Addition of the PDK content and example code for Documentation_content according to Feature bug 1607 and bug 1608
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<concept id="GUID-4F8B0675-AC8D-529A-903D-DA31C8236A98" xml:lang="en"><title>Using
TArray<class T></title><shortdesc>This document covers important issues in using TArray</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<section id="GUID-658749FD-5BE8-4233-B107-DA466FB662CF"><title>Using TArray to avoid the need for overloaded variants</title> <p>The
use of a <codeph>TArray</codeph> object can avoid the need for the member
function of an end-user class to have overloaded variants to handle all possible
types of arrays of <codeph><class T></codeph> elements.</p> <p>The following
example illustrates the point. It constructs a fixed flat array, a variable
flat array and a packed array of <codeph><TElement></codeph> objects.</p> <p>By
taking a <codeph>TArray<TElement></codeph> argument, the <codeph>CTot::Total()</codeph> member
function can access array elements regardless of the type of array containing
them.</p> <codeblock id="GUID-C5A09CDE-7923-5427-9BB9-0BB518597E0B" xml:space="preserve">class TElement // array elements
inline TInt GetValue() const;
void SetValue(TInt aVal);
private :
TInt iValue;
</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-6FB0C2E8-1548-5723-A82A-DDB62124A869" xml:space="preserve">class CTot : public CBase
public :
void Total(const TArray<TElement>& anArray);
private :
TInt iTotalElements;
TInt iTotalValue;
</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-9A356EEC-985D-5BA0-90BE-4C5DFBC536D5" xml:space="preserve">TElement::TElement()
: iValue(0)
</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-D0614571-E2BB-5DB4-A31F-82273D3745E3" xml:space="preserve">inline TInt TElement::GetValue() const
return iValue;
</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-81D89E93-39DC-5FAF-AD45-D345824B7BA5" xml:space="preserve">void TElement::SetValue(TInt aVal)
iValue = aVal;
</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-0336D0FB-E543-54BC-9A12-77D16340163F" xml:space="preserve">void CTot::Total(const TArray<TElement>& anArray)
TInt count = anArray.Count();
for (TInt jj = 0; jj < count; jj++)
iTotalValue += anArray[jj].GetValue();
iTotalElements += count;
</codeblock> <p>Then some code using these could be:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-CF9EDB28-FC0F-5F5A-907A-55DA637BF82F" xml:space="preserve">// main body
CArrayFixFlat<TElement>* fix;
CArrayVarFlat<TElement>* var;
CArrayPakFlat<TElement>* pak;
TElement x;
CTot* ptr;
ptr = new CTot;
fix = new CArrayFixFlat<TElement>(2);
var = new CArrayVarFlat<TElement>(2);
pak = new CArrayPakFlat<TElement>(2);
ptr->Total(pak->Array());</codeblock> <p>Without the use of <codeph>TArray</codeph>,
the <codeph>Total()</codeph> member function would need overloaded variants
to handle all the possible array types which it might expect. The <codeph>CTot</codeph> class
would need redefining as:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-54155741-69E5-5B1B-A1DD-A1A701806BDF" xml:space="preserve">class CTot : public CBase
public :
void Total(const CArrayFixFlat<TElement>& anArray);
void Total(const CArrayFixSeg<TElement>& anArray);
void Total(const CArrayVarFlat<TElement>& anArray);
void Total(const CArrayVarSeg<TElement>& anArray);
void Total(const CArrayPakFlat<TElement>& anArray);
private :
TInt iTotalElements;
TInt iTotalValue;
};</codeblock> <p>To allow the <codeph>Total()</codeph> function to handle
arrays composed of different types of element, (i.e. arrays constructed with
different template values), then a separate variant of <codeph>Total()</codeph> is
required for each element type. For example, to handle arrays of <codeph><TElement1></codeph> elements
and arrays of <codeph><TElement2></codeph> elements, the <codeph>CTot</codeph> class
might be defined as:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-AD19E818-0B43-5C78-88B6-D8E7B82A914B" xml:space="preserve">class CTot : public CBase
public :
void TotalA(const TArray<TElement1>& anArray);
void TotalB(const TArray<TElement2>& anArray);
private :
TInt iTotalElements;
TInt iTotalValue;
};</codeblock> <p>One important point to note; the referenced <codeph>TElement</codeph> returned
by <codeph>operator[]</codeph> is declared as <codeph>const</codeph>. This
means that any member function of <codeph>TElement</codeph> must also be declared
as <codeph>const</codeph>, as shown in this example.</p> </section>