--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223.dita Fri Jun 11 12:39:03 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223.dita Fri Jun 11 15:24:34 2010 +0100
@@ -1,226 +1,226 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
-<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
-"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
-and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
-<!-- Initial Contributors:
- Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-<!DOCTYPE concept
- PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
-<concept id="GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223" xml:lang="en"><title>JPEG
-Image Transform Extension Guide</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
-<p>This document introduces you to the JPEG image transform extensions. </p>
-<section id="GUID-3333CA2A-EF84-5E7B-B9BE-8FF00523897F-GENID-1-10-1-19-1-1-6-1-6-1-12-1-4-1-3-1-3-1-3-1-2-2"><title>Purpose</title> <p>The
-Image Transform framework supports standard extensions for advanced JPEG functions. </p> <p>The
-functions are, </p> <ul>
-<li id="GUID-5AEE7F00-B5AE-5D17-8280-BB86E1C3F309"><p><xref href="GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223.dita#GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223/GUID-3F1A77BC-C5C3-5A3D-B823-7310B97D449A">Orientation</xref> (Rotation and Mirror over horizontal and vertical Axis) </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-48438448-064A-5FE4-96D4-769336CFC50E"><p><xref href="GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223.dita#GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223/GUID-3132C68A-4A30-51FD-9259-9425E3E5B5AE">Overlay</xref> </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-03E14C2D-A7D9-532F-9E3A-BB8A38770929"><p><xref href="GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223.dita#GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223/GUID-AAD925E2-9450-5ADC-B2D2-FF106392FC4C"> Squeeze</xref> </p> </li>
-</ul> </section>
-<section id="GUID-3F1A77BC-C5C3-5A3D-B823-7310B97D449A"><title>Orientation</title> <p>The
-COrientationTransformExtension extension to CImageTransform allows you to
-rotate in steps of 90 degrees or to mirror a JPEG file either from file or
-memory. </p> <p>When you require an Image Transform plugin which supports
-the Orientation extension, call <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-141A948E-6070-335D-B0B2-1F4AD283EC1A"><apiname>CImageTransform::SetTransformationsL()</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-429C3968-9EB4-3B6E-85FF-13244E4505D2"><apiname>CImageTransform::EOrientation()</apiname></xref>.
-The client must get the COrientationTransformExtension extension and use this
-to set up the required transformation: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-12531AE6-3383-50F3-8D89-629010D967E1" xml:space="preserve">
-IMPORT_C void COrientationTransformExtension::SetOrientationL(TOrientation aOrientation);
-</codeblock> <p>The orientation changes supported by the <xref href="GUID-593AD11D-3CE7-39E7-B5FE-EDEDABE8D936.dita"><apiname>COrientationTransformExtension</apiname></xref> are, </p> <ul>
-<li id="GUID-E3056EBA-DC74-5D99-95D5-3016AEAADA4A"><p>90 degree clockwise </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-9E607A83-0846-56FC-95D4-CD7250934EC0"><p>180 degree clockwise </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-27A48EA1-7774-5DA8-9FCB-201965A9EA59"><p>270 degree clockwise </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-53B7C705-D2EE-5729-BE74-91291D7F30C5"><p>mirroring over the vertical
-axis </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-D7806048-D30A-5D77-BA5E-1F581E76D5CC"><p>mirroring over the horizontal
-axis </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-88EDAE03-DB13-5BF9-BAE8-60C20065D114"><p>transpose over the main
-diagonal </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-8E508BFF-714C-58B4-A0BB-82B6507FC7EA"><p>transpose over the minor
-diagonal. </p> </li>
-</ul> <p>In the example function below a JPEG image is rotated by 90 degrees: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-9C13D4D9-1772-5FC1-A294-F0B52A5EFFA2" xml:space="preserve">
- // Create the image transform
- CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
- CleanupStack::PushL(imageTransform);
- // Setup the image transform
- imageTransform->SetSourceFilenameL(aSrcFileName);
- imageTransform->SetDestFilenameL(aDestFileName);
- imageTransform->SetTransformationsL(CImageTransform::EOrientation);
- imageTransform->SetupL();
- // Get the extension plugin supporting orientation
- TUid lRotateUid = {KUidOrientationTransformExtension };
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- COrientationTransformExtension* lRotateExt = static_cast<COrientationTransformExtension*>
- (imageTransform->Extension(lRotateUid, err));
- // Check here whether the plugin supports this extension or not set the orientation on
- // the plugin
- lRotateExt->SetOrientationL(COrientationTransformExtension::ERotation90DegreesClockwise);
- // Perform the transformation
- imageTransform->Transform(aStatus);
- // CImageTransform::Transform() is an asynchronous function
- // and the result of the transformation would be known in the
- // RunL() function of the active object associated with the aStatus
-</codeblock> <p>The image rotation can be performed in the compressed domain
-allowing a transformation of the image. Benefits of speed and memory usage
-can be obtained dependent on the implementation of the plugin. </p> </section>
-<section id="GUID-3132C68A-4A30-51FD-9259-9425E3E5B5AE"><title>Overlay</title> <p> <xref href="GUID-83EA2789-C3FE-383A-B81F-E9E362FE4283.dita"><apiname>COverlayTransformExtension</apiname></xref> extension
-to Image Transform framework allows lossless overlay or blend of images. Examples
-of the use of <xref href="GUID-83EA2789-C3FE-383A-B81F-E9E362FE4283.dita"><apiname>COverlayTransformExtension</apiname></xref> include adding
-timestamp or place-stamp, some text or inserting a company logo. The images
-below show an example of overlay functionality: </p> <fig id="GUID-BA901C57-D744-5353-8B25-2195EA084016">
-<image href="GUID-E09CA978-2599-50F9-AF6D-077AD7D5CA6F_d0e523592_href.jpg" placement="inline"/>
-</fig> <p>The image overlay transformation can, depending on its implementation,
-be very fast eliminating the need to decode the whole image making it very
-useful, for example a camera application. The types of image that can be overlaid
-onto the main JPEG image can be discovered through the extension. It is also
-possible to overlay a <codeph>CFbsBitmap</codeph>. If you need transparency,
-then you have to choose an image format supporting a transparency channel
-such as PNG. </p> <p>When you require an Image Transform plugin which supports
-the Overlay extension, call <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-141A948E-6070-335D-B0B2-1F4AD283EC1A"><apiname>CImageTransform::SetTransformationsL()</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-198CAB14-A6CB-3D51-9404-C4DED1DCF215"><apiname>CImageTransform::EOverlay()</apiname></xref>.
-The client must get the COverlayTransformExtension extension and use this
-to set up the required transformation. The client can control the desired
-position for overlay, and the transparency for image. The example below show
-the successful setup for <xref href="GUID-83EA2789-C3FE-383A-B81F-E9E362FE4283.dita"><apiname>COverlayTransformExtension</apiname></xref> with
-the JPEG image overlaid by an image at (0,0) position co-ordinates: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-648E2DC3-9BA2-59D3-88DA-3E9C31BC3F18" xml:space="preserve">
- // Create the image transform
- CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
- CleanupStack::PushL(imageTransform);
- // Setup the image transform
- imageTransform->SetSourceFilenameL(aSrcFileName);
- imageTransform->SetDestFilenameL(aDestFileName);
- imageTransform->SetTransformationsL(CImageTransform::EOverlay);
- imageTransform->SetupL();
- // Get the extension plugin supporting overlay
- TUid lOverlayUid = {KUidOverlayTransformExtension };
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- COverlayTransformExtension * lOverlayExt = static_cast< COverlayTransformExtension *>
- (imageTransform->Extension(lOverlayUid, err));
- // Check here whether the plugin supports this extension or not Set the position on
- // the plugin
- lOverlayExt->Position(TPoint(0,0));
- // Set the overlay file and its type
- lOverlayExt->SetOverlayFileL(aOverlayFileName, KImageTypeJPGUid);
- // Perform the transformation
- imageTransform->Transform(aStatus);
- // CImageTransform::Transform() is an asynchronous function
- // and the result of the transformation would be known in the
- // RunL() function of the active object associated with the aStatus
-</codeblock> </section>
-<section id="GUID-AAD925E2-9450-5ADC-B2D2-FF106392FC4C"><title>Squeeze</title> <p>The <xref href="GUID-1B022316-410D-328C-AFB2-E3A339E1609B.dita"><apiname>CSqueezeTransformExtension()</apiname></xref> extension
-to the Image Transform framework allows, </p> <ul>
-<li id="GUID-485ED69C-7895-5B8F-B2DC-D8A165F74D59"><p>Auto-resize </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-8DDD9BE0-F079-5F6F-B4D7-26DC45170BEC"><p>Squeeze. </p> </li>
-</ul> <p>A auto-resize adjusts the image size and encoding quality to achieve
-a desired file size. If the file size requirement has not been met, then you
-can use squeeze to compress the image even further. The JPEG squeeze module
-is a convenient tool when creating MMS. </p> <p>When you require an Image
-Transform plugin which supports the Squeeze extension, call <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-141A948E-6070-335D-B0B2-1F4AD283EC1A"><apiname>CImageTransform::SetTransformationsL()</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-FC837A02-243D-3A5B-A81D-63802678F6C6"><apiname>CImageTransform::ESqueeze()</apiname></xref>. </p> <p>Squeezing an image can be accomplished through: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-12A6E7C4-8627-5ACC-8692-64F247FB518D" xml:space="preserve">
-IMPORT_C void CSqueezeTransformExtension::SetDestSizeInBytes(TUint aMaxDestDataSize ) ;
-</codeblock> <p>Or </p> <codeblock id="GUID-97A7CE4F-A227-51EE-B8E6-CC04C5A2491A" xml:space="preserve">
- IMPORT_C void SetAdvancedSqueezeModeL(TAdvancedSqueezeParams* aSqueezeAutoResizeParams ) ;
-</codeblock> <p>In the latter case can be made through the use of <xref href="GUID-4372B86B-111B-3B9E-838A-511D247846D4.dita#GUID-4372B86B-111B-3B9E-838A-511D247846D4/GUID-15AB4D19-1FDE-3D29-AED2-7776E3E08C10"><apiname>TAdvancedSqueezeParams::TAutoResizeAction</apiname></xref>.
-The enumeration to do auto resize are, </p> <ul>
-<li id="GUID-3240A4EE-6904-536C-BA05-5995738CE048"><p> <xref href="GUID-DAEB147E-2A50-30F5-85C8-863DC8C21AF7.dita"><apiname>
- EAutoResizeActionPreserveSourceEncodingQuality</apiname></xref> for preserving
-the source encoding quality while shrinking the width and height of the image </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-B29AE145-B946-59CD-879E-6F77F0E48563"><p> <xref href="GUID-EAF60EAB-3E65-34AE-BD3F-C32BA331BCEE.dita"><apiname> EAutoResizeActionPrioritizeLargeImageSize</apiname></xref> for
-preserving the maxImageSize while lowering the encoding quality </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-2B98FA22-2853-5DB0-B9A2-7B2BC6080522"><p> <xref href="GUID-EAF42079-109B-36E7-940F-C10C10743E31.dita"><apiname>EAutoResizeActionResizePrioritizeHighEncodingQuality</apiname></xref> for
-preserving the highest possible encoding quality while shrinking the width
-and height of the image </p> </li>
-<li id="GUID-3848F63C-D0CF-5888-BC68-127AA29DFE81"><p> <xref href="GUID-D8807BBD-5EAE-3BBE-B408-5841D7554287.dita"><apiname>EAutoResizeActionMiddleCourse</apiname></xref> for
-simultaneously lower the encoding quality and shrink the width and height
-of the image. </p> </li>
-</ul> <p>These settings are used by the auto resize to determine size and
-encoding quality for the new image file. </p> <p>The JPEG squeeze enblaes
-images to be set to a enblaes pre-defined size. This is useful if storage
-size is critical or if there are limitations when sending images i.e. MMS
-file size. The dimensions of the image are preserved; the JPEG compression
-ratio being changed to maintain the image size. </p> <p> <b>Note:</b> The
-JPEG squeeze functionality must be used with care. Drastically decreasing
-file size will result in poor image quality. </p> <p>In the below example,
-the JPEG image is squeezed to get a file size less than the specified maxium
-size: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-9E529BC6-0042-5EBE-A5AE-8F2ADAA8E4D8" xml:space="preserve">
- // Create the image transform
- CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
- CleanupStack::PushL(imageTransform);
- // Setup the image transform
- imageTransform->SetSourceFilenameL(aSrcFileName);
- imageTransform->SetDestFilenameL(aDestFileName);
- imageTransform->SetTransformationsL(CImageTransform::ESqueeze);
- imageTransform->SetupL();
- // Get the extension plugin supporting squeeze
- TUid lSqueezeUid = {KUidSqueezeTransformExtension };
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- CSqueezeTransformExtension * lSqueezeExt = static_cast< CSqueezeTransformExtension*>
-(imageTransform->Extension(lSqueezeUid, err));
- // Check here whether the plugin supports this extension or not
- // Set the max dest size in bytes
- lSqueezeExt-> SetDestSizeInBytes(aMaxSizeInBytes);
- // Perform the transformation
- imageTransform->Transform(aStatus);
- // CImageTransform::Transform() is an asynchronous function
- // and the result of the transformation would be known in the
- // RunL() function of the active object associated with the aStatus
-</codeblock> <p>The example code below show how the JPEG squeeze image is
-used to make an image fulfill the MMS ‘Image Rich’ class constraints, i.e.
-file size less than 100k bytes and image size no more than 640*480 pixels. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-C04CB828-3307-5079-91CD-BEA7A15F0215" xml:space="preserve">
- // Create the image transform
- CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
- CleanupStack::PushL(imageTransform);
- // Setup the image transform
- imageTransform->SetSourceFilenameL(aSrcFileName);
- imageTransform->SetDestFilenameL(aDestFileName);
- imageTransform->SetTransformationsL(CImageTransform::ESqueeze);
- imageTransform->SetupL();
- // Get the extension plugin supporting squeeze
- TUid lSqueezeUid = {KUidSqueezeTransformExtension };
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- CSqueezeTransformExtension * lSqueezeExt = static_cast< CSqueezeTransformExtension*>
-(imageTransform->Extension(lSqueezeUid, err));
- TInt res = KErrNone;
- TInt newSize = 0;
- TAdvancedSqueezeParams info ;
- // MMS Image Rich
- info.iMaxDestSizeInBytes = 100000;
- info.iMaxImageSize.iWidth = 640;
- info.iMaxImageSize.iHeight = 480;
- info.iMinImageSize. iWidth = 160;
- info.iMinImageSize. iHeight = 120;
- info.iResizeAction = EAutoResizeActionPrioritizeLargeImageSize;
- info.iMinEncodingQuality = 0.5f;
- info.iSamplingUid = KUidSamplingColor420;
- lSqueezeExt->SetAdvancedSqueezeModeL(&info);
- // Perform the transformation
- imageTransform->Transform(aStatus);
- // CImageTransform::Transform() is an asynchronous function
- // and the result of the transformation would be known in the
- // RunL() function of the active object associated with the aStatus
-</codeblock> </section>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
+"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
+and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
+<!-- Initial Contributors:
+ Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<!DOCTYPE concept
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
+<concept id="GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223" xml:lang="en"><title>JPEG
+Image Transform Extension Guide</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
+<p>This document introduces you to the JPEG image transform extensions. </p>
+<section id="GUID-3333CA2A-EF84-5E7B-B9BE-8FF00523897F-GENID-1-12-1-21-1-1-6-1-6-1-11-1-4-1-3-1-3-1-3-1-2-2"><title>Purpose</title> <p>The
+Image Transform framework supports standard extensions for advanced JPEG functions. </p> <p>The
+functions are, </p> <ul>
+<li id="GUID-5AEE7F00-B5AE-5D17-8280-BB86E1C3F309"><p><xref href="GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223.dita#GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223/GUID-3F1A77BC-C5C3-5A3D-B823-7310B97D449A">Orientation</xref> (Rotation and Mirror over horizontal and vertical Axis) </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-48438448-064A-5FE4-96D4-769336CFC50E"><p><xref href="GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223.dita#GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223/GUID-3132C68A-4A30-51FD-9259-9425E3E5B5AE">Overlay</xref> </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-03E14C2D-A7D9-532F-9E3A-BB8A38770929"><p><xref href="GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223.dita#GUID-8E794D5A-9C83-54EB-AD5A-6A74BB155223/GUID-AAD925E2-9450-5ADC-B2D2-FF106392FC4C"> Squeeze</xref> </p> </li>
+</ul> </section>
+<section id="GUID-3F1A77BC-C5C3-5A3D-B823-7310B97D449A"><title>Orientation</title> <p>The
+COrientationTransformExtension extension to CImageTransform allows you to
+rotate in steps of 90 degrees or to mirror a JPEG file either from file or
+memory. </p> <p>When you require an Image Transform plugin which supports
+the Orientation extension, call <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-141A948E-6070-335D-B0B2-1F4AD283EC1A"><apiname>CImageTransform::SetTransformationsL()</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-429C3968-9EB4-3B6E-85FF-13244E4505D2"><apiname>CImageTransform::EOrientation()</apiname></xref>.
+The client must get the COrientationTransformExtension extension and use this
+to set up the required transformation: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-12531AE6-3383-50F3-8D89-629010D967E1" xml:space="preserve">
+IMPORT_C void COrientationTransformExtension::SetOrientationL(TOrientation aOrientation);
+</codeblock> <p>The orientation changes supported by the <xref href="GUID-593AD11D-3CE7-39E7-B5FE-EDEDABE8D936.dita"><apiname>COrientationTransformExtension</apiname></xref> are, </p> <ul>
+<li id="GUID-E3056EBA-DC74-5D99-95D5-3016AEAADA4A"><p>90 degree clockwise </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-9E607A83-0846-56FC-95D4-CD7250934EC0"><p>180 degree clockwise </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-27A48EA1-7774-5DA8-9FCB-201965A9EA59"><p>270 degree clockwise </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-53B7C705-D2EE-5729-BE74-91291D7F30C5"><p>mirroring over the vertical
+axis </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-D7806048-D30A-5D77-BA5E-1F581E76D5CC"><p>mirroring over the horizontal
+axis </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-88EDAE03-DB13-5BF9-BAE8-60C20065D114"><p>transpose over the main
+diagonal </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-8E508BFF-714C-58B4-A0BB-82B6507FC7EA"><p>transpose over the minor
+diagonal. </p> </li>
+</ul> <p>In the example function below a JPEG image is rotated by 90 degrees: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-9C13D4D9-1772-5FC1-A294-F0B52A5EFFA2" xml:space="preserve">
+ // Create the image transform
+ CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(imageTransform);
+ // Setup the image transform
+ imageTransform->SetSourceFilenameL(aSrcFileName);
+ imageTransform->SetDestFilenameL(aDestFileName);
+ imageTransform->SetTransformationsL(CImageTransform::EOrientation);
+ imageTransform->SetupL();
+ // Get the extension plugin supporting orientation
+ TUid lRotateUid = {KUidOrientationTransformExtension };
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ COrientationTransformExtension* lRotateExt = static_cast<COrientationTransformExtension*>
+ (imageTransform->Extension(lRotateUid, err));
+ // Check here whether the plugin supports this extension or not set the orientation on
+ // the plugin
+ lRotateExt->SetOrientationL(COrientationTransformExtension::ERotation90DegreesClockwise);
+ // Perform the transformation
+ imageTransform->Transform(aStatus);
+ // CImageTransform::Transform() is an asynchronous function
+ // and the result of the transformation would be known in the
+ // RunL() function of the active object associated with the aStatus
+</codeblock> <p>The image rotation can be performed in the compressed domain
+allowing a transformation of the image. Benefits of speed and memory usage
+can be obtained dependent on the implementation of the plugin. </p> </section>
+<section id="GUID-3132C68A-4A30-51FD-9259-9425E3E5B5AE"><title>Overlay</title> <p> <xref href="GUID-83EA2789-C3FE-383A-B81F-E9E362FE4283.dita"><apiname>COverlayTransformExtension</apiname></xref> extension
+to Image Transform framework allows lossless overlay or blend of images. Examples
+of the use of <xref href="GUID-83EA2789-C3FE-383A-B81F-E9E362FE4283.dita"><apiname>COverlayTransformExtension</apiname></xref> include adding
+timestamp or place-stamp, some text or inserting a company logo. The images
+below show an example of overlay functionality: </p> <fig id="GUID-BA901C57-D744-5353-8B25-2195EA084016">
+<image href="GUID-E09CA978-2599-50F9-AF6D-077AD7D5CA6F_d0e511350_href.jpg" placement="inline"/>
+</fig> <p>The image overlay transformation can, depending on its implementation,
+be very fast eliminating the need to decode the whole image making it very
+useful, for example a camera application. The types of image that can be overlaid
+onto the main JPEG image can be discovered through the extension. It is also
+possible to overlay a <codeph>CFbsBitmap</codeph>. If you need transparency,
+then you have to choose an image format supporting a transparency channel
+such as PNG. </p> <p>When you require an Image Transform plugin which supports
+the Overlay extension, call <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-141A948E-6070-335D-B0B2-1F4AD283EC1A"><apiname>CImageTransform::SetTransformationsL()</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-198CAB14-A6CB-3D51-9404-C4DED1DCF215"><apiname>CImageTransform::EOverlay()</apiname></xref>.
+The client must get the COverlayTransformExtension extension and use this
+to set up the required transformation. The client can control the desired
+position for overlay, and the transparency for image. The example below show
+the successful setup for <xref href="GUID-83EA2789-C3FE-383A-B81F-E9E362FE4283.dita"><apiname>COverlayTransformExtension</apiname></xref> with
+the JPEG image overlaid by an image at (0,0) position co-ordinates: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-648E2DC3-9BA2-59D3-88DA-3E9C31BC3F18" xml:space="preserve">
+ // Create the image transform
+ CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(imageTransform);
+ // Setup the image transform
+ imageTransform->SetSourceFilenameL(aSrcFileName);
+ imageTransform->SetDestFilenameL(aDestFileName);
+ imageTransform->SetTransformationsL(CImageTransform::EOverlay);
+ imageTransform->SetupL();
+ // Get the extension plugin supporting overlay
+ TUid lOverlayUid = {KUidOverlayTransformExtension };
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ COverlayTransformExtension * lOverlayExt = static_cast< COverlayTransformExtension *>
+ (imageTransform->Extension(lOverlayUid, err));
+ // Check here whether the plugin supports this extension or not Set the position on
+ // the plugin
+ lOverlayExt->Position(TPoint(0,0));
+ // Set the overlay file and its type
+ lOverlayExt->SetOverlayFileL(aOverlayFileName, KImageTypeJPGUid);
+ // Perform the transformation
+ imageTransform->Transform(aStatus);
+ // CImageTransform::Transform() is an asynchronous function
+ // and the result of the transformation would be known in the
+ // RunL() function of the active object associated with the aStatus
+</codeblock> </section>
+<section id="GUID-AAD925E2-9450-5ADC-B2D2-FF106392FC4C"><title>Squeeze</title> <p>The <xref href="GUID-1B022316-410D-328C-AFB2-E3A339E1609B.dita"><apiname>CSqueezeTransformExtension()</apiname></xref> extension
+to the Image Transform framework allows, </p> <ul>
+<li id="GUID-485ED69C-7895-5B8F-B2DC-D8A165F74D59"><p>Auto-resize </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-8DDD9BE0-F079-5F6F-B4D7-26DC45170BEC"><p>Squeeze. </p> </li>
+</ul> <p>A auto-resize adjusts the image size and encoding quality to achieve
+a desired file size. If the file size requirement has not been met, then you
+can use squeeze to compress the image even further. The JPEG squeeze module
+is a convenient tool when creating MMS. </p> <p>When you require an Image
+Transform plugin which supports the Squeeze extension, call <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-141A948E-6070-335D-B0B2-1F4AD283EC1A"><apiname>CImageTransform::SetTransformationsL()</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4.dita#GUID-37B0C02C-F518-3ADD-8828-90FD6B3E9DE4/GUID-FC837A02-243D-3A5B-A81D-63802678F6C6"><apiname>CImageTransform::ESqueeze()</apiname></xref>. </p> <p>Squeezing an image can be accomplished through: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-12A6E7C4-8627-5ACC-8692-64F247FB518D" xml:space="preserve">
+IMPORT_C void CSqueezeTransformExtension::SetDestSizeInBytes(TUint aMaxDestDataSize ) ;
+</codeblock> <p>Or </p> <codeblock id="GUID-97A7CE4F-A227-51EE-B8E6-CC04C5A2491A" xml:space="preserve">
+ IMPORT_C void SetAdvancedSqueezeModeL(TAdvancedSqueezeParams* aSqueezeAutoResizeParams ) ;
+</codeblock> <p>In the latter case can be made through the use of <xref href="GUID-4372B86B-111B-3B9E-838A-511D247846D4.dita#GUID-4372B86B-111B-3B9E-838A-511D247846D4/GUID-15AB4D19-1FDE-3D29-AED2-7776E3E08C10"><apiname>TAdvancedSqueezeParams::TAutoResizeAction</apiname></xref>.
+The enumeration to do auto resize are, </p> <ul>
+<li id="GUID-3240A4EE-6904-536C-BA05-5995738CE048"><p> <xref href="GUID-DAEB147E-2A50-30F5-85C8-863DC8C21AF7.dita"><apiname>
+ EAutoResizeActionPreserveSourceEncodingQuality</apiname></xref> for preserving
+the source encoding quality while shrinking the width and height of the image </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-B29AE145-B946-59CD-879E-6F77F0E48563"><p> <xref href="GUID-EAF60EAB-3E65-34AE-BD3F-C32BA331BCEE.dita"><apiname> EAutoResizeActionPrioritizeLargeImageSize</apiname></xref> for
+preserving the maxImageSize while lowering the encoding quality </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-2B98FA22-2853-5DB0-B9A2-7B2BC6080522"><p> <xref href="GUID-EAF42079-109B-36E7-940F-C10C10743E31.dita"><apiname>EAutoResizeActionResizePrioritizeHighEncodingQuality</apiname></xref> for
+preserving the highest possible encoding quality while shrinking the width
+and height of the image </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-3848F63C-D0CF-5888-BC68-127AA29DFE81"><p> <xref href="GUID-D8807BBD-5EAE-3BBE-B408-5841D7554287.dita"><apiname>EAutoResizeActionMiddleCourse</apiname></xref> for
+simultaneously lower the encoding quality and shrink the width and height
+of the image. </p> </li>
+</ul> <p>These settings are used by the auto resize to determine size and
+encoding quality for the new image file. </p> <p>The JPEG squeeze enblaes
+images to be set to a enblaes pre-defined size. This is useful if storage
+size is critical or if there are limitations when sending images i.e. MMS
+file size. The dimensions of the image are preserved; the JPEG compression
+ratio being changed to maintain the image size. </p> <p> <b>Note:</b> The
+JPEG squeeze functionality must be used with care. Drastically decreasing
+file size will result in poor image quality. </p> <p>In the below example,
+the JPEG image is squeezed to get a file size less than the specified maxium
+size: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-9E529BC6-0042-5EBE-A5AE-8F2ADAA8E4D8" xml:space="preserve">
+ // Create the image transform
+ CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(imageTransform);
+ // Setup the image transform
+ imageTransform->SetSourceFilenameL(aSrcFileName);
+ imageTransform->SetDestFilenameL(aDestFileName);
+ imageTransform->SetTransformationsL(CImageTransform::ESqueeze);
+ imageTransform->SetupL();
+ // Get the extension plugin supporting squeeze
+ TUid lSqueezeUid = {KUidSqueezeTransformExtension };
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ CSqueezeTransformExtension * lSqueezeExt = static_cast< CSqueezeTransformExtension*>
+(imageTransform->Extension(lSqueezeUid, err));
+ // Check here whether the plugin supports this extension or not
+ // Set the max dest size in bytes
+ lSqueezeExt-> SetDestSizeInBytes(aMaxSizeInBytes);
+ // Perform the transformation
+ imageTransform->Transform(aStatus);
+ // CImageTransform::Transform() is an asynchronous function
+ // and the result of the transformation would be known in the
+ // RunL() function of the active object associated with the aStatus
+</codeblock> <p>The example code below show how the JPEG squeeze image is
+used to make an image fulfill the MMS ‘Image Rich’ class constraints, i.e.
+file size less than 100k bytes and image size no more than 640*480 pixels. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-C04CB828-3307-5079-91CD-BEA7A15F0215" xml:space="preserve">
+ // Create the image transform
+ CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(imageTransform);
+ // Setup the image transform
+ imageTransform->SetSourceFilenameL(aSrcFileName);
+ imageTransform->SetDestFilenameL(aDestFileName);
+ imageTransform->SetTransformationsL(CImageTransform::ESqueeze);
+ imageTransform->SetupL();
+ // Get the extension plugin supporting squeeze
+ TUid lSqueezeUid = {KUidSqueezeTransformExtension };
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ CSqueezeTransformExtension * lSqueezeExt = static_cast< CSqueezeTransformExtension*>
+(imageTransform->Extension(lSqueezeUid, err));
+ TInt res = KErrNone;
+ TInt newSize = 0;
+ TAdvancedSqueezeParams info ;
+ // MMS Image Rich
+ info.iMaxDestSizeInBytes = 100000;
+ info.iMaxImageSize.iWidth = 640;
+ info.iMaxImageSize.iHeight = 480;
+ info.iMinImageSize. iWidth = 160;
+ info.iMinImageSize. iHeight = 120;
+ info.iResizeAction = EAutoResizeActionPrioritizeLargeImageSize;
+ info.iMinEncodingQuality = 0.5f;
+ info.iSamplingUid = KUidSamplingColor420;
+ lSqueezeExt->SetAdvancedSqueezeModeL(&info);
+ // Perform the transformation
+ imageTransform->Transform(aStatus);
+ // CImageTransform::Transform() is an asynchronous function
+ // and the result of the transformation would be known in the
+ // RunL() function of the active object associated with the aStatus
+</codeblock> </section>
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