>Define a dialog class that derives from <codeph>CEikDialog</codeph> (or
-some licensee UI framework-specific subclass). </p></li>
-<li><p>Override the necessary virtual methods of the licensee notifier and
-dialog to handle privacy requests and send the appropriate response when the
-user dismisses the dialog. </p></li>
-<section id="GUID-0BA4DF3B-7363-4353-9A99-E7272500967B"> <title>Defining the Privacy Verification Notifier</title>
- <p>The code below shows a definition of a Privacy Verification Notifier
-class. </p><p>The notifier owns a <xref href="GUID-BFDCA64A-1F55-34E8-8C4D-B0EABBE3A17C.dita"><apiname>CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog</apiname></xref> dialog
-class to show details of the privacy request to the end user and to obtain
-the response. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/*
- Name : MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h
- Description : This file defines a LBS Privacy Verification Notifier
-// Default location for dialog GUI resources
-#define VERIFY_RESOURCE_PATH "\\private\\10003a4a\\"
-// Compiled dialog resource file name
-#define VERIFY_RESOURCE "MyLBSPrivacyDialogs.rsc"
-// Include Files
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <eiknotapi.h>
-#include <eikdialg.h>
-#include "lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h" // Defines privacy data types
-#include "MyLBSNotifiersChannel.h" // Defines notifier channel
-// Dialog forward declaration for notifier
-class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog;
-// Privacy verification notifier class definition
-class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier : public CBase, public MEikSrvNotifierBase2
- {
- static CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* NewL();
- ~CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier();
- // Called when the dialog is hidden
- void DialogDismissed();
-private: // From MEikSrvNotifierBase2
- // Asynchronous StartL is used for privacy verification
- // a response is required
- void StartL(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TInt aReplySlot,
- const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
- // Synchronous StartL is not used for privacy verification
- TPtrC8 StartL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
- // Not implemented for LBS privacy notifiers
- TPtrC8 UpdateL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
- TNotifierInfo RegisterL();
- TNotifierInfo Info() const;
- void Cancel();
- void Release();
- // Set the response parameters based on the user response
- void SetResponseParams(TLbsPrivacyResponseParams params);
- CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier();
- void ConstructL();
- // Data members
- TNotifierInfo iInfo;
- RMessagePtr2 iMessage;
- TInt iReplySlot;
- // From lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h - request parameters
- TLbsPrivacyNotifierParams iRequestParams;
- // From lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h - response parameters
- TLbsPrivacyResponseParams iResponseParams;
- // Verification Dialog
- CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* iDlg;
- };
-#endif // __MYLBSPRIVACYNOTIFIER_H__</codeblock> </section>
-<section id="GUID-807AAC06-8975-41C8-8D4C-CF6103D0678D"><title>Defining the Privacy Verification Dialog </title><p>The following
-is the definition of the dialog used by the example Privacy Verification Notifier:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/*
- Name : MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.cpp
- Description : Source for LBS privacy verification notifier and dialog
-// System headers
-#include <eikdialg.h>
-#include <eikmfne.h>
-#include <eikenv.h>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include <eikappui.h>
-#include <e32cmn.h>
-// Console for debugging
-#include <e32cons.h>
-// LBS headers
-#include <lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h>
-// project headers
-#include <MyLBSPrivacyDialogs.rsg>
-#include "MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.hrh"
-#include "MyLBSDialogs.hrh"
-#include "MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h"
-/* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog
- The resource for this dialog defines it as a sleeping dialog
- Resources are allocated when the owning notifier is created by ECom
-class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog : public CEikDialog
- {
- static CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* NewLD(
- CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
- TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& aResponseParams);
- ~CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog();
- void ShowDialog(TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aInfo);
- void HideDialog();
-public: // from CEikDialog
- TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
- void PreLayoutDynInitL();
- CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog(CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
- TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& aResponseParams);
- void LoadResourceL();
- void FreeResource();
- void ConstructL();
- // The notifier that calls this dialog
- CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* iNotifier;
- // Library resource containing dialog resources
- TInt iResourceFile;
- // The privacy requester info - contains requester id and name
- TLbsExternalRequestInfo iInfo;
- // The privacy response parameters reference
- // to iResponseParams in parent notifier
- TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& iResponseParams;
- };</codeblock><p>The dialog contains a <xref href="GUID-C5EE0092-6EAB-32AA-A58D-A81A883DFEBF.dita"><apiname>CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier</apiname></xref> pointer
-through which it can set the privacy response chosen by the user. </p><p>This
-example defines a simple dialog resource file <filepath>MyLbsPrivacyDialogs.rsg</filepath>.
-The source of this file contains definitions for a simple dialog that shows
-the client name of the user making the privacy request and <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> and <uicontrol>Reject</uicontrol> buttons
-to allow the user to accept or reject the request. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// MyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog.RSS
-#include <eikon.rh>
-#include <eikon.rsg>
-#include <techviewctl.rh>
-#include <eikcoctl.rsg>
-#include "MyLBSDialogs.hrh"
-RESOURCE TBUF { buf=""; }
-RESOURCE DLG_BUTTONS r_privacy_request_buttons
-buttons =
- {
- {
- id = EPrivacyRequestAccept;
- button = CMBUT {txt = "Accept";};
- hotkey='1';
- },
- {
- id = EPrivacyRequestReject;
- button = CMBUT {txt = "Reject";};
- hotkey='2';
- }
- };
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_lbs_verify_dialog
- {
- title = "Privacy Verification Dialog";
- flags = EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc;
- buttons = r_privacy_request_buttons;
- items =
- {
- {
- type = EEikCtLabel;
- control = LABEL
- {
- standard_font = EEikLabelFontAnnotation;
- txt = "Location Request received from :";
- };
- },
- {
- type = EEikCtEdwin;
- id = EPrivacyClientName;
- control = EDWIN
- {
- width = 10;
- maxlength = 25;
- };
- }
- };
- }</codeblock><p><codeph>KScreenOutputChannel</codeph> is a common channel
-used by both a Privacy Verification Notifier and a Location Notification Notifier.
-The real value of the channel is a licensee-specific value. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#ifndef __MYLBSNOTIFIERSCHANNEL_H_
-const TUid KScreenOutputChannel={0x1000ABEF};
-#endif /*MYLBSNOTIFIERSCHANNEL_H_*/</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-877CB502-8329-4441-8B1A-D8F85C932A38"><title>Creating the notifier </title><p>The most important thing
-to consider when creating a notifier object is if the dialog resources should
-also be created at the same time. </p><p>The ECOM framework calls the
-notifier's <codeph>NewL()</codeph> when the notifier server starts up. Privacy
-requests and location requests may need to be handled in low memory conditions
-(where licensees and operators need to support emergency location requests).
-If this is the case it is prudent to use sleeping dialogs which are created
-in the notifier's <codeph>ConstructL()</codeph>. All resources for the dialog
-are allocated when the notifier is loaded by ECOM and showing a dialog should
-not fail if there are low-memory conditions at runtime when an emergency location
-request is received. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::NewL()
- {
- CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* self = new (ELeave) CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier();
- CleanupStack::PushL(self);
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return self;
- }
-// Construct the dialog - it is a sleeping dialog
-// i.e. resources are allocated on construction
-// This is a good idea for LBS privacy requests which must be handled
-// in low memory conditions
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::ConstructL()
- {
- iDlg = CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::NewLD(this, iResponseParams);
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-02E6910A-662A-4663-A3AA-AA3D9EBB449D"><title>Registering the notifier </title><p><xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-7863DC49-9664-390C-AAE1-B3BE043CA108"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::RegisterL()</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-EC4180F5-AB27-3744-8755-BA59B3BCE19C"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Info()</apiname></xref> are standard notifier methods that can be implemented as shown below: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called by notifier framework once to register the notifier with ECOM
-MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::RegisterL()
- {
- iInfo.iUid = KLbsExtLocationRequestVerifyUid;
- iInfo.iChannel = KScreenOutputChannel;
- // High priority privacy request
- iInfo.iPriority = ENotifierPriorityVHigh;
- return iInfo;
- }
-MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Info() const
- {
- return iInfo;
- }</codeblock><note>The value <codeph>KLbsExtLocationRequestVerifyUid</codeph> as
-defined in <filepath>lbsextprivacynotifiers.h</filepath> must be used for
-the notifier registration. The choice of notifier priority is a licensee decision,
-but a high priority is recommended because a user response is required. </note></section>
-<section id="GUID-C1D1F5AA-9C94-43F1-9A14-003A42B7FDF1"><title>Starting the notifier </title><p>A Privacy Verification Notifier
-must implement the asynchronous form of <xref href="GUID-650E29C8-3B2B-3B77-A4E5-766DED0F83F0.dita#GUID-650E29C8-3B2B-3B77-A4E5-766DED0F83F0/GUID-93746BF4-4F20-304A-BC72-2CE0C776D001"><apiname>MEikSrvNortifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref>.
-The code example below shows how to do this. The LBS subsystem sends a <codeph>TLbsPrivacyNotifierParamsPckg</codeph> object
-to the notifier from which the <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph> can
-be extracted. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Asynchronous StartL is used for privacy verification because a response is required
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::StartL(const TDesC8& aBuffer,
- TInt aReplySlot,
- const RMessagePtr2& aMessage)
- {
- // Copy aMessage and aReplySlot to reply to the request at a later time
- iMessage = aMessage;
- iReplySlot = aReplySlot;
- TBuf8<KLbsMaxClientNameSize> clientName;
- TBuf8<KLbsMaxRequesterIdSize> requesterId;
- TLbsPrivacyNotifierParamsPckg pckg;
- pckg.Copy(aBuffer);
- TLbsPrivacyNotifierParams params = pckg();
- TLbsExternalRequestInfo info;
- params.GetRequesterInfo(info);
- // Show the dialog with the requester details
- iDlg->ShowDialog(info);
- }</codeblock><note>A Privacy Verification Notifier need only implement an
-empty implementation of the synchronous <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-5DC8D35F-FFA5-3CE8-A06D-303A7E3ECC9B"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref> method.
- </note></section>
-<section id="GUID-7CB6FB2E-6C29-40E1-97FF-2F7F79DA5237"><title>Getting the privacy response parameters </title><p>The example
-notifier has a method called <codeph>DialogDismissed()</codeph> which is called
-by the verification dialog when it is closed (either by pressing <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Cancel</uicontrol>).
-The method implementation below shows how to package up the privacy response
-into a <codeph>TLbsPrivacyReponseParamsPckg</codeph>, complete the message
-and cancel the notifier. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called when dialog is dismissed
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::DialogDismissed()
- {
- // Set the response on the basis of the response params
- if (!iMessage.IsNull())
- {
- // The dialog has already updated iResponseParams by reference
- // Create package buf to send parameters to the calling client
- TLbsPrivacyResponseParamsPckg pckg(iResponseParams);
- iMessage.WriteL(iReplySlot, pckg);
- iMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
- // Cancel the notifier
- iManager->CancelNotifier(KLbsExtLocationRequestVerifyUid);
- }
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-23311FBA-CC3B-4F85-8796-0EEB75C8E6F8"><title>Cancelling the notifier </title><p>The LBS subsystem has a
-timeout for Privacy Notifiers that calls the <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-D53FC05F-B90A-3CB6-874E-39C4709310C9"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Cancel()</apiname></xref> method. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called to cancel the notification (for example for a request timeout)
-// The LBS subsystem sets the timeout for privacy notifiers
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Cancel()
- {
- if (!iMessage.IsNull())
- {
- iMessage.Complete(KErrCancel);
- }
- iDlg->HideDialog();
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-E5FEA4BE-C9C2-4017-85CD-D1078DE08DD2"><title>Releasing the notifier </title><p>The ECOM release method
-just calls delete on the notifier.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Just delete the notifier
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Release()
- {
- delete this;
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-EE7AF256-6146-4176-AA26-AE6C2A4D46FA"><title>Notifier destructor </title><p>The destructor method just
-deletes the dialog object that was created in the notifier's <codeph>ConstructL()</codeph>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::~CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier()
- {
- if (iDlg)
- {
- // Delete the dialog
- delete iDlg;
- }
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-C0E3B59D-BDD1-4838-B592-CB924866690A"><title>Constructing the dialog </title><p>These methods show how
-the dialog is constructed. A reference to the response parameters object owned
-by the parent notifier is passed by reference in the <codeph>NewLD()</codeph> method.
-This is written to when the user chooses to accept or reject the privacy request. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Static function to create new dialog
-// Response parameters passed by reference
-// They are written when the dialog closes
-CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::NewLD(
- CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
- TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& aResponseParams)
- {
- CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* self
-= new (ELeave) CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog(aNotifier, aResponseParams);
- CleanupStack::PushL(self);
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop(self);
- return self;
- }
-// Private dialog constructor
-// Set the notifier to be the observer
-// and pass a reference to response parameters
-CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
-TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& aResponseParams) :
-iNotifier(aNotifier), iResponseParams(aResponseParams)
- {
- }
-// Second stage constructor - load dialog resources
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::ConstructL()
- {
- LoadResourceL();
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-4D973BCC-62F4-416A-B6E4-E0A4B5AC94CC"><title>Loading dialog resources </title><p>For the example shown,
-the dialog resources are loaded when it is constructed (a sleeping dialog).
-This is a good design decision for dialogs that must be shown in low memory
-conditions, which is the case for the LBS dialogs that must notify of emergency
-location requests. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Load resources for the dialog
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::LoadResourceL()
- {
- // Notifiers can be loaded from ROM or RAM
- // resource location is not hard-coded
- TFileName fileName;
- Dll::FileName(fileName);
- fileName.SetLength(KMaxDriveName);
- // force arg evaluation before calling _LIT
- #define _LIT1(k,s) _LIT(k,s)
- // Values defined in MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h
- // Dialog resources
- fileName+=KRscDir;
- fileName+=KRscFile;
- // Load the dialog resources
- iEikonEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
- BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(iEikonEnv->FsSession(),fileName);
- TInt offset = iEikonEnv->AddLibraryL(&fileName);
- TRAPD(err, ConstructSleepingDialogL(R_LBS_VERIFY_DIALOG));
- iEikonEnv->DeleteResourceFile(offset);
- User::LeaveIfError(err);
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-9ADFD48F-E51E-41D5-A292-CC3663A215A0"><title>Showing the dialog </title><p>The method <codeph>ShowDialog()</codeph> is
-called by the notifier when it is started by a call to <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-5DC8D35F-FFA5-3CE8-A06D-303A7E3ECC9B"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref>.
-In this example, all dialog resources were allocated at start-up so it is
-only necessary to show it. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::ShowDialog(TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aInfo)
- {
- iInfo = aInfo;
- RouseSleepingDialog();
- }</codeblock><p>The dialog method <xref href="GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03.dita#GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03/GUID-AD6F7AE7-FCB8-38F0-9B6B-9FF24F2863AC"><apiname>CEikDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()</apiname></xref> is
-implemented to show the client name from <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph> before
-the dialog is shown to the user. This method could also show the other data
-fields held in <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Populate the privacy verification dialog with the user identity
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()
- {
- TBuf8<KLbsMaxClientNameSize> clientName;
- TBuf8<KLbsMaxRequesterIdSize> requesterId;
- TBuf8<KLbsMaxClientExternalIdSize> externalId;
- iInfo.GetClientName(clientName);
- iInfo.GetRequesterId(requesterId);
- iInfo.GetClientExternalId(externalId);
- // Show the client name
- // Expand() only works for converting from ASCII
- // encoded buffer to Unicode
- // You may need to use CCnvCharacterSetConverter in your implementation
- CEikEdwin* edwin = STATIC_CAST(CEikEdwin*,
- this->Control(EPrivacyClientName));
- edwin ->SetTextL(&clientName.Expand());
- edwin->SetReadOnly(ETrue);
- // Could also show the requesterId and externalId in the dialog...
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-A68D683A-89AE-4D97-AE69-787ABFB21D5B"><title>Making a privacy response </title><p>The dialog's <xref href="GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03.dita#GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03/GUID-6AFDB981-BBA2-3A5E-A7A5-BA6B39BC4CE9"><apiname>CEikDialog::OkToExitL()</apiname></xref> method
-is called when the user selects <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Cancel</uicontrol>.
-This method is implemented to set the <codeph>TLbsPrivacyResponseParameters</codeph> in
-the parent notifier with the user response, which is either to accept or reject
-the privacy request.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// From CEikDialog - called when a dialog button is pressed
-TBool CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId)
- {
- // Set the notifier response parameters based on user response
- // Member variable iResponse is reference
- // to notifier TLbsPrivacyResponseParams
- // Get the value of the pressed button
- if (aButtonId == EPrivacyRequestAccept)
- {
- iResponseParams.SetResponseType(EResponseAccepted);
- }
- else // Privacy request rejected
- {
- iResponseParams.SetResponseType(EResponseRejected);
- }
- // Inform the notifier that this dialog is exiting
- // so that it can inform the notifier manager
- iNotifier->DialogDismissed();
- return ETrue;
- }</codeblock></section>
-<section id="GUID-E9090E47-1FBC-434B-8FB1-BF8AD4D7FBA3"><title>Hiding the dialog and freeing resources</title><p>The dialog's <codeph>HideDialog()</codeph> method
-is called by the notifier when LBS cancels the notifier, for example if a
-timeout occurs or another privacy request is sent (a new privacy request cancels
-any outstanding privacy request). In this example, the dialog resources are
-not freed because the dialog is a sleeping dialog. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Hide the dialog and report to the notifier
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::HideDialog()
- {
- // Using a sleeping dialog
- ExitSleepingDialog();
- iNotifier->DialogDismissed();
- }
-// Destructor frees dialog resources
- {
- iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack(this);
- FreeResource();
- }
-// Free dialog resources
-void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::FreeResource()
- {
- if (iResourceFile)
- {
- CEikonEnv::Static()->RemoveLibrary(iResourceFile);
- iResourceFile = 0;
- }
- }</codeblock></section>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
+"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
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+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
+<concept id="GUID-AC53C0A0-6990-4BF8-91E9-9AE14169A7BC" xml:lang="en"><title>Creating
+a Privacy Verification Notifier</title><shortdesc>To use the LBS Privacy Notifiers for privacy verification and privacy
+notification a licensee must implement a Privacy Verification Notifier that
+extends from the Extended Notifier Framework base class <codeph>MEikSrvNotifierBase2</codeph>.
+The licensee must override the asynchronous <codeph>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</codeph> method
+so that the LBS subsystem can receive a privacy response from the user via
+the notifier. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
+<p>This topic describes how to implement a Privacy Verification Notifier.
+The notifier is used to handle privacy verification requests. </p>
+<p>A dialog is shown to the user when verification of a privacy request is
+required. The example shown here uses a CEikDialog derived class, although
+licensees will most probably want to use a dialog class specific to their
+own UI framework. Implementation of the notifier can be described in the following
+<li><p>Define a notifier that derives from the Extended Notifier Framework
+base class <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2</apiname></xref>.</p></li>
+<li><p>Define a dialog class that derives from <codeph>CEikDialog</codeph> (or
+some licensee UI framework-specific subclass). </p></li>
+<li><p>Override the necessary virtual methods of the licensee notifier and
+dialog to handle privacy requests and send the appropriate response when the
+user dismisses the dialog. </p></li>
+<section id="GUID-0BA4DF3B-7363-4353-9A99-E7272500967B"> <title>Defining the Privacy Verification Notifier</title>
+ <p>The code below shows a definition of a Privacy Verification Notifier
+class. </p><p>The notifier owns a <xref href="GUID-BFDCA64A-1F55-34E8-8C4D-B0EABBE3A17C.dita"><apiname>CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog</apiname></xref> dialog
+class to show details of the privacy request to the end user and to obtain
+the response. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/*
+ Name : MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h
+ Description : This file defines a LBS Privacy Verification Notifier
+// Default location for dialog GUI resources
+#define VERIFY_RESOURCE_PATH "\\private\\10003a4a\\"
+// Compiled dialog resource file name
+#define VERIFY_RESOURCE "MyLBSPrivacyDialogs.rsc"
+// Include Files
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <eiknotapi.h>
+#include <eikdialg.h>
+#include "lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h" // Defines privacy data types
+#include "MyLBSNotifiersChannel.h" // Defines notifier channel
+// Dialog forward declaration for notifier
+class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog;
+// Privacy verification notifier class definition
+class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier : public CBase, public MEikSrvNotifierBase2
+ {
+ static CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* NewL();
+ ~CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier();
+ // Called when the dialog is hidden
+ void DialogDismissed();
+private: // From MEikSrvNotifierBase2
+ // Asynchronous StartL is used for privacy verification
+ // a response is required
+ void StartL(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TInt aReplySlot,
+ const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
+ // Synchronous StartL is not used for privacy verification
+ TPtrC8 StartL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ // Not implemented for LBS privacy notifiers
+ TPtrC8 UpdateL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ TNotifierInfo RegisterL();
+ TNotifierInfo Info() const;
+ void Cancel();
+ void Release();
+ // Set the response parameters based on the user response
+ void SetResponseParams(TLbsPrivacyResponseParams params);
+ CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier();
+ void ConstructL();
+ // Data members
+ TNotifierInfo iInfo;
+ RMessagePtr2 iMessage;
+ TInt iReplySlot;
+ // From lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h - request parameters
+ TLbsPrivacyNotifierParams iRequestParams;
+ // From lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h - response parameters
+ TLbsPrivacyResponseParams iResponseParams;
+ // Verification Dialog
+ CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* iDlg;
+ };
+#endif // __MYLBSPRIVACYNOTIFIER_H__</codeblock> </section>
+<section id="GUID-807AAC06-8975-41C8-8D4C-CF6103D0678D"><title>Defining the Privacy Verification Dialog </title><p>The following
+is the definition of the dialog used by the example Privacy Verification Notifier:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/*
+ Name : MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.cpp
+ Description : Source for LBS privacy verification notifier and dialog
+// System headers
+#include <eikdialg.h>
+#include <eikmfne.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <eikappui.h>
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+// Console for debugging
+#include <e32cons.h>
+// LBS headers
+#include <lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h>
+// project headers
+#include <MyLBSPrivacyDialogs.rsg>
+#include "MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.hrh"
+#include "MyLBSDialogs.hrh"
+#include "MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h"
+/* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog
+ The resource for this dialog defines it as a sleeping dialog
+ Resources are allocated when the owning notifier is created by ECom
+class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog : public CEikDialog
+ {
+ static CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* NewLD(
+ CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
+ TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& aResponseParams);
+ ~CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog();
+ void ShowDialog(TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aInfo);
+ void HideDialog();
+public: // from CEikDialog
+ TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
+ void PreLayoutDynInitL();
+ CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog(CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
+ TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& aResponseParams);
+ void LoadResourceL();
+ void FreeResource();
+ void ConstructL();
+ // The notifier that calls this dialog
+ CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* iNotifier;
+ // Library resource containing dialog resources
+ TInt iResourceFile;
+ // The privacy requester info - contains requester id and name
+ TLbsExternalRequestInfo iInfo;
+ // The privacy response parameters reference
+ // to iResponseParams in parent notifier
+ TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& iResponseParams;
+ };</codeblock><p>The dialog contains a <xref href="GUID-C5EE0092-6EAB-32AA-A58D-A81A883DFEBF.dita"><apiname>CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier</apiname></xref> pointer
+through which it can set the privacy response chosen by the user. </p><p>This
+example defines a simple dialog resource file <filepath>MyLbsPrivacyDialogs.rsg</filepath>.
+The source of this file contains definitions for a simple dialog that shows
+the client name of the user making the privacy request and <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> and <uicontrol>Reject</uicontrol> buttons
+to allow the user to accept or reject the request. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// MyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog.RSS
+#include <eikon.rh>
+#include <eikon.rsg>
+#include <techviewctl.rh>
+#include <eikcoctl.rsg>
+#include "MyLBSDialogs.hrh"
+RESOURCE TBUF { buf=""; }
+RESOURCE DLG_BUTTONS r_privacy_request_buttons
+buttons =
+ {
+ {
+ id = EPrivacyRequestAccept;
+ button = CMBUT {txt = "Accept";};
+ hotkey='1';
+ },
+ {
+ id = EPrivacyRequestReject;
+ button = CMBUT {txt = "Reject";};
+ hotkey='2';
+ }
+ };
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_lbs_verify_dialog
+ {
+ title = "Privacy Verification Dialog";
+ flags = EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc;
+ buttons = r_privacy_request_buttons;
+ items =
+ {
+ {
+ type = EEikCtLabel;
+ control = LABEL
+ {
+ standard_font = EEikLabelFontAnnotation;
+ txt = "Location Request received from :";
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ type = EEikCtEdwin;
+ id = EPrivacyClientName;
+ control = EDWIN
+ {
+ width = 10;
+ maxlength = 25;
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ }</codeblock><p><codeph>KScreenOutputChannel</codeph> is a common channel
+used by both a Privacy Verification Notifier and a Location Notification Notifier.
+The real value of the channel is a licensee-specific value. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#ifndef __MYLBSNOTIFIERSCHANNEL_H_
+const TUid KScreenOutputChannel={0x1000ABEF};
+#endif /*MYLBSNOTIFIERSCHANNEL_H_*/</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-877CB502-8329-4441-8B1A-D8F85C932A38"><title>Creating the notifier </title><p>The most important thing
+to consider when creating a notifier object is if the dialog resources should
+also be created at the same time. </p><p>The ECOM framework calls the
+notifier's <codeph>NewL()</codeph> when the notifier server starts up. Privacy
+requests and location requests may need to be handled in low memory conditions
+(where licensees and operators need to support emergency location requests).
+If this is the case it is prudent to use sleeping dialogs which are created
+in the notifier's <codeph>ConstructL()</codeph>. All resources for the dialog
+are allocated when the notifier is loaded by ECOM and showing a dialog should
+not fail if there are low-memory conditions at runtime when an emergency location
+request is received. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::NewL()
+ {
+ CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* self = new (ELeave) CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+// Construct the dialog - it is a sleeping dialog
+// i.e. resources are allocated on construction
+// This is a good idea for LBS privacy requests which must be handled
+// in low memory conditions
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iDlg = CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::NewLD(this, iResponseParams);
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-02E6910A-662A-4663-A3AA-AA3D9EBB449D"><title>Registering the notifier </title><p><xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-7863DC49-9664-390C-AAE1-B3BE043CA108"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::RegisterL()</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-EC4180F5-AB27-3744-8755-BA59B3BCE19C"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Info()</apiname></xref> are standard notifier methods that can be implemented as shown below: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called by notifier framework once to register the notifier with ECOM
+MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::RegisterL()
+ {
+ iInfo.iUid = KLbsExtLocationRequestVerifyUid;
+ iInfo.iChannel = KScreenOutputChannel;
+ // High priority privacy request
+ iInfo.iPriority = ENotifierPriorityVHigh;
+ return iInfo;
+ }
+MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Info() const
+ {
+ return iInfo;
+ }</codeblock><note>The value <codeph>KLbsExtLocationRequestVerifyUid</codeph> as
+defined in <filepath>lbsextprivacynotifiers.h</filepath> must be used for
+the notifier registration. The choice of notifier priority is a licensee decision,
+but a high priority is recommended because a user response is required. </note></section>
+<section id="GUID-C1D1F5AA-9C94-43F1-9A14-003A42B7FDF1"><title>Starting the notifier </title><p>A Privacy Verification Notifier
+must implement the asynchronous form of <xref href="GUID-650E29C8-3B2B-3B77-A4E5-766DED0F83F0.dita#GUID-650E29C8-3B2B-3B77-A4E5-766DED0F83F0/GUID-93746BF4-4F20-304A-BC72-2CE0C776D001"><apiname>MEikSrvNortifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref>.
+The code example below shows how to do this. The LBS subsystem sends a <codeph>TLbsPrivacyNotifierParamsPckg</codeph> object
+to the notifier from which the <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph> can
+be extracted. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Asynchronous StartL is used for privacy verification because a response is required
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::StartL(const TDesC8& aBuffer,
+ TInt aReplySlot,
+ const RMessagePtr2& aMessage)
+ {
+ // Copy aMessage and aReplySlot to reply to the request at a later time
+ iMessage = aMessage;
+ iReplySlot = aReplySlot;
+ TBuf8<KLbsMaxClientNameSize> clientName;
+ TBuf8<KLbsMaxRequesterIdSize> requesterId;
+ TLbsPrivacyNotifierParamsPckg pckg;
+ pckg.Copy(aBuffer);
+ TLbsPrivacyNotifierParams params = pckg();
+ TLbsExternalRequestInfo info;
+ params.GetRequesterInfo(info);
+ // Show the dialog with the requester details
+ iDlg->ShowDialog(info);
+ }</codeblock><note>A Privacy Verification Notifier need only implement an
+empty implementation of the synchronous <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-5DC8D35F-FFA5-3CE8-A06D-303A7E3ECC9B"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref> method.
+ </note></section>
+<section id="GUID-7CB6FB2E-6C29-40E1-97FF-2F7F79DA5237"><title>Getting the privacy response parameters </title><p>The example
+notifier has a method called <codeph>DialogDismissed()</codeph> which is called
+by the verification dialog when it is closed (either by pressing <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Cancel</uicontrol>).
+The method implementation below shows how to package up the privacy response
+into a <codeph>TLbsPrivacyReponseParamsPckg</codeph>, complete the message
+and cancel the notifier. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called when dialog is dismissed
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::DialogDismissed()
+ {
+ // Set the response on the basis of the response params
+ if (!iMessage.IsNull())
+ {
+ // The dialog has already updated iResponseParams by reference
+ // Create package buf to send parameters to the calling client
+ TLbsPrivacyResponseParamsPckg pckg(iResponseParams);
+ iMessage.WriteL(iReplySlot, pckg);
+ iMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+ // Cancel the notifier
+ iManager->CancelNotifier(KLbsExtLocationRequestVerifyUid);
+ }
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-23311FBA-CC3B-4F85-8796-0EEB75C8E6F8"><title>Cancelling the notifier </title><p>The LBS subsystem has a
+timeout for Privacy Notifiers that calls the <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-D53FC05F-B90A-3CB6-874E-39C4709310C9"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Cancel()</apiname></xref> method. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called to cancel the notification (for example for a request timeout)
+// The LBS subsystem sets the timeout for privacy notifiers
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Cancel()
+ {
+ if (!iMessage.IsNull())
+ {
+ iMessage.Complete(KErrCancel);
+ }
+ iDlg->HideDialog();
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-E5FEA4BE-C9C2-4017-85CD-D1078DE08DD2"><title>Releasing the notifier </title><p>The ECOM release method
+just calls delete on the notifier.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Just delete the notifier
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Release()
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-EE7AF256-6146-4176-AA26-AE6C2A4D46FA"><title>Notifier destructor </title><p>The destructor method just
+deletes the dialog object that was created in the notifier's <codeph>ConstructL()</codeph>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::~CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier()
+ {
+ if (iDlg)
+ {
+ // Delete the dialog
+ delete iDlg;
+ }
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-C0E3B59D-BDD1-4838-B592-CB924866690A"><title>Constructing the dialog </title><p>These methods show how
+the dialog is constructed. A reference to the response parameters object owned
+by the parent notifier is passed by reference in the <codeph>NewLD()</codeph> method.
+This is written to when the user chooses to accept or reject the privacy request. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Static function to create new dialog
+// Response parameters passed by reference
+// They are written when the dialog closes
+CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::NewLD(
+ CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
+ TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& aResponseParams)
+ {
+ CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* self
+= new (ELeave) CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog(aNotifier, aResponseParams);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+// Private dialog constructor
+// Set the notifier to be the observer
+// and pass a reference to response parameters
+CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
+TLbsPrivacyResponseParams& aResponseParams) :
+iNotifier(aNotifier), iResponseParams(aResponseParams)
+ {
+ }
+// Second stage constructor - load dialog resources
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::ConstructL()
+ {
+ LoadResourceL();
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-4D973BCC-62F4-416A-B6E4-E0A4B5AC94CC"><title>Loading dialog resources </title><p>For the example shown,
+the dialog resources are loaded when it is constructed (a sleeping dialog).
+This is a good design decision for dialogs that must be shown in low memory
+conditions, which is the case for the LBS dialogs that must notify of emergency
+location requests. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Load resources for the dialog
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::LoadResourceL()
+ {
+ // Notifiers can be loaded from ROM or RAM
+ // resource location is not hard-coded
+ TFileName fileName;
+ Dll::FileName(fileName);
+ fileName.SetLength(KMaxDriveName);
+ // force arg evaluation before calling _LIT
+ #define _LIT1(k,s) _LIT(k,s)
+ // Values defined in MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h
+ // Dialog resources
+ fileName+=KRscDir;
+ fileName+=KRscFile;
+ // Load the dialog resources
+ iEikonEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
+ BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(iEikonEnv->FsSession(),fileName);
+ TInt offset = iEikonEnv->AddLibraryL(&fileName);
+ TRAPD(err, ConstructSleepingDialogL(R_LBS_VERIFY_DIALOG));
+ iEikonEnv->DeleteResourceFile(offset);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-9ADFD48F-E51E-41D5-A292-CC3663A215A0"><title>Showing the dialog </title><p>The method <codeph>ShowDialog()</codeph> is
+called by the notifier when it is started by a call to <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-5DC8D35F-FFA5-3CE8-A06D-303A7E3ECC9B"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref>.
+In this example, all dialog resources were allocated at start-up so it is
+only necessary to show it. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::ShowDialog(TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aInfo)
+ {
+ iInfo = aInfo;
+ RouseSleepingDialog();
+ }</codeblock><p>The dialog method <xref href="GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03.dita#GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03/GUID-AD6F7AE7-FCB8-38F0-9B6B-9FF24F2863AC"><apiname>CEikDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()</apiname></xref> is
+implemented to show the client name from <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph> before
+the dialog is shown to the user. This method could also show the other data
+fields held in <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Populate the privacy verification dialog with the user identity
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()
+ {
+ TBuf8<KLbsMaxClientNameSize> clientName;
+ TBuf8<KLbsMaxRequesterIdSize> requesterId;
+ TBuf8<KLbsMaxClientExternalIdSize> externalId;
+ iInfo.GetClientName(clientName);
+ iInfo.GetRequesterId(requesterId);
+ iInfo.GetClientExternalId(externalId);
+ // Show the client name
+ // Expand() only works for converting from ASCII
+ // encoded buffer to Unicode
+ // You may need to use CCnvCharacterSetConverter in your implementation
+ CEikEdwin* edwin = STATIC_CAST(CEikEdwin*,
+ this->Control(EPrivacyClientName));
+ edwin ->SetTextL(&clientName.Expand());
+ edwin->SetReadOnly(ETrue);
+ // Could also show the requesterId and externalId in the dialog...
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-A68D683A-89AE-4D97-AE69-787ABFB21D5B"><title>Making a privacy response </title><p>The dialog's <xref href="GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03.dita#GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03/GUID-6AFDB981-BBA2-3A5E-A7A5-BA6B39BC4CE9"><apiname>CEikDialog::OkToExitL()</apiname></xref> method
+is called when the user selects <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Cancel</uicontrol>.
+This method is implemented to set the <codeph>TLbsPrivacyResponseParameters</codeph> in
+the parent notifier with the user response, which is either to accept or reject
+the privacy request.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// From CEikDialog - called when a dialog button is pressed
+TBool CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId)
+ {
+ // Set the notifier response parameters based on user response
+ // Member variable iResponse is reference
+ // to notifier TLbsPrivacyResponseParams
+ // Get the value of the pressed button
+ if (aButtonId == EPrivacyRequestAccept)
+ {
+ iResponseParams.SetResponseType(EResponseAccepted);
+ }
+ else // Privacy request rejected
+ {
+ iResponseParams.SetResponseType(EResponseRejected);
+ }
+ // Inform the notifier that this dialog is exiting
+ // so that it can inform the notifier manager
+ iNotifier->DialogDismissed();
+ return ETrue;
+ }</codeblock></section>
+<section id="GUID-E9090E47-1FBC-434B-8FB1-BF8AD4D7FBA3"><title>Hiding the dialog and freeing resources</title><p>The dialog's <codeph>HideDialog()</codeph> method
+is called by the notifier when LBS cancels the notifier, for example if a
+timeout occurs or another privacy request is sent (a new privacy request cancels
+any outstanding privacy request). In this example, the dialog resources are
+not freed because the dialog is a sleeping dialog. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Hide the dialog and report to the notifier
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::HideDialog()
+ {
+ // Using a sleeping dialog
+ ExitSleepingDialog();
+ iNotifier->DialogDismissed();
+ }
+// Destructor frees dialog resources
+ {
+ iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack(this);
+ FreeResource();
+ }
+// Free dialog resources
+void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::FreeResource()
+ {
+ if (iResourceFile)
+ {
+ CEikonEnv::Static()->RemoveLibrary(iResourceFile);
+ iResourceFile = 0;
+ }
+ }</codeblock></section>
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