--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-BB9760B4-4F3F-5326-81FB-B644C82F0E65.dita Tue Mar 30 11:42:04 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-BB9760B4-4F3F-5326-81FB-B644C82F0E65.dita Tue Mar 30 11:56:28 2010 +0100
@@ -1,17 +1,42 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
-<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
-"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
-and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
-<!-- Initial Contributors:
- Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-<!DOCTYPE concept
- PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
-<concept id="GUID-BB9760B4-4F3F-5326-81FB-B644C82F0E65" xml:lang="en"><title>File Server</title><shortdesc>Symbian OS manages the basic permanent storage of data through file systems. Drives and file systems are common resources used by many programs, and access to them is managed by the <i>File Server</i>. The File Server is flexible, and can use many different file system formats and physical storage media. Applications and services access files, directories, and drives through the File Server client side API. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody><p id="GUID-320ADCFB-8449-541D-99A5-68F29A815559"> The different storage media on a phone can use different types of file system to organise files. Symbian OS provides a number of types of file system. You can implement a new file system in a type of DLL called a file system plug-in. You can also implement DLLs called a file server extensions to change the behaviour of a file system. You can implement a DLL called a file server plug-in to extend the behaviour of the File Server itself. </p> <p>The File Server is started by the Base Starter component. The configuration of the File Server, such as which file systems are loaded to which drives, is done in the Base Starter configuration file. </p> </conbody><related-links><link href="GUID-80698E62-E310-59CA-A524-5CF44C437BE4.dita"><linktext>Base
- Starter</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-F3BD37EC-0CCB-5859-908F-215E22C9FC20.dita"><linktext>File Server
- Extensions</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-198DCED1-F429-5C95-A51D-53AE416687E8.dita"><linktext>File Server
- Client Side</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-6CF2F4EF-383F-5850-A522-F425A83AA89E.dita#GUID-6CF2F4EF-383F-5850-A522-F425A83AA89E/GUID-20E09BC9-35CA-594A-BA91-D8D0C928FD98"><linktext>File Systems</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-5C223AD5-4676-58B4-B3A5-066F6B69AA4D.dita#GUID-5C223AD5-4676-58B4-B3A5-066F6B69AA4D/GUID-868866C8-E90C-5291-8732-BB4E86D6B43E"><linktext>Local Media Subsystem</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-9540A82E-F83D-55F5-B441-868CF77468E9.dita#GUID-9540A82E-F83D-55F5-B441-868CF77468E9/GUID-CFED15B1-E768-534E-9043-7AADE45EE9AF"><linktext>Media Drivers</linktext> </link> <link scope="external" href="http://developer.symbian.com/wiki/display/ppg/Chapter+9+-+The+File+Server"><linktext>Symbian OS Internals book online at SDN++ (SDN++ login required):
- Chapter 9 - The File Server</linktext> </link> <link scope="external" href="http://developer.symbian.com/wiki/display/ppg/Chapter+10+-+The+Loader"><linktext>Symbian OS Internals book online: Chapter 10 - The
- Loader</linktext> </link> </related-links></concept>
\ No newline at end of file
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
+"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
+and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
+<!-- Initial Contributors:
+ Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<!DOCTYPE concept
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
+<concept id="GUID-BB9760B4-4F3F-5326-81FB-B644C82F0E65" xml:lang="en"><title>File Server</title><shortdesc>Symbian platform manages the basic permanent storage of data through
+file systems. Drives and file systems are common resources used by many programs,
+and access to them is managed by the <i>File Server</i>. The File Server is
+flexible, and can use many different file system formats and physical storage
+media. Applications and services access files, directories, and drives through
+the File Server client side API. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
+<p id="GUID-320ADCFB-8449-541D-99A5-68F29A815559"> The different storage media
+on a phone can use different types of file system to organise files. Symbian
+platform provides a number of types of file system. You can implement a new
+file system in a type of DLL called a file system plug-in. You can also implement
+DLLs called a file server extensions to change the behaviour of a file system.
+You can implement a DLL called a file server plug-in to extend the behaviour
+of the File Server itself. </p>
+<p>The File Server is started by the Base Starter component. The configuration
+of the File Server, such as which file systems are loaded to which drives,
+is done in the Base Starter configuration file. </p>
+<link href="GUID-80698E62-E310-59CA-A524-5CF44C437BE4.dita"><linktext>Base Starter</linktext>
+<link href="GUID-F3BD37EC-0CCB-5859-908F-215E22C9FC20.dita"><linktext>File Server
+ Extensions</linktext></link>
+<link href="GUID-198DCED1-F429-5C95-A51D-53AE416687E8.dita"><linktext>File Server
+ Client Side</linktext></link>
+<link href="GUID-6CF2F4EF-383F-5850-A522-F425A83AA89E.dita#GUID-6CF2F4EF-383F-5850-A522-F425A83AA89E/GUID-20E09BC9-35CA-594A-BA91-D8D0C928FD98">
+<linktext>File Systems</linktext></link>
+<link href="GUID-5C223AD5-4676-58B4-B3A5-066F6B69AA4D.dita#GUID-5C223AD5-4676-58B4-B3A5-066F6B69AA4D/GUID-868866C8-E90C-5291-8732-BB4E86D6B43E">
+<linktext>Local Media Subsystem</linktext></link>
+<link href="GUID-9540A82E-F83D-55F5-B441-868CF77468E9.dita#GUID-9540A82E-F83D-55F5-B441-868CF77468E9/GUID-CFED15B1-E768-534E-9043-7AADE45EE9AF">
+<linktext>Media Drivers</linktext></link>
\ No newline at end of file