Addition of the PDK content and example code for Documentation_content according to Feature bug 1607 and bug 1608
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<concept id="GUID-8C5A65E6-D753-472F-B885-FD0409589036" xml:lang="en"><title>HTTP
Whole Message Filter Example</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>The following diagram illustrates the class relationship between the <codeph>MHTTPDataOptimiser</codeph> interface
and the <codeph>RHTTPSession</codeph> class: </p>
<fig id="GUID-25859A19-F3C8-5FBD-B491-C58E5C973424">
<title> Class relationship between MHTTPDataOptimiser and
RHTTPSession </title>
<image href="GUID-9DCAB1DC-D085-576C-A0B9-713E3BF2CAD5_d0e186197_href.png" placement="inline"/>
<p>For more information about <xref href="GUID-F34F7481-00CF-3A1B-8D45-D053AD6769A8.dita"><apiname>MHTTPTransactionCallback</apiname></xref>,
see <xref href="GUID-1D32D093-1B7B-5CE8-B57D-5469C1E8E4B9.dita">A simple HTTP Client
session</xref>. </p>
<p>The following code segment illustrates how to define the header file required
for implementing the HTTP Whole Message Filter APIs: </p>
<codeblock id="GUID-1D7FA528-68D6-5AEE-B9F3-CBACC03855AB" xml:space="preserve">#include <http.h>
class CMyHTTPClient: public CBase,
public MHTTPTransactionCallback,
public MHttpDataOptimiser
public: // methods from MHTTPTransactionCallback
virtual void MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent);
virtual TInt MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent);
public: // methods from MHttpDataOptimiser
virtual void EncodeL (const TDesC8& aHttpData, HBufC8*& aEncodedData);
virtual void DecodeL (const TDesC8& aData, HBufC8*& aHttpData, TBool& aTransFail);
<p>The following code segment illustrates how HTTP Whole Message Filter APIs
can be used to enable support for Web Acceleration: </p>
<codeblock id="GUID-2F062305-2D15-534C-8239-FAE4002DB79E" xml:space="preserve">#include "CMyHTTPClient.h"
// CMyHTTPClient.cpp
// defines CMyHTTPClient class: CMyHTTPClient
// Literals used in the file
_LIT8(KHttpAuthenticationUrl, "");
void CMyHTTPClient::CreateTransactionL()
TUriParser8 up;
RHTTPSession session;
RHTTPTransaction trans;
// Open the HTTP session
RStringPool strP = session.StringPool();
//To enable MHTTPDataOptimiser for transaction
// Open a GET transaction, specifying this object as the request body data supplier
trans = session.OpenTransactionL(up, *this, strP.StringF(HTTP::EGET,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&session); //Closes the session
TInt CMyHTTPClient::MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent)
// Handle Error appropriately
void CMyHTTPClient::MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent)
// Handle events from the framework.
switch (aEvent.iStatus)
case KErrHttpOptimiserFailsTrans:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Cancelling/Failing Transaction\n"));
} break;
//The following statement is used to eliminate leavescan errors
void CMyHTTPClient::EncodeL (const TDesC8& aHttpData, HBufC8* &aEncodedData)
//Provide your own custom encoding implementation
void CMyHTTPClient::DecodeL (const TDesC8& aData, HBufC8*& aHttpData, TBool& aTransFail)
//Provide your own custom decoding implementation
<p>This code enables the <codeph>MHTTPDataOptimiser</codeph> for a transaction
by using <codeph>RHTTPTransaction::SetupHTTPDataOptimiser()</codeph> and also
illustrates where custom encoding and decoding mechanisms are implemented. </p>
<p> <b>Note:</b> Alternatively, in this code, you can use the following code
segment to enable <codeph>MHTTPDataOptimiser</codeph> for a particular session. </p>
<p> <codeph>session.SetupHttpDataOptimiser(*this); </codeph> </p>