Initial contribution of the Adaptation Documentation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --><!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, and is available at the URL "". --><!-- Initial Contributors: Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.Contributors: --><!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"><concept id="GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF" xml:lang="en"><title>LoaderSearch Rules</title><shortdesc>This topic provides a summary of the rules that the loader followsto search for EXEs and DLLs.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody><ul><li id="GUID-D6BAD23C-005E-58E4-8418-16FFBE8AC052"><p> <xref href="GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF.dita#GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF/GUID-D9984B1D-8C7E-55B5-86AC-E90E244BDFB3">Search rules for an EXE</xref> </p> </li><li id="GUID-373C451E-17C1-576C-8D00-6F15174CCD9D"><p> <xref href="GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF.dita#GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF/GUID-E026ABAD-D76E-51EF-886F-28F8E00185E5">Search rules for a DLL in the import table of an EXE or another DLL</xref> </p> </li><li id="GUID-5FD789FB-95A3-51DF-9AD4-FD7474ED9088"><p> <xref href="GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF.dita#GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF/GUID-FA4768B2-A741-5601-990C-46B51DA77803">Search rules for a DLL loaded from a program</xref> </p> </li></ul><section id="GUID-D9984B1D-8C7E-55B5-86AC-E90E244BDFB3"><title>Search rulesfor an EXE</title> <p>To start a new process, call <xref href="GUID-9DD1EA2B-DC59-315C-8E9C-CE6D9461B695.dita#GUID-9DD1EA2B-DC59-315C-8E9C-CE6D9461B695/GUID-DD214BA3-907E-3C7F-93C6-924A9A115A02"><apiname>RProcess::Create()</apiname></xref>. </p> <p> <codeph>RProcess::Create()</codeph> loadsthe EXE specified in the input parameters. The function then looks throughthe import table of the EXE to get a list of DLLs that the EXE references.The loader uses the list of DLLs in the import table to load the DLLs. IfDLLs reference other DLLS, the loader uses the same method to load those DLLs.See <xref href="GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF.dita#GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF/GUID-E026ABAD-D76E-51EF-886F-28F8E00185E5">Searchrules for a DLL listed in the import table of an EXE</xref>. </p> <p>The resultof a search for an EXE depends on: </p> <ul><li id="GUID-DC1D5577-2D85-5B9F-B4F4-B10F4208CA46"><p>the name of the EXE.You provide this information. </p> </li><li id="GUID-7BBF1688-8013-5C4D-8C60-09CA0E22D6B5"><p>the UID type : you provide.This is optional </p> </li><li id="GUID-351742AD-AAE3-5050-AF93-DA990309FF37"><p>the version of the EXEson the device </p> </li></ul> <p>You pass the name of the EXE in the first parameter of <codeph>RProcess::Create()</codeph>.You have a number of choices: </p> <ul><li id="GUID-30C6FEB3-DED9-5BAF-AF3F-700FA8EE58D0"><p>you can specify thefile name only. The loader will assume a <filepath>.exe</filepath> file extension.For example: </p> <p> <filepath>efile</filepath> </p> </li><li id="GUID-94CD2AC1-5FC5-52D8-893B-E6232522F494"><p>you can specify a filenameand an extension. For example: </p> <p> <filepath>efile.exe</filepath> </p> </li><li id="GUID-06F6A1CF-FD26-5402-983F-E32D2D1F8B90"><p>you can put a path infront of the file name. A path has limited use, because the loader can loadEXEs only from the directory <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath>, or from subdirectoriesof <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath>. </p> </li></ul> <p><b>Thesearch procedure</b> </p> <p>The loader searches for EXEs with the given nameand extension. More than one EXE with the given name and extension can existon a device. </p> <ol id="GUID-16CF313D-BAB9-58BB-AB38-ED59BDF572D4"><li id="GUID-DE4AD994-9C84-5113-B2C7-9030DC08C22E"><p>If you do not providea path, the loader searches the <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> directory onall drives. The loader searches drives in the order <filepath>Y:</filepath>, <filepath>X:</filepath> ... <filepath> B:</filepath>, <filepath>A:</filepath>. The <filepath>Z:</filepath> drive is searched last. Subdirectories of <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> arenot searched. </p> <p>If you provide a path, there are only three useful cases: </p> <ul><li id="GUID-3D83CC05-0B68-5CA7-AB52-01A7858E2383"><p>to limit the searchto a specific drive. For example: </p> <p> <filepath>X:\sys\bin</filepath> </p> <p>where <filepath>X:</filepath> canbe one of the drives <filepath>A:</filepath> to <filepath>Z:</filepath>. </p> </li><li id="GUID-821A186F-9DA4-51E6-9CAD-E833D9DEDF3F"><p>to limit the searchto a subdirectory of <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> on a specific drive. Forexample: </p> <p> <filepath>X:\sys\bin\aaa\bbb</filepath> </p> <p>The useof subdirectories in <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> is not common. </p> <p>where <filepath>X</filepath>:can be one of the drives <filepath>A:</filepath> to <filepath>Z:</filepath>. </p> </li><li id="GUID-63815160-C411-5BEB-AC8F-7224F33883BE"><p>to limit the searchto a subdirectory of <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> on all drives. For example: </p> <p> <filepath>\sys\bin\aaa\bbb</filepath> </p> <p>Theloader searches all drives in the order <filepath>Y:</filepath>, <filepath>X:</filepath> ... <filepath> B:</filepath>, <filepath>A:</filepath>.The <filepath>Z:</filepath> drive is searched last. </p> <p>The use of subdirectoriesin <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> is not common. </p> </li></ul> <p>The loader cannot load EXEs from other directories, because systemsecurity prevents it. </p> </li><li id="GUID-1AFA13C7-24B4-5598-94CA-448D05449BBA"><p>The loader comparesthe UID type (<xref href="GUID-B6D6B0AD-B15C-339A-8540-40540885089A.dita"><apiname>TUidType</apiname></xref>) of each EXE in the list with theUID type you specify in <xref href="GUID-9DD1EA2B-DC59-315C-8E9C-CE6D9461B695.dita#GUID-9DD1EA2B-DC59-315C-8E9C-CE6D9461B695/GUID-DD214BA3-907E-3C7F-93C6-924A9A115A02"><apiname>RProcess::Create()</apiname></xref>. The UID typeis a set of three UIDs. Each UID in the UID type that you specify must matchthe same UID in the UID type of the EXE. If you specify <xref href="GUID-707A476C-1790-34DB-B1E5-5435578E01AA.dita"><apiname>KNullUid</apiname></xref> forany of the three UIDs in your UID type, a match is automatic. </p> </li><li id="GUID-7F8E3D49-F2CB-5445-ACCC-F7967B4C745F"><p>If the search has foundno EXEs, the load fails. </p> </li><li id="GUID-1469E256-98FF-51B8-9936-78ED389EDCBE"><p>If the search has foundone EXE only, the loader loads that EXE. </p> </li><li id="GUID-90B5C4A5-A0E9-5ADD-B76A-3491C322C4B1"><p>If more than one EXEhas been found, the loader loads the EXE with the highest version. A version <codeph>N.n</codeph> ishigher than version <codeph>M.m</codeph> if <codeph>(N>M or (N==M and n>m))</codeph>. </p> </li><li id="GUID-A4761946-0490-5887-9686-184B6BED556C"><p>If all EXEs have thesame version, the loader loads the version found first. </p> </li></ol> </section><section id="GUID-E026ABAD-D76E-51EF-886F-28F8E00185E5"><title>Search rulesfor a DLL in the import table of an EXE or another DLL</title> <p>After theloader has selected the EXE, the loader loads all DLLs in the import table.This is also called static linkage. </p> <p>The import table contains thename and extension of each DLL. The import table also contains the versionof each DLL and the 3rd UID that identifies each DLL. The version informationis stored in the import table when the executable file is built. All DLLshave an ordered set of three UIDs. The third UID gives a unique identity tothe DLL. See <xref href="GUID-C135B8D8-DA5A-5852-9C2D-18622404FE99.dita">UID protection</xref>. </p> <p><b>The search procedure</b> </p> <p>The search uses the following procedurefor each DLL: </p> <ol id="GUID-FF01C553-8546-5A2C-B34B-8F85014631D6"><li id="GUID-42FD9744-4B2C-55D6-A7B0-73DE248861DE"><p>The loader searchesthe <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> directory on all drives for all DLLs thathave the filename and extension. The loader searches drives in the order <filepath>Y:</filepath>, <filepath>X:</filepath> ... <filepath> B:</filepath>, <filepath>A:</filepath>. The <filepath>Z:</filepath> drive is searchedlast. Subdirectories of <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> are not searched. Theloader searches for all versions of the DLL. If the loader finds the sameversion of a DLL on more than one drive, the loader only adds the first oneto the set of possible DLLs. For example, if version 2.1 of a DLL is on drive <filepath>D:</filepath> andon drive <filepath>Z:</filepath>, only the version on drive <filepath>D:</filepath> isadded to the set of possible DLLs. </p> <p>The loader cannot load DLLs fromother directories, because system security prevents it. </p> <p>[Before December2007, the loader had different behaviour. The loader searched the drive fromwhich the EXE was loaded before the loader checked the other drives. For example,if the EXE was loaded from drive <filepath>Z:</filepath>, and version 2.1of a DLL was on drive <filepath>D:</filepath> and drive <filepath>Z:</filepath>,the loader selected the version of the DLL that was on drive <filepath>Z:</filepath>.] </p> </li><li id="GUID-BC036626-7461-5C4E-A710-09D693CE5A1E"><p>The loader then selectsthose DLLs that have the same 3rd UID from the set of possible DLLs. Thisoperation can decrease the set of possible DLLs. If there are no DLLs in theset, the load fails. </p> </li><li id="GUID-9AE6A749-4C72-557F-AB3A-5E33E246A8AE"><p>The loader then selectsthose DLLs that have platform security capabilities that match or exceed thoseof the EXE. This selection operation can decrease the set of possible DLLs.If there are no DLLs in the set the load fails. </p> <p>See also : <xref href="GUID-4BFEDD79-9502-526A-BA7B-97550A6F0601.dita">Platformsecurity</xref>. </p> </li><li id="GUID-7F083400-E8FB-52E0-A8CD-D96DDB093F39"><p>Each DLL in the importtable of the EXE has a version number. This number is the version of the DLLto which the EXE is linked. The loader uses the version number in the importtable to select the correct version of the DLL. The following flowchart showshow the loader selects the DLL from the set of possible DLLs. </p> <fig id="GUID-1F388A1E-BBB8-5481-8197-1F3C87BB2948"><image href="GUID-9D2752D1-4153-5978-A7B8-4C3F860B6B87_d0e269418_href.png" placement="inline"/></fig> </li><li id="GUID-56B0AF9F-4D39-517B-A3A5-779B7D892CEF"><p>If there are no DLLsthat meet the requirements, the load fails. </p> </li></ol> </section><section id="GUID-FA4768B2-A741-5601-990C-46B51DA77803"><title>Search rulesfor a DLL loaded from a program</title> <p>To load a DLL from a program, call <xref href="GUID-25327159-83D6-3507-B187-09EA4BB3727F.dita#GUID-25327159-83D6-3507-B187-09EA4BB3727F/GUID-4F1B2717-D34F-32A4-B6E6-03D0533186A3"><apiname>RLibrary::Load()</apiname></xref>.This is known as dynamic linking. </p> <p> <codeph>RLibrary::Load()</codeph> loadsthe DLL specified in the input parameters. The function then uses the importtable to get a list of referred DLLs. The loader loads the DLLs in the listand uses the same search method that the loader uses for EXEs. See <xref href="GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF.dita#GUID-D8837969-74D0-5E17-AD42-3F10DD1FD5BF/GUID-E026ABAD-D76E-51EF-886F-28F8E00185E5">Search rules for a DLL in the import table of an EXE</xref>. </p> <p>Theresult of a search for an DLL depends on: </p> <ul><li id="GUID-CBC9178F-D0CD-5558-9AA0-338F7CB52479"><p>the name of the DLL.You provide this information. </p> </li><li id="GUID-E735C0C9-CFCE-5A37-8E41-313039AAD44B"><p>the UID type : you provide.This is optional. </p> </li><li id="GUID-14168E41-7825-5546-BD2C-02BB107D2D3C"><p>the required version: you provide. This is optional. </p> </li><li id="GUID-03ED4A5A-813A-5332-BCA5-8735793A4370"><p>the version of the DLLson the device. </p> </li></ul> <p>You pass the name of the DLL in the first parameter of <codeph>RLibrary::Load()</codeph>.You have a number of choices: </p> <ul><li id="GUID-D5C6F45B-0BCF-58E5-993A-999F96F24354"><p>you can specify thefile name only. The loader will assume a <filepath>.dll</filepath> file extension.For example: </p> <p> <filepath>efsrv</filepath> </p> </li><li id="GUID-63E96237-0DA1-502E-9C39-4562A31BF616"><p>you can specify a filenameand an extension. For example: </p> <p> <filepath>efsrv.dll</filepath> </p> </li><li id="GUID-B1FC4B22-267B-5B6B-8ADC-62C7012C7925"><p>you can put a path infront of the file name. A path has limited use, because the loader can loadDLLs only from the directory <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath>, or from subdirectoriesof <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath>. </p> </li></ul> <p>See <xref href="GUID-4A56B285-790E-5171-88F3-8C40B2AA9699.dita">Dynamicallyloading link libraries</xref> and <xref href="GUID-9E92EE30-F2E2-5F28-BB2A-391C09EC69D2.dita">UsingECom</xref>. </p> <p><b>Thesearch procedure</b> </p> <p>The loader searches for DLLs with the given nameand extension. More than one DLL with the given name and extension can existon a device. </p> <ol id="GUID-5AA22DFB-F4D1-5358-96DE-D6B43BCB905E"><li id="GUID-60421212-8123-54A2-9A77-71C39E7EB4B6"><p>If you do not providea path, the loader searches the <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> directory onall drives. The loader searches drives in the order <filepath>Y:</filepath>, <filepath>X:</filepath> ... <filepath> B:</filepath>, <filepath>A:</filepath>. The <filepath>Z:</filepath> drive is searched last. Subdirectories of <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> arenot searched. </p> <p>If you provide a path, there are only three useful cases: </p> <ul><li id="GUID-693CCFBB-E1A7-50BD-AC89-95F73E0A569D"><p>to limit the searchto a specific drive. For example: </p> <p> <filepath>X:\sys\bin</filepath> </p> <p>where <filepath>X:</filepath> canbe one of the drives <filepath>A:</filepath> to <filepath>Z:</filepath>. </p> </li><li id="GUID-F1B66565-1FC3-571D-9CD2-84AE8013F48E"><p>to limit the searchto a subdirectory of <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> on a specific drive. Forexample: </p> <p> <filepath>X:\sys\bin\aaa\bb</filepath> </p> <p>The useof subdirectories in <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> is not common. </p> <p>where <filepath>X:</filepath> canbe one of the drives <filepath>A:</filepath> to <filepath>Z:</filepath>. </p> </li><li id="GUID-AADB293F-8945-5875-B3C2-9B77F938EDEF"><p>to limit the searchto a subdirectory of <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> on all drives. For example: </p> <p> <filepath>\sys\bin\aaa\bbb</filepath> </p> <p>Theloader searches all drives in the order <filepath>Y:</filepath>, <filepath>X:</filepath> ... <filepath> B:</filepath>, <filepath>A:</filepath>.The <filepath>Z:</filepath> drive is searched last. </p> <p>The use of subdirectoriesin <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> is not common. </p> </li></ul> <p>System security prevents the loader from loading DLLs from any otherdirectories. </p> </li><li id="GUID-F0DD2783-C346-5F30-8691-7BC3F13D8F76"><p>The loader comparesthe UID type (<xref href="GUID-B6D6B0AD-B15C-339A-8540-40540885089A.dita"><apiname>TUidType</apiname></xref>) of each DLL in the list with theUID type you specify in <xref href="GUID-25327159-83D6-3507-B187-09EA4BB3727F.dita#GUID-25327159-83D6-3507-B187-09EA4BB3727F/GUID-4F1B2717-D34F-32A4-B6E6-03D0533186A3"><apiname>RLibrary::Load()</apiname></xref>. The UID typeis a set of three UIDs. Each UID in the UID type that you specify must matchthe same UID in the UID type of the DLL. If you specify <xref href="GUID-707A476C-1790-34DB-B1E5-5435578E01AA.dita"><apiname>KNullUid</apiname></xref> forany of the three UIDs in your UID type, there is a match. </p> </li><li id="GUID-F86E7050-500E-5C21-AA70-98DC95E8BB73"><p>If the search has foundno DLLs, the load fails. </p> </li><li id="GUID-27848CFE-3B37-5350-83B1-48A2B1E83705"><p>The loader then selectsthose DLLs that have platform security capabilities that match or exceed thoseof the process . This selection operation can decrease the set of possibleDLLs. If there are no DLLs in the set the load fails. </p> </li><li id="GUID-0A421D77-7BE4-5C9F-AB93-F6F0E06342A3"><p>If the search has foundno DLLs, the load fails. </p> </li><li id="GUID-A34E59F9-FAD4-54DB-86A6-C2A428710FB8"><p>If you specify a versionnumber in <xref href="GUID-25327159-83D6-3507-B187-09EA4BB3727F.dita#GUID-25327159-83D6-3507-B187-09EA4BB3727F/GUID-4F1B2717-D34F-32A4-B6E6-03D0533186A3"><apiname>RLibrary::Load()</apiname></xref>, the loader selects a versionof the DLL from the set. The following flowchart shows how the loader selectsthe DLL from the set of possible DLLs. </p> <fig id="GUID-9412E498-19E5-5D58-B913-DD55BBB79D4D"><image href="GUID-91224821-8094-59ED-A100-4174193A25EE_d0e269709_href.png" placement="inline"/></fig> </li><li id="GUID-61AE1C0C-A698-5BEC-A5DA-E28CB5D807A3"><p>If there are no DLLsthat meet the requirements, the load fails. </p> </li><li id="GUID-D8791217-B11C-548A-9756-10476E843A51"><p>If you do not specifya version number in <xref href="GUID-25327159-83D6-3507-B187-09EA4BB3727F.dita#GUID-25327159-83D6-3507-B187-09EA4BB3727F/GUID-4F1B2717-D34F-32A4-B6E6-03D0533186A3"><apiname>RLibrary::Load()</apiname></xref>, the loader loadsthe DLL with the highest version. A version <codeph>N.n</codeph> is higherthan version <codeph>M.m</codeph>, if <codeph>(N>M or (N==M and n>m))</codeph>. </p> </li><li id="GUID-D43C380A-C315-5C7B-8508-0720EB1E1EEE"><p>If all DLLs have thesame version, the loader loads the DLL found first. </p> </li></ol> </section></conbody></concept>