week 10 bug fix submission (SF PDK version): Bug 1892, Bug 1897, Bug 1319. Also 3 or 4 documents were found to contain code blocks with SFL, which has been fixed. Partial fix for broken links, links to Forum Nokia, and the 'Symbian platform' terminology issues.
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<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
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<!-- Initial Contributors:
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<concept id="GUID-2910AB26-CA7C-50B9-A187-0C8406C1ED1F" xml:lang="en"><title>prj_extensions</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p> <codeph>prj_extensions</codeph> </p>
<p> <codeph>start extension</codeph> <varname>subsystem\ext-template</varname> </p>
<p>[<codeph>target</codeph> <varname>target_file_name</varname>] </p>
<p>[<codeph>sources</codeph> <varname>source_file_1 ... source_file_n</varname>] </p>
<p>[<codeph>dependencies</codeph> <varname>dependency_file_1 ...
dependency_file_n</varname>] </p>
<p>[<codeph>tool</codeph> <varname>toolname</varname>] </p>
<p>[<codeph>option</codeph> <varname>key_1</varname> <varname>value_1</varname>] </p>
<p>... </p>
<p>[<codeph>option</codeph> <varname>key_n</varname> <varname>value_n</varname>] </p>
<p> <codeph>end</codeph> </p>
<p> <b>Note:</b> The value argument in the option statement is optional. </p>
<p>The <codeph>prj_extensions</codeph> section lists all the template extension
makefiles that are to be invoked while building the component. This approach
is introduced since Symbian OS v9.3 and it deprecates the use of <codeph>makefile</codeph> and <codeph>gnumakefile</codeph> directives
in <filepath>bld.inf</filepath> files. It is recommend to use <codeph>prj_extensions</codeph> approach
to call the extension makefile templates. </p>
<p> <i>Note that a prj_extensions section can have one or more of start extension
... end blocks.</i> </p>
<p> <varname>subsystem/ext-template</varname> specifies the extension makefile
template name along with its path relative to the <codeph>epoc32</codeph> template
directory, which is <filepath>\epoc32\tools\makefile_templates\</filepath>.
The <codeph>.mk</codeph> suffix of the template need not be specified, as
it is handled automatically. </p>
<p>The optional <codeph>target</codeph> <varname>target_file_name</varname> specifies
the name and location of the target to be built. </p>
<p>The optional <codeph>sources</codeph> <varname>source_file_1 ....
source_file_n</varname> specifies the list of source file names along
with their path, which are required to build the <codeph>target</codeph>. </p>
<p>The optional <codeph>dependencies</codeph> <varname>dependency_file_1
... dependency_file_n</varname> specifies the list of dependency file
names along with their path, which are required to build the <codeph>target</codeph>.
The file extension part of the name need not be specified, as this will be
automatically supplied. </p>
<p>The optional <codeph>tool</codeph> <varname>toolname</varname> specifies
the tool to be used to build the target. </p>
<p>The optional <codeph>option</codeph> <varname>key_1</varname> <varname>value_1</varname> specifies
the parameter values for the template extension makefile, as key-value pairs.
These parameters are variables used in the template, and the precise set of
variables specified here are entirely dependent on the requirement. There
is no limit to the number of parameters a template extension makefile may
require and can take. </p>
<example><p>This example sets <codeph>PREFIX</codeph>, <codeph>HALPATH</codeph> and <codeph>SOURCE</codeph> options
of the template extension makefile <filepath>config.mk</filepath></p><codeblock id="GUID-E876D415-D71A-51B9-BAF7-4ABE5335947E" xml:space="preserve">PRJ_EXTENSIONS
start extension base\config
option PREFIX _SH2_
option HALPATH \..\..\..
option SOURCE \..\hal