week 10 bug fix submission (SF PDK version): Bug 1892, Bug 1897, Bug 1319. Also 3 or 4 documents were found to contain code blocks with SFL, which has been fixed. Partial fix for broken links, links to Forum Nokia, and the 'Symbian platform' terminology issues.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --><!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --><!-- Initial Contributors: Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.Contributors: --><!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"><concept id="GUID-5F46B075-B76D-40C4-A694-0B1786818699" xml:lang="en"><title>Configuringthe LBS Root Repository Initialisation File (Optional)</title><shortdesc>This topic describes how to configure LBS so that the Privacy Controlleris started when a privacy request is received and LBS is in the StandalonePrivacy Mode configuration. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody><p>Implementing an observer class that derives from <xref href="GUID-BF88837F-1ADC-3DB2-98E5-CFBF75E2BE86.dita"><apiname>MLbsPrivacyObserver2</apiname></xref> causesthe licensee Privacy Controller to receive notification of an LBS subsystemshutdown so that it may free resources and then shut itself down. Howeverthis does not cause the Privacy Controller to be automatically started whenthe LBS subsystem is started (for example when a privacy request is receivedand the LBS subsystem is configured in the Standalone Privacy Mode configuration). </p><p><i>LBS Root</i> is the process with responsibility for starting and monitoringall the other processes that are part of the LBS subsystem. LBS Root usesthe Symbian platform Central Repository to store the identities of the processesthat it manages. In order to start the Privacy Controller when LBS starts,it is necessary to record the UID (secure ID) of the Privacy Controller processin the LBS Root Central Repository initialisation file. </p><p>The LBS Root repository initialisation source file is stored in the LBSsource tree at <filepath><source_dir>\LBS\lbsroot\group\10282266.txt</filepath> (thebinary file <filepath>10282266.cre</filepath> is stored at the same location). </p><note>The Privacy Controller UID must only be added to the LBSRoot repositoryinitialisation file when the LBS subsystem is in the Standalone Privacy Modeconfiguration. For the <xref href="GUID-A898867E-0C50-583E-979F-132504C24C9A.dita">FullLBS configuration</xref> (in which the LBS subsystem is started on devicestartup in order to be able to handle emergency requests) a licensee shoulduse a different method of starting their Privacy Controller, such as the SymbianOS System Starter component. For the Full LBS configuration it is not theresponsibility of LBS Root to ensure that the Privacy Controller remains availableto handle privacy requests. </note><p>For details about how to configure the LBS Root repository file see the <xref href="GUID-D18B4715-3942-52EA-9D2F-E145037FA47A.dita">LBS Integration and ConfigurationGuide</xref>. </p></conbody></concept>