Week 28 contribution of SDK documentation content. See release notes for details. Fixes bugs Bug 1897 and Bug 1522.
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<concept id="GUID-ACC71D0D-32C4-5DAF-B4D9-66013A073FD4" xml:lang="en"><title>Synchronising+ −
FEP Instantiations</title><shortdesc>This topic describes how to synchronize settings across different+ −
instances of the same FEP.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>+ −
<p>As mentioned previously, the FEP architecture has been designed so that+ −
each running application has its own instance of the current FEP. <codeph>CCoeFep</codeph> provides+ −
support for synchronizing attributes across all of these instances, so that+ −
when one instance changes the value of an attribute, the others are automatically+ −
updated. In order for this to happen, the FEP has to do several things. </p>+ −
<ul>+ −
<li id="GUID-EC8E4D77-BE0E-5A5E-87B0-817109AD5D44"><p>Override the four pure+ −
virtual functions that <xref href="GUID-ADAA039A-7BF3-3B06-8486-2E3604C2633D.dita"><apiname>CCoeFep</apiname></xref> inherits from <xref href="GUID-B0007B23-6745-31BE-A832-9ACA4C12E3E6.dita"><apiname>MFepAttributeStore</apiname></xref>: <codeph>NumberOfAttributes()</codeph>, <codeph>AttributeAtIndex()</codeph>, <codeph>WriteAttributeDataToStreamL()</codeph> and <codeph>ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL()</codeph>. <codeph>NumberOfAttributes()</codeph> should return the number of attributes that are to be synchronized across+ −
all instances of the FEP, <codeph>AttributeAtIndex()</codeph> should return+ −
the UID of the specified attribute, and <codeph>WriteAttributeDataToStreamL()</codeph> and <codeph>ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL()</codeph> should+ −
write/read the specified attribute’s data to/from the provided stream. </p> </li>+ −
<li id="GUID-0163FF77-8495-5812-AF0D-2FB9AB376EC5"><p>When the object of the <xref href="GUID-ADAA039A-7BF3-3B06-8486-2E3604C2633D.dita"><apiname>CCoeFep</apiname></xref> -derived+ −
class has been fully constructed, call <codeph>CCoeFep::ReadAllAttributesL()</codeph>.+ −
This calls the <codeph>ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL()</codeph> virtual function+ −
for each of the UIDs that the FEP requires to be synchronized (as specified+ −
by <codeph>NumberOfAttributes()</codeph> and <codeph>AttributeAtIndex()</codeph>). </p> </li>+ −
<li id="GUID-E4435F88-8C8F-5E93-8587-101DBCA7FA03"><p>After internally changing+ −
the value of an attribute that is to be synchronized, call <codeph>CCoeFep::WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL()</codeph> to+ −
propagate that change to all the other instances of the FEP. The parameter+ −
identifies the attributes that are to be synchronized, using UIDs. See the+ −
Symbian website for information on how to be allocated UIDs. </p> </li>+ −
</ul>+ −
<p>The purpose of the <codeph>SynchronouslyExecuteSettingsDialogL()</codeph> exported+ −
function, which the FEP must provide, is to launch a dialog that allows the+ −
user to change any settings specific to that FEP. As mentioned above, there+ −
is no guarantee that any instance of that particular FEP exists when this+ −
function is called. In order for the dialog launched by <codeph>SynchronouslyExecuteSettingsDialogL()</codeph> to+ −
be able to edit settings that are required to be synchronized across all running+ −
applications, the dialog class must derive from <xref href="GUID-270424BB-124B-39FF-9CDA-5CAFB5407FAE.dita"><apiname>MFepAttributeStorer</apiname></xref>.+ −
The dialog class’ implementation of <xref href="GUID-270424BB-124B-39FF-9CDA-5CAFB5407FAE.dita"><apiname>MFepAttributeStorer</apiname></xref> ’s+ −
virtual functions should be the same as the <xref href="GUID-ADAA039A-7BF3-3B06-8486-2E3604C2633D.dita"><apiname>CCoeFep</apiname></xref> -derived+ −
class’ implementation of them. For an example of this, see TFEP1Plugin. When+ −
the dialog is launched it needs to call <codeph>MFepAttributeStorer::ReadAllAttributesL()</codeph> to+ −
correctly initialize all the settings. Conversely, the settings in the dialog+ −
are committed by calling <codeph>MFepAttributeStorer::WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL()</codeph>. </p>+ −
</conbody></concept>+ −