author Dominic Pinkman <>
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 16:16:55 +0100
changeset 6 43e37759235e
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Week 12 contribution of example code"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
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<!-- Initial Contributors:
    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
<!DOCTYPE concept
  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept xml:lang="en" id="GUID-D1F43B8C-F112-5CAC-B05A-899B79CF6EBE"><title>Configure PSY Tester </title><shortdesc>This section describes how to configure the PSY Tester. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody><section><title>Introduction</title> <p>By changing values in the resource file for PSY Tester, PSY Tester can be configured to perform the test in different levels of strictness. </p> <p>PSY Tester should be able to test the PSY without warnings or errors when running with the default values, but sometimes during development it can be convenient to set the parameters of PSY Tester to a lower level of strictness. </p> <p>For example, the user might concentrate on certain functionality and might not want to perform 1000 requests for memory test every time, nor to override this value from the UI every time PSY Tester is invoked. In this case, this value can easily be changed in the resource file so that the value applies every time PSY Tester is invoked. </p> </section> <section><title>Example</title> <p>The example below shows a list of all the values that can be changed in the PSY Tester resource file. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-603C190E-598D-5366-AFF6-75E20D06F986" xml:space="preserve">// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_nr_memory_requests
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Number of location requests to be performed for
//      Memory test case. Default value is 1000
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_nr_memory_requests { value="1000"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_nr_location_requests
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Number of location requests to be performed for
//      Location request test case. Default value is 25
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_nr_location_requests { value="25"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_nr_stress_test_instances
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Number of PSY Instances that should be opened for
//      multiple session stress tests. Default value is 20
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_nr_stress_test_instances { value="20"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_nr_multiple_session_test_instances
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Number of PSY Instances that should be opened for
//      multiple session tests. Default value is 3
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_nr_multiple_session_test_instances { value="3"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_nr_multiple_session_cancel_test_instances
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Number of PSY Instances that should be opened for
//      multiple session cancel tests. Default value is 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_nr_multiple_session_cancel_test_instances { value="2"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_heap_size_percentage_level
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Percentage value representing the maximum percentual
//      value with which the heap size is allowed to increase with
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_heap_size_percentage_level { value="10"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_time_to_next_fix_threshold
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Value telling the part of time to fix values that are allowed
//      to be greater then the specified value for the PSY. Default value
//    is 3 which means that 1/3 of the requests are allowed to have a time
//      to fix value that is greater than the specified value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_time_to_next_fix_threshold { value="3"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_horizontal_accuracy_threshold
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Value telling the part of coordinate values that are allowed
//      to be greater apart for the reference point than the specified 
//      horizontal accuracy value for the PSY. Default value
//    is 3 which means that 1/3 of the requests are allowed to have a coordinate
//      value that is greater apart from the reference point than the specified value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_horizontal_accuracy_threshold { value="3"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_vertical_accuracy_threshold
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Value telling the part of altitude values that are allowed
//      to be greater apart for the reference point than the specified 
//      vertical accuracy value for the PSY. Default value
//    is 3 which means that 1/3 of the requests are allowed to have a altitude
//      value that is greater apart from the reference altitude than the specified value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_vertical_accuracy_threshold { value="3"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_max_age_max_test_time
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Max age max test time in seconds
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_max_age_max_test_time { value="30"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_max_horizontal_accuracy
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Max horizontal accuracy in meters
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT32 r_pos_psy_tester_max_horizontal_accuracy { value="50000"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_max_vertical_accuracy
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Max vertical accuracy in meters
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_max_vertical_accuracy { value="5000"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_reasonable_horizontal_accuracy
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Reasonable horizontal accuracy in meters
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_reasonable_horizontal_accuracy { value="1000"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_reasonable_vertical_accuracy
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Reasonable vertical accuracy in meters
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT16 r_pos_psy_tester_reasonable_vertical_accuracy { value="200"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_max_time_to_first_fix
//    Resource strings for PSY Tester
//    Max time to first fix in micro seconds
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RESOURCE NUMBER_INT32 r_pos_psy_tester_max_time_to_first_fix { value="72000000"; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------
//    r_pos_psy_tester_psy_uid_excludes_list
//    UID of PSYs that have to be excluded from listing
//    This is a blank space separated list of UIDs
// ---------------------------------------------------------

RESOURCE LBUF r_pos_psy_tester_psy_uid_excludes_list { txt = "101f7a7f";}
</codeblock> </section> <section><p>To run the PSY Tester see <xref href="GUID-96975165-9194-5FDF-8160-3A020522263A.dita">Run PSY Tester</xref>. </p> </section> </conbody><related-links><link href="GUID-1D02B36C-2A98-5609-9D37-73A2D5BFA815.dita"><linktext>PSY
                Tester Tutorial</linktext> </link> </related-links></concept>