Addition of the PDK content and example code for Documentation_content according to Feature bug 1607 and bug 1608
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --><!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, and is available at the URL "". --><!-- Initial Contributors: Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.Contributors: --><!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"><concept id="GUID-6849E256-6719-5788-BCB2-7557F09AAAD0" xml:lang="en"><title>UPSConfiguration</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody><p>User Prompt Service (UPS) configuration component (<codeph>\securityconfig\ups\</codeph>)includes a <filepath>backup.xml</filepath> file and a ROM stub SIS file forconfiguring a UPS policy file. Device creators must modify the configurationfiles of UPS and rebuild the <filepath>securityconfig</filepath> component,to customise the behavior of the UPS component. </p><section><title> Introduction</title> <p>UPS policy files are resource filesthat specify whether application requests to access services are silentlyaccepted or denied or whether they require the user to be prompted. Each servicehas a policy file. The policy file lists policies for various applications.The configuration of policy file involves configuring ROM stub package fileand backup XML file. </p> </section><section><title> Installing and Configuring UPS Policy file</title> <p><b>Installingpolicy files</b> </p> <p>A policy file on the system drive eclipses a policyfile on the Z drive if it has the same filename. If the policy file on thesystem drive is corrupt, the policy file on the Z drive (if it exists) isused instead. The policy files should be installed (and upgraded) throughSoftware Install to the private directory of the UPS on the system drive.The private directory is <filepath>\private\10283558\policies</filepath>. </p> <p><b>Upgradingpackage file</b> </p> <p>The SIS file must either contain the executable orbe an upgrade to the base package which supplied the executable, for deliveringfiles into the private directory of an executable. </p> <p>The following isa default implementation of a package file for UPS server ROM stub SIS file: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-51117852-B051-5E7F-8216-44A8B7EFF6A1" xml:space="preserve">; Package file for User Prompt Service server ROM stub SIS file;; A ROM stub SIS file is required to allow UPS policy files to be; provisioned post-manufacture because policy files are loaded from; the policies subdirectory of the UPS server's private directory.&EN#{"User Prompt Service"}, (0x10285777), 1, 0 , 0, TYPE=SA%{"Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)"}:"Nokia Corporation and/or and/or its subsidiary(-ies)"; UPS policy files on the Z drive must also be included here if; upgrades (eclipsing) is required post-manufacture.""-"z:\sys\bin\upsserver.exe"</codeblock> <p>Device creators must create a ROM stub SIS file if they wantto allow policy files to be delivered after-market (since the UPS server isdelivered in the ROM). </p> <note>To ensure that policy file upgrades areapproved by manufacturers or Symbian Signed, SIS files that modify the privatedirectory of the UPS must be signed by a certificate where CA has the <codeph>AllFiles</codeph> capability. </note> <p><b>Verifyinghash of the policy</b> </p> <p>The <codeph>VERIFY</codeph> option must beadded to the line in the package file that installs the UPS policy file toensure that the Software Install checks the hash of the policy at restoretime. The following sample package file uses the <codeph>VERIFY</codeph> flag. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E62C7BEF-A0C8-5BD2-B011-2E1ED211FE61" xml:space="preserve">; tupspolicies1.pkg;; ; Checks the installation of UPS policies files&EN#{"UPS Policy Files"}, (0x10285777), 1, 0, 0, TYPE=SP%{"Symbian Foundation"}:"Symbian Foundation"; The VERIFY option is used to flag the files as non-modifiable so that SWI; checks the hashes during restore"data\ups_01041000_01041001.rsc"-"$:\private\10283558\policies\ups_01041000_01041001.rsc", VERIFY"data\ups_01041000_01041002.rsc"-"$:\private\10283558\policies\ups_01041000_01041002.rsc", VERIFY"data\ups_01042000_01042001.rsc"-"$:\private\10283558\policies\ups_01042000_01042001.rsc", VERIFY"data\ups_01043000_01043001.rsc"-"$:\private\10283558\policies\ups_01043000_01043001.rsc", VERIFY</codeblock><note><ul><li><p>Version or higher of makesis should be used because the VERIFYflag is not supported in older versions. </p></li><li><p>The major and minor versions field in the policy header of the policyfile can be used to provide information that is used in upgrades. If the majorversion number is changed when a policy file is upgraded, all decision recordsfor that policy file are deleted (because the major version number is storedin the decision record). </p></li><li><p>Upgrading the plug-ins does not delete the decision records. If devicecreators want to delete decision records with a plug-in upgrade they musteither update associated policy files or provide a run-on-install executablethat calls the management API to delete decision records. </p></li></ul></note> <p><b>Back up and restoring</b> </p> <p>UPS policy files maybe backed up and restored providing that a valid <filepath>backup.xml</filepath> fileis provided. The following is a sample backup file provided by Symbian. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-3BFD715C-68FB-5F87-9557-DB95D18168FB" xml:space="preserve"><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>- <backup_registration>- <passive_backup> <include_directory name="policies" /> </passive_backup> <restore requires_reboot="no" /> </backup_registration></codeblock> </section></conbody></concept>