--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-11C24609-3B6D-4B44-B003-FB0C07444A9E.dita Tue Mar 30 11:42:04 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-11C24609-3B6D-4B44-B003-FB0C07444A9E.dita Tue Mar 30 11:56:28 2010 +0100
@@ -4,16 +4,18 @@
"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
<!-- Initial Contributors:
- Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
---> <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"><concept id="GUID-11C24609-3B6D-4B44-B003-FB0C07444A9E" xml:lang="en"><title>Scroll
+<!DOCTYPE concept
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
+<concept id="GUID-11C24609-3B6D-4B44-B003-FB0C07444A9E" xml:lang="en"><title>Scrollbars</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>With any list, grid or other component that can be scrolled vertically,
a scrollbar appears on the right-hand side of the component. The scrollbar
is displayed also on pop-up components.</p>
-<fig id="GUID-BD8A5FCD-048E-41AF-BA17-A38B689141D9">
+<fig id="GUID-1C685A4B-F3EF-4A43-9233-E84C67FD74F4">
<title>Scroll pane with scrollbar</title>
-<image href="GUID-F8A7F4CB-011C-425D-83B4-13BD67AA21B7_d0e78907_href.png" scale="33" placement="inline"></image>
+<image href="GUID-3382507E-1B21-418C-A908-DD3F688C0672_d0e101099_href.png" placement="inline"/>
<li><p>The placement of the scroll handle on the scrollbar reflects the position
@@ -27,33 +29,94 @@
<section id="GUID-054FE843-7681-40D9-ACA7-47122BC3107B"><title>Scrollbars
-in Touch UI</title><p>In touch devices based on the Symbian platform,
-scrollbars (vertical and horizontal) have a touch-enabled scroll box. The
-hardware keys (Arrow keys) can also be used for scrolling when the scrollbars
-are visible. The scrolling movement on the screen is smooth.</p><p>In order
-for the scrollbar to be more usable with touch, the actual scrollbar area
-is wider than the visible scrollbar. When the user scrolls, the scrollbar
-has a related effect to indicate the scrolling. Because the actual area of
-scrollbar is wider, the items appearing on that area in scrollable list, grids,
-viewers etc. cannot be touch-enabled, e.g. list icons in column D cannot be
+in Touch UI</title><p>In touch devices based on the Symbian platform, scrollbars
+(vertical and horizontal) have a touch-enabled scroll box. The hardware keys
+(Arrow keys) can also be used for scrolling when the scrollbars are visible.
+The scrolling movement on the screen is smooth.</p><p>For the scrollbar to
+be more usable with touch, the actual scrollbar area is wider than the visible
+scrollbar. When the user scrolls, the scrollbar has a related effect to indicate
+the scrolling. Because the actual area of scrollbar is wider, the items appearing
+on that area in scrollable list, grids, viewers cannot be touch-enabled, for
+example,list icons in column D cannot be tapped.</p><table id="GUID-96CBFEBF-601B-4686-85B2-7E634AB1F1B2">
+<title>Default control events for scrollbar.</title>
+<tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="col1" colwidth="0.80*"/><colspec colname="col2" colwidth="1.01*"/><colspec colname="col3" colwidth="1.19*"/>
+<entry valign="top"><p>User action</p></entry>
+<entry valign="top"><p>State change</p></entry>
+<entry valign="top"><p>Feedback</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Touch down on a scrollbar, no thumb</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Scrolling is activated when there is a scrollbar under the touch
+event. Scrollbar thumb is moved towards the touch down position on the scroll
+bar. Scrolling is done for a page at a time.</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Scrollbar color is changed to indicate that the scrollbar has the
+control.</p><p>Tactile: <ul>
+<li>No feedback is provided when touch down on a scrollbar and no thumb is
+used. </li>
+<li><p>Sensitive slider effect and audio feedback given when thumb is moved
+towards the touch down position.</p></li>
+<li><p>No feedback is provided with touch release.</p></li>
+</ul> </p></entry>
+<entry><p>Touch down on a scrollbar thumb</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Scrollbar thumb can be moved in desired direction. Scrollbar thumb
+color is changed as an indication to the users that scrolling can be performed.</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Scrollbar thumb color is changed to indicate scrolling activation.</p><p>Tactile:
+Sensitive slider effect and audio feedback provided with touch down and release
+<entry><p>Touch down and hold scrollbar, no thumb</p></entry>
+<entry><p>This action performs a “key repeat”. The scrollbar thumb is moved
+towards the touch down position</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Tactile: Sensitive slider effect and audio feedback provided with
+touch down and with steps.</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Touch down and move</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Scrollbar thumb is moved along with the touch event.</p><p>Touch
+down on scrollbar thumb, dragging and touch release are performed on the scrollbar
+control area.</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Tactile: <ul>
+<li><p>Sensitive slider effect and audio feedback provided with touch down
+<li><p>Smooth slider effect provided with the drag event.</p></li>
+<li><p>Sensitive slider effect provided with touch release.</p></li>
+</ul> </p></entry>
+<entry><p>Touch down on scrollbar thumb and move outside the scrollbar control
+<entry><p>Scrollbar thumb remains in the position where it was when the finger
+left the scrollbar control area.</p><p>If the user moves the touch outside
+the scrollbar control area and back, the thumb will continue to move along
+with the touch event.</p><p>After touch down on scrollbar thumb, touch is
+dragged out from the scrollbar control area, without releasing the touch.</p></entry>
+<entry><p>Tactile: Sensitive slider effect and audio feedback provided with
+touch down. No feedback is provided if the thumb is not moving. If the thumb
+moves, smooth slide feedback provided.</p><p><note>If touch release happens
+outside the scrollbar, no feedback is provided.</note></p></entry>
<section id="GUID-87093F25-CFC3-4D71-A5EF-006C6425C65D"><title>Using
scrollbars in C++ applications</title><p>The API to use for creating the scrollbar
-component is the Scroller
-API.</p><p>To use a scrollbar in your application, first create a scrollbar
-frame using the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCEikScrollBarFrame.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CEikScrollbarFrame</codeph></xref>. All scrollbar operations are executed via this scrollbar frame.
+component is the <xref format="html" href="specs/guides/Scroller_API_Specification/Scroller_API_Specification.html" scope="peer">Scroller API</xref>.</p><p>To use a scrollbar in your application,
+first create a scrollbar frame using the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCEikScrollBarFrame.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CEikScrollbarFrame</codeph></xref>. All scrollbar operations are executed via this scrollbar frame.
These operations include creating and destroying the scrollbar, setting its
visibility, and adjusting the scrollbar's model. The scrollbar itself can
be created using the method <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCEikScrollBarFrame.html#81980f8db36253fc89fb7ebbfa316b4d" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL()</codeph></xref> in the class <codeph>CEikScrollBarFrame</codeph>.
-The class for the scrollbar is <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknDoubleSpanScrollBar.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar</codeph></xref>. For implementation information, see Creating
-a scrollbar.</p><p>Scrollbar models encapsulate the range of integers
-which a scrollbar can represent, from zero to n, and the current position
-of the scrollbar thumb within that range. To set the scrollbar model, use
-the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classTAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>TAknDoubleSpanScrollbarModel</codeph></xref>. For information on updating the scrollbar's position and size using
-the scrollbar model, see Updating
-ArrowHead scrollbar attributes and Updating
-DoubleSpan scrollbar attributes.</p><p>You can control the scrollbar
-visibility using the method <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCEikScrollBarFrame.html#63d2cba6f1261f9c56dd7a98499fceda" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>SetScrollbarVisibilityL()</codeph></xref> in the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCEikScrollBarFrame.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CEikScrollbarFrame</codeph></xref>.</p><p>To observed scrollbar events,
-use the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classMEikScrollBarObserver.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>MEikScrollbarObserver</codeph></xref>. For implementation information, see Observing
-scrollbar events.</p></section>
+The class for the scrollbar is <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCAknDoubleSpanScrollBar.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar</codeph></xref>. For implementation information, see <xref format="html" href="specs/guides/Scroller_API_Specification/Scroller_API_Specification.html#Scroller_API_Specification.topic3.1" scope="peer">Creating a scrollbar</xref>.</p><p>Scrollbar models encapsulate
+the range of integers which a scrollbar can represent, from zero to n, and
+the current position of the scrollbar thumb within that range. To set the
+scrollbar model, use the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classTAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>TAknDoubleSpanScrollbarModel</codeph></xref>. For information on updating the scrollbar's position and size using
+the scrollbar model, see <xref format="html" href="specs/guides/Scroller_API_Specification/Scroller_API_Specification.html#Scroller_API_Specification.topic3.2" scope="peer">Updating ArrowHead scrollbar attributes</xref> and <xref format="html" href="specs/guides/Scroller_API_Specification/Scroller_API_Specification.html#Scroller_API_Specification.topic3.3" scope="peer">Updating DoubleSpan scrollbar attributes</xref>.</p><p>You can
+control the scrollbar visibility using the method <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCEikScrollBarFrame.html#63d2cba6f1261f9c56dd7a98499fceda" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>SetScrollbarVisibilityL()</codeph></xref> in the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classCEikScrollBarFrame.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>CEikScrollbarFrame</codeph></xref>.</p><p>To observed scrollbar events,
+use the class <xref href="jar:GUID-759FBC7F-5384-4487-8457-A8D4B76F6AA6.jar!/html/classMEikScrollBarObserver.html" format="application/java-archive"><codeph>MEikScrollbarObserver</codeph></xref>. For implementation information, see <xref format="html" href="specs/guides/Scroller_API_Specification/Scroller_API_Specification.html.dita#specs/guides/Scroller_API_Specification/Scroller_API_Specification.html/Scroller_API_Specification.topic3.4">Observing scrollbar events</xref>.</p></section>
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