author Dominic Pinkman <>
Fri, 22 Jan 2010 18:26:19 +0000
changeset 1 25a17d01db0c
child 5 f345bda72bc4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Addition of the PDK content and example code for Documentation_content according to Feature bug 1607 and bug 1608

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<concept id="GUID-55629D12-06C9-412C-86FE-442577156A3B" xml:lang="en"><title>Implementing
the CPosPrivacyNotifier Subclass</title><shortdesc>To use the Privacy Query and Notification API to create a notifier
a licensee must first implement a single notifier class that derives from
the Privacy Query and Notification API base class <apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier</apiname>.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>The <xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier</apiname></xref> subclass must implement the
virtual functions of the base class:     </p>
<li><p><xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-33E317F9-A8C0-34AF-B17A-72D46B2E4DBD"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::HandleNewRequestL()</apiname></xref></p></li>
<li><p><xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-3417B07B-DE69-3719-8634-B979CBA77AFE"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::HandleRequestCancelled()</apiname></xref></p></li>
<li><p><xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-6D3C8687-6FEC-34FF-9846-1508C9DF4E72"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::HandleAllRequestsCancelled()</apiname></xref></p></li>
<section>       <title>Implementing HandleNewRequestL()</title>       <p>New
privacy verification query and notification requests are received by the notifier
through <xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-33E317F9-A8C0-34AF-B17A-72D46B2E4DBD"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::HandleNewRequestL()</apiname></xref>. The example
code below shows how the notifier handles requests sequentially by simply
calling a helper function <xref href="GUID-BEB6299A-9BA4-36BB-8E43-52855B753A04.dita"><apiname>HandleNextRequestL()</apiname></xref> to get the
next request.</p>     <codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyPrivacyNotifier::HandleNewRequestL(TPosQNRequestId /*aRequestId*/)
    if (iIsBusy) // TBool flag which specifies if the notifier is already
        {        // handling a request. If it is, do nothing for now.

    // Handle the request
<section><title>HandleNextRequestL() </title><p>The example code below shows
how the notifier gets the next request to be processed. The code shows how
the notifier: </p><ul>
<li><p>Gets an array of all waiting requests by calling <xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-4E117090-89E5-33DA-AC4B-494906B4BAF9"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::GetRequestsL()</apiname></xref>. </p></li>
<li><p>Gets the first request in the array and sets it as the current request
by calling <xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-A041F06C-8A22-37D3-B634-894AFE9B7FF0"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::SetCurrentRequestL()</apiname></xref>. </p></li>
<li><p>Checks if the request is a notification, and if so, checks if the request
type is supported by calling <xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-22FFC3B2-A6B9-3501-AD89-1DB31027F53C"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::NotificationReason()</apiname></xref>.
If the request type is not supported the request is completed by calling <xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-57739A9E-F6CD-3079-8B6F-9B80AAFE4D8B"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::CompleteRequest()</apiname></xref>. </p></li>
<li><p>Checks if the type of request is a privacy verification (<codeph>EQuery</codeph>)
or a notification (<codeph>ENotification</codeph>) and launches the appropriate
dialog for each case. </p><note><codeph>LauchQueryDialog()</codeph> and <codeph>LaunchNotificationDialog()</codeph> show
the dialogs. Dialog code varies between licensee platforms but it is important
that these methods do not launch modal dialogs. The methods must return quickly
and not wait for the dialogs to be dismissed. </note></li>
</ul><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyPrivacyNotifier::HandleNextRequestL()
    // Read the next request
    RArray&lt;TPosQNRequestId&gt; requests;

    // Choose next request to handle
    TBool requestFound = EFalse;
    while (!requestFound)
        if (requests.Count() == 0)
            { // There are no requests to handle. Do nothing.
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // requests
        // Read information about the active request
        iActiveRequest = requests[0];

        // In case of notification request, check that notification reason is
        // supported, otherwise complete the request with KErrNotSupported.
        if (RequestTypeL(iActiveRequest) == ENotification &amp;&amp;
            !(NotificationReason() == EPosDecisionByRequestSource ||
            NotificationReason() == EPosVerificationTimeout))
            { // The notification reason is not supported by the UI.
            CompleteRequest(iActiveRequest, KErrNotSupported);
            requestFound = ETrue;
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // requests

    iIsBusy = ETrue;

    CDesCArrayFlat* requestors = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat
    TInt nofRequestors = RequestorCountL();
    for (TInt I = 0; I &lt; nofRequestors; I++)
        CPosRequestor* requestor = RequestorLC(I);

    // Check whether the request is a query or a notification
    if (RequestTypeL(iActiveRequest) == EQuery)
        LaunchQueryDialogL(requestors); // takes array ownership
    else // RequestTypeL(iActiveRequest) == ENotification
        LaunchNotificationDialogL(requestors); // takes array ownership
<section><title>Implementing a method to handle dialog closure</title><p>When
the mobile device user has responded to the dialog, the notifier must send
a response back to the LBS subsystem. In the example code below, the method <codeph>DialogDismissed()</codeph> is
called when the dialog is closed. The type of request (<codeph>EQuery</codeph> or <codeph>ENotification</codeph>)
and the reason why the dialog was closed is passed as an input parameter to
the method. </p><note>It is important to note that <xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-57739A9E-F6CD-3079-8B6F-9B80AAFE4D8B"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::CompleteRequest()</apiname></xref> must
be called for both privacy verification (query) requests and privacy notification
requests.</note><p>Note also how requests are handled sequentially in the
code: CPosPrivacyNotifier::HandleNextRequest() is called to process the next
request only when the current request is completed.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyPrivacyNotifier::DialogDismissed(TRequestType aRequestType, TInt aDismissReason)

    iIsBusy = EFalse;

    // Complete the request with correct completion code.
    TInt completionCode = KErrNone;
    if (aRequestType == EQuery)
        switch (aDismissReason)
            case EUserChooseAccept : completionCode = KErrNone; break;
            case EUserChooseReject : completionCode = KErrAccessDenied; break;
            case EDialogTimedOut : completionCode = KErrTimedOut; break;
            default : completionCode = KErrGeneral;
    else // aRequestType == ENotification
        switch (aDismissReason)
            case EUserPressedOk : completionCode = KErrNone; break;
            case EDialogTimedOut : completionCode = KErrTimedOut; break;
            default : completionCode = KErrGeneral;
    CompleteRequest(iActiveRequest, completionCode);

    // Handle the next request

// Non leaving method for handling the next request
void CMyPrivacyNotifier::HandleNextRequest()
    TRAPD(err, HandleNextRequestL());
    if (err)
<section><title>Implementing HandleRequestCancelled() </title><p>A privacy
request can be cancelled by the network. The LBS subsystem calls <xref href="GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C.dita#GUID-56C8D5AB-7D9A-3B20-B699-07F17A87A61C/GUID-3417B07B-DE69-3719-8634-B979CBA77AFE"><apiname>CPosPrivacyNotifier::HandleRequestCancelled()</apiname></xref> on
the notifier to cancel the request. The code example below shows an implementation. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyPrivacyNotifier::HandleRequestCancelled(TPosQNRequestId aRequestId)
    switch (CancelReason())
        case EPosCancelReasonTimeout:
            // Notify the user that the query timed out.
        default: // Do nothing

    // We only need to do anything if the request is the one which is currently
    // handled.
    if (iActiveRequest == aRequestId)
        // Close the active dialog
<section><title>Implementing HandleAllRequestsCancelled()</title><p>The notifier
must implement this method to allow all outstanding requests to be cancelled. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyPrivacyNotifier::HandleAllRequestCancelled()
    // Close the active dialog