changeset 9 59758314f811
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 12 80ef3a206772
--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-859CAA08-59C9-5FD3-98DE-6BDD0D6ED50B.dita	Fri Jun 11 12:39:03 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-859CAA08-59C9-5FD3-98DE-6BDD0D6ED50B.dita	Fri Jun 11 15:24:34 2010 +0100
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
-<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
-"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
-and is available at the URL "". -->
-<!-- Initial Contributors:
-    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-<!DOCTYPE concept
-  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
-<concept id="GUID-859CAA08-59C9-5FD3-98DE-6BDD0D6ED50B" xml:lang="en"><title>Graphics
-<p>Composition is the process of putting together the output elements from
-various different sources to create the screen display that the end user sees
-on the device. </p>
-<p> <b>Variant</b>: ScreenPlay. </p>
-<p>In a multi-tasking device many of the activities taking place simultaneously
-generate output for display on the screen. Their output can include words,
-pictures, video, games and the screen furniture (scroll bars, buttons, icons,
-borders, tabs, menus, title bars) familiar to every computer user. </p>
-<p>Many of these output elements can appear at the same time, either next
-to each other or overlapping each other. They can be opaque, such that they
-obscure anything behind, or semi-transparent such that the elements underneath
-are partially visible. </p>
-<p>The diagram below illustrates how the display that the viewer sees (looking
-down from the top) is a two-dimensional representation composed from a series
-of layers. </p>
-<fig id="GUID-19D41F69-1264-5726-9CDD-C4DD0F231BE3">
-<title>           The display is an orthogonal view of a series of layers.
-         </title>
-<image href="GUID-7F3F89C0-999A-552E-90BB-17D720C53DE6_d0e231310_href.png" placement="inline"/>
-<p>Composition requires: </p>
-<li id="GUID-7C593A87-268F-59E1-B295-9DE2A0DF3092"><p>Calculations based on
-the size, position, visibility, transparency and ordering of the layers to
-determine what will be displayed. This is a <b>logic</b> exercise referred
-to as UI Composition. </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-B10758D4-8C30-5446-958D-0B81530B69BF"><p>Handling of image content,
-which is a <b>data processing</b> exercise referred to as Image Composition. </p> </li>
-<p>For this reason the two are handled separately. </p>
-<p><b>UI Composition </b> </p>
-<p>UI Composition is performed by the Window Server. Each application has
-its own window group containing all of its child windows. The Window Server
-keeps track of the windows' positions, sizes, visibilities, transparencies
-and z-order and is able to establish which windows, and which bits of each
-window, are visible. It ensures that each visible bit of window is kept up-to-date
-by calling its application when necessary. </p>
-<p><b>Image composition </b> </p>
-<p>Prior to the introduction of ScreenPlay the Window Server did rudimentary
-composition in its main thread and rendered composited output to the screen
-buffer using the GDI (Graphics Device Interface). To achieve high frame rates,
-applications typically bypassed the Window Server using Direct Screen Access
-(DSA) and animation DLLs. </p>
-<p>In <xref href="GUID-D93978BE-11A3-5CE3-B110-1DEAA5AD566C.dita">ScreenPlay</xref> sources
-that generate complex graphical output render directly to graphics surfaces.
-The Window Server delegates the composition of surfaces to a composition engine
-that device creators can adapt to take advantage of graphics processing hardware. </p>
-<p>Although the composition engine runs in the Window Server's process, it
-is largely transparent to application developers and works quite differently.
-Instead of using windows, it uses surfaces to store pixel data and elements
-to manipulate size, position, z-order, visibility and transparency. </p>
-<p>While an element is a simple lightweight object, and easy to manipulate,
-a surface stores a large amount of data and its handling requires more consideration. </p>
-<p>The diagram below is a simplistic representation of how applications create
-output which is rendered, composited and displayed. </p>
-<fig id="GUID-9DF4C86A-C06D-5C5A-9AB6-E9991CC1937A">
-<title>           Graphics Composition          </title>
-<image href="GUID-F31EC49A-FE01-58B2-9CB5-4A3BBCCB7DA7_d0e231374_href.png" placement="inline"/>
-<p>In a device with graphics acceleration hardware (a Graphics Processing
-Unit or GPU) there might, in addition to the memory managed by the CPU, be
-additional memory managed by the GPU. Image data may therefore be considered
-to have been <b>software rendered</b> (onto a surface in CPU memory) or <b>hardware
-rendered</b> (onto a surface in hardware accelerated GPU memory). The following
-diagram shows applications and other graphical data sources rendering to surfaces
-in software and hardware. </p>
-<fig id="GUID-2717F861-0045-5598-A3EC-7CF678BEFA70">
-<title>           Hardware rendered graphics - the wrong way!          </title>
-<image href="GUID-EADC4EA6-4492-5A00-A29E-6F7747FCAAC9_d0e231391_href.png" placement="inline"/>
-<p>The diagram, however, represents a system with several problem areas that
-would render it unsuitable for any practical implementation </p>
-<li id="GUID-AF13B0A1-3DC0-576D-81B1-6DF66AA9FA77"><p>In practice it is likely
-that once data has been rendered to hardware-managed memory it is, to all
-intents and purposes, unavailable to software: the CPU is unable to access
-it sufficiently quickly. The dotted paths on the diagram above must therefore
-be avoided. </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-0B109999-94FE-5A5C-B0D0-D3F2157B5CC6"><p>Furthermore, GDI rendered
-data (the UI) is typically 'stored' as redrawing instructions rather than
-bitmapped pixel data—so rendering it to bitmaps before composition is likely
-to use a lot of memory unnecessarily. </p> </li>
-<p>In ScreenPlay, the UI is therefore composed and rendered onto a single
-surface before being composited with any other surfaces. This surface is termed
-the <b>UI surface</b> and is displayed on a layer placed in front of all of
-the others. In fact, the UI surface is created for the Window Server during
-system start up and is then passed to the composition components as a 'special
-case' surface for composition. </p>
-<section id="GUID-6E274D1A-E4CB-4980-B351-B396FEC48DB8"><title>Combining Window Server and Composition </title> <p>The compositing
-of surfaces according to their origin means that the physical composition
-process behaves differently from the logical composition process that is based
-on what the user and the UI are doing. Logically the windows in the UI and
-memory rendered surfaces may be on layers that are interleaved yet the memory
-rendered surfaces are physically composed behind. </p> <p>ScreenPlay addresses
-this issue by associating 'external' surfaces with windows in the Window Server
-using the <xref href="GUID-1460DD8F-9AA1-3B99-8FFD-F309959CCA34.dita#GUID-1460DD8F-9AA1-3B99-8FFD-F309959CCA34/GUID-4EBFFA14-418A-3A2A-B147-39BFC96CE45F"><apiname>RWindowBase::SetBackgroundSurface()</apiname></xref> method. This
-means that the Window Server is able to include them in its logical composition
-and make provision for them during data composition. A window with its background
-set to a surface in this way becomes transparent in the UI rendered UI surface. </p> <p>In
-most cases this is not apparent to the viewer. Surfaces that are physically
-composed behind the UI appear in the correct position on the two-dimensional
-display. The diagram below illustrates how Window Server-rendered UI content
-and external surfaces are composited using the UI surface. </p> <fig id="GUID-3448FD6B-9A39-58CD-8819-39B0B6CC4E13">
-<title>              Hardware composition and the Flattened UI            </title>
-<image href="GUID-B0797210-4EE3-557B-A5A6-D215D030BA0E_d0e231438_href.png" placement="inline"/>
-</fig> <p>Although this method of composition is flexible and powerful, it
-does have some limitations, particularly with respect to semi-transparent
-hardware-accelerated surfaces. </p> <p>It is not possible, for example, to
-include a semi-transparent surface in front of the UI surface. In such cases
-the composition engine determines how the display is composed. </p> <p>Here
-is a second version of the diagram at the top of the page showing how the
-same composition might be achieved in practice. The UI menus, windows and
-dialogs are composited by the Window Server onto a single surface. The light
-green layer displays a hardware rendered surface so it is actually behind
-the layer on which it appears. </p> <fig id="GUID-1FB1194D-FCAE-534C-94DC-AF4CF00E3A1C">
-<title>              The UI surface            </title>
-<image href="GUID-79009102-0490-5C61-9722-C5EE49A1AF2B_d0e231455_href.png" placement="inline"/>
-</fig> </section>
-<section id="GUID-41E9CA54-759F-5651-95F8-9F39808BE740"><title>Composition
-Examples</title> <p>This illustrations below illustrate the use of hardware
-accelerated surfaces and the UI surface </p> <fig id="GUID-8178DBA8-E10C-56F3-A828-80746CE6A993">
-<title>              Video rendered to a hardware accelerated surface mapped
-to a layer              behind the UI surface            </title>
-<image href="GUID-FE3C8D39-CE17-5AC7-AB6A-4D6664D52196_d0e231471_href.png" placement="inline"/>
-</fig> <fig id="GUID-51411B10-6DC3-5B74-BCEF-11EC1D0FBCA8">
-<title>              As above with a semi-transparent dialog on the UI surface
-           </title>
-<image href="GUID-4616CCC9-7BD3-5D91-873A-6027167329ED_d0e231479_href.png" placement="inline"/>
-</fig> </section>
-<link href="GUID-D93978BE-11A3-5CE3-B110-1DEAA5AD566C.dita"><linktext>The ScreenPlay
-<link href="GUID-EF62BF88-3687-505D-8BD7-EEDF36246E56.dita"><linktext>Hardware
-<link href="GUID-63CB6C7E-44EC-5D0B-A37D-FE78F7D76592.dita">
-<linktext>Graphics Composition Collection</linktext></link>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
+"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
+and is available at the URL "". -->
+<!-- Initial Contributors:
+    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<!DOCTYPE concept
+  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
+<concept id="GUID-859CAA08-59C9-5FD3-98DE-6BDD0D6ED50B" xml:lang="en"><title>Graphics
+<p>Composition is the process of putting together the output elements from
+various different sources to create the screen display that the end user sees
+on the device. </p>
+<p> <b>Variant</b>: ScreenPlay. </p>
+<p>In a multi-tasking device many of the activities taking place simultaneously
+generate output for display on the screen. Their output can include words,
+pictures, video, games and the screen furniture (scroll bars, buttons, icons,
+borders, tabs, menus, title bars) familiar to every computer user. </p>
+<p>Many of these output elements can appear at the same time, either next
+to each other or overlapping each other. They can be opaque, such that they
+obscure anything behind, or semi-transparent such that the elements underneath
+are partially visible. </p>
+<p>The diagram below illustrates how the display that the viewer sees (looking
+down from the top) is a two-dimensional representation composed from a series
+of layers. </p>
+<fig id="GUID-19D41F69-1264-5726-9CDD-C4DD0F231BE3">
+<title>           The display is an orthogonal view of a series of layers.
+         </title>
+<image href="GUID-7F3F89C0-999A-552E-90BB-17D720C53DE6_d0e227935_href.png" placement="inline"/>
+<p>Composition requires: </p>
+<li id="GUID-7C593A87-268F-59E1-B295-9DE2A0DF3092"><p>Calculations based on
+the size, position, visibility, transparency and ordering of the layers to
+determine what will be displayed. This is a <b>logic</b> exercise referred
+to as UI Composition. </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-B10758D4-8C30-5446-958D-0B81530B69BF"><p>Handling of image content,
+which is a <b>data processing</b> exercise referred to as Image Composition. </p> </li>
+<p>For this reason the two are handled separately. </p>
+<p><b>UI Composition </b> </p>
+<p>UI Composition is performed by the Window Server. Each application has
+its own window group containing all of its child windows. The Window Server
+keeps track of the windows' positions, sizes, visibilities, transparencies
+and z-order and is able to establish which windows, and which bits of each
+window, are visible. It ensures that each visible bit of window is kept up-to-date
+by calling its application when necessary. </p>
+<p><b>Image composition </b> </p>
+<p>Prior to the introduction of ScreenPlay the Window Server did rudimentary
+composition in its main thread and rendered composited output to the screen
+buffer using the GDI (Graphics Device Interface). To achieve high frame rates,
+applications typically bypassed the Window Server using Direct Screen Access
+(DSA) and animation DLLs. </p>
+<p>In <xref href="GUID-D93978BE-11A3-5CE3-B110-1DEAA5AD566C.dita">ScreenPlay</xref> sources
+that generate complex graphical output render directly to graphics surfaces.
+The Window Server delegates the composition of surfaces to a composition engine
+that device creators can adapt to take advantage of graphics processing hardware. </p>
+<p>Although the composition engine runs in the Window Server's process, it
+is largely transparent to application developers and works quite differently.
+Instead of using windows, it uses surfaces to store pixel data and elements
+to manipulate size, position, z-order, visibility and transparency. </p>
+<p>While an element is a simple lightweight object, and easy to manipulate,
+a surface stores a large amount of data and its handling requires more consideration. </p>
+<p>The diagram below is a simplistic representation of how applications create
+output which is rendered, composited and displayed. </p>
+<fig id="GUID-9DF4C86A-C06D-5C5A-9AB6-E9991CC1937A">
+<title>           Graphics Composition          </title>
+<image href="GUID-F31EC49A-FE01-58B2-9CB5-4A3BBCCB7DA7_d0e227999_href.png" placement="inline"/>
+<p>In a device with graphics acceleration hardware (a Graphics Processing
+Unit or GPU) there might, in addition to the memory managed by the CPU, be
+additional memory managed by the GPU. Image data may therefore be considered
+to have been <b>software rendered</b> (onto a surface in CPU memory) or <b>hardware
+rendered</b> (onto a surface in hardware accelerated GPU memory). The following
+diagram shows applications and other graphical data sources rendering to surfaces
+in software and hardware. </p>
+<fig id="GUID-2717F861-0045-5598-A3EC-7CF678BEFA70">
+<title>           Hardware rendered graphics - the wrong way!          </title>
+<image href="GUID-EADC4EA6-4492-5A00-A29E-6F7747FCAAC9_d0e228016_href.png" placement="inline"/>
+<p>The diagram, however, represents a system with several problem areas that
+would render it unsuitable for any practical implementation </p>
+<li id="GUID-AF13B0A1-3DC0-576D-81B1-6DF66AA9FA77"><p>In practice it is likely
+that once data has been rendered to hardware-managed memory it is, to all
+intents and purposes, unavailable to software: the CPU is unable to access
+it sufficiently quickly. The dotted paths on the diagram above must therefore
+be avoided. </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-0B109999-94FE-5A5C-B0D0-D3F2157B5CC6"><p>Furthermore, GDI rendered
+data (the UI) is typically 'stored' as redrawing instructions rather than
+bitmapped pixel data—so rendering it to bitmaps before composition is likely
+to use a lot of memory unnecessarily. </p> </li>
+<p>In ScreenPlay, the UI is therefore composed and rendered onto a single
+surface before being composited with any other surfaces. This surface is termed
+the <b>UI surface</b> and is displayed on a layer placed in front of all of
+the others. In fact, the UI surface is created for the Window Server during
+system start up and is then passed to the composition components as a 'special
+case' surface for composition. </p>
+<section id="GUID-6E274D1A-E4CB-4980-B351-B396FEC48DB8"><title>Combining Window Server and Composition </title> <p>The compositing
+of surfaces according to their origin means that the physical composition
+process behaves differently from the logical composition process that is based
+on what the user and the UI are doing. Logically the windows in the UI and
+memory rendered surfaces may be on layers that are interleaved yet the memory
+rendered surfaces are physically composed behind. </p> <p>ScreenPlay addresses
+this issue by associating 'external' surfaces with windows in the Window Server
+using the <xref href="GUID-1460DD8F-9AA1-3B99-8FFD-F309959CCA34.dita#GUID-1460DD8F-9AA1-3B99-8FFD-F309959CCA34/GUID-4EBFFA14-418A-3A2A-B147-39BFC96CE45F"><apiname>RWindowBase::SetBackgroundSurface()</apiname></xref> method. This
+means that the Window Server is able to include them in its logical composition
+and make provision for them during data composition. A window with its background
+set to a surface in this way becomes transparent in the UI rendered UI surface. </p> <p>In
+most cases this is not apparent to the viewer. Surfaces that are physically
+composed behind the UI appear in the correct position on the two-dimensional
+display. The diagram below illustrates how Window Server-rendered UI content
+and external surfaces are composited using the UI surface. </p> <fig id="GUID-3448FD6B-9A39-58CD-8819-39B0B6CC4E13">
+<title>              Hardware composition and the Flattened UI            </title>
+<image href="GUID-B0797210-4EE3-557B-A5A6-D215D030BA0E_d0e228063_href.png" placement="inline"/>
+</fig> <p>Although this method of composition is flexible and powerful, it
+does have some limitations, particularly with respect to semi-transparent
+hardware-accelerated surfaces. </p> <p>It is not possible, for example, to
+include a semi-transparent surface in front of the UI surface. In such cases
+the composition engine determines how the display is composed. </p> <p>Here
+is a second version of the diagram at the top of the page showing how the
+same composition might be achieved in practice. The UI menus, windows and
+dialogs are composited by the Window Server onto a single surface. The light
+green layer displays a hardware rendered surface so it is actually behind
+the layer on which it appears. </p> <fig id="GUID-1FB1194D-FCAE-534C-94DC-AF4CF00E3A1C">
+<title>              The UI surface            </title>
+<image href="GUID-79009102-0490-5C61-9722-C5EE49A1AF2B_d0e228080_href.png" placement="inline"/>
+</fig> </section>
+<section id="GUID-41E9CA54-759F-5651-95F8-9F39808BE740"><title>Composition
+Examples</title> <p>This illustrations below illustrate the use of hardware
+accelerated surfaces and the UI surface </p> <fig id="GUID-8178DBA8-E10C-56F3-A828-80746CE6A993">
+<title>              Video rendered to a hardware accelerated surface mapped
+to a layer              behind the UI surface            </title>
+<image href="GUID-FE3C8D39-CE17-5AC7-AB6A-4D6664D52196_d0e228096_href.png" placement="inline"/>
+</fig> <fig id="GUID-51411B10-6DC3-5B74-BCEF-11EC1D0FBCA8">
+<title>              As above with a semi-transparent dialog on the UI surface
+           </title>
+<image href="GUID-4616CCC9-7BD3-5D91-873A-6027167329ED_d0e228104_href.png" placement="inline"/>
+</fig> </section>
+<link href="GUID-D93978BE-11A3-5CE3-B110-1DEAA5AD566C.dita"><linktext>The ScreenPlay
+<link href="GUID-EF62BF88-3687-505D-8BD7-EEDF36246E56.dita"><linktext>Hardware
+<link href="GUID-63CB6C7E-44EC-5D0B-A37D-FE78F7D76592.dita">
+<linktext>Graphics Composition Collection</linktext></link>
\ No newline at end of file