Initial contribution of the Adaptation Documentation.
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<concept id="GUID-0AD34BA6-D0C5-5AD7-B8E1-F737BB5FC0AC" xml:lang="en"><title>Redraw+ −
Stores</title><shortdesc>Redraw stores store the sequence of drawing commands representing+ −
window contents. Whenever possible, the Window Server performs server-initiated+ −
redraws by repeating the sequence of stored commands, rather than by sending+ −
redraw requests to the client. This minimises the number of client-server+ −
transactions and means that redraws are done as soon as the server detects+ −
that they are needed. This topic explains some of the background to redraw+ −
stores. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>+ −
<p> <b>Variant</b>: Both (ScreenPlay and non-ScreenPlay). <b>Target audience</b>:+ −
Device creators. </p>+ −
<p>The classes involved with redraw stores are as follows: </p>+ −
<fig id="GUID-85C23EC3-BADE-5DE1-872D-0D8399209874">+ −
<title> Redraw stores class diagram </title>+ −
<image href="GUID-40437D9A-7503-5087-851A-D1269F0AF9A9_d0e201482_href.png" placement="inline"/>+ −
</fig>+ −
<p> <xref href="GUID-FF963788-695A-320F-9E81-76E45B0287D1.dita"><apiname>CWsRedrawMsgWindow</apiname></xref> is the class representing a redraw+ −
store. Draw commands are stored in a number of segments, stored in the nested+ −
class <xref href="GUID-53F68722-1A1D-30D8-960E-226843AB56E1.dita"><apiname>CRedrawSegment</apiname></xref>. </p>+ −
<p>Redraw drawing takes place as follows: </p>+ −
<ol id="GUID-2C26C7D9-1C38-55E1-BF14-A36A9F9F05F3">+ −
<li id="GUID-2FCE8CBF-6BF3-5033-8BB7-935D0B276F7C"><p>A call to <xref href="GUID-683603DD-F3D3-3193-BEB3-8236C7DE7F79.dita#GUID-683603DD-F3D3-3193-BEB3-8236C7DE7F79/GUID-28202F81-52FE-30F5-8B8C-ABED0915822E"><apiname>RWindow::Invalidate()</apiname></xref> causes+ −
either the whole window, or a rectangle within it, to be marked as invalid. </p> </li>+ −
<li id="GUID-EB4CAD7F-1B3C-5D2A-85FD-31D0C7F9503D"><p>Next, a call to <xref href="GUID-683603DD-F3D3-3193-BEB3-8236C7DE7F79.dita#GUID-683603DD-F3D3-3193-BEB3-8236C7DE7F79/GUID-9337538E-7A53-3153-A330-968B5E4F2FF2"><apiname>RWindow::BeginRedraw()</apiname></xref> is+ −
made, either for the whole window or for a rectangle within it. </p> </li>+ −
<li id="GUID-88AF657A-8C5E-5CE8-BEF9-F8C1E34F6174"><p>Draw operations take+ −
place. </p> </li>+ −
<li id="GUID-58BC4A48-5035-582D-BE17-C15A885F4B5F"><p>Finally there is a call+ −
to <xref href="GUID-683603DD-F3D3-3193-BEB3-8236C7DE7F79.dita#GUID-683603DD-F3D3-3193-BEB3-8236C7DE7F79/GUID-3DE16607-AD3B-3946-BEB3-88512EAAB9CE"><apiname>RWindow::EndRedraw()</apiname></xref>. </p> </li>+ −
</ol>+ −
<p>In this sequence, the draw operations within the <codeph>BeginRedraw()</codeph> and <codeph>EndRedraw()</codeph> brackets+ −
are interpreted as <i>replacing</i> whatever drawing was previously present+ −
in the affected rectangle. </p>+ −
<p>It is important to bracket all drawing within <codeph>BeginRedraw(TRect)</codeph> and <codeph>EndRedraw(TRect)</codeph> calls.+ −
In ScreenPlay, the Window Server ignores all drawing not within <codeph>BeginRedraw()</codeph> and <codeph>EndRedraw()</codeph> brackets+ −
and triggers a full-window redraw. In debug builds, there is an option to+ −
panic clients violating this convention. </p>+ −
<p>For more information, see <xref href="GUID-8DB1C618-597C-560C-95A2-C0AB2CEBB027.dita">Redraw+ −
Drawing</xref>. </p>+ −
<section id="GUID-27FE041D-3DE3-4290-AF6D-38DDB8970008"><title>Redraw segments and non-redraw handling</title> <p>When the+ −
Window Server receives a batch of redraw drawing, everything between a BeginRedraw/EndRedraw+ −
bracket is stored in a single <b>redraw segment</b>. The segment is marked+ −
as <codeph>ESegmentTypePendingRedraw</codeph> while it is being received,+ −
and <codeph>ESegmentTypeRedraw</codeph> once it is complete. </p> <p>Redraw+ −
segments have a region to which they apply. For <codeph>ESegmentTypeRedraw</codeph>,+ −
the region is initially set to be the rectangle passed into the <codeph>BeginRedraw()</codeph> call.+ −
When a new<codeph>ESegmentTypeRedraw</codeph> is created, its region is subtracted+ −
from the regions of all existing segments. This reflects the fact that redraw+ −
drawing <i>replaces</i> existing drawing. If, as a consequence of new redraw+ −
drawing, the region of an existing segment becomes empty, that segment is+ −
discarded. Its drawing has been replaced everywhere, so it is no longer needed. </p> <p>What+ −
happens to drawing that is received between an <codeph>EndRedraw</codeph> and+ −
the next <codeph>BeginRedraw</codeph> —and which is therefore <b>non-redraw+ −
drawing</b> —depends on which variant is in use: </p> <ul>+ −
<li id="GUID-0B29AC2F-AD48-5EAB-B3BE-B8FC296B092A"><p>In ScreenPlay, non-redraw+ −
drawing is not stored in a segment but instead triggers the Window Server+ −
to invalidate the entire window. This means that the client application must+ −
then perform a full window redraw. </p> </li>+ −
<li id="GUID-B592A6D0-68B7-5A16-B179-9F78C5FCDBB3"><p>In the non-ScreenPlay+ −
variant, non-redraw drawing is stored in a segment marked as <codeph>ESegmentTypeNonRedraw</codeph>.+ −
For these segments the region is initially set to be the whole window and+ −
does not affect the regions of existing segments, because non-redraw drawing+ −
is drawn over existing drawing. </p> </li>+ −
</ul> </section>+ −
<section id="GUID-DB24B91E-6628-4B6E-AE9A-ACAB30AA02C3"><title> Redraw store playback</title> <p>When playback is required,+ −
the redraw store goes through the redraw segments and replays them if the+ −
region for the segment intersects the region that is to be redrawn. It follows+ −
from the way that they are managed that the regions of redraw segments are+ −
mutually disjoint. This means that in ScreenPlay they can be replayed in any+ −
order. This is also true in the non-ScreenPlay when there are only redraw+ −
segments present. </p> <p>In the non-ScreenPlay variant, any non-redraw segments+ −
are replayed in earliest-first order, because they draw on top of earlier+ −
drawing. </p> </section>+ −
<section id="GUID-74EC09C2-BB39-42B2-B765-191A7E17A4D6"><title> Aging of non-redraw segments</title> <p> <b>Variant</b>:+ −
Non-ScreenPlay only. </p> <p>Non-redraw segments can cause inefficient operation+ −
of redraw stores. For this reason, in the non-ScreenPlay variant where non-redraw+ −
segments are still used, the Window Server "ages" them. That is, non-redraw+ −
segments are considered to have a finite lifetime, after which they are discarded.+ −
When a non-redraw segment is discarded, the Window Server makes a redraw request+ −
to the client asking it to provide new draw operations for the invalid region. </p> <p>The+ −
lifetime for non-redraw segments is set in the <xref href="GUID-1D529BDC-6665-58E2-AB3F-7023D8A84F69.dita">WSINI.INI+ −
file</xref> using the parameter <codeph>NONREDRAWAGELIMIT</codeph>, followed+ −
by a duration in microseconds. If this line is not present in the <codeph>WSINI.INI</codeph>,+ −
a default of one second is used. </p> </section>+ −
<section id="GUID-8CE71B67-21F3-4D16-9A1A-70A70A24EFD3"><title>Atomic Redraws</title> <p> <b>Variant</b>: Both (ScreenPlay+ −
and non-ScreenPlay). </p> <p>Another <xref href="GUID-1D529BDC-6665-58E2-AB3F-7023D8A84F69.dita">WSINI.INI+ −
file</xref> setting that affects redraw storing is <codeph>ATOMICREDRAWS</codeph>.+ −
If this parameter is present, new draw operations received after a <codeph>BeginRedraw()</codeph> are+ −
not considered valid until the corresponding <codeph>EndRedraw()</codeph> is+ −
received. In particular, a new segment does not replace existing segments+ −
until it is complete. This has the consequence that if redraw store playback+ −
is required before the <codeph>EndRedraw()</codeph> for a new segment is received,+ −
draw operations from old segments for that region are used instead. Thus drawing+ −
within <codeph>Begin/EndRedraw</codeph> brackets can be considered as an atomic+ −
operation. This eliminates one potential source of flicker. </p> </section>+ −
</conbody><related-links>+ −
<link href="GUID-484B51EC-2209-5492-8E9C-9D792AB0DF35.dita"><linktext>Graphics+ −
and Drawing </linktext></link>+ −
<link href="GUID-1D529BDC-6665-58E2-AB3F-7023D8A84F69.dita"><linktext>The wsini.ini+ −
File Reference</linktext></link>+ −
</related-links></concept>+ −